Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa – King’s Application Form

Version: 1 Jan 2015
Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa – King’s Application Form
The Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa category allows the UK to retain (non-European) graduates identified by UK higher education
institutions as having developed world class innovative ideas or entrepreneurial skills, to extend their stay in the UK after graduation to
establish one or more businesses in the UK. King’s can give approval for up to 10 applicants to be nominated for this visa, on condition
of the applicant meeting all requirements of the application process.
Stage 1: Please complete this application form, and submit along with documentation requested, to innovation@kcl.ac.uk. Deadline
for submission is 5pm, Friday 24 June 2016. Your application form will be assessed by an expert panel, and you will be alerted during
the following week whether you have been short-listed for the interview stage.
Stage 2: Interviews are scheduled to take place on Friday 1 July and Friday 8 July 2016. Please ensure you are able to attend an
interview on at least one of these two dates. You may be notified at short notice.
Stage: 3: If the interview panel choose to recommend the university endorse your application to the UKVI for Tier 1, then you will be
referred to Student Administration for the necessary financial checks before being allocated a Secure Endorsement Reference Number.
You are then free to make a formal application for Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa endorsement.
1. Applicant’s Details
King’s ID Number
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Home Address in the UK
Telephone Number
Qualification Studying
Course Subject
Awarding Body
Expected Date of Qualification
Current Visa/Immigration Permission
Date Current Visa/Immigration Permission Expires
2. Experience & Goals
2.1 Have you ever been self-employed or started up a business before? If so, when?
2.2 What business experience have you had, that will help you start-up your own business? (100 words max). Please attach a 1-2
page CV to highlight any relevant experience that will be useful to this particular business idea.
2.3 What are your career goals within the next 5 years? (100 words max)
3. Business Summary
3.1 What is your business idea? (200 words max). Please attach a business plan, if you have one.
3.2 In one sentence only, describe what your business idea is, what it will do, and who it is for.
Careers & Employability
4. Products & Services
4.1 What specific products and / or services will you sell within Year 1 of business? List each in order of the priority that you believe
they are to your business, and give a brief description of each product or service below.
Type of Product or Service
Selling Online or Offline
5. Your ‘Team’
5.1 Who will work with you or support your business in Year 1? Please list their full name, their role (“job title”), and all
responsibilities they will have in your business. Please attach a CV for any key business partners you have.
Job Title or Role(s)
Careers & Employability
6. Marketing
Market Research
6.1 What market research have you done online and offline that proves there is a need or demand for your business? Please list any
useful market data you have obtained as an attachment. (300 words max)
Target Market
6.2 Who specifically will you be promoting and selling each of your products/services to in Year 1 of business? Give as much detail
of each ‘customer profile’ as you can. (300 words max)
Careers & Employability
6. Marketing continued.
6.3 Who have you identified are your key competitors in relation to your business idea and target market? List any competitors in
order of their importance or potential impact to your business.
Name of Competitor
Type of Business
What Makes Them Your Competitor?
6.4 What will make you stand out to your target market and against your competition? (100 words max)
Communication & Promotional Tools
6.5 What marketing tools will you use to communicate with your target market and promote your products and/or services? Please
give the name of the tool to be used, a description of what you will use it for, and how often you will use it.
Name of Tool
Description of Usage
Frequency of Use
Careers & Employability
7. Finances
Costing & Pricing
7.1 What is your estimated cost to set up your business and manage it within Year 1?
7.2 What potential price will you sell each of your products and/or services? List any additional pricing features you wish to use, i.e.
discounts, pricing bundles, buy-1-get-1-free etc.
List of Product or Services
Potential Price(s) in £
Other Pricing Features
Income Generation
7.3. What is your estimated income from your business in Year 1 of business? Please attach a 12-month cash-flow forecast
demonstrating your potential income in relation to expenditure.
7.4 What other sources of income will you have, other than from sales? (100 words max)
Careers & Employability
8. Operations
8.1 How many days/hours a week do you plan to work on your business?
8.2 Where will you work from, and what other physical space do you need to use in your business? (100 words max)
8.3 What physical equipment and IT software do you need to buy/hire to start-up your business? (100 words max)
8.4 What manufacturing and/or distribution process will you use to get your products and/or services to your customers? If you plan
to sell online, please list the e-Commerce system(s) you will use. (100 words max)
9. Legal Protection
9.1 What legal status will you register your business in the UK?
9.2 What intellectual property will you protect in your business and in what way? (50 words max)
9.3 What insurance or licences will you need to protect your business? (50 words max)
9.4 What legal documentation will you need to use in your business? (50 words max)
Careers & Employability
10. Evaluation
10.1 What testimonials or feedback have you had about your business or ideas so far? (100 words max).
10.2 What will you do if your business doesn’t succeed in meeting it’s aims or generating sufficient income in Year 1?
(100 words max)
11.Checklist of Appendices
11.1 Have you attached these documents to your application?
Document Type
1. CV (2-pages max)
N.B. If you’re also attaching the CV of a key business partner, tell us how many CV’s you’re including
2. Business Plan (12 pages max) – optional
3. 12-Month Cash-flow Forecast (1 page max)
N.B. If you’ve attached a business plan that has a CF within it, you don’t need to attach a separate one
12.Applicant’s Declaration
If successful in your application, King’s will be the UK Higher Education Institution that has assessed and considers that you have a
genuine, credible and innovative business idea; and confirms that you will spend the majority of your working time on developing
business ventures. It is mandatory for you to sign in the box below to show you have read and understood the following declaration. If
it is not complete the application will be invalid and returned to you. It must be signed by you personally and not by a representative
or other person acting on your behalf. If you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian should sign on your behalf.
Declaration: The information given in my application is complete and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date (DD/MM/YY)
Careers & Employability