Guidelines for TC/RTC Internships TCOM 495/ENGL 695 As a component of your degree in Technical Communication (BA) or Rhetoric and Technical Communication (MA, effective 2012-13 catalog), an internship will provide a valuable opportunity to apply your technical communication knowledge to the workplace. With your advisor’s help, you’ll identify potential internship opportunities, register for and document your internship, and work as a professional/technical communicator at an organization or company. As a technical communication student, you have at least five (5) internship credits as part of your degree requirement. For a typical five-credit internship, you’re required to work approximately 20 hours per week (200 hours/quarter), but that may vary from organization to organization based on your arrangement with your on-site supervisor. Some internships, for example, extend beyond the 10-week quarter, so you may work fewer hours per week over more than one quarter. Pre-Internship Step 1 Locating potential employers The first step is to locate potential employers with internship opportunities in your field. The Career Center Internship Office in Showalter is a good place to start. They offer a current listing of all internship opportunities. The staff there will help you search for appropriate listings in your specific field. You can also do a search on your own at Print out the appropriate listings. Of course, you can also locate an internship through other contacts, such as family, friends, colleagues, or classmates. You’ll need detailed information about each internship opportunity to complete the application form. Step 2 Consulting with your advisor Once you have the listings and information about each internship opportunity, make an appointment with your advisor. Bring the internship information to the meeting so your advisor will help you select the most appropriate listings. Important: You must obtain your advisor’s permission before applying for an internship. Step 3 Documenting your internship with Career Services Once you have obtained an internship, create an account in EagleAXIS and download the necessary paperwork. Complete a draft and bring it to your advisor for approval. (1) The contact and registration information and (2) Your official learning contract. Do not submit the Official Learning Contract to Career Services until your advisor has approved and signed your contract. Step 4 Registering for Course Credit After you have completed your official learning contract (and/or when you want to take credit for completing an internship)… 1. Rev. June 2012 Register for your internship credits a) Download the Special Course Approval/Registration Form in this section of Canvas (see Item 3) or pick up the form from the main office of the Department of English. b) Complete the appropriate fields c) Sign the form and submit to your advisor Guidelines for TC/RTC Internships page 1 e) Tracking Internship Progress NOTE: If you have questions about completing this form, your advisor will help you. Your advisor will submit the form to the department chair for approval. After a week, check Eaglenet to verify that you are registered in the course. 1) During your internship, once a week or approximately every 20 hours (five-credit internship), you must inform your internship advisor about your progress. Specifically you are required to submit the following reports in Canvas, using the designated internship assignments in Canvas: • Week 1: A one- to two-page proposal to advisor • Weeks 1-9: A log indicating what you did that week and the hours/days when you worked. • Week 10: Completion Report (see description below: PostInternship) 1) In addition, the Internship Office will request two reports from your internship supervisor, a mid-term and final evaluation of your work. Forms are in your Learning Contract packet. Whenever necessary, your advisor will meet with you and/or make on-site visits. PostInternship At the end of your internship, submit a completion report (see form in Canvas), in which you summarize the various aspects of your internship experience, including, but not limited to, the following: • • • • • • Introduction: Summary of objectives/outcomes Background: Description of your background and the internship as you originally envisioned it Activities / Outcomes: A list of the specific activities you did on the job and the deliverables, Problems / Variations: An analysis of how (whether) your previous work in the TC program prepared you to achieve your goals, including any gaps in your preparation that the TC program might have filled Lessons Learned: Advice or suggestions you have for future interns undertaking a similar internship. Overall Evaluation Please use the Completion Report Form in the Canvas Assignments. Include work samples in your Canvass portfolio and send the portfolio link to your advisor for review work. Questions? Contact one of the technical communication advisors for further details. Dr. Molly K. Johnson (graduate) Department of English Reid 154F 509.359.6037 Rev. June 2012 Dr. Teena A. M. Carnegie (undergraduate) Department of English Reid 154 509.359.2869 Guidelines for TC/RTC Internships page 2