TLO Application

UNF Transformational Learning Opportunities
A Pilot for School of Computing TLO Internship Program
Karthikeyan Umapathy and Ching-Hua Chuan
Dates: July 1 to July 31, 2012
Internship Description
This internship provides 10 students in School of Computing a four-week
community-based learning opportunity in July 2012. Students will apply the
knowledge and techniques they have learned in the classroom to help local
community partners (for example: non-profit organizations like River Regions and
Helping Hands) develop Web sites and Web applications. Each participating student
who has successfully complete the internship will receive $1000 as scholarship award
in Fall 2012, sponsored by TLO funds.
Internship Details (a weekly plan)
Week 1:
 Students will conduct series of meetings with community partners to gather
detailed understanding of the problem and requirements to develop Web
 Students would develop preliminary design of the Website as they determine
requirements based on discussions with community partners.
Week 2:
 Students will develop an initial prototype based on the preliminary design.
 Students will demonstrate initial prototype application to the community
partner, Dr. Umapathy, and Dr. Chuan to obtain their feedback. Students will
demonstrate their prototype at the community partner’s site.
 Based on the feedback, students will refine the design for their Web
application solution.
Week 3:
 Students will continue developing Web applications towards the finalized
design. During the process of developments, students will hold ongoing
discussions with community partners to ensure functionality of the Web
application is aligned with partner's expectations.
Week 4:
 Students will continue working towards completing the Web application
 All community partners will be invited to UNF. Students will present the Web
application to community partners and obtain feedback from them. This
presentation will be open for all members of School of Computing.
 Students will be expected to make necessary changes to the application based
on the feedback to ensure it is usable by the community partner.
Students will deliver the application to the community partner and train their
staffs to use the application.
Other Requirements
Students will be asked to write a reflection journal and complete assessments as
the outcome of their community-based learning experience.
Students will perform most of their tasks on the UNF Campus. Students would
travel to the community partner’s site to gain an in-depth understanding of their
organization and Web application needs. Students will be responsible for the
mode of transportation.
Criteria for Selecting Applicants
Students must have complete Web Access and Systems Design (COP3855) or
Internet Programming (COP4813) courses and should have obtained grade B or
Students must have an overall minimum GPA of 2.75 and 3 for School of
Computing majors.
Students must be able to work 20 hours per week during the month of July 2012.
Students must enroll in School of Computing in Fall 2012.
Application Instructions
Fill in the application form (on the next page of this document) and submit it via
email as an attachment to Dr. Umapathy or Dr. Chuan. Please include “2012 Summer
TLO Internship Application” as the subject line in the email.
Deadline for application is April 15, 2012.
The selected students will be contacted via email by May 15, 2012.
Contact Information
Dr. Karthikeyan Umapathy,
Dr. Ching-Hua Chuan,
UNF Transformational Learning Opportunities
A Pilot for School of Computing TLO Internship Program
July 1 – July 31, 2012
Application Form
E-mail address:
Expected date of graduation:
Courses taken:
Web Access and Systems Design (COP3855):
_______ Yes ________ No
Grade if taken _________
Internet Programming (COP4813):
_______ Yes ________ No
Grade if taken _________
Overall: ___________
SoC majors: ___________
Ability to work 20 hours per week in July 2012:
____ Yes ____ No
Do you plan to do any other internship or fulltime work in July 2012?
____ Yes ____ No
Have read the internship description and understand the requirements:
____ Yes ____ No
Briefly describe the programming skills you have for Web site development (100
words maximum):