Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 Widening participation and student success: An institutional perspective on strategic issues facing universities in England Good morning. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to address you, so soon after the launch of a Green Paper that has huge implications to the future of higher education in England. It’s a really opportune moment to gather together so many of the leading practitioners and experts in the sphere of widening participation, as the agenda you help to advance is clearly one of the hotbutton issues in the Green paper. I will look to share some of my own thoughts on the Green Paper, and in particular the Teaching Excellence Framework and the very clear step change in the onus placed on social mobility as a priority in higher education. I’ve also been asked to touch on how King’s, as a highly selective university operating in the heart of London, is already responding, and how we will look to respond in future, to the challenge of widening participation and helping students from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds reach their full potential. Real ambition needs to be matched with the right language and the right expertise at institutional and national level Let me begin by saying that in my view a university can’t be said to be fulfilling its mission to spread knowledge and strengthen society if it doesn’t take widening participation seriously and look to embed this at the heart of its strategy. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 1 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 In my years of working in senior leadership roles I’ve consistently found the widening participation agenda to be one of the biggest, fast-moving and complex areas of whole-university change management to grapple with. It’s also one of the most critically important issue areas for a university to get right. Universities, in my view, should always aspire to be ladders of opportunity for bright people to access knowledge and develop skills that ready them to succeed in all aspects of their life, regardless of background. It was heartening to see social mobility appear in the title of the Green Paper, but I think we have to keep in mind the need to address or tackle underlying socio-economic inequalities and conscious and unconscious bias really matters. I’m very encouraged by the Government’s pledge in the Green Paper to rapidly convene a new national ministerial advisory group on social mobility to help drive forward progress in the coming years. In my mind this is a clear statement of intent from Minister for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson, to get the sector focused on the 2020 targets for improvements in access to university by WP students and BME student attainment outcomes. But we should also see this advisory group as a conduit for universities and education charities to more directly and regularly get their views across on what additional policies and actions the government should be looking to advance and what resources are needed. I’m pleased that Universities UK will be playing a key role in helping establish the group, and I hope they won’t mind me saying that I think in addition to vice-chancellors or pro-vice chancellors, there should be representation on the advisory group by experienced WP department directors who of course have a much richer in-depth understanding of the day-to-day frontline challenges. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 2 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 Engaging with the Teaching Excellence Framework Regarding the Green paper, today I am going to focus on my reaction to TEF and the other developments, rather than re-capping what’s in the Green paper exhaustively. My first key contention is that the sector should see the Teaching Excellence Framework as an opportunity that we should pro-actively shape, not a challenge or threat to be mitigated or watered down. I see it as an opportunity because, as the Minister says, it has the potential to help ensure the quality of teaching is seen at all universities to be as important an issue of strategic management focus as improvements to the quality of the university’s research base. That’s not to say there isn’t need for a full and rigorous debate about what precisely makes up the basket of measures that TEF Level judgments will be informed by. In particular I would say a great deal of work will need to be done to ensure metrics to look at value added or learning gain are robust and contextualised. But universities, and the widening participation and equality and diversity practitioner communities in particular, should see TEF as a development to be approached in a positive light, with a constructive mindset to try and design a TEF that really adds value and gives students and employers a meaningful picture. The Widening Participation community in my view should be one of the key voices around the table as the detailed design of the TEF gets underway. We need to ensure that any metrics in the TEF that specifically relate to the quality of teaching, retention and progression of WP students are interlaced with the objectives set out in Access Agreements. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 3 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 The Office for Students and major changes in the funding landscape Turning to other big issues, the plans to replace HEFCE and OFFA with an Office for Students are obviously extremely significant and throw up many issues and questions for the sector that will need to be debated. I would just say at the outset that I think the work HEFCE and OFFA have been doing in recent years to promote a more collaborative and full lifecycle approach to widening participation really deserves to be commended. Professor Les Ebdon in particular has done a great deal to ensure universities genuinely embrace the need for a full life cycle approach and I hope he remains in role, and that his team are given the resources they need within the Office for Students to continue their important work. I don’t want to pre-empt an internal discussion with colleagues at King’s about what our approach on this question will be, but I will say that if BIS is to take this formula allocation responsibility onwards, there will need to be measures in place to ensure that officials shaping the allocations have real insight and exposure to the frontline issues they affect. There would need to be some form of consultative oversight process involving university representatives to ensure year-on-year changes don’t undermine the financial health of some parts of the sector at the expense of others in pursuit of newly emerging priorities. I’ve always felt HEFCE have done an excellent job in balancing and translating competing priorities into sustainable financial settlements for the sector. