Study Skills Enrolment code: ESA010

Unit details [ESA]
Study Skills
Enrolment code: ESA010
Offered: NWC: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2,
Unit description:
Key areas covered include motivation, stress and time management, goal and task
definition and learning methods. Available in semester 2 as both flexible (distance
education) and attending mode unit.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 2
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Communications I
Enrolment code: ESA020
Offered: [by web]NWC: sem 1, dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2,
Unit description:
Formal academic writing and speaking skills particularly essay writing and oral
presentations. Available in semester 1 as both flexible (distance education) and attending
mode unit, available in semester 2 only as flexible unit.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 2
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Communications II
Enrolment code: ESA030
Offered: NWC: sem 1,
Unit description:
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Interpersonal communication skills including negotiation, problem solving and
assertiveness. Available semester 1 as attending mode unit only.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Academic Literacy
Enrolment code: ESA040
Offered: NWC: sem 2,
Unit description:
Reading, learning, thinking and basic research skills. Available semester 2 as attending
mode unit only.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Using Information Technology for Academic
Purposes I
Enrolment code: ESA050
Offered: [by web]NWC: sem 1, dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2,
Special note: students enrolling in distance option must meet certain prerequisites.
Unit description:
Main features of this units include: computerised and flexible library services, basic
presentation – word processing, slides, spreadsheets; communication – e-mail, discussion
boards; information research – World Wide Web, electronic databases; and
video-conferencing. Available in semester one as attending mode unit and in either
semester as flexible mode unit.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 2
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
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Using Information Technology for Academic
Purposes II
Enrolment code: ESA060
Offered: NWC: sem 2
Unit description:
Expands upon IT related areas of information presentation, communications and research
covered in ESA050. Available semester 2 as attending mode unit only.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Prereq: ESA050
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Academic Studies I
Enrolment code: ESA070
Offered: NWC: sem 1, dist.ed: sem 1,
Unit description:
Students choose one or two from a range of first year units which are offered in semester 1
as either attending or distance mode subjects, and attend classes, take part in all learning
activities and complete one assignment over a period of 4–6 weeks. They will be allowed
slightly longer than normal to complete the assignment and may seek advice and
guidance from UPP teaching staff as well as from the teaching academics in that course.
Students will submit a brief resume of the outcomes of their experience in each academic
unit to the UPP coordinator.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 1
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Academic Studies II
Enrolment code: ESA080
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Unit details [ESA]
Offered: NWC: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2,
Unit description:
Students choose one or two from a range of first year units which are offered in semester 2
and other details will be similar to those outlined for Academic Studies I.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 2
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Bridging Maths
Enrolment code: ESA090
Offered: NWC: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2
Unit description:
This unit is designed to meet the needs of students seeking to study at a tertiary level, it
aims to develop basic skills and confidence in learning mathematics. The unit aims to
prepare students for non-Science course areas such as Humanities, Nursing and Primary
and Early Childhood Education.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible teaching in sem 2
Courses: [E0D]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 1
Enrolment code: ESA102
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Consists of two modules: Students and Learning, and Teaching Curriculum and
Assessment. These are described fully below.
Staff: Prof D Hogan, Dr C Owen, Ms A-M Lancaster
Unit weight: 25%
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Unit details [ESA]
Teaching pattern: combination of lectures and preofessional learning team cooperative
group work , nominally 10 hrs weekly (18 wks)
Assess: assignments, group and individual presentations, participation, attendance at
Required: Piper K, Riders in the Chariot
Wiske MS (ed), Teaching for Understanding
Sizer T, Horace’s School
Gardner H, The Disciplined Mind
Groundwater-Smith S, et al, Secondary Schooling in a Changing World
Gale T & Densmore K, Just Schooling: Explorations in the Cultural Politics of Teaching
Recommend: tba
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 1 (1)
Module 1: Students and Learning
Enrolment code: ESA102
Offered: Hbt: Ltn:
Special note: equiv 12.5% weighting
Unit description:
Focuses on the process of child and adolescent development and the nature of learning.
The major part of the course is devoted to considering the role of the school and teacher in
the promotion of student learning in light of normative principles of child and adolescent
development. Specific topics within this section will include patterns of growth,
intelligence and creativity, behavioural and social cognitive theories of learning, attention,
motivation, coping and adaptation.
Staff: Dr C Owen, Ms A-M Lancaster
Teaching pattern: lectures and preofessional learning team cooperative group work
Assess: participation/attendance at lectures; grp presentations, 2 x individual written
assignments, case studies & video analysis
Required: McInerney D & McInerney V, Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, 2002
Recommend: Woolfolk AE, Educational Psychology
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
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Unit details [ESA]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 1 (2)
Module 3: Teaching Curriculum and Assessment
Enrolment code: ESA102
Offered: Hbt: Ltn:
Special note: equiv 12,5% weighting
Unit description:
Introduces students to the social organisation of the curriculum, curriculum development
theory, recent developments in curriculum policy and practice in Australian schools. A
critical understanding of current initiatives and interrelationship of curriculum,
assessment and teaching is developed through particiipation in schol-based professional
learning teacm tasks. The unit aims to assist the pre-service teacher in setting about the
justification and selection of curriculum content, sequencing of curricular material and
developemnt of authentic assessment practices.
Staff: Prof D Hogan, Dr CJ Hiller, Dr M Fearnley-Sander
Teaching pattern: lectures and preofessional learning team cooperative group work
Assess: participation and attendance at lectures, group and individual presentations
including essays – may involve oral presentations and debates.
Required: See details in ESA102 above.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
The Practice of Teaching & School Experience 1 –
Enrolment code: ESA103
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Introduces students to the profession of teaching and to the range of competencies
required of classroom teachers. In the unit the principles and practice of teaching will be
introduced and include issues of language and literacy in the key learning areas. The unit
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includes the first school experience which is observation. Competency in the use of
information technology for personal and professional purposes is included. A pro-seminar
follows the school experience session.
