Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting October 18 , 2013 Senate Chambers 1:00 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
October 18th, 2013
Senate Chambers 1:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Christopher Brady
Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of the Minutes
A) 10/04/13
Approval of Agenda
A) 10/18/13
Chairman Report and Remarks
Treasurer’s Report
VII. Business Manager’s Report
VIII. Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Sweep-up Funds
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Travel Requests
a. Transportation & Logistics Society – Sen. Brady
b. Kristin Karle – Sen. Turner
c. Model United Nations – Sen. Anderson
D) Special Requests
E) Finance Code
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
Final Roll Call
Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
October 4th, 2013
Senate Chambers 1:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Fransua Estrada
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 1:05pm
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 7 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 09/20/13
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved
XVIII. Approval of Agenda
A) 10/04/13
Motion from Sen. Wisz to add Aaron Anderson to Guest Speakers. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Sen. Estrada – It’s going to be a long meeting today, but now it’s going to be a little longer because we
have a Title VIII quiz for you; it’s to see where you’re at, how much you know, and how much about the
procedural you know. It’s only 25 questions, so it’s real simple; it will be totally anonymous.
Treasurer’s Report
Business Manager’s Report, Angela Rivera
On your way out if you could please stop in B&A to see the travel accountant to set up your meeting
next week with her.
Guest Speakers
XXIII. Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Sweep-up Funds
A) Senator Aaron Anderson
I am here to talk to you about Osprey Voice; we have 2 tables at different locations, one at the
library and one downstairs at the Plaza, and they will be this Tuesday and Wednesday from
10:00am-2:00pm. Please sign up for 1 slot. You will go and ask 35 students the questions. I will
have some green books and pencils to give out as well. You will be verbally asking the questions
and hopefully they will verbally relay that answer to you. The computer screen doesn’t tell them
that information. I have provided multiple emails relating to this survey. If the students have
any questions, comments, or if there is a discussion the students want to have with you, there
will be a section for you to better help them. You need 35 students per question. I’m sending out
updated schedules to everyone for sign-ups. It is a little complicated; if you have any questions
come find me.
Sen. Caudio – Did you repeat any of the questions from the old osprey voices?
Sen. Anderson – No we did not.
Sen. Wisz – Are these open-ended or close-ended?
Sen. Anderson – Both. The first question is going to be “Which class are you?” There will be a list
they can punch in the answer to. Some Questions will have a “Neutral”, “Positive”, or “Negative”
check box along with an “Explanation” box. You will have to give the students a heads up about
the time commitment before them beginning the quiz.
XXIV. Old Business
XXV. New Business
H) Transfers
I) Salary Reserve Requests
J) Travel Requests
a. Amber Stickel – Sen. Waychoff
Sen. Waychoff – This is one of the few requests that I’ve seen that has the ability to
represent the university on a global scale. She will be going to New Zealand, which I think is
pretty incredible.
Amber Stickel – I’m requesting individual travel funding for an opportunity as a first author
presenter of the Marine Biology Conference. This is a unique opportunity to represent my
research as an undergraduate. It’s a chance for marine mammal biologists to come to one
place and get a chance to talk about their research with the rest of the world. There will be
posters and speakers. I’ve been doing research for 3 years under Dr. Quincy Gibson. She
gave a presentation on Bottlenose Dolphins, which is what I’m pretty interested in.
Personally, my project is building a foundation for other researchers here in Jacksonville;
how permanent residents and how transient dolphins are interacting. Dolphins, like us, are
at the top of the food chain as far as eating; they’re eating the fish we eat. So we can be
watching their health via behavior and that can help us as humans with our health.
This will benefit the university by presenting my research to the University. I’ve presented
at many conferences, but this conference gives me a chance to present to a more specific
community as well as being able to get feedback. I can also connect to professionals for
future job opportunities.
I’ve been telling people I’m traveling to New Zealand, and they ask why, and so I respond by
saying it’s because of my research. Not many people know but you can start doing research
as early as a freshman. It’s a chance for me to tell other students to get involved in research
and with the university.
This trip will cost over $3,300; I have received a SAILS scholarship of $1,500. I’m also
starting to plan spirit nights at Tijuana and Chick-fil-a and car washes to raise funds. Also,
I’ve applied for a scholarship in the biology department but have yet to hear from them.
No questions.
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to approve the travel request for Amber Stickel for $500. Second.
