Senate Minutes 12/6/13 (1)

University of North Florida Student Senate
Emergency Senate Meeting Agenda – December 6th 2013 – 1:45 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order –
 Meeting was called to order at 1:45 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation- Senator Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
 Quorum was established with 29 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
 Senator Henning moved to approved minutes from November 18, 2013. Second. There were no
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Reich moved to amend the agenda pursuant to the Senate President’s request. Second. Senator
Reich moved for unanimous consent. Second. There were no objections.
Senator Waychoff moved to add SB-13F-2736- Responsible Management of Technological Resources Act,
to the agenda. Second. No objections. Senator Waychoff moved for unanimous consent. There were no
Senator Waychoff moved to add SB-13F-2737- Water and Field Enhancement Act. Second. No
objections. Senator Turner moved for unanimous consent.
Senator Turner moved to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Senator Waychoff moved for
unanimous consent.
Student Remarks
 Tori McClesky of North Florida Council for Boy Scouts. He discussed upcoming events.
 Senator Caudio- talked about taking the job of senator more seriously.
 Paige Lehman- explained why there are two legislative meetings today. The meeting that was scheduled for
last week was not advertised appropriately according to our Constitution and Statutes and Sunshine Rules
and Regulations.
 Alex Goetz- recognized Bennett Smith, the Associate Chief Justice, who was leaving due to graduation.
 John Chawlisz- talked about activities going on in OP in the next few weeks.
 Gurgen Petrosyn- spoke about the need to say SWOOP more often as a kind of school spirit thing.
 Billy Namen- updated everyone about the Volunteer Center. He advised everyone that Sarah Rosen, who
is heading up volunteering at UNF and is located in the career center. There was some discussion.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution & Statutes – Kaitlin Ramirez. Discussed absentee points and Senator Orientation will be held
January 11, 2014. 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM.
b. Student Advocacy –Aaron Anderson- Osprey Voice was not done well because of weather and senators that
did not show up.
c. University Affairs- Justin Turner- discussed bicycle issues. The university is putting a panel of false reporting.
Also lights at the shuttle stops have been fixed.
d. Elections & Appointments- Emily Antworth- working to rewrite Title VI and would like some help. May be
moving to online applications. There was some discussion.
e. Budget & Allocations- Collin Waychoff- passed out a form to ask for senator’s majors. Discussed audits he is
conducting of the Executive Branch travel with regard to Governmental Affairs travel and Spinnaker Print
with regard to the subscription that began in 2012.
f. Senate President – Chris Brady- Apologized for some of the deficiencies in the Legislative Branch. Passed a
sheet regarding Finals Frenzy. He also passed out the Emergency Contact Form for all to complete. He also
stated that he would be heading up the UAC and SAC chairs at this point until the bill passes for the USA
Chair. When that bill passes, he will hold elections for the chair. He encouraged everyone to come to the
Senator Orientation. He stated that he wanted to start a Senator Reading Club and discussion to learn and
understand more about the Constitution and Statutes. This is a way to hold everyone accountable in their
position. He will have special office hours to allow any senator to come and ask him questions. He echoed
Senator Claudio and encouraged them to be better, more involved senators.
Senate Appointments
a. Kyle Henning- Senator Antworth introduced Kyle Henning as an appointee that was forwarded from the
E&A Committee. Senator Claudio moved to confirm Kyle Henning as a senator. Seconded. Passed 25-0-3.
b. Kate Savage – Senator Antworth introduced Kate Savage as an appointee that was forwarded from the E&A
Committee. Senator Turner moved to confirm Kate Savage. Second. Passed 24-0-5.
Executive Appointments
a. Rich Rittichai – Club Alliance Assistant Director- Tony Stevens introduced Rich Rittchai as a candidate for
the Club Alliance Assistant Director position. There was some discussion. Senator Turner moved to confirm
Rich Rittchai as the Club Alliance Assistant Director. Second. No objections. Passed 29-0-0.
Fiscal Requests
New Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
i. JR-13F-2729 Support of Campus Parking Monitors – Sen. Waychoff
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. SB-13F-2736- Responsible Management of Technological Resources Act- Introduced by Senator
Higdon who introduced Joe Turner to discuss this bill. This bill centers on a 5 year plan to manage
and replace the computers in Student Government. There was some discussion. Senator Turner
moved to approve SB-13F-2736. Second. Passed 29-0-0.
ii. SB-13F-2737- Water and Field Enhancement Act- Sponsored by Senator Turner. This bill revamps
the softball field. President Fassi talked about this bill. There are two components to this bill: funding
for field and lighting and secondly, the 4 hydration stations, two of which are in the Student Union
Food Court and Student Government. The current costly program SG has with Zephyrhills will end
and SG will be able to save money. The other stations will be at the eco adventure area. There was
some discussion. Senator Turner moved to approve SB-13F-2737. Second. Passed 30-0-0.
iii. SB-13F-2730 Validation of the Fall 2013 Election – Sen. Antworth – There was some discussion.
People listed on the bill will need to abstain from voting. Senator Turner moved to validate the
election. Second. Senator Turner moved for unanimous consent. Senator Reich objected as some are
listed and a roll call vote would be a better idea. Roll call vote was completed. Passed
d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
 Senate President Brady asked everyone to stay as he and President Fassi would be signing the Validation
of Election bill into law. Then another meeting would be immediately taking place.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
 Quorum is reestablished with 30 voting members.
XVII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:08