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 4 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 We obviously don’t know as of yet what the outcome will be, but even if efficiencies in the short term are found in other areas of the HE budget, it’s going to be essential over the next 5 years, as the Government looks to move from deficit to structural surplus, to find ways to really demonstrate the tremendous added value that public investment in widening participation delivers. This doesn’t just mean Universities UK and your mission groups producing data-rich publications, it means really getting ministers and politicians engaged and excited with the work you’re doing at the frontline. As a sector, we’re being challenged by politicians to really up our game in terms of helping widen access and support all our students to reach their full potential – in turn we should be actively knocking on their doors and asking them to come and see what we’re doing. While the PGT loans of up to £10,000 is a positive development, it is important not to be complacent. It must not merely help lighten the up-front cost for affluent students, but actually serve as a mechanism for greater social mobility. Also, in future we should campaign to incrementally extend PGT loans to those over the age of 30. Universities like King’s that benefited from the 2014/15 pilot postgraduate bursary schemes have already had an opportunity to test a range of outreach and support measures to help boost postgraduate participation. Disseminating and absorbing key learnings from these pilots and the body of research evidence they have generated will be important as the new loan pool comes on stream. How King’s is responding – effective support across the life cycle I’m now going to focus more on King’s and how we’re approaching the outreach, financial support and student success elements of an effective lifecycle approach, in the context of signposting some of the thematic areas where I think policymakers will be pushing universities to be more imaginative in the years ahead. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 5 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 In 2014/15 we invested just over £8.7 million pounds in outreach, study support and student financial support related activities. Like many universities, we’ve moved in recent years away from offering fee waivers, to rebalance financial support towards bursaries, that give disadvantaged student greater ability to meet the high living costs of being based in the capital. I’m aware that OFFA is encouraging universities to consider reallocating a significantly greater proportion of overall spend towards outreach but at present, given the results of a recent survey of students receiving bursaries at King’s, as well as the uncertainties thrown up by the changes to the disabled students allowance and conversion of maintenance grants into maintenance loans, we’ve made a decision to hold steady the level of funding we provide for bursaries. I think in the next few years we can expect to see the Office for Students and the Government challenging universities to give a much clearer account of what we are doing to narrow persistent attainment and progression gaps through more inclusive approaches to teaching and learning and student experience. Already at King’s we launched in the spring of 2014 a long term research and transformation project to identify practical actions to address troubling gaps in the student attainment of some of our Black and Minority Ethnic undergraduates and postgraduates relative to broader average performance in their study cohort. Our Director of Widening Participation, Anne-Marie Canning, is a relentless innovator and real champion of the full life-cycle approach at King’s. During her time at King’s she’s helped refocus some of our student financial support towards a dedicated programme to help WP students with the costs of taking up Study Abroad places as part of their undergraduate studies. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 6 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 She’s also now working on a project with the Cabinet Office’s Behavioral Insights Team to look at what can be done to help WP students more readily access the full range of services available to them such as research and study skills programmes provided by the university, accredited internships, careers fairs and employability workshops and experiential learning opportunities. We’re also quite fortunate to have a number of leading academic researchers at King’s, such as Dr. Anna Mountford-Zimdars, who are well versed in the learning gain and differential outcomes research arena. We will be drawing on their insight greatly. I think many other universities will also be stepping up activity in this sphere over the next few years and I would strongly encourage the sector to share research evidence and best practice. How King’s is responding – Outreach and access to the professions At King’s, we have a clear strategic underpinning for our OFFA agreement and all our widening participation initiatives. This internal articulation of our commitment and approach is key to making faster progress in opening up our university. With respect to outreach, I’m extremely proud of our flagship post-16 outreach K+ scheme, which over the course of 2 years provides over 550 Year 12s and 13s participants with academic masterclasses, mentoring support, cultural visits, practical advice on applying universities, and additional consideration by the King’s admissions service. We now receive around 1,000 applications each year for the 280 Year 12 entry-point places. This September we’ve also launched a new outreach programme involving carefully selected schools and Key Stage 3 pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds in Lambeth, Southwark and Westminster. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 7 of 8 Action on Access Summit – Professor Ed Byrne’s speech 10.11.15 The King’s Scholars programme will support students across Year 7 to Year 9 in thinking about their educational journey and the choices they face in terms of qualifications. Initially the programme is available to 300 Year 7 pupils across 14 schools; once the programme is fully on stream it will be supporting around 900 secondary school pupils each year. What is novel about this scheme is the way we have worked to involve multiple schools from the very outset in co-developing both the vision and practical design for how the programme should run. As well as running centralized programmes through the Widening Participation departments, we also recognise that the academic community at King’s, and the Student Union, can play a really big role. We provide funding for a dedicated post-holder in the KCL Student Union to work with student societies on local educational outreach projects. We also provide a £100,000 WP Grant Fund for academics and departments to apply for funding to run activities. Finally, universities are being asked to do more to create better access pathways into the most highly selective professions. King’s has been a sector leader for many years with respect to its contexualised offer Extended Medical and Dentistry Degree programmes and tie-in bursary support. We’re proud of these initiatives but I recognise that like all universities King’s needs to be more ambitious across the piece with respect to increasing the support pathways into the most competitive professions and graduate employer programmes. I’m hopeful we will see more multiuniversity initiatives, like Realising Opportunities, emerge in this space in the next few years. In closing I’d just like to commend the WP sector on the work you’ve been doing to date and urge you to continue to be innovative and pro-active in the years ahead. Concerted action will be needed in a number of areas, but I know you’re up for the challenge. Thank you. UUK Action on Access Summit King's College London Page 8 of 8