PILOT PROJECT RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM FUNDING APPLICATION Fiscal year 2015-2016 Submit to Salvatore Cali per application instructions. Submission deadline is 5:00 PM CST Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Follow application instructions provided at: http://www.uic.edu/sph/glakes/funding.html ( ) Application instructions have been read and followed. ( ) Electronic copy of application and full proposal attached. NORA Sector (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nora/sector.html) and/or Priority Area(s): ___________________________________________________________________ Key words describing proposal: PROJECT TITLE: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Name (print) _______________________ UIN or Organization ID # Organization name _____ Department name Address E-mail Address Mail Code Title/Rank Phone Appointed to this Rank (Mo./Yr.) BUSINESS MANAGER: Name (print) E-mail Address Mail Code Phone Location(s) of Research COLLABORATORS (Names and Departments) Page 1 of 5 _____ CHECK LIST SPECIAL CLEARANCES Does this research involve Human Subjects? Yes/ No If "Yes", indicate if IRB application is pending and what type of application is expected or completed. Circle or highlight one: Pending: Yes/ No Exemption: Yes/ No Full IRB: Yes/ No Expedited Review: Yes/ No Other: _________________________ For applications shown above: Assurance of compliance/ protocol #: _______________________ Date of first protocol submission: ________________________ Does this research involve Vertebrate Animals? Yes/ No If "Yes" IACUC approval date or if pending:___________________________ Animal welfare assurance #:________________________________ RESEARCH TO BE CONDUCTED (Check all that apply): ( ) Hospitals or clinics will be used……………………. Hospital/Clinic Approval ( ) Radiation or radioisotopes will be used…………… Permit Number ( ) Recombination DNA is involved……… Protocol No. ( ) Hospitals or clinics will be used…………………Hospital/Clinic Approval ( ) FDA/IND involved………………………………Number ( ) Radiation or radioisotopes will be used………Permit Number ( ) Research Resources Center equipment to be used………RRC approval ( ) Clinical Research Center to be used……………………… CRC approval Page 2 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUESTS: Maximum equipment costs funded in whole or part by this award is $2,000; see equipment budget guidelines in the application instructions. SOURCE AMOUNT STATEMENT FROM PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: I confirm that I have read the PPRT Grants Policy Statement and will comply with any applicable Special Requirements and my written research plan in the conduct of this research. Name and Institution: Date: ________________________ STATEMENT FROM DEPARTMENT/UNIT HEAD All necessary space and supplies not requested in this application have been made available in the department. I confirm that the Principal Investigator is affiliated with my department as a: ____________________________________________________________ Department/Unit Head Signature Date Print Department/Unit Head Name STATEMENT FROM RESEARCH MENTOR: (signature may be faxed if mentor is at a different institution from applicant) I confirm that I will advise the principal investigator in the scientific aspects of the conduct of this research. Name/Institution: Mentor Signature Date Statement of Mentorship Support: Applicants must also identify and complete arrangements for a research mentor who will provide guidance for the research. A signed agreement to mentor from a senior investigator is required (see application). Further information on the role of a research mentor is available at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-04-105.html under the Special Requirements section. Page 3 of 5 Include a brief paragraph describing the role of the research mentor in this research project: Other Support: Please include a statement regarding any actual or potential budgetary, commitment, or scientific overlap of support. See the POLICY REGARDING OTHER SUPPORT section of the Application Instructions for explanation: Research Plan: Abstract of Research Plan: State the project goal and objectives. Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving these objectives as well as the potential for improving safety and health in the work environment (maximum 200 words). Research Proposal: Attach the full proposal narrative (maximum 10 pages for the narrative, items 1-6). See the application instructions for organization of proposal and more detail about page limits. Page 4 of 5 Currently Resources Available to Applicant: Office: Office Equipment: Computer: Laboratory: Clinic: Animal: Environmental Sampling Equipment: Other: Page 5 of 5