Staff: tba (Coordinator), Mr A Fluck, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures and preofessional learning team cooperative group work , and
2–3 hrs weekly school-based participation, 10 days block school experience
Assess: participation/attendance at all lectures and seminars, 2 major assignments, IT
Required: Groundwater-Smith S, Cushworth R & Dobbins R, Teaching: Challenges and
Dilemmas, Harcourt Brace, 1998
Holly M, Keeping a Personal Professional Journal, 2nd edn, Deakin Univ, 1997
McNaughton G & Williams G, Techniques for Teaching Young Children, Longman, 1996
Recommend: Norton P & Sprague D, Technology for Teaching, 2001
Gazis S, et al, Literacy Links: a Student Handbook, 1997
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Early Childhood
and Primary Education (K–6)
Enrolment code: ESA109
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Introduces the theory and methods of the learning areas covered in the primary school
curriculum. Sub-units are based on the national statement and profile’s 8 key learning
areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), Science, Health,
Technology, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and The Arts. The unit examines the
current curriculum documents, approaches to teaching, and evaluation procedures in each
learning area. Current literature and classroom applications which link theory and
practice are explored. The 8 learning areas are closely linked to the school experience
sessions, study of curriculum integration and essential learnings.
Staff: Dr S Dole, Dr M Robertson, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M Inness
Unit weight: 50%
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Unit details [ESA]
Teaching pattern: 10–12 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks); Credit hrs: English
40, Mathematics 40, Science 20, SOSE 20, The Arts 30, Technology 20, LOTE 10
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1, 2, 3 and Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: English Literacy A
Enrolment code: ESA110
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Deals with the teaching of English Literacy in secondary schools. Initially the unit
concentrates on the goals and methodology of English, Grades 7-12, with attention to both
text and language strands of the curriculum. The unit provides an introduction to current
theories in language and literacy learning and examines the practical implications of such
theories for the teaching of English Literacy. Some issues, such as developing students’
responses to a wide range of literature (including adolescent literature, mass media,
everyday and visual texts), catering for specific needs of different groups of students,
using non-print texts, developing students’ writing and varying approaches to assessment,
receive particular attention. Reference is made throughout to national and state
curriculum documents and support materials. The unit focuses on planning,
implementing and assessing programs in English Literacy, and employs interactive and
workshop approaches to developing understanding and skills in the field.
Staff: Dr CJ Hiller
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3–4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: sub-major in English or equiv
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: written paper for sem 1 & 2 (60%), participation in workshops and seminars,
demonstration of writing, reading, speaking and listening skills (40%)
Required: Australian Education Council, A Statement on English for Australian Schools ,
Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Australian Education Council English: A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools,
Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Dept of Education and the Arts, Key Intended Literacy Outcomes K-8, Curriculum Services
Branch, Hobart, 1994
Anstey M & Bull E, Reading the Visual, Harcourt, 2000
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Anstey M & Bull E, The Literacy Labyrinth, Prentice Hall, 1996
Anstey M & Bull G, The Literacy Lexicon, Prentice Hall, 1996.
Gazis S, et al, Literacy Links: A Student Handbook, Longman, 1998
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Information
Technology A
Enrolment code: ESA111
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Presents the theory, methods and practice of teaching Computing Studies. It provides
students with skills in teaching Computing Studies at all levels of secondary schooling.
The unit ensures that students are familiar with a wide range of computer applications
and technologies and their use in educational settings. Consideration is given to managing
computer resources in schools. The unit will be taught in two discrete modules: one in
year one (Information Technology A) and a second shorter module (Information Technology B)
in year 2.
Staff: Mr A Fluck
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (18 wks)
Prereq: sub-major in Computing or Information Systems study
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: lesson plans (30%), IT environment case study (30%), production of education
computer system project (40%)
Required: Anderson L, Guidebook for Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan,
National Center for Technology Planning USA online
All Tasmanian Certificate of Edcucation, Information Technology documents available
from including
syllabuses, standards and examination details.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Languages Other
Than English (LOTE) A
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA112
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Introduces the theory, methods and practice of teaching Languages Other Than English in
secondary schools, and English as a Second Language (ESL) in secondary schools. The unit
will be taught in two modules: one in Year one (LOTE A) and a second shorter module
(LOTE B) in Year 2.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3–4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: sub-major in French, German, Italian, Japanese or another modern language for
which suitable teaching practice can be provided
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: 2 major assignments
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Mathematics A
Enrolment code: ESA113
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Presents the theory, methods and practice of teaching Mathematics in secondary schools.
The unit develops an appreciation of how children form mathematical concepts and
provides students with skills in planning to teach Mathematics. Consideration is given to
the use of technology, to a range of methodologies involving individual and group
participation, to the transition from primary to secondary schooling and to mathematical
topics appropriate for all levels of student ability. Case studies developed at Harvard
University will be considered throughout the course.
Staff: Dr JM Watson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (18 wks) – mainly in seminar format, including computer
sessions, in-class presentations and discussion
Prereq: sub-major in Mathematics study or equiv
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
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Assess: 2 essays, (1 major, 1 minor) addressing issues in maths education,
preparation/presentation of units of work, class attendance and participation.
Required: Grimson L & Pegg J (eds), Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: Theory into
Practice, Harcourt Brace, Aust., 1995.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Science A
Enrolment code: ESA114
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Introduces the theory, methods and practice of teaching Science in the first four years of
secondary schools, and the senior secondary school. Particular emphasis is given to the
consideration of contemporary issues impacting on the teaching of science and to the
different approaches used in present-day science teaching. Relevant curriculum
documents are introduced. Students will learn to appreciate the role of good organisation
in handling practical work in the laboratory and on field trips.
The unit will be taught in two discrete modules: one in Year one (Science A) and a second
shorter module (Science B) in Year 2.
