University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – April 1st 2013 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:32 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Star Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens (
Quorum is established with 39 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve the minutes of March 25. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add VP Naughton to under executive reports. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion form Sen. Lundy to add SB-13S-2686 to second read. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Dykes for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Student Remarks & Smoking + Tobacco Free Open Forum
Pres. Fassi- First, I would like to say that it been an honor working with you, Zak. Tonight is his last senate and he
has been a commodity for this institution that doesn’t come around often. It has been incredible working with you
and I am sure your fellow students would agree.
Tonight, we have invited the student body to speak their concerns on the issue of the campus going completely
smoke free. I would like to thank the students who showed up to speak on the matter. You have shown the drive to
come here and address the matter. To explain the way we have gotten to where we are now on the issue of
smoking, I would like to introduce Shelly Purser to discuss for about our move to becoming a more healthy
Shelly purser- Thank you all for having us. Mike is here also and we will be tag teaming this. Basically we wanted to
let you know how we got here. Spring of 2011 we were asked to come to the counsel and present the dangers of
second hand smoke. From this, that is when the conversation of this started. A lot of universities in the country are
going to a smoke free or tobacco free campus. Had to get President Delaney’s stance on this. He had someone meet
with him that spring and then suggested a tobacco survey to get opinions of the student and faculty. A survey was
implemented and those were sent out.
Mike- Thank you all for your time. I would briefly like to describe the results of the survey. Important to
understand that 80% of the responses were from students. Overall, were positive to moving in the direction of
being smoke free. There will also be additional forums in the future. Important to have the students’ voices heard.
We received 47,000 responses. 74% of those did not smoke. Only 12% of the respondents did on a regular basis so
great percentage do not even smoke at all. 78% said they wish to engage in a smoke free environment. We are in a
social environment when we are outside of the classroom. A number of our students’ voices are being heard. Key
message here is that we are not saying one shouldn’t smoke or that we are not respecting the right to smoke, but
this is based on our environment and those around. A number of education institutions have gone tobacco free and
adopted this type of policy. We are recognizing the benefits from this, not taking away your right. This is a draft,
important to remember that. Again key message is that we are not saying not to smoke but to see if there is an
overwhelming majority of students who not smoke and do not like the smoke environment. We want to help
students be successful if they wish to stop smoking.
Shelly Purser- As Mike mentioned we will have another forum, which will be in spinnaker and on Facebook
because we need everyone’s voice heard on this and input. Once again, thanks for having us.
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- I am allotting 45 minutes total for this forum if needed. Each speaker is given 3 minutes each.
Eric Reneda, political science major- I am a non-smoker and have never smoked in my life. Last week there was a
forum. I was the only student there. They spoke about health and litter on campus. Out of the senators, how many
smoke? None. Have you asked the smokers about this because this doesn’t affect you? As senators that are
representing the student body, you need to ask. As far as littering, smokers see the need for a clean campus. There
is a rule that you cannot smoke within 25 feet of a building. However, the cigarette earns are within the 25 feet. So
lets enforce rules that make sense, like putting earns within the rules. Overall, this is bad policy.
Charles Lezinski, communications major- There is so much bogus information about outdoor second hand smoke.
Would like to ask for the evidence of outdoor second hand smoke, there is no proof in that. There are studies that
say heart disease is the number one killer of Americans through unhealthy diet. However there is a Chick-fil-a
being built on campus and that is not a healthy diet. Look at other universities who do enforce this, it is proven not
to work. Does decrease number but I do not see the need for an overall band. Number one cause for skin cancer is
exposure to the sun and sun is brightest during the day when classes are and I didn’t see us handing out sunscreen
on campus or making changes to the times classes are offered. See this as quite stupid and coming down from the
national government to band smoking altogether which will not happen and this is a waste of time.
William Tutwiler, finance major- Thank you for coming up here and speaking. Had some data here for
There is no risk free level from smoke free zones. There are 7000 chemicals that come from the end of a lit
cigarette. Exposure to second hand smoke can cause heart disease without even touching a cigarette. How is it the
right of a smoker on campus to have these effects on me while I am walking to class, who chooses not smoke. These
are realistic and scary results. I shouldn’t have to be exposed to these kinds of chemicals on a daily basis if I do not
choose to be.
