Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Abbreviation: BSW(Hons) Course code: R4B Course contact (faculty or school) (03) 6324 3528 Introductory comments A candidate who has completed level 300 of the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with sufficient merit may be accepted by the Faculty of Arts as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with Honours. Potential students should discuss their application with the Head of Discipline who should also approve enrolment in the course. Admission & prerequisites The candidate’s acceptance for honours is based on the achievement of a minimum Credit average in the academic units of the Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Social Science or equivalent degree taken at level 200. The Faculty will consider applicants who do not meet these requirements on a case-by-case basis. Depending on availability of staff, the Faculty may also set limits to the number of honours students. Course objectives The honours course is concurrent with the final year of the Bachelor of Social Work degree course. Course structure In addition to the normal academic units of the fourth year, candidates for honours undertake two practicums – one in an agency (Social Work Practicum 2 – weighting 25%), and the other in a research unit on campus (Social Work Practicum 3 – weighting 12.5%). Additionally candidates must undertake a supervised research project on a topic relevant to social work and submit a dissertation – weighting 12.5%. The levels of honours are First Class, Second Class, and Third Class. There is an upper and lower division in the second class. To gain first class honours you are required to complete all units with a minimum Grade-Point Average of 7.0 in academic units, including an award of HD in the honours dissertation. To gain upper second class honours you are required to complete all units with a minimum Grade-Point Average of 6.5 in academic ________________________________________ University of Tasmania Course and Unit Handbook –Course details for 2003 July 2, 2016, 01:43 AM, page –1 Bachelor of Social Work with Honours units, including an award of DN in the honours dissertation. To gain lower second class honours you are required to complete all units with a minimum Grade-Point Average of 6.0 in academic units, including an award of CR in the honours dissertation. To gain third class honours you are required to complete all units with a minimum Grade-Point Average of 5.0 in academic units, and gain an award of PP in the honours dissertation. Except by special permission of Faculty there is no re-examination for honours. Note: The Grade-Point Average for entry is computed as follows: HD=9, DN=7, CR=6, PP=5, TP=4.5, NN= 4. Schedule A Unit title Interpersonal Theory and Practice 2 Community Work Practice Social Work Practicum 2 (Honours) Social Work Practicum 3 (Honours) Social Work Honours Dissertation campus offered L~1 L~1 L~2 L~2 L~2 weight 12.5% 12.5% 25% 12.5% 12.5% unit code HGW401 HGW402 HGW408 HGW409 HGW410 Plus two of the following rotating units L~1 L~1 [na] [na] Social Policy Research Processes in Social Work Organisational Context Social Work Practice and the Law 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% HGW304/404 HGW305/405 HGW306/406 HGW307/407 Note: The following information is NOT included in the printed edition of the Course and Unit Handbook Contact Launceston: Assoc Prof R Bland ph 6324 3946 fax 6324 3007 <> Additional Information The following information answers some frequently asked questions. Note, however, details should be confirmed with the appropriate authority Responsible faculty or school | Faculty of Arts Mode of delivery| Full time | Part time Course duration | 2 years minimum (4 semesters) | 5 years maximum (10 semesters) Costs (course fees only – annual) | HECS: YES Students enrolled in this course | Total students enrolled last year: 4 | Total students enrolled this year: 6 | International students last year: 0 | International students this year: 0 Other information Honours is largely thesis-based research training. Small group is supportive. ________________________________________ University of Tasmania Course and Unit Handbook –Course details for 2003 July 2, 2016, 01:43 AM, page –2