DOC: Maier-Katkin CV

School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
634 West Call Street
The Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1127
Born in New York, NY, February 25, 1945
Married; four children
B.A. City College of New York (Psychology), 1965.
J.D., Columbia University, School of Law, 1968.
Diploma in Criminology, University of Cambridge, 1969.
Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Professor, Institute of Psychiatry,
University of London Medical School, 1991.
Lydia Rappaport Distinguished Visiting Professor, Smith College
School for Social Work, Summer, 1977.
Columbia-Cambridge Exchange Fellowship, 1968-69.
Dean’s List, Columbia Law School, 1967.
Honors in Psychology, C.C.N.Y., 1965.
New York State Regents’ College Scholarship, 1961-65.
PROFESSOR, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Fellow of the
Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, Florida State University, July
1994 – Present.
DEAN, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida State University,
July 1994– August 2003.
PROFESSOR AND DEPARTMENT HEAD. Administration of Justice, College
of the Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University, July 1982 - June 1, 1994.
Justice, College of Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University, July
1979 – June 1982
ASSISTANT and ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Administration of Justice,
College of Human Development, Pennsylvania State University, July1972 - June
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. School of Social Policy and Community Services,
State University of New York at Buffalo, September 1969 - June 1972.
LECTURER. Smith College, School of Social Work, Summers of 1970 - 1975,
and 1978.
THERAPIST. Student Health Center, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Supervised by Lloyd A. Clark, M.D. and Frank Noyes, M.S.W., Spring 1971 –
Summer 1972.
social service agency serving New York City youth, Summers of 1963 - 1970.
EDITOR. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, September 1967 - June1968.
Maier-Katkin, D., Stranger From Abroad: Hannah Arendt. Martin Heidegger.
Friendship and Forgiveness, New York: W.W. Norton, March, 2010. [Reviews
include among others The Sunday New York Times Book Review, Washington
Post, Wilson Quarterly, The Times of London, Independent of London, Literary
Review, Irish Times, New Scotsman, Nuremburger Zeitung]
Katkin, D. The Nature of Criminal Law: Essays, Cases and Materials, Monterey,
CA: Brooks-Cole Publishers, 1982.
Katkin, D., Hyman, D., and Kramer, J. Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice
System, North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press, 1976.
Hill, L., Maier-Katkin, D., & Kinsley, K. (2015) Everything Old is New Again:
The Criminology/Criminal Justice Freshman Research Seminar. Journal of
Criminal Justice Education, vol. 26 (4), pp. 493-506.
Kinsley, K., Hill, L.B., & Maier-Katkin,D. “A Research Model for Future Library
Instruction in Higher Education.” New Library World (2014) 115, 9/10, 482495.
Jacobsen, C. & Maier-Katkin, D. “Breivik’s Sanity: Right-wing Terrorism, Mass
Murder and the Insanity Defense, Human Rights Quarterly (Spring 2014)
Maier-Katkin, D, Stoltzfuss, N. “Hannah Arendt on Trial,” The American Scholar
(Summer, 2013), pp. 96-10
Maier-Katkin, D., “How Hannah Arendt Came To Be Labeled An Enemy of
Israel,” Tikkun, pp. 9 – 13 (November-December, 2010).
Maier-Katkin, D., Mears, D. and Bernard, T. “Towards a Criminology of Crimes
Against Humanity,” Theoretical Criminology, Vol 13, No.2, pp.227-256 (May
2009). [Reprinted in Aas, Katia Globalization & Crime SAGE Publications
(October 2013). Reprinted in Jamaieson, Ruth, The Criminology of War, Ashgate
(March 2014)].
Maier-Katkin, D., Nickens, R.,and Brint,C. “Teaching International Human
Rights,” Proceedings of the Center for the Reinvention of Undergraduate
Education at Research Universities, sponsored by the National Science
Foundation and the University of Miami, Washington DC, January 2009.
Maier-Katkin, D., Maier-Katkin, B. “The Love and Reconciliation of Hannah
Arendt and Martin Heidegger, Harvard Review (vol.32, Spring 2007)
Maier-Katkin, D., Maier-Katkin, B. “Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger and the
Politics of Reconciliation,” Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 28 (1): 86-119,
February 2006.
Maier-Katkin, B., Maier-Katkin, D. “At the Heart of Darkness: Crimes Against
Humanity and the Banality of Evil,” Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 26 (3), August
Maier-Katkin, D. “On Sir Leon Radzinowicz Reading Michel Foucault:
Authority, Morality and the History of Criminal Law at the Juncture of the
Modern and Postmodern,” Punishment and Society, Vol. 5(2):155-177, April
Blomberg T., Maier-Katkin, D. and Yeisley, M. (eds.). “Special Issue:
Democracy, Crime and Punishment in the Czech Republic.” Crime, Law &
Social Change, Vol. 28, 1997/98.