Collin Farley. Political science and history major- The CDV says there are side effects for second hand smoke but
this is probably from being indoors. Like to see true statistics on second hand smoke from outdoors because there
are no real studies on that. So we are eliminating a student’s rights because of something we think and do not
know. First, we moved to smoking 25 feet away from a building and then to designated areas and then we want to
eliminate it completely. We are eliminating places for people to smoke all together.
Michelle Staton, political science- first I would like to say, just because there are no studies published does not
mean the effects are not there. Here at this university, second hand smoke is almost unavoidable. This school is
only so big so it is harder to not be around smokers. We are not trying to eliminate a smoker’s rights but their
rights end where mine begin. If they want to damage their lungs, they can but I don’t want it to effect me. If you are
here for four years and here on campus at least 2 times a week that is a lot of second hand smoke. Smoking zones
have been proven to not work, therefore moving to a tobacco free campus is good idea. Almost 70% of students
and faculty are tobacco free. Even some smokers wanted to socialize in smoke free environment.
Gabriel Equentis- Just like to say that the CDC also gave a how to eliminate zombie guide so you can decide who to
trust off of that.
Jerry Barrs- Here for a different reason. Tonight is my last senate meeting. I have been here for two years and been
able to serve the student body and the Coggin College of Business. I challenge each one of you to reach out to your
students. Be in a club and find a way to connect to your constituents. Going off of that, Sen. Brady and Sen. Tutwiler
will be able to fill the Coggin seats. I have been able to get to know Sen. Brady and he has been an excellent chair.
As an outgoing senator, I reflect back on my time. What does it mean to be a leader? I now believe that you need to
leave a place better then the way you found it. You also need a plan. What is the next path? And I am here to
endorse Sen. Higdon for B and A. I believe he can serve to the best to his ability. He will take the legislative branch
to the next level. John Higdon has my endorsement for the business and allocations chair.
Star Caudio- I took the time to go talk to as many people as possible about the smoking policy. I came across that
most do not smoke but they do not think it is fair. People thought it was a way for the university to get more money
or they thought it was infringing on their rights. As much as I don’t like smoke, I think we have to put up with some
things we don’t like. I wanted you to know that when we are discussing this.
Mitch Moore, finance major- I do not like smoking, and I am not for it. I am a cross-country runner and it kills my
lungs. However how hard is it to hold your breath when you walk by? Just ignore and go about you own business
instead of taking away someone’s rights.
Chris Brady, finance major– I think some of us have misconstrued the reason for this forum. This is to get the
opinion of the students so e can know what to do for the students. We want to find out what you want to happen,
we want suggestions. We need to do more work and talk to the students to find out what the best option is for the
Alex Sander, criminal justice major– Like to bring up some points. We do not have facts. I came to this school
thinking that if I wanted to smoke something legal that I could. Seems that you are changing a contract that I came
here thinking I could. Maybe this is a change to do in 4 years so people who are coming here don’t have the
impression that they cannot. Also a problem with the 25-foot away smoke rule and enforcing those. Another
problem is being tobacco free, there is nothing wrong with chewing tobacco. All we have talked about is second
hand smoke and that has nothing to do with chewing tobacco.
Louis Reich, graduate student in education- from personal experience I have smelt smoke from the inside of my car
from another car next to me. I have smelt it in a classroom from someone else outside. I don’t think the distance
matters. Also, as of chewing tobacco, someone was in my class once using it and you could smell it across the room.
John Morrison, bio medical major- This is not to band smoking but see how we feel about it. Someone mentioned
zones don’t work but I think we need to take steps if we wish to go in that direction. The 25-foot rule doesn’t work.
I walk across the green everyday and I get smoke blown in my face. Not a big deal but we shouldn’t have to deal
with that or put up with it. We shouldn’t have to hold our breath. It’s just not a good feeling. Should go towards
zones or implementing the previous rule better. UNF is a smaller school, our UPD could enforce the zones better.
