Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting November 1 , 2013 Senate Chambers 1:00 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
November 1st, 2013
Senate Chambers 1:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Collin Waychoff
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 1:03pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 6 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 10/18/13
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 11/1/13
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the agenda. Second No objections. Moved
Chairman Report and Remarks
Today should be fun. I’m really nervous. We have one request from Active Minds at UNF and then a
presentation from the Organic Project to tell us about the trip. But he is not here yet.
Treasurer’s Report
I want to give you a full update of what’s coming down the pipeline of what I’ve been working on. We’ll start off
with the single sheet I handed out to you all. On top it has the SLS and A&S proposal. Pretty much this is a
proposal I put together that I’ve taken to various entities in Student Affairs and for all intents and purposes has
gotten approved. When I first got into this job and I sat down and looked at the A&S budget, and I analyzed the
A&S budget as well as the Student Life & Service Budget, and I realized there are certain things going on; you
can see amounts from last year; we were given just under $130,000 of funding from SLS to fund SG initiatives &
OP programming and executive branch initiatives & programming. I looked at our side of what A&S did to see
what it supported and how it supported more outside student affairs programs. The numbers were equitable; pretty
much the same, within $14,000 in change of each other. It makes more sense and it’s easier to have a single
funding source rather than 2 separate funds and have twice as many entities going for two different funding
sources. It’s easier for them to have 1 budget from 1 funding source, 1 request process, and 1 set of rules
regarding the expenditures of that. Based on that information and with the idea that having each entity have the
full picture of what’s going on, what’s being funded, it will promote efficiency within the system; it will all us to
that, now, if we fund an activity and we deem as a senate that it’s not something we should spend A&S fees on,
and it’s not something for the student body, that same requested entity could go into Student Life & Service Fee,
put in a request in. At the same time, we may be funding the program that put in the cost. When I say it’d be
easier for everyone to have a sinlge-funding source. In the budget that I’m going to be proposing we will no
longer fund the following departments on the left side under A&S to SLS: Intercultural Center for Peace, Child
Development & Resource Center, Women’s Center, International Center, Inter-Faith Center, LGBT, & Aquatic
Center. The budget request from our office has already went out and they did not go out to those entities. And that
is something they have agreed to fund. Part of the agreement is that those programs will get a similar level of
funding. No one is harmed through this process at all. A&S has $14,000 hit; we’re incurring a $14,000. We’re
going to be taking on more than we are giving. We have expended this year; you’ll probably get away with
putting $10,000 from that and still have enough for that initiative. We are very capable in making cuts and making
this a neutral cut and ease both departments & entities with that. This is probably one of the largest shifts. This is
a neutral cut that provides better efficiencies for both entities and departments with their funding.
Business Manager Angela Rivera – One more quick thing: all of the indexes named are all decentralized except
for one. We’re only going to be operating; the Spinnaker Media index will be the only 1 decentralized index.
That’s something to note that the Treasurer still approves.
Sen. Moore – Jag student section is going down is that because we didn’t sell as many tickets as we were
supposed to?
Treasurer Turner – Based on last year’s demand in that we sold out in 3 hours, we were projecting that this year
we would need more. It wasn’t that successful this year, so we decided not to sell the rest.
Sen. Caudio – How is this going to be better for these entities? I understand it’s easier on our part, but having one
person saying no and one saying yes, means something different?
Treasurer Turner – These entities operate under SA and their directors report to someone in that office. They
know very well what their department and various commissions are. And the SLS is more directly tied with the
VP himself. Dr. G ultimately controls where that money goes; this allows that funding to come from a source that
really knows their needs. This allows a single funding source so they only have to go through one process one
time, and they request that from a body who better and more closely knows their needs.
Sen. Caudio – So they will not be coming to B&A Hearings anymore?
Treasurer Turner – No ma’am. But they can still come to us for special requests.
Business Manager River - We can only Special Request for A&S funded departments.
Treasurer Turner – To continue on an update on several things we’re working on. Next item is Pita Pit. We’re in
talks with various university entities and personnel of the possibility of adding Pita Pit to the new club house.