No objections.
Sen. Caudio – I feel Amber is very bright and will represent the community in a really
positive way. I can’t wait to hear about her presentation when she gets back.
Roll call vote. Passes 8-0-0.
b. Student Nutrition Club – Sen. Anderson
Sen. Anderson – I’m presenting the Nutrition Club for a travel request for a food and
nutrition conference and expose that is 5 days. There is also an internship and job fair that
is happening there. We’re all looking for ways to get a job right out of college, and that is
what’s important for me when I bring these people up. I also think this will greatly affect
our campus.
Dustin Lockhorn – I’m the President of the club and we are up here to present a travel
request for the food and nutrition conference. We refer to the conference as FNCE; and it’s
open to any and all individuals with a passion for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Mainly it
involves students studying diet and nutrition. So our club has been a registered club here at
UNF since 1990. We do represent the nutrition & dietetics program that is a flagship
program. We serve 3 main purposes: to advance the profession of nutrition and dietetics; to
bring nutritionists, speakers, professors, to better educate us; and to serve the students &
community to live a healthier lifestyle. We’re also teamed up with the department of health
promotion. We inform the student body via tables at Market Day, serving as an information
& volunteer source for students; our maximum potential for students is to match them with
dietetic internships.
Tammy Beranowski – I am the Vice President of the club. We are a flagship program; we
started the program in 2005 for schools on campus with a lot of potential like the
Transportation and Logistics Society and Nursing; we are the 6th. Our primary goal is once
you get your degree to become a registered dietitian and matched with an internship. It’s
very competitive. Nationwide, there are about 4,000 graduates but only about half are
matched each year. About half of our students last year got matched. It was disappointing
for some students who didn’t get matched. We try to increase the chances for our students
to make an impact in the community and the nation. We follow the nutrition and diet
guidelines and we do have a main professional affiliation. It’s our annual, national
conference and the program is growing; in 2008 we had 45 members, today we have 308.
We want to increase our match rate more.
Dustin Lockhorn – FNCE is put on by our academy, and it’s an annual premiere national
event. This year it’s from October 19-22, which is a Friday through Tuesday in Houston.
Over 8,000 dieticians and professionals will be there, along with 350 exhibits, and a huge
conference and expo floor. One of the main things that flagged our eye was this special track
for students/dieticians. There are over 100 internship coordinators and this gives us a
chance to have a one-to-one session with some of the coordinators for a potential
internship. This gives us a chance to meet with them personally. We plan on carpooling in a
12-person van. We’ve reserved and booked 2 hotel rooms, each with 2 beds. We have 6
individuals who have already registered; they paid $210 before September 17th; now the
rate is $270. The rate for professors is upwards of $350-$400, and it’s about $20 per day to
drive our van to Houston.
Tammy Beranowski – This benefits us in a lot of ways; the internship match rate for UNF
students is high and 100 intern coordinators will be there. We are going to bring that
information back to UNF and bring it to our nutrition club and we’ll be able to offer different
routes for our members. Right now we’re in the midst of establishing a research committee
in our department, and we’ve been getting great research projects going. One of my
passions is women, children, and fertility, so I’m learning about the proper nutrition for
women who are trying to get pregnant. Some representatives are here today who are doing
the research with us. You always want your degree to bear more weight. The more they see
the UNF logo on our badge, then they’ll become more familiar with us. It will positively
represent us on a national level and increase the value of the degree. We’ll meet peers,
mentors, internship opportunities, possible jobs, etc. Besides becoming a dietician, another
goal is to go on and get a master or doctoral level degree. Some health information will be
shared at market days and there will be health promotions to put on some things to share
our knowledge. We have done some fundraising efforts; we’ve only been in office as little as
a few months. We did a car wash over summer and raised $90, which was half of the total
needed amount, so we did another car wash and raised $80.
Dustin Lockhorn – We want to apologize; the total cost is not $3,100 dollars. The total cost
should be $2,847.57. We were working with Joseph Turner to get the cheapest way possible
for lodging; we switched from 3 rooms to 2 rooms, and changed the pricing in lodging. We
are nutrition majors, not math majors. One thing that happened when we met was that we
found a cheaper way to transport to Houston. We had an Avis and Budget rental van. We
were able to get a UNF discount with AVIS from $628 to $268. Lodging will be $512, so the
total is for $210 times 6 students that are going. The estimated fuel cost is $446.68 with
Budget for a Ford estimated at $150 – that’s a round trip. The total cost of request Is
$2,488.28. I want to acknowledge our club advisor who is showing her support for us.