Dylan Farrell, sociology major- Wanted to give another perspective. I was giving a campus tour and this topic was
brought up. One of the students on my tour got smoke blown in her face. It was so disrespectful and it got me
passionate about this issue. I bring that up to give a perspective of what our incoming students are seeing and what
the parents are noticing. Gives a bad reputation of our university.
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- I would like to thank everyone who spoke, it shows how much you care about our campus. I
think this has been very productive.
Guest Speakers
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes)
Elections for chief justice is next Monday in the courtroom and anyone can come. Everything else is going
Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Volunteer Center -
This Thursday is our last meeting. We will have catering from Jason’s Deli. About a year ago we started the led
a wing pantry. Since then, we have served over 2000 students. Have event that will start at market days. We
will be having a cake and refreshments for the end of year.
b. Osprey Productions -
For those ending their term tonight, like to thank you for your time. OP would not succeed without you, you
approve our budget. Hope you continuing to come out to our events, they are free. For those starting out in SG
tonight, I would like to let you know what OP does. We are an agency of SG that puts on events throughout the
week for students. Some of our final OP events for students are “To write love on her arms” is tomorrow, will
be showing Zero Dark Thirty, and have a BMX show. We also have the spring main stage concert. Will be from
4 to 8 that night and will have free samples of food from restaurants. Have a ton more events coming up so
check out our Facebook. Tonight is my last senate report. I would like to thank Student Government. I would
not have been able to run this without John Folish. I cannot wait to see the future of OP and hope everyone
has a wonderful night!
Club Alliance -
Executive Branch Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
This is the last meeting of the fall administration. I would like to say thank you for letting me serve you all.
Thank you to the senators for serving, you serve a valuable role in this institution. To the incoming senators,
congratulations. Don’t wait for opportunities, find an opportunity. Never doubt a small group of individuals,
they can change the world. Thank you for your service once again.
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
Like to give my time to the student body president.
c. Vice President – Mike Naughton
Good evening. Hope you all had a great spring break and a happy holiday. Congrats to our new elected
senators. Over a year ago, I was elected with Carlo to serve. My time did not start then though. It started in
2010 sitting right there, sitting next to Margaret Szerba. I was questioned by my age to take on such a serious
position. I passed the confirmation process and the rest was downhill! It was here that I got over my fear of
public speaking and cracked jokes on all the senators. I learned what it meant to be a leader. Carlo hasn’t
always been so suave and even though he is 3 months older, I have looked at him as my little brothers. I have
comprised a doe’s and don’ts to be an effective Fassi coworker. Chapter 1. Diet- The only thing cooking up is
new policies. Stick to Chick-fil-a and Outback. Chapter 45. Schedule eye examinations regularly. He is also a
big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean and so he is scared of scurvy and he pops vitamin C like they are orange Tic
Tac's. Chapter 8. Dating- shown a lack of evidence for this chapter so please wait for more. Chapter 5.
Leadership- Carlo leads with confidence like an osprey swooping. He is analytical and chooses to look at the
big picture. He is constantly looking for big idea. This may not be on the NY Times bestseller list but I hope
enjoy it. Billy, happy birthday and don’t try to fill my shoes they are too big for you. The rest of you, thank you
and remember you are UNF students first. You are ospreys soaring to new heights for your peers. The
professionals behind you are extremely talented. Give them the opportunity and they will become your friend
and ally. Believe in them and they will believe in you. Time is limited but opportunities are not. Student
government is like a bank account; can only get out as much as you put in. I am confident that I am leaving our
peers in good hands. Stop by and visit me in my new office, the Boathouse.