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2x2-hr weekly seminars, workshops, lab and field trips (18 wks)
Prereq: 2 full yr-1 subjects (or equiv), eg physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, geology,
geography and environmental studies, zoology; 1 full yr-2 subject (or equiv), eg botany,
chemistry, geology, physics, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry; (It would be an
advantage to have tertiary study in a physical science)
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: seminar and workshop participation, group and individual presentations, 2 major
assignments, resource file
Recommend: Aust Education Council, A Statement on Science for Australian Schools,
Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Aust Education Council, A Curriculm Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corp,
Carlton, 1994
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Curriculum and Method Studies: Society and
Environment (SOSE) A
Enrolment code: ESA115
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
This unit is organised around the citizenship objectives of the studies in society and
environment learning area of the school curriculum. These objectives determine the
approach to learning, to teaching, to the theoretical perspectives of the social science
disciplines and to the development of social competence. The unit develops teachers’
understanding of the community context of learning; gives teachers practical experience of
the pedagogies for active citizenship; and, as necessary background for the preparation of
Australian citizens, integrates Australian social and political history and contemporary
social perspectives, with the pedagogical study of citizenship. Activities in the program
are organised around a critical application of the current curriculum framework for this
area of the curriculum, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE). The unit will be taught in
two discrete modules: one in Year one (SOSE A) and a second shorter module (SOSE B) in
Year 2.
Staff: tb
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3–4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: 2 full yr-1 subjects and 1 yr-2 subject (or equiv) in 2 or more of the following:
history, geography and environmental studies, political science, anthropology, sociology,
psychology and ancient civilisations.
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: 1,500-word paper promoting SOSE as a learning area (15%), development and
evaluation of a practicum unit (45%), development of an issues booklet and forum (30%),
participation at all sessions (10%)
Required: Aust Education Council, A Statement on Studies of Society and Environment for
Australian Schools, Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Aust Education Council, Studies of Society and Environment: a Curriculum Profile for
Australian Schools Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Recommend: Bennett B, Rolheiser-Bennett C & Stevahn L, Cooperative Learning: Where Heart
Meets Mind, Educational Coop, Univ of Toronto, 1992.
Marsh C, Teaching Studies of Society and Environment, 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, NSW 2001
Triolo R, Go Global: Global Perspectives in the Secondary Classroom, Curriculum Corporation,
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
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Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts:
Enrolment code: ESA116
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: the unit is offered flexibly
Unit description:
Semester 1 introduces educational drama with an emphasis on curriculum for years 7 and
8. The unit provides a foundation for subsequent units. Students participate in a range of
drama experiences and theoretical discussions. They review a range of texts and develop
workshops for their peers. These experiences provide the basis of an in-school program
with year 7 and 8 students. Students critically evaluate this program.
Semester 2 further develops students’ understanding of theories, methodology and
practice of drama in secondary schools. Topics include theories underpinning educational
drama, program development and behaviour management in the drama classroom.
Staff: Dr H Smigiel
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: block delivery, weekend sessions
Prereq: sub-major in drama
Assess: sem 1: drama seminar (30%), case study reflection (20%) sem 2: essay (25%),
documentation and reflection (25%)
Required: Bowell P & Heap B, Planning Process Drama, Davis Fulton, Lond, 2001.
Neelands J. Structuring Drama Work, CUP, Camb, 1991.
Norris, Mc Cammon and Miller, Learning to teach drama: A case narrative
approach, Portsmouth, Heinemann, 2000
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts –
Music A
Enrolment code: ESA117
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Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to materials and processes appropriate to the K–12 generalist and
specialist music classrooms; develops students’ understanding of the role of music in
education; and introduces them to a range of curriculum issues in music education.
Staff: Dr M Barrett
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery
Prereq: at least sub-major in music
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: seminar participation, 4 major assignments, 2 minor assignments
Required: Atterbury B & Richardson C, The Experience of Teaching General Music,
MacGraw-Hill, NY 1995
Barrett J, McCoy C & Veblen K, SoundWays of Knowing: Music in the Interdisciplinary
Curriculum, Schirmer, NY, 1997
Choksy L et al, Teaching Music in the Twentieth Century, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 1986
Elliott DJ, Music Matters, OPU, NY, 1995
Hennessey S, Co-ordinating Music Across the Primary School, Falmer Press, Lond, 1998
Reimer B, A Philosophy of Music Education, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1989
Shehan-Campbell P, Songs in their Heads, OUP, NY, 1995
Spruce G, Teaching Music, routledge, Lond. 1996
Swanwick K, Teach Music Musically, routledge, Lond, 1999
Vella R, Musical Environments: A Manual for Listening, Improvising and Composing, Currency
Press, Syd, 2000.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts –
Music – Performance Practice A
Enrolment code: ESA118
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
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Introduces students to a range of pedagogical methods related to the teaching of music in
both K–12 school and studio contexts. Students are introduced to basic instrumental and
vocal conducting techniques including such topics as: the mechanics of beat patterns and
expressive facial, hand, and body gestures; score study, preparation and interpretation;
and, rehearsal procedures necessary for effectively communicating musical ideas quickly
and efficiently.
Staff: Dr M Barrett (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery
Prereq: 3-yr degree with music minor
Coreq: Professional Studies 1, The Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: seminar participation, 3 major assignments, practical conducting exam
Recommend: Curtis LG & Keuhn DL, Successful Instrumental Conducting, Brown &
Benchmark, 1992
Holloway RA, Barlett HR & Papastefan JJ, Guide to Teaching Percussion, WC Brown Publ,
Dubuque, Iowa, 1984
Hunt NJ & Cook SL, Guide to Teaching Strings, 6th edn, WC Brown Publ, Dubuque, Iowa,
Westphal FW, Guide to Teaching Woodwinds, WC Brown Publ, Dubuque, Iowa, 1990.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Special
Secondary A
Enrolment code: ESA120
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
For students wishing to become secondary school teachers who do not satisfy the entry
requirements for two secondary methods but who have an outstanding academic record in
one methods area. Students must establish a need for enrolment acceptable to the
Assistant Head of the program. Students accepted into this unit will complete a double
method study in their area of expertise.
Staff: Dr CJ Hiller
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3–4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: outstanding academic record in relevant discipline
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Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology
Education A
Enrolment code: ESA122
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Introduces students to technology in an education setting and provides for the application
of knowledge, experience and resources over a wide range of technical and theoretical
experiences. Specifically it provides students with the skills needed to plan and teach the
technology curriculum at all levels of secondary schooling. Additionally, various forms of
visual and verbal communication appropriate to the clasroom are examined.
