BOARD OF TRUSTEES BUDGET WORKSHOP May 18, 2006 BUDGET PROCESS • This proposed budget allows us to fund current operations and new initiatives - It is another good year • Justification of 2006/07 base budget • Budget committee • Reallocation of budgets within divisions REDIRECTION OF EXISTING EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS IN 2005/2006 • Assistant Director of Development for Coggin College was funded with rate from IA’s Associate Vice President position. • Reorganized VP for Institutional Advancement’s suite from 4 positions to 3 secretaries. OPS dollars were reallocated to student OPS • The UPD reallocated rate from retiring positions to increase rate on all UPD positions to retain officers. • The Division of Administration and Finance reallocated three positions to partially fund the new Associate Vice President for Human Resources • Positions in Enrollment Services were moved to the One Stop Center. REDIRECTION OF EXISTING EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS IN 2005/2006 • A need for strong leadership in the Student Life department necessitated the reactivation of the Assistant Vice President for Student Life position. The salary for the empty position was funded with Student Affairs rate. • The International Center took rate from two open positions and created three needed lines: an international recruiting coordinator, an assistant director with budgetary skills, and a position dedicated to the Study Abroad program. • Administration and Finance reallocated $100,000 of operating expense monies to fund two positions: construction project manager and program assistant for ADA REDIRECTION OF EXISTING EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS IN 2006/2007 • $24,000 from University Center’s E&G budget was reallocated to other departments to cover additional operating expenses • Positions in Computing Science and Civil Engineering were transferred to Building Construction to cover enrollment growth in that program. • Purchasing is revising two position descriptions in order to create a Purchasing Card coordinator • Vacant position from Intercultural Center was reassigned to the VP of Student Affairs Office to assist the division budget officer with increased workload. REDIRECTION OF EXISTING E&G FUNDS IN 2006/2007 • ERP expenditures have been folded into Information Technologies budget • Savings from the NERDC system in Information Systems of $103,421 have been reallocated to training and increases in software licenses • Reallocate a portion of the utility monies provided last year in the budget that is not supplemented with the allocation from the State to fund enhanced landscape maintenance charges for the Kernan and St Johns Bluff entrance. NEW RESOURCES FOR 2006/07 1) 2005/06 Educational & General allocation (Initial) Annualization of health and retirement benefits Adjusted 2005/06 base allocation 2) 2006/07 Allocation issues (new funding): Enrollment growth (1,103 new FTE) Tuition increase (3.0% in-state and 0% out-of-state) Change in in-state/out-of-state mix Adjustment in Plant Operations & Maintenance for new space Adjustment For utility increases Annualization of summer fee increase 3) 2006/2007 Educational & General allocation $107,872,019 $441,143 $108,313,162 $10,325,515 $774,010 $1,008,472 $781,749 $636,921 $159,336 $13,686,003 $121,999,165 TUITION INCREASE • Legislature authorized the University’s Board of Trustees to increase up to 3% undergraduate, instate tuition • Legislature authorized tuition flexibility on graduate and out-of-state students, up to 5% for current students and 10% for new students. • This budget is based on only approving a 3% increase on the undergraduate and graduate, in-state tuition and 0% increase for out-of-state undergraduate and graduate students • Difference in revenue is $92,305 FUNDING SOURCES FOR 2006/07 INITIATIVES TOTAL RECURRING DOLLARS: $16,816,119 • New E & G Funding – • Unallocated Reserves (2005/06 Resources) – • Reserves (2005/06 Recurring) – $13,686,003 $7,311 $3,122,805 FUNDING SOURCES FOR 2005/06 INITIATIVES TOTAL NONRECURRING DOLLARS: $9,555,473 • Excess Tuition Dollars from over-enrollment (2004-2005 And 2005-2006) - $4,975,000 • Carry Forward Funds (Unallocated) Accumulated - $4,580,473 Funded, Actual & Projected FTE • 2005/06 FTE Target 8,815 • 2005/06 Actual FTE 9,610 • 2006/07 New FTE Target 9,918 (Increase of 1,103 over 2005/06) • Projected 2006/07 FTE 9,800 RESERVES • Enrollment shortfall/State call back (3% of budget) $1,659,975 recurring $2,000,000 nonrecurring • Additional reserves for growth in FY 07/08 $1,340,025 recurring $1,000,000 earmarked for 07/08 faculty commitments (06/07 nonrecurring $ for AA) • Executive Reserve $500,000 recurring • Utility/major equipment $350,000 nonrecurring STUDENT LEARNING Transformational/enriching learning activities, such as international travel, service learning, researchIncrease from $200,000 to $407,357 SLE4. Our students will have opportunities to engage in transformational learning opportunities [TLOs]. Improve faculty-to-student ratios, increase faculty by 22.5 new instructional faculty positionsSLE6. We will maintain or improve faculty-to-student ratios to support student learning. STUDENT AND FULLTIME INSTUCTIONAL FACULTY HEADCOUNTS: FALL TERMS 500 450 13,160 13,596 14,064 400 350 300 14,641 422 387 34:1 407 384 15,420 15,875 16,000 need 483 or more faculty 14,000 468 to reduce ratio 33:1 12,000 35:1 35:1 10,000 35:1 250 8,000 200 6,000 150 4,000 100 2,000 50 