d. President – Carlo Fassi – (5-minutes)
Working with everybody this last year has been a remarkable experience not just because of the student staff
but the faculty. This has become my top propriety that this floor is effective. And I couldn’t be prouder of who
I surround myself with and the students here. You have every opportunity to make a difference on this
campus depending on the resources available to you and the time you put into it. Mike, I remember that first
day in these chambers and I never imagined this and I cant wait that I have the opportunity to continue to
serve this year. The Florida Senate proposed a 0% increase in tuition and also proposed to increase the bright
future level. Also discussed investing money. House budget is 6% tuition increase for trust fund projects. This
fee has been paid at about $2.40. We have lobbied to get fees combined. This funds the student life fee, called
PECO. Can’t fund student life facilities. It wasn’t increased until last year since created in the 80s. They
believed they would finance the revenue as each student is charged. The problem is the government cites all
the fees. Astroturfing the intramural fields have been discussed but the government zero funded this. When
we went to Tallahassee they were receptive to this. Priority number one is tuition and keeping the hikes to a
minimum. I sent letters last week. I am meeting with Governor Scott tomorrow so that the money is spent the
way that it was meant to be spent. They recognize the increase to be contingent with the state enforce. This is
a lot of information, let me know if you have questions.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Corey Amira (
Legislative cabinet elections tonight. These elections are important for the future of our senate.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs (
Committee was cut short last week because of the student body address. Thank you for letting me serve you.
Please keep in contact with your constituents. I am out after tonight so if you have questions don’t call me.
c. Student Advocacy Committee – Chairwoman Megan Jones (
Congratulations to all the new senators. Only have the osprey voice results to report on. When asked about
online voting for elections, the majority was in favor. Major yes. When asked about receiving text alerts for
events on campus, the majority was in favor.
d. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady (
$2,000 left in the travel index. Have about 5 requests left. The way it works is whatever was turned in first
will be heard first and then go from there. This is my last night as B and A. Thank you to the cabinet, you all
made my day this year.
University Affairs Committee – Chairwoman Monica Bowman (
UAC had two guest speakers last week. Thank the UAC members for having questions and comments and
always being so respectful. This has been the Guiney pig committee but it has been an honor and privilege. I
encourage you to ask questions for the elections and choose those who are best fit.
Senate President Zak Varshovi (
Thank those of you who have completed the bill writing workshops. And to the cabinet, thank you. We have
succeeded as a branch.
New Business
a. Senate Appointments – Chase Baker
Sen. Amira- this is Chase Baker and he is seeking a general senate seat. He passed unanimously in committee
last week.
Chase Baker- I am a freshman and an electrical engineer major. Some of my previous leadership experience: In
high school, I was the cofounder and president of the ultimate Frisbee club and a part of a transitional club. At
UNF, I am apart of the electrical engineer club, I am apart of the Emerging Leaders Program, and I am
Scholarship Chair for my fraternity. For this chair position, I make study hall sessions for members to stay on
track. In edition to these activities, I want to be more involved. I hope to serve on SAC to get more involved
with the students.
Sen. Estrada- can you name the committees?
E and A, B and A, SAC, UAC, CSC
Sen. Tutwiler- you said you are interested in SAC, what are some ideas you have to connect with better with
the students?
I like osprey voice so I would like to utilize that to its full benefit.
Sen. Trayer- what interested you in SG?
Coming to UNF I didn’t feel connected right away. I came to a senate meeting and I wanted to be voice for
students who don’t have one.
Sen. Farrell- how can you take SG to the next level?
I am a real hard worker, I will get to know the students and find out what they want.
Motion from Sen. Stromquist to approve Chase Baker for a general senate seat. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Brady- He asked a lot of questions when he came to talk to me. He has been in SG multiple
times and he is very interested in what is going on.
Electronic vote.
Passes 36-0-1.
b. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
c. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
e. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
f. SB-13S-2686 – Sen. Lundy
Advisor Delaney- point of order, would require 2/3 vote to be on the agenda.
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- was done at the beginning of meeting.
Sen. Lundy- in front of you are some small changes to title 10, the code of ethics. During my time in CSC I saw
this and thought this was a lasting change to be made. Found that some of the titling was not consistent. Is
called the code of ethics however there was nothing written to hold senators to a standard. As senators, we
should have standards as opposed to just being told situations not to get involved in. I wrote a small paragraph
to explain those standards. Other changes are to make the document smoother.
No questions.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to strike “any other campus affiliation” because this came out of the university
discrimination clause. Wanted to mimic there clause and I don’t feel that we need to. Second. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. Objection: Sen. Caudio- I want to vote on it.
Passes 24-0-14.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to approve SB-13S-2686 as amended. Second.
