University Affairs Committee Meeting

University Affairs Committee Meeting
September 20th, 2013
John Sapp Conference Room 1:45 PM
Chairman: Justin Turner
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 1:45pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 4 voting members
Approval of Minutes
Senator Farrell motions to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Senator Brown
seconds. No objections.
Approval of Agenda
Senator Farrell motions to approve the agenda. Senator Brown seconds. No objections.
Chairman Report and Remarks-
Chairman Turner reports that there is nothing new since the last senate meeting. Will be
Compiling monthly reports and contacting everyone for their reports for the various committees.
Will have more reports at the senate meeting.
Director of Governmental Affair’s Report
Haley Guerra: Got back from board of governors meeting. Discussed how CITF bonding helps to
build different things on campus that aren’t educational. Bonded every 4 years. Started in 1988.
Governor stopped this. Projected to return in two years. Trying to get it back because a lot of
building is on hold. Performance based funding 20 million. Rick Scott created metrics. Schools
get a portion based on how they do on metrics. For example, 2.6 million went to FSU and 2.4
million went to FGCU. Prepping a Director of Governmental Affair’s meeting for counter parts
in state. Also working on another Aim higher campaign. Did thank you posters. Talking to Duval
county legislatures to discuss where FSA is heading and what to focus on? Also, going to D.C. to
meet with Marco Rubio representatives to discuss educational policy and higher educational.
Question from Alin Cepoi: Why has FICT stop?
Answer: Recession and therefore cuts have been made in education system. Students are paying
more than state government. Therefore, raising dept. students are making argument that it is an
investment to get it back. Rick Scott is not very supportive of this despite unanimous consent.
Question from Senator Turner: Is Aim Higher 2.0 planned?
Answer: DGov meetings to discuss aim higher on individual campuses. Spread the word to
students that it is a statewide coalition. Using student media. Aim higher rally… bigger and
better. Learning from the first one and improving for next one
VII. Student Advocate’s Report
Alin Cepoi: Parking advisory council meeting: currently improving the parking situation and are
talking about building a parking garage with 3 floors will be dedicated to housing in lot 12
behind villages. Also, In terms of University wide committee, suggest the need one for a library
committee to be involved. Good to have SG reps on this committee since we use it so frequently.
Lastly, SG Banquet is April 10th, 2014.
VIII. Guest Speakers
Student Remarks
Old Business
New Business
General Education Council
Motion to suspend Roberts Rules by Senator Farrell. Second Morris seconds. No
Open discussion regarding General Education Program.
Kaitlin: national concerns about falling behind in world. Losing competitive edge.
Idea of a common core. Spring 2012 Florida state legislature requires all have 15
credit-hour. Proposal is to make General Educational competence based. Reverted
back to “greek times” and talking about critical knowledge. Focus on disciplines in
Latin and Greek focus on Socratic seminar method. Thus, foster critical knowledge.
Goal is to bridge the gap between college and future career. New purpose and gain
new insight. Have thought over questions and addressed problems. Accessed
competencies that are measurable. Kimball likes this idea in terms of marketing the
school. Make curricular applicable to life in general. Not changing credit
requirements/money/faculty… Will affect a structural change on degree evaluation.
Must satisfy Common-core. Fall 2015 new classes will be created to meet the
competencies. Task force will create a rubric. Turner: Lose Subjectivity? Goal is to
make things more holistic and flexible.
Turner: We must come up with questions to Ask Kimball at the next committee
Motion to reinstate Roberts Rules by senator Farrell. Senator Brown seconds. No
The next scheduled Senate meeting will be September 27th, 2013
The next scheduled UAC meeting will be October 4th, 2013
XIII. Final Roll Call
Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
XIIII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 2:16pm.