Staff: Ms R Glade-Wright and Technology staff
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly seminars, demonstrations and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: appropriate major or sub-majors
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: two and three dimensional design projects, class presentations and written
Required: Williams J & Williams A, Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan, Sth Melb,
Recommend: A tatement on Technology for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation,
Carlton, 1994
Technolgoy – A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton,
Bolton R, People Skills, Simon and Schuster, Brookvale, 1987
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology A
Single Major
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA123
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Provides students with an understanding of the technology curriculum (Secondary and
Post-Compulsory levels of schooling). The unit includes a reveiw of the technology
curriculum (lectures and tutorials) and an introduction to computing technology. The
former adopts a theoretical and practical approach to developing the skills needed to
design, implement and evaluate educational experiences relevant to the National
Technology Statement; the latter is divided into a series of sequential learning modules,
including computer graphics and design, and computer aided drawing and design (CAD).
Additionally, various forms of visual and verbal communication appropriate to the
clasroom are examined.
Staff: Ms R Glade-Wright and Technology staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks)
Prereq: appropriate major or sub-majors
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1 & 2
Assess: two and three dimensional design projects, class presentations, written
Required: Williams J & Williams A, Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan, Sth Melb,
Recommend: A tatement on Technology for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation,
Carlton, 1994
Technolgoy – A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton,
Bolton R, People Skills, Simon and Schuster, Brookvale, 1987
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Special Secondary – Middle School Mathematics A
Enrolment code: ESA124
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
This Special Secondary subject is an extension to the middle school mathematics program
designed to enhance the opportunities for students majoring in secondary science but
without a tertiary background in mathematics. Issues of integration of science and
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mathematics in the middle school and of addressing the fundamental concerns of the
mathematics curriculum at the middle school level will be paramount. Curriculum
documents and relevant literature related to teaching, evaluation, and assessment will be
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Dr JM Watson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (18 wks) – mainly in seminar format, including computer
sessions, in-class presentations and discussion.
Prereq: 2 full yr-1 science subjects (or equiv); 1 full yr-2 science subject (or equiv)
Coreq: Curriculum and Method Studies: Science A, Practice of Teaching, School Experience
Assess: 2 essays (1 major, 1 minor) addressing issues in mathematics education,
performance assessment of team teaching a mathematics topic, integrated unit plan, class
attendance and participation
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Visual Art A
Enrolment code: ESA125
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
In Australian schools, visual art is part of the key learning area called The Arts. In
Tasmanian high schools art is normally undertaken as a compulsory subject in grades 7
and 8, as an optional subject in grades 9 and 10, and it is a pre-tertiary subject in grades 11
and 12. This unit contributes to the pre-service education of secondary art teachers in
Tasmania by examining local, national, and international issues of both a practical and
conceptual nature. It builds upon student’s previous study in some area of the visual arts,
to help them prepare for classroom realities as well as developing a critical awareness of
best curriculum practice. The unit introduces students to these subject areas covered.
Staff: Mr P Duncum
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4-hr tutorial/ workshop weekly or equiv
Assess: participation (10%), written assignment (40%), art program (50%)
Required: Duncum P & Bracey T, On Knowing: Art and Visual Culture, Canterbury Univ
Press, ChCh NZ, 2001
Recommend: A full list of recommended reading supplied at commencement of unit
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
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Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Multi-Media A
Enrolment code: ESA126
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
The broad aims of this unit are to provide students with practical skills and theoretical
understanding to develop children’s Arts works using various technologies and media. By
the end of the unit students are able to use digital still and video images to create art
works, short narrative films, edit moving images and over score these images with text,
sound and music.
Staff: Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4-hr tutorial/ workshop weekly or equiv
Assess: reflective journal (20%), video product (40%), SOSE/Science/Media – joint project
(20%), group electivges (20%)
Required: Curriculum Corporation, National Statement and Profiles on the Arts for Australian
Schools, 1994
Queensland Dept of Ed, Media Curriculum Guide for Education, Years 1–10. Constructing
Realities, 1994
Recommend: A full list of recommended reading supplied at commencement of unit
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 2 (Secondary)
Enrolment code: ESA132
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a second session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in
metropolitan or country secondary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to
continue to make carefully structured observational studies as for School Experience 1 (see
ESA103), but they will now be required to undertake increased responsibility for planning
specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to whole class groups in their specific
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curriculum areas of study at planned intervals during the session. A Pro Seminar is held
following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA103 Practice of Teaching and School Experience 1,
Coreq: ESA102, appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory, students receive a
developmental report prepared by the school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 2 (ECE/Primary)
Enrolment code: ESA142
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a second session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in
metropolitan or country infant and primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be
required to continue to make carefully structured observational studies as for School
Experience 1 (see ESA103), but they will now be required to undertake increased
responsibility for planning specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole
group at planned intervals during the session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA103 Practice of Teaching and School Experience 1,
Coreq: ESA102, appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory, students receive a
developmental report prepared by the school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Middle School
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA145
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Introduces the theory and methods of the learning areas covered in the middle school
curriculum. Sub-units are based on the national statement and profile’s 8 key learning
areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), Science, Health,
Technology, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and The Arts. English and
Mathematics form the core of the unit. Students undertaking Middle School Curriculum
and Method Studies need to elect to be assessed in only two of the non-core curriculum
areas (Visual Art, Drama, Music, Technology and/or LOTE). The unit examines the
current curriculum documents, approaches to teaching, and evaluation procedures in each
learning area. Current literature and classroom applications which link theory and
practice are explored. The 8 learning areas are closely linked to the school experience
sessions and a study of curriculum integration.
Staff: Dr JM Watson, Dr CJ Hiller, Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M Inness
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 10 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks); Credit hrs: English 80,
Mathematics 80, Science 20, SOSE 20, Electives: The Arts 30, Technology 20, LOTE 10,
Physical Education/Health 20
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1, 2, 3 and Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Recommend: Jackson A, Turning Points 2000: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century,
Teachers College Press, Columbia Univ, 2000
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Primary
Enrolment code: ESA146
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Introduces the theory and methods of the learning areas covered in the primary school
curriculum. Sub-units are based on the national statement and profile’s 8 key learning
areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), Science, Health,
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Technology, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and The Arts. The unit examines the
current curriculum documents, approaches to teaching, and evaluation procedures in each
learning area. Current literature and classroom applications which link theory and
practice are explored. The 8 learning areas are closely linked to the school experience
sessions, study of curriculum integration and essential learnings.