Construction on the kitchen area is halted. We should expect to hear back from campus planning on what it would
take financially for this to happen. Later we’ll spend part of that week really evaluating. There are no indications
of what that report is going to say. But it’s something that we’re working on. I’ve been in all those meetings and
really making the push. I met with our IT coordinator Dan Choiser for the purpose of trying to find a plan &
solution to a responsible & effective management of our IT and computer resources in SG. SG owns, operates and
is responsible for 85 computers throughout various things we fund. Out of 85, 39 are out of warranty and 16 are
going to be out of warranty. I looked back at this situation and told Mr. Choiser that we need to get on a plan to
manage these computers so we don’t get hit with a Special Request for $50,000 because 60 of 80 computers went
out. We are going to get a special request for needs hopefully, with the increase in an amount towards a computer
replacement of a warranty of 5 years.
Sen. Moore – How long do computers usually last?
Treasurer Turner – Most warranties are usually 4-5 years and that’s generally the recycle time.
Sen. Moore – Is the plan 5 years down the rode that we want to have them all recycled?
Treasurer Turner – It’s a continuous recycle that every 5 years we’re going to have our entire computing
inventory recycled and with brand new computers.
Caudio – How is it fiscally responsible to fix a computer that isn’t broken.
Treasurer Turner – Based on numbers and history facts about computers it’s recommended we replace all the
computers within 5 years. It’s fiscally responsible, we can get out ahead of it and manage it responsibly and it’s
possible we have a large number of computers break down at the same time when we’re not ready for it.
Next thing, I was approached by recreation and heard this need, and when I was approached with this opportunity
I asked for a quote. We have a shortage of recreation fields available to our staff. We have an increased need for
it. We are currently getting quotes on lights and turf to change the practice softball field that is not used into a
field that can be utilized. I am expecting both requests to get in by the end of the semester.
Sen. Caudio – Just to clarify, the intermural one would be coming out of Special Requests and the computers out
of the Student Union balance?
Treasurer Turner – That’s a possibility but I expect it’s going to come from Special Requests.
Sen. Waychoff - Where would the intermural softball be played?
Treasurer Turner – On the north side. This is an opportunity to get a recreation field put in. It’s a way to get it
done now. Ruben Pressman from Check I’m’ Here, we have gotten approval for. We’re currently going through
the IT processes. We’re estimating what it’s going to cost and hopefully it will be in place by the next fiscal year.
I am currently in the process of evaluating changes to our club funding system. Currently some presidents think
we’re not doing enough for them. There are some issues and kinks I think we can improve on to really allow our
clubs to flourish and thrive. I’m looking into changes on that. That’ll be coming with our budget proposal in the
spring, if need be to change the process.
Sen. Caudio – Are you going to have people actually representing clubs to be a part of this process?
Treasurer Turner – I actually have met with several club presidents asking what’s good, what’s bad, what can we
improve on? I pitched to a room of 20-25 presidents and I’m going to attach last Club Alliance’s meeting and a
Club Fest forum to pitch ideas and get feedback, that way I can work on a proposal over winter break that
hopefully the floor will be behind in support of. I was requested to approve a transfer, which I declined to do
because it’s a large some of money. I think because it’s sizable that you all should have the opportunity to vote on
it. The Student Union is requesting $5,769 to be moved from reserve coordinator line to Student Union staff OPS
line. They hired a person to take over the Reservations Coordinator position which is an A&P, prior to this they
have incurred $5,769 of OPS expenses paying for wages and to replenish wages, and transfer what they didn’t use
back into the proper lines. If they would have been in the place entire year through A&P, but this is simply
replenishing OPS wages if they had not been on a probationary period.
Motion from Sen. Moore to transfer $5,769 from Reservations Coordinator line to the Student Union Staff OPS
Line. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-0.
If you have any questions comments concerns I am available in my office or by email as I always am.
Business Manager’s Report
Guest Speakers
A) Ryan Holm – Organic Project
Not present.
Student Remarks
Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Sweep-up Funds
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Travel Requests
a. Active Minds at UNF – Sen. Christina Wisz
Sen. Wisz – This is Janice & she is the secretary of Active Mind. They are requesting for a
conference at GU. I feel the information at this conference is really beneficial to the university as
a whole.
