
Cross-Campus Education Committee
April 22, 2013
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Tawanka 215c
Co-Chair Kevin Decker, 359-2328 or
Co-Chair Diane Dowd, 359-2876 or
In attendance: Kevin Decker, Pam Stanley-Weigand, Sheila Woodward, Kathleen Huttenmaier,
Chris Valeo, Helen Bergland, Marvin Smith, Dawn Hilsendeger, Dale Smith, Fran Sherwood,
Mariann Donley, Tara Haskins, and Sharon Keattch.
There is a grant which pays for faculty, who are actively working with K-12 partners, to
visit Central America and study various education practices and share their experience.
The deadline for the grant is in 6 weeks. If enough faculty members are interested, this
grant could be pursued. In order to gain enough support, EWU may partner with the TriCities. The duration of the trip is six weeks.
Program Updates
Beginning in fall 2013, education majors will no longer be required to earn a minor. This
decision is based on the number of credits in each of the major options, which total
more than 60 credits including core classes and specialization course work. A student
who has declared prior to fall 2013 will still continue under the same schedule, unless
the student decides to re-declare so as to avoid the classes for the minor. Minor
endorsements are still recommended, however students will now have an option. All
program changes will be explained in the new catalog.
Education Department Newsletter
The Education Department is starting a newsletter. This newsletter is intended to share
good news such as the accomplishments of staff, faculty, students and alumni.
Endorsement areas are encouraged to share their good news as well. The categories
include: Upcoming Events; Faculty and Staff Activities; Student Success, Our Alumni in
Actions, and a Department Profile for which a staff or faculty member will be chosen for
each edition.
There will likely be one newsletter per quarter and it will be completely digital. If there
is a story you would like to share or if you would like to submit an article you have
written yourself, please email Maxine at
Bill Moore’s Presentation on Tuesday, April 30
Bill Moore will be visiting EWU on April 30, 2013, from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in
Tawanka 215 b/c. There will be several sessions; please feel free to attend any that you
are able. Dr. Moore will be discussing what we can expect of students who will be
graduating high school in the next few years, based on changes in public high schools.
Students are encouraged to attend as well. To RSVP, please contact Maxine at For special requests, please contact Kevin Decker at Lunch is optional.
Field Seminar
Currently, education students are under constant supervision until they enter their
practicum. In order to strengthen the connection of students and instructors throughout
the student teaching practicum, it has been proposed that a Field Seminar be
introduced. Not only would student teachers be able to address areas of concern, but
they would be able to prepare for their final exam.
This seminar could include four or five labs, during which candidates focus upon a
different guideline. Another model which could be followed is: faculty meet with
students 90 minutes per week to keep in contact and provide support, with four or five
of these meetings centering on the edTPA. These meetings would allow for each task to
be broken up and clearly explained. Candidates who regularly attend these seminars at
other colleges have, on average, a score which is a whole point higher.
The number of meetings and the time of day for the meetings are still being actively
discussed. Candidates and faculty could meet once a week in the evening, or during the
day. UW offers their education majors a version of this program in which they shorten
the teaching practicum by five days to allow for the candidate’s time to go towards the
seminar. Another option could be to have these meetings once every two weeks, in
order to lessen the schedule demands.
In summary, this seminar 1) would be of value to candidates as they would be able to
address concerns and prepare for the test; 2) there must as little impact on the student
as possible; 3) due to scheduling concerns (such as the performing arts generally
performing in the evening) and various needs, students can be grouped by discipline
and 4); once a week seems to be a bit too much, once every two weeks being
There will need to be a mandatory meeting in August as Pearson has not yet finalized
what is expected of students.
Standard V Discussion
There have been several concerns for candidates regarding standard 5. Dispositions, in
particular, have been widely discussed, but attention is now starting to turn towards
meeting the diversity standard. At the heart of the issue is the question of how a
candidate can measure whether or not their students are becoming prepared to
function in a diverse society; there is also the additional challenge of how a faculty
member may evaluate if a candidate is meeting this standard.
Often times, candidates are encouraged by the school in which they are student
teaching to lend a hand in school improvement. Another question the Cross-Campus
Committee members would like to consider is how a candidate can be actively involved
in the structuring of a school environment without overstepping any boundaries. One
measure which is currently being taken is to explain to cooperating teachers what
exactly is expected of candidates so that the teacher can assist in the learning process.
Another ongoing conversation is how faculty can ensure that candidates understand
what is expected of them throughout their education. For example, candidates will
often not understand that a standard is addressed within certain courses, due to
language variance. It has been evidenced by candidates’ responses to exit surveys that
they often times feel they are lacking necessary information, whereas in reality they
may have been given the information and just do not see the connection from one class
to another.
In order to help, EDUC 420 has altered the portfolio. Candidates now need to address
the 14 standards and explain how they have or have not met the standards (also giving
relevant examples). Can explain in cover letter what will be expected of candidates
throughout program. The committee will brainstorm about this issue at the next
Next Meeting will be May 20, from 11:00 to 1:00.