Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting March 4 , 2013 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM


Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting

March 4


, 2013

Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady






Call To Order

Meeting is called to order at 4:34 pm.

Roll Call

Quorum is established with 8 voting members.

Approval of the Minutes

A) 02/18/13

Motion from Sen. Anderson to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.

Approval of Agenda

A) 03/04/13

Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.

Chairman Report and Remarks

3 travel requests tonight. Amounts listed below. Should have received an updated request sheet for the equestrian club. Before was for 5 students, now the correct one is for 1 student.



Treasurer’s Report


Business Manager’s Report

The budget has been signed by President Delaney so congratulations, the budget is official.


Guest Speakers



Account Totals

2012-2013 Fiscal Year


Special Requests Travel Requests

$45,480.00 $7,894.00

Salary Reserves


After $45,480.00 $2,451.00 $22,467.00


Old Business

A) Travel Requests a.

UNF Potters Guild – Sen. Fransua Estrada

Katie and Nick from the Potters Guild-

Trying to get a push from students to get involved in the ceramics class to be a ceramics major and to grow the school in that area. Have been trying to do a lot around UNF however we do not have the manpower to get that. ANCICO is being held in Texas, it is the super bowl of ceramics. The packet explains more about it. It has activities, events, galleries, and opportunities to speak with artists. This kind of interaction is priceless for the students. I have been to the conference once before in Tampa and it was an amazing experience. We will go no matter what but we hope to get as many students to go for free as possible to push this potters guild and to expand it on the UNF campus.


Sen. Waychoff- What other fundraising have you done?

We have had two sale dates where we sell our art and we have done sales at the downtown art walk.

But again we don’t have a lot of commitment from all club members, about 7 core members.

Sen. Waychoff- how much have you all raised?

A couple hundred however this also goes to bringing artists in for the club so not all is for the trip.

Sen. Estrada- Is there a certain theme for the conference, or something specific that can be brought back to the school?

Yes there is a theme however we are looking to go to everything we can and bring as much as possible back. There are so many ideas, techniques, and new supplies out there. It is a really good opportunity to contact new artists and new people. Also gives students connections to grad programs.

Sen. Farrell- how many students are in the club?

Super dedicated, about 5 or 6. But all the students in the class are encouraged to join. It is open to anyone. Probably about 10 students who wonder in and out. We are new and not a lot of students know about us.

Sen. Wolf- You said you are raising money for 9 students to go. How many have officially signed up?

About 5 or 6 of us have bought the tickets already. But others are waiting to hear back because they wouldn’t be able to go if there is no funding.

Sen. Wolf- so less may go?

If we do not receive funding it is possible. But we want as many as possible.

Sen. Garcia- how are these students chosen to go?

I have been looking forward to go for a while but we said we want to get a trip together and about 9 were interested total. And it comes down to how many spots are open and who can afford it.

Sen. Garcia- Can you share some of the things you benefitted from at the conference you both attended previously?

We were able to go two years ago and I was still getting my AA and this experience got me so excited to come back and push the program at a community college so I am hoping here it will get students excited to push this program further.

In Philadelphia, I went to that one as well and I was given so many good ideas. I got so interested and have been able to make the ideas happen.

Sen. Caudio- You said 5 or 6 would be able to go if not funded. Are the others not paying?

We are “starving artists” and if we do get funding we would still have to pay for the tickets. Mainly travel and lodging we are asking for.

Sen. Anderson- what techniques have you brought back from this convention?

Screen printing I brought back. We just went to an event in St. Petersburg and I was able to make connections with the artists giving workshops and lectures. The connections I have made have been able to give UNF more. UNF currently only has a bachelors and we hope for these artists to be brought in to push this field further. Our ceramics major started because of these connections.

Sen. Anderson- if one event was struck would you be able to make the money?

Moneymaking is difficult being a full time student because making the art is time consuming.

However we have stuff that is ready for sale but we would need more.

Motion from Sen. Garcia to approve the UNF Potter’s Guild for the full amount. Second. No objections.

Discussion: Sen. Garcia- this will enrich our students, and I am in full support of this. So glad to hear your input and hope you are able to learn and bring so much back. Sen. Anderson- I am happy that the core group is excited and you all are excited to go either way. Advisor- two rental quotes listed.

Will be able to get a cheaper quote from car Rental Company. Sen. Garcia resends motion.

Motion from Sen. Anderson to amend the total to $2,219. Second. No objections.