Janice Foster – We are an organization here on campus working to promote open conversation
surrounding mental health issues. The national organization is located on over 400 campuses in
the country and has now gone international. 1 out of 4 college students struggle with a
diagnosable mental health issue. There are still tremendous stigmas around seeking help with
these issues. It was founded by a college student who lost her brother and found there were no
resources on campus to really help bring the issue out into the open. Our club tries to reduce this
stigma by participating in many different things on campus and by connecting with the national
chapters on how to do that. Our goal is to make sure that we bring about the awareness that
mental health issues need right now. Approximately 1,100 college students take their lives each
year due to preventable disorders that can be helped through the correct treatments. Our particular
chapter here at UNF was founded during the 2007-2008 academic school year. Current leadership
is made up of Carly Ulman, Katie Lutizia our VP, James Haize our Treasure, & Maggie our
historian. On campus we have done several events: we table as many times as we can throughout
the school year to make our presence known. We’ve had many students come to us and tell us
about their struggles and nobody talks about it; but our presence at market Wednesdays and at
club alliances is really helpful. We provide positive encouragement and educational symposiums.
We’ve participated in community-wide OCD symposiums bringing in professionals from all over
the country. We hope to have many more in the future. The national conference is held each year;
this year it’s in DC and it will connect all these different chapters across the country where we
share ideas, network, have celebrity speakers, round table discussions regarding recruitment,
different ways and ideas to grow our organization on campus and network with other
organizations on campus. Because this is something that affects everyone, everyone from every
organization can represent something we’re talking about. Our goal in going to this conference is
two-fold: we’ve been selected to present 2 ideas:
The second proposal that was accepted was we were able to bring a training by one of our grad
students by QPR, which stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer that allows you to learn
techniques to ask people who may be struggling, other students, if they’re having trouble, and
maybe persuade them in a way that they’ll hear you to let them know there’s no shame in seeking
help and to say we can possibly find you some help. We’ve been able to do some training here on
Fundraising: we have attempted several fundraising events. Our chapter has recently gone
through a recent transaction. Our president and many members have graduated and we’re in the
process of recruiting more members and we have a new president. We’ve been working to get our
feet back underneath us so we haven’t had the opportunity to fundraise as much as we like. Once
we feel like we can go to this. We’d be able to have some really great programs here on campus.
This is our budget proposal. The number of students going: 2 will be going. The $70 is for
registration, and they’ll need 1 room with $159 per night, to a total of $546.17; transportation
from the airport to hotel, which is located at the conference center, is $24; and airfare is included.
Total cost of the trip is $1,159.77. The total amount of our request is for the hotel and for the
vehicle, and the airfare of $399. And the total is $969.77
Sen. Moore – How long have you known about this conference in regards to planning
Janice Foster – We were aware of it last year. We didn’t have anyone who tried who was able to
go until approximately the beginning of the school year and we still didn’t really have the rules of
the board formally assigned.
Sen. Caudio – Is this your first time attending?
Janice Foster – Last year, 3 students went. It was located in Orlando and they stayed with other
students’ families so the cost I believe was out of pocket.
Sen. Caudio – You were originally asked to present somewhere around July? When did they get
back to you on that?
Janice Foster – Our president was the one communicating with the committee chair I believe.
That person is no longer there and it changed, so she has been in contact with her about really
being able to send 2 people within the last several months.
Sen. Moore – How many people are in active minds?
Janice Foster – Upwards of 25 students show up to meetings. We’ve had any freshman and
underclassmen who have shown interest in helping establish our organization. As these freshman
and sophomore students come up they’ll be able to come up and carry the organization.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve Active Minds for the request total of $969.77. Second. No
Sen. Caudio – As you can already see our travel is getting very low. This is a club that has the
potential to save lives and if they come back with material to save lives it’s money well spent.
Sen. Moore – I agree with Sen. Caudio. I do feel the fundraising is somewhat of lackluster. Your
organization feeds a lot more merit than other organizations.
Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-0.
Special Requests
Finance Code
General Reserves
Budget Balancing
I’ll be sending out an email asking you all to set up a meeting with me. I want to go over any goals you
have for the rest of the semester. I know it’s a big change with a new chair in the middle of the semester. I
recommend you to attend the new senator orientation, which is November 9th I believe. I’ll be going over
things like the budget process and sponsorship like that. Any questions, feel free to come to my office.
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 1:43pm.