Thank you for hearing us out and guiding us through the process.
Sen. Waychoff – How many members are in the club?
Dustin Lockhorn – 100.
Sen. Waychoff – How are the students chosen to go?
Dustin Lockhorn – It is opened to all students via several messages through blackboard and
Facebook. These were the 6 individuals who registered for the club prior to turned it in
Sen. Waychoff – Is this your first time going to this conference?
Dustin Lockhorn – Yes. I don’t know if we’ve ever been funded as a club that we’ve been
aware of. It’s definitely setting a precedent.
Sen. Waychoff – Is the fuel you want to increase from $99 to…?
Dustin Lockhorn – Initially we had the vehicle at a rate of $628 and we had used the $99 to
round out the $25. We were hoping SG could fund the estimated cost of gas.
Sen. Waychoff – Is the $100 stipends what your attendees applied for?
Dustin Lockhorn – Yes all students who applied received the stipend.
Sen. Waychoff – Your original request for $99 is for fuel. Would you be able to afford the
$446.68 if we are unable to fund that or fund it partially?
Dustin Lockhorn – It’s tough; we have several individuals that would have to back out if
money is not received. 2 individuals would definitely not be able to go.
Sen. Higdon – Depending on how students respond, what have you paid for?
Dustin Lockhorn – The reimbursement is what students have paid for out of their living
expense; it’s money out of pocket.
Sen. Caudio – This request you made is with the registration already paid in mind? And you
want to be paid back?
Sen. Fransua – Yes.
Director Michael McGuire – Sometimes you have to pay ahead of time because of deadlines.
Tammy Beranowski– The workshops fill up quickly and so the free workshops are used up
extremely quickly. We did have to register ahead of time because things do book up because
of the deadline.
Sen. Waychoff – Director McGuire, is this something we have done in the past?
Director McGuire – Absolutely.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to change the transport line to read from it $628.08 to $268.80.
Second. Motion rescinded.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to change the transport line to read $268 and to change the fuel
line to read $446.68, so the total reads $2448.88. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion for unanimous. Second. No objections. Moved
Motion from Sen. Caudio to change the registration line to read from $1,260 to $630 so the
total reads $1,858.28. Second. No objections.
Sen. Caudio – It’s tough wanting to go to a conference like this. It’s a lot of money out of
pocket. That’s part of the fundraising part. If something is really important to us then it
makes sense for us to work a bit harder for this.
Electronic vote. Passes 5-0-2.
Motion from Sen Caudio to approve the travel request for a total of $1858.28. Second. No
Sen. Caudio – It’s a great club and I see them doing positive things to the UNF community so
I hope this passes.
Electronic vote. Motion passes 8-0-0.
c. UNF Club Soccer – Sen. Moore
Sen. Moore – These guys are requesting $707.50 to play matches in Valdosta.
Logan Obaker – I’m the president of the club. We actually found cheaper hotels through
Marriot so the request could be changed from $92 to $62. We have 2 games on the 21st
against Valdosta State & West Florida. The reason we’re asking for this request is because
we’ll be very exhausted after playing 2 games; so it’s a safety factor of not having to drive
home after. The schedule we were provided is to play in Valdosta for 2 games rather than in
Pensacola for 2 nights. It’s just a safety factor to stay there and to drive home safely.
Sen. Waychoff - How long have you know about the matches?
Logan Obaker – Since the middle of August.
Sen. Waychoff – What are some of the fundraising efforts you’ve done?
Logan Obaker – We haven’t had a chance to do as much fundraising as we’d like. We’ve been
very busy and haven’t had a chance to look at it yet.
Sen. Waychoff –What time is the match?
Logan Obaker – One is at noon and the other is at 4. The second game ends at about 6. After
eating we’d probably leave around 8.
Sen. Waychoff – Is everyone who’s going on the request going to be playing?
Logan Obaker – Yes everyone going will get a chance to play.
Sen. Baker – Would you still be willing to go if we partially fund the request?
Logan Obaker – This makes life easier on us. It’s a season, so we’re not going to not go. It’s
easier on us if we get funded.
Sen. Wolfe – I see that you’re requesting for vehicle rental; why are you not driving your
own car. And why is it $0 for fuel?