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fulltime Instructional Faculty Headcount, does not include administrators Student Headcount FTE ASSIGNMENTS AND NEW FACULTY LINES (Does not include administrative lines) 2005-2006 FTE target (actual) 2006-2007 FTE target % of new and redistributed FTE assumed Arts and Sciences 5,519 (5,616) 5,650 46% Business 1,683 (1,619) 1,672 3 461 (436) 438 2 Computing, Engineering Construction Education Health TOTAL 1,002 (1,049) 735 (828) 9,400 (9,610) # of new positions in budget 13 1074 25% 2 816 29% 2.5 9,650 100% 22.5 FLAGSHIP PROGRAMS Three new Flagship Programs will be funded beginning in 2006/2007: Transportation/Logistics International Business Soon to be unveiled FP1. We will identify four to five programs that will be given flagship status. An additional $400,000 has been set aside for new flagship programs Total recurring $1,650,000($368,000 nursing) Nonrecurring $500,000 FP2. We will secure and provide sufficient resources to build flagship programs RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP • Course releases • Additional faculty travel $200,000 $87,250 (Increase to $1,500 per faculty) • New faculty start-up costs • New grant coordinators $400,000 $67,725 RS1. We will increase research/scholarly productivity RS4. We will support senior faculty with solid track records in research and invest in new faculty who are beginning their research careers. COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS • Internship Coordinator for Criminal Justice$54,180 CC2 We will expand opportunities for our students to use the community as a learning laboratory • Education faculty line to support education minor, increasing access into teacher preparation programs$61,920 • Two lines for the new nurse anesthetist program $224,460 CC1. Our curriculum will include undergraduate and graduate degree programs which respond to student and community • Coordinator, Alumni Events and Stewardship $41,373 QUALITY STUDENTS • Merit scholarships$500,000 recurring ($100,000 increase to allow for TLO experience as part of merit scholarship, bringing 3-yr total to $1,300,000) • Need-based financial aid $154,802 recurring (20% of tuition increase) • Stipends for new GTAs$105,500 QS2. We will increase scholarships for high-merit, talented, and underserved students, and increase graduate assistantships. • Provide $100,000 for Graduate School projects QS4 We will provide improved support services to our students STUDENT LIFE • New associate director for career services to work with Coggin College- $64,500 SLI5 We will enhance experiential education opportunities (both curricular and co-curricular) in student life . • Additional support for Victims Advocate Office $24,324 • Upgrade two positions in student life offices $74,590 SLI1 We will strengthen our student support and student life activities QUALITY FACULTY • Salary increases above the State funded 3% acrossthe-board 2% additional salary increase QF5 We will ensure appropriate and competitive salaries in the upper quartile for comprehensive institutions. • Faculty international grants for program development$50,000 nonrecurring QF4 We will provide opportunities for faculty development and resources to support teaching and research • Transportation subsidy include adjunct professors QUALITY STAFF • Salary increases above the State funded 3% acrossthe-board raise 2% additional increase QS4 We will ensure that staff salaries are competitive with the marketplace, including a merit pay program • Employees and dependents scholarship – $150,000 recurring QS5 We will provide flexible employee benefits and continuously review the feasibility of offering additional benefits • Fund professional development for staff – $100,000 QS3 We will provide opportunities for professional development, growth and training for our staff MASTER PLAN • Add an additional $330,000 (recurring) to fund technology currency • Spend $150,000 (nonrecurring) to equip 10 classrooms with technology, completing all current classrooms. • Spend $45,000 (nonrecurring) on Smart Classroom CMP4 We will invest in new and replacement computing and classroom technology • Add 2 groundskeepers $69,739 recurring and nonrecurring • Campus landscaping $1,500,000 nonrecurring CMP3 We will maintain and enhance the aesthetics and ecology of the campus • Building renovations $602,441 nonrecurring • Refurbishing classrooms $247,559 nonrecurring CMP1 Our facilities master plan must project and accommodate short and long term growth in our academic programs • Secured $30 million in PECO funding for land purchase and major construction projects CMP2 To implement the master plan we must seek the needed funding. FUNDING • New senior construction accountant position $64,113 F4 examine our current operations and expenditures to determine where savings can be realized. • Provide partial E&G funding for 3 new development officers $85,120 • Provide remainder of E&G support required for current college development officers F1 We will increase private support for the University CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT • New coordinator position to support SACS reaccreditation – $64,000 • Secretarial support for SACS/IR office – $34,000 • Funds to support Institutional Effectiveness Team – $20,000 nonrecurring CI2 We will establish and carry out a plan for data collection for each of the specified measures, along with measures utilized by the unit to monitor specific aspects of each unit’s mission and strategic plan.