Advisor McGuire- Like to point out the last line, I think you should change the verbiage.
Sen. Brady- friendly on that section.
Sen. Turner- for 1,2,3,4,5,6 some letters are stricken and some are not.
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- that can be a friendly as well.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to approve SB-13S-2686. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Caudio- don’t
understand how you would enforce this.
Electronic vote.
Passes 34-0-5.
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- I would personally like to thank the outgoing senators, you are such hard working people.
I am extremely grateful to you for helping further our goals. To the new senators, I welcome you and you will
learn so much more here than in the classroom. Thank the members of the executive branch and the staff. This
has been the most enriching experience of my life. You taught me how to be a leader and I will be indebted to
you. I was not elected the first time running for a senate seat and I was 58 out of 58. I vividly remember being
so frustrated and leaving here never wanting to be involved with SG ever again, but things don’t always go the
way we plan. We will encounter failure in life. You have to persevere. Never let set backs stop you. Persevere.
Each of you is so passionate. Never loose sight and use it as motivation to serve the students. I wish you all the
best of luck. Will always look back on SG with fond memories. It has been a privilege. So much will be offered
to you in the future.
Swearing in of the new senators
Motion from Sen. Stevens for a recess. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady for division of the house.
Quorum is reestablished with 43 voting members.
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Senate President
Motion from Sen. Ramirez to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to close the floor for nominations. Second.
Senator Brady
Sen. Brady- I would like to explain why I am running for this position. When I came through
orientation and came into these chambers and I knew I would be back in these chambers. In
senate, I ran for B and A and lost and this fueled my passion even more. I because the B and A
chair in the summer. I realized I was making a difference for the students in form of funding.
Senate President Varshovi has built a great foundation but I want to expand on that. This first
step is education. I want to redo our senator orientation not just to be informative but
interactive. Also, I would like to add two add hoc committees. Lastly want to make sure every
bill in senate is gone through line by line. This was the way it was and it taught me to write
bills by going through it line by line. Another key is transparency. Adding senator profiles and
how you vote for others to see will make you more accountable to your students. Lastly,
outreach. I want you all to attend more campus events and to talk to your constituents.
Adding another add hoc to poll the students opinion and if they have concerns, let them know
who to contact. We are all senators. If we do not work together we cannot accomplish
Sen. Dykes- how would you manage your cabinet?
Like to utilize the pro tempore more because it is the second in command. I would like to split
up the committees for the pro tempore and I to oversee. This direct line of reporting will help
the cabinet run more effectively.
Sen. Caudio- As far as our policies and procedures, how would you make them better?
Right now we are passing a lot through first read to senate. We have gotten to a point now to
move straight to 2nd read which isn’t the point. We need to get back to the basics and down to
the nitty gritty.
b. Senate President Pro-Tempore
Motion from Sen. Tutwiler to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Motion from Sen. Tutwiler to close the floor for nominations. Second.
i. Senator Ramirez
When I first came to UNF, I got a great tour from Britt Stromquist of the senate chambers. I read in the
spinnaker about the ropes coarse idea and it said the SG was taking applicants. Kyler Dykes and Carlo Fassi
met with me and I was wowed again. I have wished to improve the lives of our students. We get to create
initiatives and go for it, that amazes me. I ran for a position and lost. But if I received pro tempore I hope to
bring more to SG. I could help the two committees I would head over, as Chris said. I talked to Tony and Jerry
and got ideas on how to improve the position. If elected I would like to tighten the bill passing process. Our
cabinet always has been effective but still like tighten the process. I am a team player. I also need to crack the
whip on everyone and I would love to be that person. I am also involved in swoop squad and OP. I would love
to get the word out more on SG. I like the idea of the sorority buttons and would like to get buttons saying
“ask me about SG.” And you would have this everywhere you are. 3 points for pro tempore for me. 1.
Efficiency. Would do this by tightening the bill passing process. 2 Involvement. Especially the new senators. 3.
Communication. Should all have some of Star’s attitude to talk to all students. It is an honor to be speaking
with you all.
Sen. Caudio- what makes you the best candidate?