Ogle, R., Bernard, T. and Maier-Katkin, D. “A Theory of Homicidal Behavior
Among Women,” Criminology, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1995. Reprinted in Henry, S. and
Einstadter,W., The Criminology Theory Reader. New York: New York
University Press, 1998.
Maier-Katkin, D., and Stretesky, P. (eds.). “Special Issue: Hate Crimes in
Germany and America.” Crime, Law & Social Change, Vol. 24, 1995.
Maier-Katkin, D., Stemmler, S., and Stretesky, P. “Immigration and the
emergence of right-wing violence in unified Germany,” Crime, Law and Social
Change, 24:1-18, 1995.
Maier-Katkin, D. and Ogle, R. “A Rationale for Infanticide Laws,” The Criminal
Law Review, (Oxford, England) December 1993.
Jenkins, J.P. and Maier-Katkin, D. “Satanism: Myth and Reality in a
Contemporary Moral Panic,” Crime, Law and Social Change: An International
Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1992.
Maier-Katkin, D. “Postpartum Psychosis, Infanticide and American Justice,” in
J.A. Hamilton and P. Harberger (eds.) The Picture Puzzle of Postpartum
Psychiatric Illness. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992.
Jenkins, J.P. and Maier-Katkin, D. “Occult Survivors: The Origins of a Myth,” in
James Richardson, Joel Best and David Bromley (eds.) The Satanism Scare.
New York: Aldine, 1991.
Maier-Katkin, D. “Postpartum Psychosis, Infanticide and the Law,” Crime, Law
& Social Change: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1991.
Maier-Katkin, D. “Augustine’s Theme” (a poem), The Classical Outlook, Vol.
68, No. 3, 1991.
Jenkins, P.J. and Katkin, D. “Protecting the Victims of Child Abuse: A Case for
Caution,” The Prison Journal, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 25-35, Winter, 1988.
Bullington, B., Sprowls, J., Katkin, D., and Lowell. H. “The Politics of Policy:
Deinstitutionalization in Massachusetts 1970-1985,” Law & Policy, 8, No. 4, pp.
507- 524, 1986
Katkin, D. and Bernard, T. (eds.). “Special Issue: Juvenile Justice.” Law and
Policy, 8, No. 4 (1986).
Katkin, D., Hunt, C.S., and Bullington, B. “Paraphernalia in Perspective: The
Constitution and the Spirit of Temperance,” Criminal Law Bulletin, Vol. 21, No.
4, pp. 293-320, 1985.
Bullington, B., Hyman, D., and Katkin, D. “Rhetoric and Reality in the Reform
of Juvenile Justice Policy,” Policy Studies Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.230-239,
November, 1982.
Bullington, B., Katkin, D., and Hyman, D. “Juvenile Justice,” in J. Doig (ed.)
Criminal Corrections: Ideas and Realities. Boston: Lexington-Heath, 1982.
Katkin, D. “Foreward,” in J. Sprowls, Discretion and Lawlessness. Boston:
Lexington- Heath, 1980.
Gasper, J. and Katkin, D. “A Rationale for Abolition of the Juvenile Court’s
Power to Waive Jurisdiction,” Pepperdine Law Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 937951, May 1980.
Katkin, D. The Demise of the Rehabilitative Ideal, based on the Lydia Rappaport.
Lectures presented at The Smith College School for Social Work in the Summer
of 1977. Smith College School for Social Work (1979).
Bullington, B., Sprowls, J., Katkin, D., and Phillips, M. “A Critique of
Diversionary Juvenile Justice,” Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5971, January 1978. Reprinted in Weisheit, R., Juvenile Delinquency, A Justice
Perspective. Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc., 1985, 1990.
Danish, S., Katkin, D., and Katkin, P. (eds.). A Manual for the Training of Police
Juvenile Specialists (with 18 training films). Pennsylvania Department of Public
Welfare, May, 1977.
Katkin, D., Kramer, J., and Hyman, D. “Three Models of Juvenile Justice,”
Criminal Law Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 165-188, March-April 1976.
Katkin, D., Bullington, B., and Levine, M. “Above and Beyond the Best Interests
of the Child: An Inquiry into the Relationship Between Social Science and
Social Action,” Law and Society Review, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 669-687, Summer
Katkin, D. “Juvenile Justice: Rhetoric and Reality,” Chapter 4 in D. Gottlieb (ed.)
Children Liberation. New York: Prentice Hall, 1973.
Katkin, D. “Residence Requirements: The Unresolved Issues,” Albany Law
Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 35-36, Fall 1971.
Katkin, D. “Habitual Offender Laws: A Reconsideration,” Buffalo Law Review,
Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.99-120, Fall 1971. Reprinted in the Congressional Record,
March 14, 1972, pp. E2468-E2473.