Logan Obaker – We’re going to do the Avis car rental instead of doing fuel. You’d be paying
for the rental and we will pay the fuel.
Business Manager Angel Rivera – If there is outside travel of more than 50 miles it is
required by the University to take a rental car.
Sen. Wolfe – So to clarify you’ll be paying fuel out of your own pocket?
Logan Obaker – Yes.
Sen. Waychoff – Do you have a coach or supervisor?
Logan Obaker – No we have a teacher sponsor that is our advisor. We coach ourselves. This
is our first year doing the season. In the past we have gone to FSU, but we just coach
Sen. Waychoff - Is your advisor going with?
Logan Obaker – No.
Sen. Caudio – If we did not fund the lodging, what would you do?
Logan Obaker – Most likely drive home that night.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to strike $460 out of the line for lodging and to the new amount
of $297.50. Second. No objections.
Sen. Waychoff – It is a 2 hours drive to Valdosta and the game gets done at 6 and they have
an hour to eat. I see no problem with them getting home around 9pm.
Sen. Caudio – I agree with Sen. Waychoff. I think it’s more fiscally responsible to just drive
back than spend almost $500 on lodging.
Roll call vote – 8-0-0
Motion to approve the amended request. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll-call vote. Passes 6-0-2.
d. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers – Sen. Baker
Sen. Baker – They’re wanting to go to the Professional Engineer’s conference. It’s $2,465. It’s
a great opportunity for networking and meeting other people in business itself.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (Here on referenced as SHPE) – This is a national
conference which is the largest Hispanic conference in the nation. It’s going to be from
October 30 to November 3. There will be lots of workshops, outreach programs, and career
opportunities, as far as getting internships and employment through the conference. I was
not originally assigned to speak today, but I’m just filling in because of a circumstance that
happened with our original speaker. We’re a growing chapter. Originally we were not in
good standing but now we are. We’ve allowed ourselves to grow. Currently we have about
45 members and we have a lot of active members who want to attend this conference. Our
main mission is to promote STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering and
math, to future students at UNF. Some of the benefits that the conference would give us are
the outreach workshops provided free for attendees. They have a career fair; it’s one of the
biggest career expo, there are about 1000 companies that table. Some of the benefits we can
promote for the students would be the academic competitions out there. They have
Academic Olympia, Design Competitions; we actually have won awards for the design
competition for regionals and the Small Chapter Award for UNF. We also have been
published in the SHPE magazine for UNF and we were able to express that accomplishment.
We’re asking for the funding to help continue our success in this conference. We’re asking
for $2,465 which just includes the airfare ticket to Indianapolis. Other charges are included
as far as lodging and conference cost but we’re just asking for travel airfare.
We have done some fundraising. We’ve raised about $100 through restaurants and we’re in
the process of doing a car wash and something for October for Halloween to hopefully raise
a projected amount of $300. There are a lot of companies in this; 4 out of the 5 students that
went last year to the Texas conference got career opportunities. It’s definitely a worthwhile
investment. I personally got 2 job opportunities and I’m not even graduating. It’s very
beneficial and we hope this money will help grow the chapter and promote UNF to go to
these conferences.
Sen. Caudio – How long have you known about the conference?
SHPE Representative – We’ve known about it since summer, or the end of spring of last
Sen. Waychoff – How many current members do you have?
SHPE Representative – About 40 members.
Sen. Waychoff – How are the members chosen to go?
SHPE Representative – We have a couple of different ways to promote: who’s more
involved, who is able to work and enhance the club; we also had some competitions within
the club.
No motion. The request dies.
e. Student Physical Therapy Association – Sen. Baker
Baker – This club is requesting $2,139.50 to go to a national student conference in
Louisville, Kentucky.
Cameron John – Hi my names is Cameron Johnson and this is Amy Stagliano; we’re 2
doctoral physical therapy students here at UNF. The National Student Enclave is geared
specifically towards students and is sponsored by our national professional sponsor. Some
benefits would be networking with other professionals and peers within Florida and the
rest of the country; meeting new people; being presented with the latest research & cutting
edge lectures and supplemental material; and also to attend the exhibit there will be a large
number of employers & manufactures in the expo. There will be lots of different job
opportunities for graduating students; tools and techniques to educate us will be brought
back to UNF. It’s also to help ease the transition from being a student to a professional; one
is to discover our role as PTA member. Students can help to elect the assembly, but you can
only vote if you’re at the conference. It’s really cool to have a voice in something that’s
national. As far as UNF goes we want representation at a national level for doctoral
students, of which there is 1 of 2 programs. Having representation at the national level
speaks to our program and elevates all majors at the university. It maintains a UNF
presence at the national level. From a historical standpoint, the club has sent members in
the past.