Pro tempore needs to be great record keeper. I believe I am. I am a team player. I love to hear any and all
ideas. I want to improve any concerns of the students from osprey voice. My majors give me a unique
perspective on this. Economics helps me statistically and history helps me see the broader question.
ii. Senator Cunningham
So honored to be here. I did not write a speech because I would like to speak from the heart. In high school I
was on the varsity dance team for 3 years and captain. I was also apart of key club and became the president
of that for 80 members. I had to run meetings and we had a problem with member involvement. So I cracked
down and lost 20 members but those were the members that didn’t give. The rest of the club liked the new
movement and what I was doing. The goal for pro tempore is to keep track of senators and record keeping.
Agree with Chris about keeping us accountable. Not to get a scholarship but to come up with new ideas. I lived
on campus at FSU and attended TCC. I sat there thinking I was so involved in high school, how am I here not
doing anything. I am so appreciative to be a senator here. I came to UNF because I wanted to get involved. FSU
was so huge and the student’s voices got lost. The SG there was more about power. Here I knew I would have
a voice. As soon as I got accepted I knew I wanted to join a sorority and SG. I can say I have grown so much
from those experiences so far. For this position I am prepared for the challenge of putting the chairman and
pro tempore positions together. I am strongly going with Chris in saying that we need to hold students
accountable. We do need to work on communicating with the students and we do so much work and its not
being seen by the students. Loved the text message alerts idea from osprey voice. Thank you all for the
Sen. Caudio- what makes you the best candidate?
I have a lot of passion. I like to communicate and service to others. I am very organized. I can keep track of
records. There is a lot of confusion and I think I could do a good job of keeping things updated.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to open floor for discussion. Second. No objections. Sen. Caudio- I give my
endorsement to Sen. Ramirez because she is excited to do something big here regardless of whether she gets
the position or not. Sen. Trayer- give support to Sen. Ramirez but thank Sen. Cunningham for her passion.
There is a lot of progress in the right direction.
Electronic vote.
Sen. Ramirez passes 26-0-14.
c. Elections and Appointment Chair
Motion from Sen. Tutwiler to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Motion from Sen. Tutwiler to close the floor for nominations. Second.
Senator Antworth
Sen. Antworth passes.
d. Student Advocacy Chair
Motion from Sen. Antworth to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Sen. Dykes nominates Sen. Cunningham
Sen. Antworth nominates Sen. Wise
Sen. Reich nominates Sen. Anderson
Motion from Sen. Caudio to close the floor. Second.
Senator Cunningham
This would be a good committee for me to serve on. I currently serve on this. One of my
passions is to speak to the students. Have a lot of other ideas. Things we can open up for the
students and let them know of things going on.
Sen. Garcia- mentioned different ideas of what you can do. Can you give us one idea?
With this committee, we cancel a lot. I think to hold the members more accountable and have
our committee do more than the average osprey voice, which will engage us more. If we keep
doing osprey voice about issues like the smoke free forum tonight, it would help and keep the
students more informed. Especially to get the public opinion.
Senator Wise
My name is Christina Wise for those who don’t know me. I am apart of presidential envoys,
Greek ambassadors, and Kappa Delta. I serve on Panhellenic. I have a passion for serving UNF.
I am eager to learn and have learned so much by talking with Megan Jones and the senators. I
have great time management skills and familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. One of the most
important things that SAC does is talking with students. Like to do osprey voice online to have
more accurate numbers. Like for finals frenzies to have more tables around the campus. Like
for students to know concerns going on. Like to make and SG Facebook page so students
know what is going on. Also like to work with the three agencies. Feel qualified for this
position and would be honored to serve.
Sen. Trayer- you were just sworn in tonight and now running so what is your interest?
When I join something I have to step in full force. I love SG already and I think it is important
to hear all students’ opinions. I have gotten so much out of the opportunities from UNF and I
would love to give back.
Sen. Trayer- this being your first semester in SG, would that hold you back?
I don’t think so because I am prepared and know the constitution and Robert’s Rules. I am
eager to learn and believe I could fulfill the position.