Staff: Dr JM Watson, Dr CJ Hiller, Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M Inness
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 10–12 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (18 wks); Credit hrs: English
40, Mathematics 40, Science 20, SOSE 20, The Arts 30, Technology 20, LOTE 10, Physical
Education/Health 20
Coreq: Practice of Teaching, School Experience 1, 2, 3 and Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 2 (Middle School)
Enrolment code: ESA147
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a second session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in
metropolitan or country primary or secondary schools within Tasmania. Students will be
required to continue to make carefully structured observational studies as for School
Experience 1 (see ESA103), but they will now be required to undertake increased
responsibility for planning specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole
group at planned intervals during the session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA103 Practice of Teaching and School Experience 1,
Coreq: ESA102, appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory, students receive a
developmental report prepared by the school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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School Experience 2 (Primary)
Enrolment code: ESA148
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a second session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in
metropolitan or country primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to
continue to make carefully structured observational studies as for School Experience 1 (see
ESA103), but they will now be required to undertake increased responsibility for planning
specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole group at planned intervals
during the session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA103 Practice of Teaching and School Experience 1,
Coreq: ESA102, appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory, students receive a
developmental report prepared by the school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 2
Enrolment code: ESA202
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Consists of three modules: (4) Students and Learning, (5) Teaching Curriculum and
Assessment, (6) The Practice of Teaching. These are described fully below.
Staff: Prof DJ Hogan
Unit weight: 25% (E4H 12.5%)
Teaching pattern: a combination of lectures, professional learning team cooperative group
work (nominally 10 hrs weekly) (18 wks)
Prereq: ESA102
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Assess: participation, attendance at lectures, assignments, group and individual
Required: K Piper, Riders in the Chariot
Wiske MS (ed), Teaching for Understanding
Gardner H, A Disciplined Mind
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 2 (1)
Module 1: Students and Learning
Enrolment code: ESA202
Offered: Hbt: Ltn:
Special note: equiv 8.33% weighting
Unit description:
Extends the study of Students and Learning from ESA102 Professional Studies, with
particular emphasis on relevant psychological theories of cognitive development and
learning that relate to teaching and learning in school context.
Staff: Dr M Myhill
Teaching pattern: a combination of lectures and professional learning team cooperative
group work
Prereq: ESA102
Assess: participation and attendance at lectures, group and individual presentations,
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 2 (2)
Module 2: Teaching Curriculum and Assessment
Enrolment code: ESA202
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Unit details [ESA]
Offered: Hbt: Ltn:
Special note: equiv 8.33% weighting
Unit description:
Focuses on further developing a range of key understandings, dispositions, skills and
commitments necessary to develop effective membership of the teaching profession. The
implications of current social and cultural changes for education and teaching in Australia
are evaluated.
Staff: Dr J Moss, Dr M Fearnely-Sander, Prof D Hogan
Teaching pattern: a combination of lectures and professional learning team cooperative
group work
Prereq: ESA102
Assess: participation and attendance at lectures, reporting of a curriculum framework
Recommend: Wiske MS (ed), Teaching for Understanding
Gardiner H, A Disciplined Mind
Piper K, Riders in the Chariot
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Studies 2 (3)
Module 3: The Practice of Teaching
Enrolment code: ESA202
Offered: Hbt: Ltn:
Special note: equiv 8.33% weighting
Unit description:
Continues to extend understandings developed in year 1 studies in the Practice of
Teaching. Intersections between learning theory, curriculum organisation, classroom
management and the ethical issues that arise in classroom relationships are examined. The
principle and practice of inclusive schooling is investigated. The outcome of the unit is the
demonstration of teaching professional standards through a portfolio. Pre-service teachers
continue the ICT strand commenced in year 1 of the BTeach.
Staff: tba
Teaching pattern: a combination of lectures and professional learning team cooperative
group work
Assess: professional portfolio
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Unit details [ESA]
Required: Burke K, Designing Professional Portfolios for Change
Coil C, Hot Topics in Education
Porter L, Student Behaviour : Theory and Practice for Teachers
Norton P & Sprague D, Technology for Teaching, 2001
Marginson S, Educating Australia: Government, Economy and Citizen Since 1960
Gutmann A, Democratic Education
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Early Childhood
and Primary Education (K-6)
Enrolment code: ESA209
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Continues from ESA109. The unit covers the theory and methods of the learning areas
covered in the early childhood and primary school curriculum. Sub-units are based on the
national statement and profile’s 8 key learning areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of
Society and Environment, Science, Health, Technology, Languages Other Than English
(LOTE) and The Arts as well the Practice of Teaching and the Pro-seminars. This unit will
examine the current curriculum documents, approaches to teaching, and evaluation
procedures in each learning area. Current literature and classroom applications which link
theory and practice will be explored. The 8 learning areas will be closely linked to the
school experience sessions, a study of curriculum integration and essential learnings.
Staff: Dr S Dole, Dr M Robertson, Ms K Swabey, Ms L Harbon, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 10 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 wks); credit hrs: English 20,
Mathematics 20, Science 20, SOSE 20, The Arts 30, LOTE 10
Coreq: Practice of Teaching; School Experience 1,2,3 & Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [ESA]
Curriculum and Method Studies: English Literacy
Enrolment code: ESA210
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Extends the scope of English Literacy A (ESA110) to deepen the study of the full range of
English curriculum to include theoretical issues as well as those of assessment and
planning and using the profiles in English. The unit prompts critical enquiry into the goals
and methodologies of English, and encourages students to develop and articulate their
own theoretical and pedagogical beliefs about the teaching of the English Literacy.
Staff: Dr CJ Hiller
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA110
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: extensive unit of work in English curriculum (60%), participation in workshops and
seminars, demonstrating writing, reading, speaking and listening skills (40%)
Required: Aust Education Council, A Statement on English for Australian Schools, Curriculum
Corp, Carlton, 1994
Aust Education Council, English: A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum
Corp, Carlton, 1994
Dept of Education and the Arts, Key Intended Literacy Outcomes K-8 , Curriculum Services
Branch, 1994
Gazis S et al, Literacy Links: A Student Handbook, Longman, 1998
Anstey M & Bull G, The Literacy Labyrinth, Prentice Hall, 1996
Anstey M & Bull G, The Literacy Lexicon, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Anstey M & Bull G, Reading the Visual, Harcourt, 2000
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Information
Technology B
Enrolment code: ESA211
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Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of Computing Studies in secondary schools
beyond that covered in Information Technology A (ESA123).
