Senate Minutes 12/6/13 (2)

University of North Florida Student Senate
Emergency Senate Meeting Agenda – December 6th 2013 – 2:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 4:08 P.M.
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
 Quorum was established with 29 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Waychoff moved to add JR-13F-2729 Support of Campus Parking Monitors to 2nd read. Second.
There was discussion. President Fassi said that if there was any financial burden on SG, it would be in the
form of a bill. This was just showing support at this time. Roll call vote- Passed 26-0-3.
 Senator Turner moved to approve agenda as amended. Second. Senator Turner moved for unanimous
consent. Second. There were no objections.
Student Remarks
 Carlo Fassi- addressed the new senators about to be sworn in and encouraged them to talk with students,
to make sure they understand and know the Constitutions and Statutes. He used Senator Caudio as an
example. He also talked about some of the audits the B&A chair was reviewing and commended him for
his work.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Senate President Christopher Brady ( explained procedure for the process of swearing in the
new senators. After that there will be a recess so that all new senators can be assigned a seat. He thanked all
of the outgoing senators for their work. He then stated that there will be a vote for the JR-13F-2729. He also
stated that there would be a vote for when the new senate meetings in January would take place- either
Monday or keep it at Friday.
Swearing in of Newly Elected Senators
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Elections & Appointments Chair- Senator Antworth introduced each new and incumbent senator. Chief
Justice Goetz swore them all in at once.
*There was a small recess in order to assign seats and clicker voting mechanism.
JR-13F-2729 Support of Campus Parking Monitors –
 Introduced by Collin Waychoff. Motion passed 32-0-0.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
 Quorum is reestablished with 32 voting members.
Adjournment- Recording time ran out, adjournment time was not noted.