Katkin, D. “Presentence Reports: Uses, Limitations, and Civil Liberties Issues,”
University of Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 15-30, November 1970.
Theodore Abels’s Nazi Women: Recovering Lost Voices of Women in the Third
Reich (with Nathan Stoltzfus and Birgit Maier-Katkin), Council on Research and
Creativity, 2016 ($17,500)
Muslim Women’s Responses to Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan (with Edward
Snajdr), National Science Foundation, 2000-2004 ($56,287).
Improving the Response to Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan (with Edward
Snajdr and Dmitri Vyortkin), U.S. Department of State, 2001 - 2004($430,730).
Law Enforcement and Domestic Violence in Kyrgistan and Khazakstan, U.S.
Department of State, November 1998 - 2000 ($639,650).
The Impact of Drug Law Reform in the Czech Republic (with Bruce Bullington
and David Rasmussen), Alfred Lindesmith Center, December 1999-2003
A Web-based Distance Learning Masters Curriculum in Criminal Justice (with
Cecil Greek), FSU Office of Distance and Distributed Learning, December 1998 2003 ($180,000).
Hamilton Fish National Institute on School and Community Violence (with Tony
Pate, Steve Rollin, Isabelle Potts), May 1997 ($200,000); funded May 1998- 2002
Public Policy and the Idea of Freedom (with Tomi Gomory and David
Rasmussen), The John Templeton Foundation, March 2000 - June 2001
Initiating The Florida Police Corps, U.S. Department of Justice, August 1998December 2000 ($4,595,328).
Juvenile Justice Curriculum Development Project (with Cecil Greek), Florida
Department of Education, July 1998-October 1999 ($250,000).
Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Program. Direct Appropriation from
the Florida State Legislature, May 1997- July, 1988 ($559,000).
A Czech/Florida Criminal Justice Exchange. U.S. Department of State (with
Tony Pate), May 1997-August 1999 ($158,000).
Development of a National Institute of School Violence (with Tony Pate).
National Institute of Justice, The George Washington University in cooperation
with Florida State University, June 1996-May 1997 ($35,000).
“An Evaluation of Florida’s ‘Next Step’ Program: Violence Reduction Efforts in
Ten Public Schools” (with Tony Pate). Florida Attorney General’s Office,
August 1995-August 1996 ($42,000).
Special Grant in Support of the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project,
State of Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund, July 1995-August
1996 ($306,000).
Enhancing the Training of Probation and Parole Officers, Pennsylvania Board of
Probation and Parole, 1984-1997 ($550,000).
No Justice...No Peace, A Conference on Ethnic and Racial Minorities in Germany
and the United States, September 1993 (with Francis Gentry and J. Philip
Jenkins). German Academic Exchange (DAAD), $15,000 and Max Kade
Institute, $15,000.
Developing a Special Education Microcomputer Curriculum for Learning
Disabled Delinquent Youths: The Ben Franklin Partnership, 1985-87 (with
Marilyn Mathias and Richard Devon), $88,000.
The Impact of Determinate Sentencing and Parole Abolition in Maine; United
States Department of Justice – L.E.A.A., 1997-78 (with John Kramer and Fred
Hussey), $200,000.
Assessing the Training Needs of Police Juvenile Specialists; Pennsylvania
Juvenile Court Judges Commission, 1975-77 (with Steven Danish), $68,000.
Technical Assistance on Deinstitutionalization of Juvenile Corrections;
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, 1975-76, $2,900,000.
Gift of life insurance in support of the Center for the Advancement of Human
Rights, $1,000,000 (2004).
Gift in Support of the Florida Sheriffs Association Fund For Innovation and
Excellence in Law Enforcement Education, $75,000 (2003).
Testamentary gift in support of the Joe Harris Memorial Graduate Fellowship,
Mary Harris, $1,300,000 (2002).
Gift of papers and library materials from Sir Leon Radzinowicz (Fellow of Trinity
College, Cambridge), $80,000 (2000).
Gift in support of The Florida State University School of Criminology and
Criminal Justice Florida Police Corps Program, Blum-Kovler Foundation,
$25,000 (1999).
Gift in support of the Richard Rachin Graduate Fellowship, Journal of Drug
Issues and the Rachin Family, $150,000 (1998).
Gift in support of the Jerry A. and Carolyn S. Glass/Frank A. and Lynn W. Baker
Endowed Scholarship Fund, made by Jerry and Carolyn Glass and Frank and
Lynn Baker, $150,000 (1998).
Testamentary gift in Support of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice,
(Anonymous Donor) $1,000,000 (1996).
Gift in support of the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project, Pratt
Whitney Corporation, $100,000 (1996).
Gift in support of the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project,
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, $450,000 (1995).
Gift in support of the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project, Florida
Retail Federation, $150,000 (1995).