Staff: Mr A Fluck
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA111
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: preparing teaching materials (70%), topical essay (30%)
Required: Deitel P, Deitel H, Java: How to Program, 1999.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Languages Other
Than English (LOTE) B
Enrolment code: ESA212
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of LOTE in secondary schools beyond that
covered in LOTE A.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA112
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: seminar participation, 2 major assignments
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Mathematics B
Enrolment code: ESA213
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Unit details [ESA]
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of Mathematics in secondary schools from
that covered in Mathematics A (ESA113). The unit will focus on planning programs of work
for a variety of secondary mathematics classes. Special attention will be given to
assessment and reporting of pupil performance, remedial strategies, problem solving,
creating connections among topics and across the curriculum, use of web-based resources
and technology.
Staff: Dr JM Watson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (18 wks) – mainly in seminar format, including computer
sessions, in-class presentations and discussion
Prereq: ESA113
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: 2 major essays (one including a unit of work for the classroom), various
mathematical tasks and class participation
Required: Grimson L & Pegg J (eds), Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: Theory into
Practice, Harcourt Brace, Aust., 1995
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Science B
Enrolment code: ESA214
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of Science in secondary schools beyond
that covered in Science A (ESA114).
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2x2-hr weekly seminars, worshops lab and field trips (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA114
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: seminar participation, group and individual presentations, assignments
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [ESA]
Curriculum and Method Studies: Society and
Environment (SOSE) B
Enrolment code: ESA215
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of SOSE in secondary schools beyond that
covered in SOSE A.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (14 wks)
Prereq: ESA115
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: professional development portfolio for community landcare project (25%), 3-min
vido on negotiated topic (15%), reflective essay on video making as productive pedagogy
(20%), SOSE as a learning area (20%), attendance and participation log (20%)
Required: Aust Education Council, A Statement on Studies of Society and Environment for
Australian Schools, Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Aust Education Council, Studies of Society and Environment: a Curriculum Profile for
Australian Schools, Curriculum Corp, Carlton, 1994
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts:
Drama B
Enrolment code: ESA216
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: the unit is offered flexibly
Unit description:
Further develops students’ understanding of drama and of the arts in education and to
focus attention on current issues, in particular addressing connecting theory with practice.
A large part of the unit involves focused observations in school and seminars on those
observations. Involvement in practical classes is also a feature of the unit.
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Unit details [ESA]
Staff: Dr H Smigiel
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: block delivery, weekend sessions
Prereq: ESA116
Assess: class workshop (25%), book review and lessons (25%); sem 2: theory to practice
(25%), video case study (25%)
Required: Boal A,Games For Actors and Non-Actors, Routledge, Lond, 1992
0’Neill C, Drama Worlds, Heinemann, 1995
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts –
Music B
Enrolment code: ESA217
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends students’ knowledge of the theory and practice of music education beyond that
covered in Music A ( ESA117). The focus is on developing and refining teaching strategies
with a view to planning, implementing and evaluating practical experiences for students
in classrooms.
Staff: Dr M Barrett
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery
Prereq: ESA117
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: seminar participation, 4 major assignments
Recommend: Campbell PS, Music in Cultural Context, Reston, VA, 1996
DeNora T, Music in Everyday Life,CUP, 2000
Green L, Music, Gender and Education, CUP, 1997
Hargreaves DJ, North AC, The Social Psychology of Music, OUP, NY, 1997
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [ESA]
Curriculum and Method Studies: Music –
Performance Practice B
Enrolment code: ESA218
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Introduces students to approaches to composition and improvisation from K–12, and a
range of issues related to the implementation of music technology in K–12 school and
studio settings. Students participate in practical composition and improvisation learning
experiences. They also develop a working knowledge of public address systems and other
amplification hardware, computer music software (composition and pedagogical),
sampling, sequencing and synthesising in popular and art music applications.
Staff: Dr M Barrett (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery
Coreq: Professional Studies 2, School Experience 3 & 4
Assess: seminar participation, 3 major assignments, ongoing practical assessment
Recommend: Bartlett B, Handbook for Sound Engineers, SAMS, McMillan, 1987
Cope D, New Directions in Music, 5th edn, WW Norton, NY, 1989
Leek S, Voiceworks: A Creative Approach to New Music, St Peters Press, Brisbane, 1989
Williams DB & Webster PR, Experiencing Music Technology: Software, Data and Hardware,
Schirmer Books, NY, 1996.
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Special
Secondary B
Enrolment code: ESA220
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends study beyond that completed in Unit A ( ESA120).
Staff: Dr CJ Hiller
Unit weight: 25%
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Teaching pattern: negotiated study program
Prereq: ESA120
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: negotiated with lecturer
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology
Education B
Enrolment code: ESA222
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Draws on the knowledge and experiences gained in Technology Education A (ESA122) and
extends students experiences in teaching and learning the technology curriculum. It
adopts a theoretical and practical approach to developing the skills needed to design,
implement and evaluate educational experiences that are relevant to the technology
Statement and Profiles. Additionally, various forms of visual and verbal communication
appropriate to the clasroom are examined.
Staff: Ms R Glade-Wright and Technology staff
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly tutorials, seminars, demonstrations and workshops (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA122
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: 2 and 3-dimensional design projects, class presentations and the design and
presentation of two educational experiences relevant to written assignments
Required: Williams J & Williams A, Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan, Sth Melb,
Recommend: A tatement on Technology for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation,
Carlton, 1994
Technolgoy – A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton,
Bolton R, People Skills, Simon and Schuster, Brookvale, 1987
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [ESA]
Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology B
Single Major
Enrolment code: ESA223
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
Extends the theory and practice of the teaching of computer skills in secondary schools
beyond that covered in Technology A Single Major (ESA123). The unit continues studies into
the technology curriculum and different strategies for its presentation in the classroom.