Senator Anderson
My name is Sen. Anderson, I go by “long beard” Anderson. Ever since I decided to go back to
college at the age of 32, I have wanted to advocate for the students. I have been a part of large
honors society, eco adventure club, sailing club. Since enrolling at UNF, have gotten involved
in health education at the UNF garden. I am also helping to get the American civil liberty
union club started. You may be asking, why would long beard want more responsibilities? I
am ready to alleviate some of those responsibilities to be in this position because I believe
you can benefit from my honor and integrity. After talking with Sen. Brady and Sen. Jones I
would like to include beyond the yes and no option of osprey voices. Also like to have town
halls to better facilitate student’s opinions. I also hope to better advertise the SG senate. Your
vote for me is a vote for an enthusiastic and mature candidate.
Sen. Habid- do you find yourself spread too thin with your other responsibilities?
I am involved in quite a bit but I will let go of some positions if elected.
Sen. Moore- when saying you are letting others go, is this your primary focus?
Yes SG is my primary focus
Sen. Wolf- being a little older, do you think that will hinder you from the SAC position and
getting to know the students?
I like to think I am 18 at heart and hang out with younger students. I also co-host a radio show
with a sophomore and I am looking to start a bicycle club with another underclassman.
Attorn. Gen. Turner- keep in mind we cannot discriminate against age, that was a great
question but don’t let age factor your vote.
Sen. Stjepanovic- why do you wish to let go of other positions for this one?
I want to seek out student’s answers and make the best decisions for them. I think this is the
best fit for that ambition.
Sen. Trayer- I would like to hear why you think you are the best candidate?
Being older, I am able to draw on working with other groups and age groups and interests
and getting people involved. I love to help people. I am a kayak guide and like to get people
involved in the right things to do and encourage those people to be involved as much as
possible in those right things.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to open the floor for discussion. Second. No objections. Discussion:
Sen. Caudio- I appreciate people running for this position. I give my endorsement for Sen.
Anderson. He will bring enthusiasm to the position and diversity to the cabinet. Sen.
Deyarmin- I work with Christina on Panehellenic and she came late to the board. However,
she learns so quickly so don’t let her newness to SG concern you. Also she is a PR major,
which I think is needed for this position. Sen. Waychoff- I support Sen. Anderson, he is so
enthusiastic. Sen. Stjepanovic- I have served on this committee and communication is greatly
needed and Sen. Cunningham was the only one to mention that. Sen. Tortelero- Sen. Anderson
has the charisma to reach out to the students and further the committee.
Electronic vote.
Anderson passes with 27 votes.
Budget and Allocations Chair
Motion from Sen. Garcia to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to nominate Sen. Higden. Second. He excepts.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to close the floor for nominations. Second.
Senator Estrada
I am here because I want to be the next business and allocations chairman. I have participated
in two of the last budget processes and I have poured over title 8. I have worked with both
Mark McGuire and Chris Brady. Talking to them made me only wanted the position more. My
passion grew for the funding requesting process. Many are qualified but I am the best choice
because of my experience, desire, and passion. The senators who sponsor a bill, should be
able to ask questions as well. Those senators should also get to know those clubs. I ensure
that I will remain unbiased with whoever needs my help.
Sen. Caudio- because there is little travel request money left right now, do you have any plans
to make sure it can be more evenly distributed?
Yes, I spoke with Mark McGuire about splitting the money throughout the semester because
most conferences are in the spring for clubs.
Sen. Waychoff- what experiences have prepared you for this?
Been on this committee since I was a freshman. I can take my own personal prerogative to
make it better.
Sen. Trayer- what has been the most challenging part of being on the B and A committee and
how do you plan to tackle these?
Actually many of the members on B and A don’t have time to formulate questions and don’t
know a lot about the club. I hope to mandate having members take 5 minutes to look over the
requests in the beginning of the meeting.
Sen. Brady- In this position you are put into a lot of tough situations, for instance clubs that do
not have their forms in on time and therefore you can’t have them come in and they respond
with emails being very angry. How would you respond to them?