There are lots of different sections to Physical Therapy and that conference is for all
professionals in those areas. Recently the schedule has changed and it is now a MondayFriday and as doctoral students we can’t miss a week of classes. Our attention has shifted to
this conference. We have an advocating presence at this conference; it makes more sense
for us to go to this program. Our program is very competitive to get into. Prospective
students admire our distinguished faculty; we have a 100% pass rate on the national board
exams, and we do a lot of outside involvement. At this conference we’re able to go out there
and students can be involved at local, state, and national levels; this brings students into
programs here. This will help to enhance the strong reputation in clinics in Jacksonville by
networking with other professionals who will be our coworkers. We’ll be building
connections with big names. We’ll bring back information to share with students in class
and with others interested in Physical Therapy. There are 4 students that are going. Initially,
in the packet, there were 5, but one backed out. All of us are members of the American
Physical Therapy Association, which has a $100 membership fee that we pay annually. This
is not a requirement of the program, but it’s interesting to point out that everyone has
volunteered to join that as they value this profession that much. All are active PTA
members; the club is open to everyone, but those going are focused on the objectives that
mirror the governing body that’s reflected on smaller scale. We have meetings throughout
the semester, help out in the Brooks Sports Programs, outreach events and fundraising and
socials. A few of the things we do: physical therapy month is October and we provide
baskets to physicians in the area to say thank you and to show our appreciation. This is
adaptive rowing on the St. Johns River. Brooks has 13 different events throughout the week
that are helping with different races in the community, stretching and preparing athletes
before and after races; we’re also involved with the intermural program here on campus.
Amy Stagliano –For a whole year we have the goal of raising $3,000; right now we have
$1,500. We have our white coat ceremony, a graduation banquet, a political action
committee, and we’re part of Florida PTA. Physical therapy month is giving away gift
baskets; we provide refreshments at meetings; the foundation for PT raises money for new
physical therapy research. SG has funded us in the past and we try to fund a few – about 4 in
the spring and 1 every summer. We try to spread our money out throughout all the
conferences. We want students to go to multiple events. As far as what we’ve done: We sold
Yankee candles, magazines, were on restaurant.com, did a spirit night at Chick-fil-a, MOCA
and Bento. Registration is $130 per person, so a total of $520. The price of lodging is $150
per person. Transportation is a lot more feasible; it’s 25$/person. The total cost of airfare is
$427.90. We’re asking for airfare, which is about $1,700 dollars. Airfare is about $500 per
person, the hotel is $110 per person per night, travel is $25, and registration is $130 so that
equals about $768 per student.
The College of Applied Movement and Sciences said they will fund the registration fee. The
club has money to pay for the hotel for us, which leaves the expenses for us at $528 dollars.
We’re paying $100 out of pocket in addiction to fundraising. We’ll still be paying for food
out of pocket. You can help send 4 doctoral students to a national conference. We
successfully asked our department for funding and we’ve done fundraising. It’s valuable
that we’re willing to pay over $100 out of pocket expense to attend. You can help continue
the UNF Physical Therapy programs at a national, state, and local level. Thanks for having
Sen. Waychoff – Does your club have any dues that are mandatory?
Cameron Johnson – Some students do pay dues but it’s not mandatory.
Sen. Waychoff - How much do you have in your club funds?
Cameron Johnson – $1,500
Sen. Waychoff – How often do you hold fundraising events?
Cameron Johnson – We actually had one last night, the first week of school, and there are a
few more we’re holding soon; but we’re not sure of the exact dates.
Sen. Waychoff - How much of the $1,500 have you raised from fundraising that’s not from
student dues?
Cameron Johnson – Most is from fundraising; we don’t have specific numbers, we were
officers last year and not this year so we don’t have access to that kind of information.
Sen. Waychoff – Is the total number of fundraising events that the funds will be going
towards, will they be for this conference?
Cameron Johnson – That’s a tough question. This is the 3rd year students have gone so we’ve
done fundraising events that goes into the club fund that we now have access to; I’d say
close to 10 fundraising events that we’re a part of. Money is saved from over the summer.