Roll call vote:

Passes 9-0-0.

Motion from Sen. Anderson to approve the request as amended. Second. No objections. Discussion:

Sen. Caudio- great club and are new and are excited to bring a lot back. However sounds like only half are excited to go. Sen. Jones- sounds great and think that we should fully fund. Sen. Trayer- sounds like the conference has a positive impact and this will help the others come back and expand the program we have.

Roll call vote:

Passes 7-0-2. b.

UNF Equestrian Club – Sen. Dylan Farrell

Kaley and Maddie from Equestrian Club. When we first requested, we had 5 riders but after regional’s we have one going to the semis. We are very new club. This year it is in California so we need help funding. So far everything has been out of pocket for the riders. Have done a few fundraisers but most of money has been spent because this club requires lot of travel, which is expensive. Think would be a good opportunity for UNF because we are new and we want to get our


name out there and get others excited to get a part of the club. The total cost comes out to about $700 so the #500 could help a lot. Hotel, car rental, plane ticket and show fees. If do well in the semis I could move onto nationals.

Sen. Caudio- how well did you do in regionals?

Second out of 15 riders.

Sen. Estrada- how is the horse getting there?

The riders actually can’t use their horses so the riders use the horses in the areas. They can’t practice with the horse they just have to go.

Sen. Jones- can you be more specific with fundraising you have done?

$500 from two CPK fundraisers. $1100 from a trail riding fundraiser. But like I said it goes fast from the gas itself to travel to the shows.

Sen. Farrell- only one traveling to California or teammates going?

No just one rider and the coach but the coach pays for herself.

Sen. Trayer- how many in the club?

25 in club and 18 riders.

Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve the Equestrian Club for the full amount. Second. No objections.

Discussion: Sen. Farrell- congrats on making it this far we wish you the best of luck at semis.

Roll call vote:

Passes 9-0-0.

New Business

B) Transfers

C) Salary Reserve Requests

D) Special Requests

E) Travel Requests a.

Society of Automotive Engineers – Sen. Collin Waychoff

Sen. Waychoff- this is an amazing club, they are passionate. Give them your full, undivided attention!

President and vice president- give power point presentation on the club.

Club overview: building and designing formula style racecars and compete against others. This takes a lot of people to get this together. Communication and teamwork is key. Club fest, market days, stem outreach, and have been featured on Florida Times Union and been on the news. Have marketed our cars to car enthusiasts. Florida invitational in Orlando that we attended in 2012. At this competition, we got 81 out of 120 for our very first year vehicle. Judges were very impressed that it was our first time. This is a little more rushed to build a one-year vehicle. We bring prestige, education, and students to UNF. People all over the world come to this. Many majored students get excited and involved with this club. Anyone can come and get involved. Committed, we meet every Monday. Our cost report is due April 1. There is no class credit for this. This is for hands on experience. The competition is 5 days with a 2-day tech inspection. The next two days have static and dynamic events. Static has to do with business presentation, cost report, and design report. Dynamic events are for acceleration and endurance. We will arrive one day early for contingency. Want to be able to check on the car and make sure ready. Were able to go to the Henry Ford museum last year. Taking

16 members. Took that amount last year and it was great amount. These are people who have worked very hard and are the future of the club. To be apart of the club have to be apart of the national club. Have fundraising at 5 Jags games. $15,000 is the cost of a car. We work all the events at

Everbank Field, which helps a lot. Sold TPC Sawgrass tickets. All the money we have raised has gone to the car however we do not have the rest to travel. We used our own money for the registration.

The money we are asking is for the fuel and hotel. UNF will gain attention from a professional audience. This is an international competition. We are also bringing back educated students and future employment opportunities to the students. 120 teams will be there as well as recruiters and professionals

Sen. Estrada- how many of the 16 went last year?

9 went and 7 are new.

Motion from Sen. Trayer to approve SAE for the full amount. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen.

Trayer- very impressed, it was a great presentation. Sen. Waychoff- you guys are fantastic.

Roll call vote:

Passes 9-0-0.

F) Finance Code

G) General Reserves

H) Budget Balancing



I will only be here for one more committee meeting and then my term is up. Thank Sen. Waychoff for his excellent sponsorship and for going out of his way to get to know the club and emailing them personally. Hope you all follow his lead.


Final Roll Call

Quorum is reestablished with 9 voting members.



Meeting is adjourned at 5:19 pm.