I would respectfully guide them to title 8 that specify the requirements for them to make
Senator Higden
I would like to start off by saying how honored I am to work with each of you. One, key factor
in this position is the SG faculty working in tandem with the students. I would like to improve
the quality. I would like to continue to inform the students of how the money is being spent.
The allocation of such a large amount of money should not be taken lightly. I would like to
avoid any negligent funding. My major is in finance and this will help with this council. I have
also served on multiple finance committees. I am passionate about my work and I am very
analytical. I have spent a lot of time studying title 8 and have spent time looking over past B
and A committee minutes. Even though I am not on this committee I do not believe that will
be a problem. I have spent a lot of time with Chris Brady and Billy Nahem. Experience does
not always equal competence. With my background, I have more than enough experience to
take on this position.
Sen. Dykes- I didn’t get anything concrete about what you wanting to do with this positions,
can you give some examples?
I do see this committee going in the right direction. I do wish to be more conservative with
this committee and the matters discussed in the meetings should not be taken lightly. I want
to have a very accurate budget and avoid over expenditures.
Sen. Amira- said you want to increase transparency, can you elaborate on this?
I believe some A and S fee paying students do not know what this money is getting them. I
hope to go out to students and talk with them about the money and how it is being spent.
Sen. Waychoff- do you know how to use Robert’s Rules?
Yes, we use it in my fraternity and in IFC. I have more then enough experience.
Sen. Garcia- you mentioned gaining experience in finance. Can you elaborate on that helping
your committee?
Finance actually means the management of money. This has given me the skills set to manage.
My classes have taught me a lot. I know I can do this efficiently.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to open the floor for discussion. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Waychoff- Sen. Higden, you mentioned how you ran for the committee chair
on your first senate however I want someone to have the experience. I love this committee
because we make a difference and tangible results come through. Sen. Trayer- having been on
B and A and being apart of the budget process, I have learned how important it is to confront
this 4.5 million and having worked with Sen. Estrada I know that he has asked excellent
questions and he is one of the defiant leaders in this committee and have served as an
example. He has what is needed for this chair position. He has my vote. Sen. Caudio- I am in B
and A as well. I don’t mean disrespect but things could have been done better. I think that
their can always be improvement and experience helps that. Sen. Morrison- Sen. Estrada had
ideas for what do to with the money and that is what we need is someone who knows what to
do when getting the position. Sen. Amira- John is one of the hardest working guys I know. Sen.
Bowman- being a past B and A chair, I have to say that Chris did a phenomenal job and so I
can say that experience does not always mean the best. Sen.- Like to endorse Sen. Higden
during a time that money is very scare and I would like to see it spent in a fiscally responsible
way. Sen. Wolf- I give my support to Sen. Estrada. The questions he asks are great and things
that we don’t think of. Sen. Reich- Sen. Higdon said experience doesn’t take away competence
but Sen. Estrada has both. Sen. Mack- Sen. Higdon did not mention this, but he got his AA in
high school and I think that shows his ability.
Estrada passes 25-0-15.
University Affairs Committee Chair
Motion from Sen. Garcia to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Motion from Sen. Garcia to close the floor for nominations. Second.
Senator Turner
Sen. Turner- Like to explain what is important to me after talking to Sen. Bowman who was
amazing for the first chair position. And that is accountability and making sure members are
being accountable. This committee is the direct liaison between the students and these
university wide committees. Need to enforce consequences for senators who are not
upholding their duties. I am very honored to have a chair position.
Motion form Sen. Dykes to open the floor for nominations. Second.
Sen. Reich- I ask that I be removed from the ballot because of a conversation I had with an advisor.
i. Senator Reich
ii. Senator Dykes
Sen. Dykes passes.
Newly elected committee chairs are sworn in.
We will be having senate meeting two week from tonight, even though it is not listed on the schedule. Also, there
has been an idea to change the day of senate meetings to Fridays at 1 pm. The initial response from others is they
want a long weekend but this change is to make SG more accessible to all students. There are less events and
classes at this time. Between now and Thursday at 5 pm, pleases email me with your input. The chairs and I will be
having a meeting about this. You may attend that meeting, I will email you with the time of this meeting.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens –
Quorum is reestablished with 40 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 9:45 pm.