University Affairs Committee Meeting September, 6 2013 John Sapp Conference Room 1:45 PM


University Affairs Committee Meeting

September, 6 th 2013

John Sapp Conference Room 1:45 PM

Chairman: Justin Turner

I. Call to Order

Called to order at 1:49

II. Roll Call

Quorum is established with 4 voting members

III. Approval of Minutes

Senator Farrell motions to approve last meetings minutes. Senator Morrison seconds. No objections

IV. Approval of Agenda

Morrison motions. Farrell seconds. No objections.

V. Chairman Report and Remarks-

Full calendar done in excel for all campus wide committees so that we are able to see when meetings are.

Will have more to present on when more minutes come in. Senators may present minor committee reports in senate. Justin will do more major in committee.


Director of Governmental Affair’s Report


Student Advocate’s Report

2 academic appeal requests. Received lower grades than syllabus. If syllabus is ambiguous or vague, greater chance to get appealed. Scholarships are online. Women’s/International (decentralized are not online yet) UWC (university advisory board) need one more student.. take all decisions regarding SU and try to include facilities. Second Wednesday of every month. Senator Morrison will be doing this.

VIII. Guest Speakers

Matt Brockelman

Office of Gov. affairs. Would start briefing on state level issues. Start with UAC. Turn briefings in UAC to handouts to bring to senate. Schedule with what we will be discussing. How we derive our campus influence: early part of summer a few went to DC for a conference across country with student body presidents. Lucky in Florida. Tuition is increasing steadily. Powerful voice on campus and UNF is a luxury compared to other students across country. Over past few decades: lots of bill names and numbers in our handout SB =senate bill, HB= house bill; prior to 1974 no student say for A&S… legislature this year for student to allocate to students. 1975… lots of influence from

Tallahassee.. formalize this more and collaborate together, thus creating Florida student

lobby; SB 259 vetoed student representation for Florida. Reshaped the Florida student lobby to FSAI (Carlo is president). 1977 non-voting student member with limited privileges. In 1978… all rights and privileges. 1981: CITF goes to student life (SU and wellness complex), given right to help make decisions on campus. Bob graham and house of reps proposed across course of 6 years to raise by 30% each year. FSA lobbied against.

Agreed on one time 16% increase. 1983: proke out separate fees; 1994: differential tuition (base tuition and base tuition) Base=state legislature per credit hour; differential tuition: university board approves and then board of regions/governors can raise without legislature. Cap is 15% increase per year. B & D together is what we pay. 1995; 2001: transportation funds shuttles president could hypothetically raise.. this year there were caps and a process… replaced with board of governors (Carlo) more control over policies that we set as a UNF and not the state system as a whole; first time student got to be represented (president). 2002: SGA in state law… protection for A&S fee and what

University could override. Gained lots of flexibility and using it to its potential in terms of student rights.

Sen. Morrison: asked anything big past 2002?

Matt: constitutional amendment in 2012 within presidential election.. amendment 12 to stop press from being represented. Slow but progress is happening.

IX. Student Remarks


X. Old Business


XI. New Business


XII. Announcements

The next scheduled Senate meeting will be September 13 th 2013

The next scheduled UAC meeting will be September 20 th , 2013

XIII. Final Roll Call

Final roll call with 4 voting members.

XIIII. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:09