Sen. Waychoff – Do you think it would be possible for you to go on this trip if we were not to
fund this whatsoever?
Cameron Johnson – I do not believe we would have enough time. Our tuition is extremely
dependent on loans. It’s asking a lot for us to pay out of pocket.
Sen. Waychoff – How much from general funds from the club will be going towards this
Cameron Johnson – General funds is paying for the hotel for each student. So $110 times 4
roughly equals $441. We have also asked the department to pay for registration, which is
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to approve the travel request for $1,711.60. Motion rescinded.
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to change the number of students from 5 to 4, so the new amount
reads $1,711.60. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Higdon for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to approve the travel request for the amount of $1,711.60. Second.
No objections.
Sen. Caudio – I feel this club has given a great presentation. They’ve done their part in
fundraising, and they have put forth a good effort. It’s our job to go the rest of the way.
Sen. Waychoff – I just want to apologize for all questions; this club has done an outstanding
job of fundraising for this event and other conferences. This is why we have SG funds, to
help these students. They did everything they could and now it’s up to us to push it over the
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
Connor Spielmaker – Sen. Kaitlin Ramirez
Sen. Ramirez – Connor is requesting money for a national convention.
Connor Spielmaker – Hi I’m Connor Spielmaker and I’m requesting travel as an individual
student and I’m also working for the Spinnaker. The National Student Electronic Media
Convention is in San Antonio, Texas from October 31 to November 2. It is during the week
and I have already discussed this with my professors who have excused me. For this
convention any college media outlet is encouraged to go. There will be keynote speakers on
how this convention can benefit students. UNF has never had representation at this
convention before so this gives us to bring recognition back to UNF for programming. This
year they will be presenting awards and I want to go and see what the awards are so I can
bring it back to the station to apply for these awards next year. There will be an Extreme
Makeover station edition on how to survive a rebranding and get your new brand out there,
making your work better and better. This will help with careers both personally and for all
of the Spinnaker, and I can also bring back this information to classes. We have a high
turnover that helps you understand how to pass the torch efficiently and effectively as
possible. The speakers there are very important; Stephen Lee is an agent at the FCC
Enforcement Bureau; there will be a lot of big names that will be speaking at the conference.
Dean McFlicker is Vice President & Creative Director of NBC and he will be the keynote
speaker. We’ll be able to create better programing at Spinnaker TV that effects the entire
campus. We can produce better programming and bring back knowledge from all the days
of the sessions we attend. Through classwork all this info can get through to more students.
We will bring knowledge back to the students, and the Spinnaker, and as well as individual
networking abilities. This convention can help with jobs and internship opportunities also.
Sen. Caudio – How long have you known about this?
Connor Spielmaker – I learned about the conference about halfway through the summer.
The previous station manager didn’t express any interest which is why it took so long for
me to find out about it.
Sen. Waychoff – How much can the Spinnaker fund for this trip?
Connor Spielmaker – John and Laurie did the math; if we are funded at the full $500 the
Spinnaker will cover the rest of the cost.
Sen. Waychoff – How exactly do you bring this back to the students specifically? How will
this benefit the university as a whole, aside from the Spinnaker aspect?
Connor Spielmaker – Spinnaker TV is an open door policy and we educate them on
everything. We can thus give this information to about 30 students that are involved plus
many more.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve the request for $500. Second. No objections. No
Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-1.
g. Brittney Campbell – Sen. Kaitlin Ramirez
Sen. Ramirez – Brittney is a senior and the Spinnaker’s entertainment producer. She is also
requesting $500 for the same conference. The date should be recognized as October 30 and
not October 31st.
Brittney Campbell – I am requesting to go to the same convention Connor requested for. It’s
the only convention in the United States that is dedicated to electronic media like the radio,
TV, and webcasters. It’ll be 3 days of interactive workshops lead by professors working in
the media business around the country. It’s from October 30 to November 1. There will be
some different types of sessions to teach students what’s okay to broadcast legally, and
there are also going to be workshops on how to use new technologies: newer cameras and
editing software. It will be very useful bringing back this information to school and to the
other students. We can use it also at Spinnaker TV and for better programming for students
on campus. This is the second year that CBI has held this convention specifically for
electronic media. The workshops and networking experiences are a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity; people will be there from NCC and NBC. And Connor has pretty much said
Sen. Waychoff – Do you mind please clarifying your position?