The Banality of Evil, at Bard College National Endowment for the Humanities
Summer Workshop on Hannah Arendt, July 1, 2011.
Understanding Nazi Evil, at Strozier Library Scholars Common, Florida State
University, February 4, 2011.
Teaching International Human Rights, at the Center for the Reinvention of
Undergraduate Education at Research Universities, sponsored by the National
Science Foundation and the University of Miami, Washington DC, November
Reconciliation in Hannah Arendt’s Thought and Praxis, at the Hannah Arendt
Center for the Study of Totalitarianism, University of Dresden, Germany, July
The Broad Lecture: Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger, Adolf Eichmann and the
State (and state) of Israel , at the College of Social Science, Florida State
University, February, 2005.
Authority, Morality and the Criminal Law at the Juncture of the Modern and
Postmodern at The Institute of Social Research, Goethe University, Frankfort,
Germany, October 2001.
The Social Role of Academic Criminology, Inaugural Address at the Institute for
Criminology, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, February 1997.
Infanticide, Law and Social Policy, presented at the University of the West Indies
in Barbados and Trinidad, November 1995.
The Murder of Children, Symposium on Children and the Law, organized by the
Law and Society Program at Cornell University, November 1991.
Infanticide, Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Oxford University, UK, May
Cross-National Studies of Infanticide and Legal Process, Faculty of Law, Leiden
University, The Netherlands, May 1991.
Postpartum Psychosis, Infanticide and Mens Rea at the Faculty of Law and
Department of Sociology, Southampton University, UK, February 1991.
Juvenile Justice in Massachusetts After 15 Years of Reform, at Reaffirming
Rehabilitation Conference, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives,
Alexandria, VA, June 1986.
Women Who Kill Children, 3rd National Workshop on Women Offenders,
Pittsburgh, PA, May 1989.
From Salem to Jordan: Children as Witnesses at the Center for Law and Social
Policy, School of Law, SUNY at Buffalo, May 1985.
Assessing the Impact of Determinate Sentencing and Parole Abolition in Maine
(with John Kramer), at the California State University, Long Beach (conference
sponsored bythe National Institute of Corrections), May 1979.
Therapeutic Justice and Individual Liberty at the Department of Political Science,
Brown University, November 1975.
Tug-of-Love: The Rights of Natural and Adoptive Parents to the Custody of their
Children at the Program in Social Ecology, University of California at Irvine,
November 1974.
Children and the Law at the School of Law, Rutgers University (Camden), July
Manifest and Latent Functions of the Labeling of Deviance at the Department of
Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, December 1972.
Member of the Board of Advisors of the Center for the Advancement of Human
Rights. Florida State University, 2000- present.
Member of the Board of Directors DISC Village, Tallahassee, Florida. 2003 –
Member, International Editorial Advisory Board for Advancing Human Rights, a
book series of Georgetown University Press, 2002-2009.
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Drug Issues, 1997 – 2005.
Member of the Board of Directors, The Magnolia School, Tallahassee, Florida,
Member of the Working Group on Caribbean Criminology, University of the
West Indies, Trinidad, April 1995-2004.
Member of the Editorial Board, Caribbean Journal of Social Psychology and
Criminology, April 1995-2002.
Member, Governor’s Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention; and chair of the subcommittee on grants. Appointed by Governor
Lawton Chiles. This group distributes almost $6 million annually in grant support
for juvenile justice initiatives. February 1996-2001.
Associate Editor, Crime, Law and Social Change: An International Journal.
September 1988-1999.
Training Consultant, Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 1988-1997.
Consultant, Board of Regents of the State of Louisiana on establishing a graduate
program in criminology at Southern University, January-May 1997.
Principal Coordinator of a Florida State University/Charles University Conference
on Transnational Organized Crime, Prague, The Czech Republic, October 1995.
Chairman of a Session on Problem Parents at the University of London, Institute
of Psychiatry and The Marce Society Conference in London, England, July 1991.
Consultant to David Bell Associates, Producers of Beyond The Blues, a one-hour
television documentary about post-partum depression and infanticide, The
LifeTime Cable Network, April 1989.
Guest Expert on post-partum depression and infanticide on CBS Week-End
News, April 1988.
Guest Expert on post-partum depression and infanticide on The Donahue Show,
NBC Television, February 1988. Rebroadcast August 1988.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Center for Community Alternatives, a
non-profit cooperation with $2.9 million in contracts with L.E.A.A. and the
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare to develop a network of communitybased programs for adjudicated delinquents, April 1975 - June 1976.
Representative of the National Association of Social Workers to a Committee of
the American Bar Association to draft juvenile justice standards, January 1974 January 1976.
Member of a state-wide Task Force on Juvenile Problems. Department of Public
Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, September 1973 - January 1975.