Chapter 20 PowerPoint

Fundamentals of Python:
From First Programs Through Data
Chapter 20
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
• Use the relevant terminology to describe the
difference between graphs and other types of
• Recognize applications for which graphs are
• Explain the structural differences between an
adjacency matrix representation of a graph and the
adjacency list representation of a graph
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Objectives (continued)
• Analyze the performance of basic graph operations
using the two representations of graphs
• Describe the differences between a depth-first
traversal and a breadth-first traversal of a graph
• Explain the results of the topological sort, minimum
spanning tree, and single-source shortest path
• Develop an ADT and implementation of a directed
graph using one or both of the graph
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology
• Mathematically, a graph is a set V of vertices and
a set E of edges, such that each edge in E
connects two of the vertices in V
– We use node as a synonym for vertex
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• One vertex is adjacent to another vertex if there is
an edge connecting the two vertices (neighbors)
• Path: Sequence of edges that allows one vertex to
be reached from another vertex in a graph
• A vertex is reachable from another vertex if and
only if there is a path between the two
• Length of a path: Number of edges on the path
• Degree of a vertex: Number of edges connected
to it
– In a complete graph: Number of vertices minus one
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• A graph is connected if there is a path from each
vertex to every other vertex
• A graph is complete if there is an edge from each
vertex to every other vertex
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• Subgraph: Subset of the graph’s vertices and the
edges connecting those vertices
• Connected component: Subgraph consisting of
the set of vertices reachable from a given vertex
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• Simple path: Path that does not pass through the
same vertex more than once
• Cycle: Path that begins and ends at the same
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• Graphs can be undirected or directed (digraph)
• A directed edge has a source vertex and a
destination vertex
• Edges emanating from a given source vertex are
called its incident edges
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• To convert undirected graph to equivalent directed
graph, replace each edge in undirected graph with
a pair of edges pointing in opposite directions
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• A special case of digraph that contains no cycles is
known as a directed acyclic graph, or DAG
• Lists and trees are special cases of directed graphs
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Terminology (continued)
• A dense graph has relatively many edges
• A sparse graph has relatively few edges
• The number of edges in a complete directed graph
with N vertices is N * (N – 1)
• The number of edges in a complete undirected
graph is N * (N – 1) / 2
• The limiting case of a dense graph has
approximately N2 edges
• The limiting case of a sparse graph has
approximately N edges
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Why Use Graphs?
• Graphs serve as models of a wide range of objects:
A roadmap
A map of airline routes
A layout of an adventure game world
A schematic of the computers and connections that
make up the Internet
– The links between pages on the Web
– The relationship between students and courses
– A diagram of the flow capacities in a
communications or transportation network
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Representations of Graphs
• To represent graphs, you need a convenient way to
store the vertices and the edges that connect them
• Two commonly used representations of graphs:
– The adjacency matrix
– The adjacency list
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Adjacency Matrix
• If a graph has N vertices labeled 0, 1, . . . , N – 1:
– The adjacency matrix for the graph is a grid G with N
rows and N columns
– Cell G[i][ j] = 1 if there’s an edge from vertex i to j
• Otherwise, there is no edge and that cell contains 0
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Adjacency Matrix (continued)
• If the graph is undirected, then four more cells are
occupied by 1:
• If the vertices are labeled, then the labels can be
stored in a separate one-dimensional array
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Adjacency List
• If a graph has N vertices labeled 0, 1, . . . , N – 1,
– The adjacency list for the graph is an array of N
linked lists
– The ith linked list contains a node for vertex j if and
only if there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Adjacency List (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Adjacency List (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Analysis of the Two Representations
• Two commonly used graph operations:
– Determine whether or not there is an edge between
two given vertices
• The adjacency matrix supports the first operation in
constant time
• The linked adjacency has linear running time with the
length of this list, on the average
– Find all of the vertices adjacent to a given vertex
• Adjacency list tends to support this operation more
efficiently than the adjacency matrix
• Both are O(N) in worst case (i.e., a complete graph)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Analysis of the Two Representations
• For the case of insertions of edges into the lists:
– Array-based adjacency list insertion takes linear time
– Linked-based adjacency list insertion requires
constant time
• Memory usage:
– Adjacency matrix always requires N2 cells
– Adjacency list requires an array of N pointers and a
number of nodes equal to twice the number of edges
in the case of an undirected graph
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Further Run-Time Considerations
• To iterate across all the neighbors of a given vertex