Brittney Campbell – I am the entertainment position and I work on getting more
entertainment-related shows running on the station. I oversee that branch, getting new
ideas, and people making their own ideas to air on campus.
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to approve the request at $500. Second. No objections. No
Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-1.
h. National Society of Black Engineers – Sen. Collin Waychoff
Sen. Waychoff- This is the National Society of Black Engineers. Their convention is in
Lexington, Kentucky and is from October 31 to November 3 and the total request is $1,500.
Darrel Jones – I am the chapter president and we’re going to attend the fall regional
conference, which will be in Lexington, Kentucky on October 31 to November 3. The
national society is the largest student-run organization in the country; the entire
organization is run by college students. There is a professor section for membership but
everything else is run by college students in those students’ spare time. In our chapter we
do a lot of STEM outreach in Jacksonville and its surrounding counties. We have NESHY Jr.,
as well as a professional chapter. We work closely to conduct initiatives and sponsor the
Lego League Competition for elementary and middle school students to compete at a state
level; if they pass the local level they go on to states, if they pass the state level they go to
nationals and if they pass nationals they go to a world competition. We have just
reestablished the chapter here, it’s our second year in existence; the previous chapter had
been debunked so we have no contact with previous members. Our regional conference is
an opportunity for them to be taught by the regional people in the positions they hold as to
what their responsibilities are in the chapter.
The bigger event for us is the national convention in Nashville, Tennessee in March. The
fundraising we’ve done up to this point we’ve saved for the NESHY Jr. chapter to go to
national convention. We have some funds, which we’re going to use for our faculty advisor
to assist us in the cost of the trip; we’re riding a charter bus as opposed to taking airlines,
and we’re going on the bus with the chapter from the University of Florida. Our chapter
members will drive to Gainesville. We are responsible for $800 for the cost of bus. The total
cost is $4,200. We are only taking about 8 students: the executive board, and they pay about
$733 of the cost. We’ll pay for 1 night of the bus driver, which is part of the contingent. I just
received an email that we will be responsible for that cost. This is an opportunity for the
executive board, and there will be a career fair there with about 30 companies. We have a
national database of resumes; any members can put their resume on this database and, at
anytime employer is looking for a prospective employee, they can use that national
database. The career fair at this event will have about 30 companies; it’s an excellent
opportunity to network with their constituents with chapters throughout Region 3, and gain
a lot of knowledge to pass on to the following officers.
Sen. Caudio – How has this trip in the past benefited NSB at UNF?
Darrel Jones – We have not attended the fall regional conference. Me and about 4 other
students, as well as faculty, went to the national convention. For that we couldn’t ask for
funds as it was too late. The reviews were tremendous, and we were overwhelmed with the
number of opportunities. Many companies attended and created a huge opportunity for
students throughout the engineering school.
Sen. Higdon – Can you elaborate more on the club’s funding attempts?
Darrel Jones – We have upcoming dinners around the November/December timeframe to
assist on national convention funds. We have not done any fundraising prior to this event
for this conference, but we have only for the regional conference.
Sen. Caudio – Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the fundraising efforts for this event
rather than for the one in the spring?
Darrel Jones – I agree, but we are working towards raising funds for the national
convention. The amount on your packet is incorrect. We amended it before the packet was
printed. The correct total is what’s on the spreadsheet.
Motion to change the amount to $1,154. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve the request for $1,154. Second. No objections.
Sen. Waychoff – They’re able to hold many events on campus and yes they haven’t had
fundraising for this event except from their advisor. But they do hold many events from
their own pockets. It’s time for us to help them go to this conference since they’ve done so
much on campus. I feel they’re getting a lot out of this event for campus. There will be
various projects, infused with academics and professional development, and networking. I
100% believe they should go for the betterment of the school and community.
Sen. Caudio – I agree with Sen. Waychoff. I see this could be very beneficial for the UNF
community and for the engineers. They are a new club and I see them putting forth effort to
better themselves & the UNF community and that’s what we’re here to support.
Roll call vote. 8-0-0.
Special Requests
Finance Code
General Reserves
Budget Balancing
XXVI. Announcements
Senators take a Title VIII quiz.
Sen. Estrada – I think that was a fantastic meeting. Thanks for being here.
XXVII. Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 8 voting members.
XXVIII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 2:56 pm.