Additionally, various forms of visual and verbal communication appropriate to the
clasroom are examined.
Staff: Ms R Glade-Wright and Technology staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 wks)
Prereq: ESA111
Coreq: School Experience 3, Internship
Assess: 2 and 3-dimensional design projects, class presentations written assignments
Required: Williams J & Williams A, Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan, Sth Melb,
Recommend: A tatement on Technology for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation,
Carlton, 1994
Technolgoy – A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton,
Bolton R, People Skills, Simon and Schuster, Brookvale, 1987
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
Special Secondary – Middle School Mathematics
Enrolment code: ESA224
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Unit description:
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This Special Secondary subject extends the theory and practice of teaching mathematics at
the middle school level, and its integration, particularly with the science curriculum.
Special attention will be given to planning programs of work for a variety of middle
school environments, creating connections of mathematics and science to other areas of the
curriculum, assessment, and the use of technology in the classroom.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Dr JM Watson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly (13 wks) – mainly in seminar format, including computer
sessions, in-class presentations and discussion.=
Prereq: Special Secondary – Middle School Mathematics A, Curriculum and Method
Studies: Science A
Coreq: Curriculum and Method Studies: Science B, School Experience 3 and Internship
Assess: 2 major essays (one including a unit of work for the classroom), various
mathematical and technology tasks, class attendance and participation
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Visual Art B
Enrolment code: ESA225
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
In Australian schools, visual art is part of the key learning area called The Arts. In
Tasmanian high schools art is normally undertaken as a compulsory subject in grades 7
and 8, as an optional subject in grades 9 and 10, and it is a pre-tertiary subject in grades 11
and 12. This unit contributes to the pre-service education of secondary art teachers in
Tasmania by examining local, national, and international issues of both a practical and
conceptual nature. It builds upon student’s previous study in some area of the visual arts,
to help them prepare for classroom realities as well as developing a critical awareness of
best curriculum practice.The unit builds on and extends knowledge and skills acquired in
Staff: Mr P Duncum
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4-hr tutorial/ workshop weekly or equiv
Prereq: ESA125
Assess: participation (10%), written assignment (40%), essay (50%)
Required: Duncum P & Bracey T, On Knowing: Art and Visual Culture, Canterbury Univ
Press, ChCh NZ, 2001
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Unit details [ESA]
Recommend: A full list of recommended reading supplied at commencement of unit
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Multi-Media B
Enrolment code: ESA226
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Has the same general aims as and builds on the work started in ESA126. The unit further
expands video edition experience on Casblanca Avio and other editing platforms such as
iMovie and StudioDV.
Staff: Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4-hr tutorial/ workshop weekly or equiv
Prereq: ESA126
Assess: reflective journal (20%), Adobe Elements (40%), paper (40%)
Required: Curriculum Corporation, National Statement and Profiles on the Arts for Australian
Schools, 1994
Queensland Dept of Ed, Media Curriculum Guide for Education, Years 1–10. Constructing
Realities, 1994
Recommend: A full list of recommended reading supplied at commencement of unit
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3: Secondary
Enrolment code: ESA231
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a third session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in metropolitan
or country secondary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to undertake
intensive planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to whole class groups
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Unit details [ESA]
in their specific curriculum areas of study that will build up to around 80% of the teaching
time for the final two weeks of the session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA132 School Experience 2: Secondary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate secondary Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and Univ supervisor
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 4: (Internship) (Sec)
Enrolment code: ESA232
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship takes place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Provides an Internship session totalling 45 days in metropolitan or country secondary
schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for teaching
certain assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro Seminar is
held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 45 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA132 School Experience 2: Secondary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate secondary Curriculum Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor;
successful completion of phase 1 (after 5 weeks) required prior to the student’s continuing
with phase 2
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Sec)
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA235
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship takes place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
totals 20 days supervised practical teaching in metropolitan or country secondary schools
within Tasmania. Students will be required to undertake intensive planning of specific
lessons and teaching of these lessons to whole class groups in their specific curriculum
areas of study that will build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two
weeks of the session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Internship totals 45 days in metropolitan or country secondary schools within Tasmania.
Students will be required to take full responsibility for teaching certain assigned classes
during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: School Experience: 20 days full-time in an assigned school; Internship: 45
days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA132 School Experience 2: Secondary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate secondary Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor; a
developmental report is prepared at the end of five weeks (phase 1). Successful completion
of phase 1 required priot to student’s proceding to phase 2.
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method 2
Enrolment code: ESA240
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Consists of Year-2 curriculum and method areas. (Students continue at year-2 level the
same disciplines as for year 1).
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 37.5%
Teaching pattern: 4 hrs weekly seeminars and workshops (11 wks)
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Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3: (ECE/Primary)
Enrolment code: ESA241
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a third session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in metropolitan
or country infant and primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to
undertake intensive planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole
group that will build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the
session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA142 Schoiol Experience 2: ECE/Primary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 4: (ECE/Primary Internship)
Enrolment code: ESA242
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Provides an Internship session totalling 45 days in metropolitan or country infant and
primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for
teaching certain assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro
Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
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Unit details [ESA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 45 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA142 Schoiol Experience 2: ECE/Primary
Coreq: ESA202, ESA241 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor;
successful completion of phase 1 (after 5 weeks) required prior to the student’s continuing
with phase 2
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (ECE/Prim)
Enrolment code: ESA245
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Totals 20 days supervised practical teaching in metropolitan or country infant and
primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to undertake intensive
planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole group that will
build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the session. A Pro
Seminar is held following this unit.
Internship session totals 45 days in metropolitan or country infant and primary schools
within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for teaching certain
assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro Seminar is held
following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: School Experience: 20 days full-time in an assigned school; Internship: 45
days in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA202 and appropriate secondary Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor; a
developmental report is prepared at the end of five weeks (phase 1). Successful completion
of phase 1 required priot to student’s proceding to phase 2.