(N = number of vertices, M = number of edges):
– Adjacency matrix  must traverse a row in a time
that is O(N); to repeat this for all rows is O(N2)
– Adjacency list  time to traverse across all
neighbors depends on the number of neighbors
• On the average, O(M/N); to repeat this for all vertices
is O(max(M, N))
– For a dense graph: O(N2)
– For a sparse graph: O(N)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Traversals
• In addition to the insertion and removal of items,
important graph-processing operations include:
– Finding the shortest path to a given item in a graph
– Finding all of the items to which a given item is
connected by paths
– Traversing all of the items in a graph
• One starts at a given vertex and, from there, visits all
vertices to which it connects
• Different from tree traversals, which always visit all of
the nodes in a given tree
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
A Generic Traversal Algorithm
traverseFromVertex(graph, startVertex):
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
insert the startVertex into an empty collection
while the collection is not empty:
remove a vertex from the collection
if the vertex has not been visited:
mark the vertex as visited
process the vertex
insert all adjacent unvisited vertices into the
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Breadth-First and Depth-First
• A depth-first traversal, uses a stack as the
collection in the generic algorithm
• A breadth-first traversal, uses a queue as the
collection in the generic algorithm
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Breadth-First and Depth-First
Traversals (continued)
• Recursive depth-first traversal:
traverseFromVertex(graph, startVertex):
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
dfs(graph, startVertex)
dfs(graph, v):
mark v as visited
process v
for each vertex, w, adjacent to v:
if w has not been visited:
dfs(graph, w)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Breadth-First and Depth-First
Traversals (continued)
• To traverse all vertices (iterative version):
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
instantiate an empty collection
for each vertex in the graph:
if the vertex has not been visited:
insert the vertex in the collection
while the collection is not empty:
remove a vertex from the collection
if the vertex has not been visited:
mark the vertex as visited
process the vertex
insert adjacent unvisited vertices into collection
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Breadth-First and Depth-First
Traversals (continued)
• To traverse all vertices (recursive version):
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
for each vertex, v, in the graph:
if v is unvisited:
dfs(graph, v)
dfs(graph g, v):
mark v as visited
process v
for each vertex, w, adjacent to v:
if w is unvisited
dfs(g, w)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Graph Components
lyst = []
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
for each vertex, v, in the graph:
if v is unvisited:
s = set()
dfs (g, v, s)
return list
dfs(graph, v, s):
mark v as visited
for each vertex, w, adjacent to v:
if w is unvisited:
dfs(g, w, s)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Trees Within Graphs
• traverseFromVertex yields a tree rooted at the
vertex from which the traversal starts and includes
all the vertices reached during the traversal
– Tree is just a subgraph of the graph being traversed
– If dfs has been used, we build a depth-first search
– It is also possible to build a breadth-first search tree
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Spanning Trees and Forests
• A spanning tree has the fewest number of edges
possible while still retaining a connection between
all the vertices in the component
– If the component contains n vertices, the spanning
tree contains n – 1 edges
• When you traverse all the vertices of an undirected
graph, you generate a spanning forest
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Minimum Spanning Tree
• In a weighted graph, you can sum the weights for
all edges in a spanning tree and attempt to find a
spanning tree that minimizes this sum
– There are several algorithms for finding a minimum
spanning tree for a component.
• Repeated application to all the components in a
graph yields a minimum spanning forest
• For example, to determine how an airline can
service all cities, while minimizing the total length of
the routes it needs to support
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Algorithms for Minimum Spanning
• There are two well-known algorithms for finding a
minimum spanning tree:
– One developed by Robert C. Prim in 1957
– The other by Joseph Kruskal in 1956
• Here is Prim’s algorithm:
mark all vertices and edges as unvisited
mark some vertex, say v, as visited
for all the vertices:
find the least weight edge from a visited vertex to an unvisited
vertex, say w mark the edge and w as visited
– Maximum running time is O(m * n)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Algorithms for Minimum Spanning
Trees (continued)
• Improvement to algorithm: use a heap of edges
– Maximum running time: O(m log n) for adjacency list
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Topological Sort
• A directed acyclic graph (DAG) has an order
among the vertices
• A topological order assigns a rank to each vertex
such that the edges go from lower- to higherranked vertices
• Topological sort: process of finding and returning
a topological order of vertices in a graph
• One topological sort algorithm is based on a graph
– Performance is O(m) when stack insertions are O(1)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Topological Sort (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Topological Sort (continued)
topologicalSort(graph g):
stack = LinkedStack()
mark all vertices in the graph as unvisited
for each vertex, v, in the graph:
if v is unvisited:
dfs(g, v, stack)
return stack
dfs(graph, v, stack):
mark v as visited
for each vertex, w, adjacent to v:
if w is unvisited:
dfs(graph, w, stack)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Shortest-Path Problem