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [ESA]
Curriculum and Method Studies: Middle School
Enrolment code: ESA246
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Continues from ESA145. The unit covers the theory and methods of the learning areas
covered in the middle school curriculum. Sub-units are based on the national statement
and profile’s 8 key learning areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of Society and
Environment, Science, Health, Technology, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and
The Arts as well the Practice of Teaching and the Pro-seminars. English and Mathematics
form the core of the unit. This unit will examine the current curriculum documents,
approaches to teaching, and evaluation procedures in each learning area. Current
literature and classroom applications which link theory and practice will be explored. The
8 learning areas will be closely linked to the school experience sessions, a study of
curriculum integration and essential learnings.
Staff: Dr JM Watson, Dr CJ Hiller, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M Inness
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 10 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 wks); Credit hrs: English 20,
Mathematics 20, Science 20, SOSE 20, The Arts 30, LOTE 10
Coreq: Practice of Teaching; School Experience 1,2,3 & Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Recommend: Jackson A, Turning Points 2000: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century,
Teachers College Press, Columbia Univ, 2000
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3: Middle School
Enrolment code: ESA247
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a third session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in metropolitan
or country primary/middle schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to
undertake intensive planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole
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Unit details [ESA]
group that will build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the
session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA147 School Experience 2: Middle School
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 4: (Internship) (Middle)
Enrolment code: ESA248
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Provides an Internship session totalling 45 days in metropolitan or country
primary/middle schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full
responsibility for teaching certain assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this
session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 45 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA147 School Experience 2: Middle School
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor;
successful completion of phase 1 (after 5 weeks) required prior to the student’s continuing
with phase 2
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Middle)
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA251
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Totals 20 days supervised practical teaching in metropolitan or country infant and
primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to undertake intensive
planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole group that will
build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the session. A Pro
Seminar is held following this unit.
Internship session totals 45 days in metropolitan or country infant and primary schools
within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for teaching certain
assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro Seminar is held
following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: School Experience: 20 days full-time in an assigned school; Internship: 45
days in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA147 School Experience 2: Middle School
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor; a
developmental report is prepared at the end of five weeks (phase 1). Successful completion
of phase 1 required priot to student’s proceding to phase 2.
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Curriculum and Method Studies: Primary
Enrolment code: ESA252
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Continues from ESA146. The unit covers the theory and methods of the learning areas
covered in the primary school curriculum. Sub-units are based on the national statement
and profile’s 8 key learning areas: English, Mathematics, Studies of Society and
Environment, Science, Health, Technology, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and
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Unit details [ESA]
The Arts as well the Practice of Teaching and the Pro-seminars. This unit will examine the
current curriculum documents, approaches to teaching, and evaluation procedures in each
learning area. Current literature and classroom applications which link theory and
practice will be explored. The 8 learning areas will be closely linked to the school
experience sessions, a study of curriculum integration and essential learnings.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer, Mrs M Inness
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: 10 hrs weekly seminars and workshops (11 weeks); Credit hrs: English 20,
Mathematics 20, Science 20, SOSE 20, The Arts 30, LOTE 10
Coreq: Practice of Teaching; School Experience 1,2,3 & Internship
Assess: written assignments, practical work
Courses: [E3H] [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3: (Primary)
Enrolment code: ESA253
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: compulsory unit
Unit description:
Provides a third session of supervised practical teaching totalling 20 days in metropolitan
or country infant and primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to
undertake intensive planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole
group that will build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the
session. A Pro Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 20 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA148 School Experience 2: Primary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 4: (Internship) (Primary)
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Unit details [ESA]
Enrolment code: ESA254
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Provides an Internship session totalling 45 days in metropolitan or country infant and
primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for
teaching certain assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro
Seminar is held following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 45 days full-time in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA148 School Experience 2: Primary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor;
successful completion of phase 1 (after 5 weeks) required prior to the student’s continuing
with phase 2
Courses: [E3H]
Faculty website: <>
School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Primary)
Enrolment code: ESA258
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: compulsory unit; Internship will take place in Term 2 of the School Year
Unit description:
Totals 20 days supervised practical teaching in metropolitan or country infant and
primary schools within Tasmania. Students will be required to undertake intensive
planning of specific lessons and teaching of these lessons to the whole group that will
build up to around 80% of the teaching time for the final two weeks of the session. A Pro
Seminar is held following this unit.
Internship session totals 45 days in metropolitan or country infant and primary schools
within Tasmania. Students will be required to take full responsibility for teaching certain
assigned classes during approximately 40 days of this session. A Pro Seminar is held
following this unit.
Staff: Dr NR Brown, Mr G Van de Geer
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Unit details [ESA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: School Experience: 20 days full-time in an assigned school; Internship: 45
days in an assigned school
Prereq: ESA148 School Experience 2: Primary
Coreq: ESA202 and appropriate Curriculum and Methods units
Assess: attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory; students receive a
developmental report prepared by school colleague teachers and unit supervisor; a
developmental report is prepared at the end of five weeks (phase 1). Successful completion
of phase 1 required priot to student’s proceding to phase 2.
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Honours Seminar
Enrolment code: ESA280
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
One seminar on research design and methods will be required of all students. Students
will also complete two additional seminars from a choice of three: sociology of the
classroom, cognition and learning theory, and the normative discourses of education.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: 20 hrs during BTeach yr-2
Prereq: DN average (GPA = 4.0) in yr-1 BTeach coursework
Coreq: enrolment in BTeach yr-2 program
Recommend: tba
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
Honours Dissertation
Enrolment code: ESA281
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
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Unit details [ESA]
Along with participation in the Honours seminar (see ESA280), Honours students will be
required to undertake a program of independent approved study, and to write a
dissertation. The dissertation will be based on a major study in an area directly related to
classroom practice, selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor, approved
by the Honours Panel, and supervised by a member of the University’s academic staff. The
length of the dissertation will vary according to the nature of the topic and the method of
presentation but should not be less than 15,000 words. The dissertation topic should be
decided early in the first semester of Year 2. During the year at a time appointed by the
Honours Panel, the student will be required to make an oral presentation of the work in
progress in relation to the dissertation and to defend it at a specially convened seminar.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 37.5%
Teaching pattern: supervision by arrangement
Prereq: DN average (GPA = 4.0) in yr-1 BTeach coursework
Coreq: enrolment in BTeach yr-2 program
Assess: dissertation to be assessed by two examiners acting independently of each other
Courses: [E4H]
Faculty website: <>
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