• The single-source shortest path problem asks
for a solution that contains the shortest paths from
a given vertex to all of the other vertices
– Has a widely used solution by Dijkstra
• Is O(n2) and assumes that all weights must be positive
• The all-pairs shortest path problem, asks for the
set of all the shortest paths in a graph
– A widely used solution by Floyd is O(n3)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
• Inputs: a directed acyclic graph with edge weights
> 0 and the source vertex
• Computes the distances of the shortest paths from
source vertex to all other vertices in graph
• Output: a two-dimensional grid, results
– N rows, where N is the number of vertices
• Uses a temporary list, included, of N Booleans to
track if shortest path has already been determined
for a vertex
• Steps: initialization step and computation step
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Initialization Step
for each vertex in the graph
Store vertex in the current row of the results grid
If vertex = source vertex
Set the row’s distance cell to 0
Set the row’s parent cell to undefined
Set included[row] to True
Else if there is an edge from source vertex to vertex
Set the row’s distance cell to the edge’s weight
Set the row’s parent cell to source vertex
Set included[row] to False
Set the row’s distance cell to infinity
Set the row’s parent cell to undefined
Set included[row] to False
Go to the next row in the results grid
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Initialization Step (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Computation Step
Find the vertex F that is not yet included and has the minimal
distance in the results grid
Mark F as included
For each other vertex T not included
If there is an edge from F to T
Set new distance to F’s distance + edge’s weight
If new distance < T’s distance in the results grid
Set T’s distance to new distance
Set T’s parent in the results grid to F
While at least one vertex is not included
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Computation Step (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
• The initialization step must process every vertex,
so it is O(n)
• The outer loop of the computation step also iterates
through every vertex
– The inner loop of this step iterates through every
vertex not included thus far
– Hence, the overall behavior of the computation step
resembles that of other O(n2) algorithms
• Dijkstra’s algorithm is O(n2)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Developing a Graph ADT
• The graph ADT shown here creates weighted
directed graphs with an adjacency list
• In the examples, the vertices are labeled with
strings and the edges are weighted with numbers
• The implementation of the graph ADT shown here
consists of the classes:
– LinkedDirectedGraph
– LinkedVertex
– LinkedEdge
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Example Use of the Graph ADT
• Assume that you want to create the following
weighted directed graph:
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Example Use of the Graph ADT
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Example Use of the Graph ADT
• To display the neighboring vertices and the incident
edges of the vertex labeled A:
• Output:
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Class LinkedDirectedGraph
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Class LinkedVertex
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Class LinkedEdge
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
The Class LinkedEdge (continued)
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Case Study: Testing Graph Algorithms
• Request:
– Write a program that allows the user to test some
graph-processing algorithms
• Analysis:
– The program consists of two main classes,
GraphDemoView and GraphDemoModel
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Case Study: Testing Graph Algorithms
• The Classes GraphDemoView and
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Case Study: Testing Graph Algorithms
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Case Study: Testing Graph Algorithms
• Implementation (Coding):
– The view class includes methods for displaying the
menu and getting a command that are similar to
methods in other case studies
• The other two methods get the inputs from the
keyboard or a file
– The model class includes methods to create a graph
and run a graph-processing algorithm
– The functions defined in the algorithms module
accept two arguments: a graph and a start label
• When the start label is not used, it can be defined as
an optional argument
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
• Graphs have many applications
• A graph consists of one or more vertices (items)
connected by one or more edges
• Path: Sequence of edges that allows one vertex to
be reached from another vertex in the graph
• A graph is connected if there is a path from each
vertex to every other vertex
• A graph is complete if there is an edge from each
vertex to every other vertex
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Summary (continued)
• A subgraph consists of a subset of a graph’s
vertices and a subset of its edges
• Connected component: a subgraph consisting of
the set of vertices reachable from a given vertex
• Directed graphs allow travel along an edge in just
one direction
• Edges can be labeled with weights, which indicate
the cost of traveling along them
• Graphs have two common implementations:
– Adjacency matrix and adjacency list
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
Summary (continued)
• Graph traversals explore tree-like structures within
a graph, starting with a distinguished start vertex
– e.g., depth-first traversal and breadth-first traversal
• A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree whose
edges contain the minimum weights possible
• A topological sort generates a sequence of vertices
in a directed acyclic graph
• The single-source shortest path problem asks for a
solution that contains the shortest paths from a
given vertex to all of the other vertices
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures