University of North Florida Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – January 9th 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order @ 6:34 PM
Pledge of Allegiance-Senator Barrs
Invocation-Senator Jones
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Lindsay Edwards – Quorum established with 41 voting members
Approval of Minutes
a. November 21st 2011 Senator Hebeishy: Motion to approve minutes from November 21st 2011, seconded, no objections
b. November 30th 2011 Senator Stromquist: Motion to approve minutes from November 30th 2011, seconded, no objections
c. January 4th 2012 Senator Hebeishy: Motion to approve minutes from January 4th 2012, seconded, no objections
Approval of Agenda:
1. Senator Versace: Motion to add SB 12S-2566, seconded, no objections
2. Senator Versace: Motion to add SB 12S-2566 to 2nd read, seconded, Discussion:
a. I think students need more than two weeks
b. Electronic vote
c. Passes 36-0-4
3. Senator Hebeishy: Motion to approve agenda as amended for January 9th 2012
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
a. Joseph Bass; Freshman, Mechanical Engineering and Anthropology, General Senate Seat
b. Anthony Tally; Freshman, Biology, General Senate Seat
c. Kaitlin Ramirez; Freshman, Economics, General Senate Seat
d. Sam Hackney; Junior, Criminal Justice; Associate Justice
Student Remarks (2 minutes)
a. Mike Naughton, Junior, Deaf Education
1. This semester is going to be crazy event wise. Briefly touched on apathy and how senators need to get involved
with the Agency events provided this semester. This semester we will have over 70 in Osprey Productions alone.
2. Please go out and see where your money is going to
b. Senator Hebeishy
1. Gives words of encouragement about the Spring Semester. Elections season is starting
2. Be kind
3. Thoughtful
4. Be proud to be an Osprey
c. Senator Cunningham
1. Dance Marathon Bowling January 24th 2012
Guest Speakers (5 minutes)
a. Janet Owen – Vice President, Governmental Affairs
1. Tomorrow she is going to Tally for the 60 day session
2. Starting Jan 10th due to redistricting of districts.
3. We will be working on Budget
4. State Budget has to be balanced
5. Sales Tax is what we run off of. Education looking to get cut. Especially higher education.
6. I hope that when we start meeting they finish the maps and come back in March when they have the correct
revenue projection.
7. What are the Big issues
a. Gaming
b. Possible sales tax on online sales when there is no location in the state of Florida.
c. Increase in CITF Fee for buildings and maintenance we have no money in PECO
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Bills: FSU no longer a member of the Florida Student Association. FSU unhappy about the student representative
being elected from within FSA.
e. Military and Veteran Friendly Bills.
f. Rally n Tally - January 26th and come back for the Debate at night
Senator Howard : What our some resources to find more information on Bills.
1. I send Matt a Bill chart every Monday however there are other website to use.
Senate President Fassi: Can you explain the significance of having a student elected member on the BOG?
2. The BOG is a 17 member board appointed by the Governor. The FSA Chair sits on the BOG as a student
3. The people that sit on that are all appointed by the governor
4. The FSA Chair is a great thing because students elect their president and then the presidents elect the chair so
that it is totally student driven.
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Carlo Fassi-
a. Please no cell phones
b. We have complete attendance tonight
c. We have a Title VI bill and a wrestling bill
Student Committee Council Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace,
1. Sorry for throwing this bill on you
2. Please check your emails for an email about upcoming committee meeting
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Yousra Hebeishy,
1. Please look over your CR
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairman Kyler Dykes-
1. First Lighthouse will be January 17th and 18th
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairman – Charles Galanti,
1. We will be hearing one request tonight
2. Budget hearing start this Friday.
3. Index Amounts
a. Questions
a. Senator Haley: Dress Code?
i. Casual and business casual
Fiscal Requests From Committee
a. SB-11F-2563 North Florida Wrestling, Sen. Barrs
1. We are ranked number 17th in this country
2. Because we are in the top 25 we have been invited to this event
3. We have a pretty busy season
5. Last December we sent out letters to local Businesses send out another 100 in January
a. Questions
a. Senator Bowman: How much is each wrestler paying?
i. Our goal is Zero but most likely 200 dollars
b. Senator Cunningham: Do you plan to come back and ask for more money
i. Not in this year
6. Senator Barrs: Motion to strike one room for lodging bring it to 4 room 1111.92
a. Motion passes 36-1-2
b. Billy Namen: Right now new total 2221.46
7. Senator Barrs: Motion to amend line 20 to increase fuel amount to 331.43 cents
a. Motion passes 21-8-10
b. Billy Namen: New total 2317.00
8. Senator Motion to approve SB-11F-2563 with an amount of 2317.00
9. Motion Passes 31-1-7
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Tabled Legislation
Bills on 2nd reading
University Wide Committee Reports
Senator Hebeishy: Next Wednesday first SUAB meeting
President Brockelman: Space Committee Dinning building February
May for the new wellness but let’s really look for July
Student Government Executive Reports (5 minutes)
a. Attorney General – Zakariya Varshovi,
1. I had to write an interpretation for the Judicial Branch about Title VI
2. Elections Courts act
3. Title six was a lot of hard work so thanks to Joel
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen,
1. Not much really going on right now other than Budget hearing starting
c. Vice- President – Courtney Warner,
d. President – Matthew Brockelman,
1. Joint presentation
2. PowerPoint
a. Jamba Juice
b. Jacksonville Jaguars tickets
c. MTV Campus Invasion tour
d. Osprey 1 Card
e. Boathouse TVs
f. JU fish fry
g. SG for three
h. Extend scantrons hours
Sweeping legislation changes
3. Lend-A-Wing
a. This is moving forward
b. We have a special request for about 8,000 dollars
4. 24 hour study lodge
a. We are putting a special request together
5. Blackboard Mobile app
6. Branding
a. Talons
b. Student union Banners
c. Starbucks large pictures over the walls
7. GOP Presidential Debate
8. Coke Freestyle
9. Tailgating policies
Title Vlll revisions
New cold-serve vendor
a. Questions
a. Senator Byther: Could we still tailgate if there is not an official tailgate
i. Vice President Warner: Yes in lot 18
Student Government Agency Reports: (2-minutes each)
Volunteer Center,
1. Hit 1000 Fans on Facebook
2. We had a general meeting at 5pm
3. Candice and Will reached out and we got people at swoop the loop
4. Fashion show with CHIC
5. Casting call at 6pm
6. Next GIVE Luncheon is on January 18th at 12:45pm
7. Fashion Show 16th
8. Lend-a- Wing pantry
b. Osprey Productions,
1. We have over 70 events this Spring Semester
2. Osprey Productions will be hosting a Talent Show tomorrow at 8:00pm in the Robinson Theatre
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Osprey Productions will be hosting a Movie Night on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:00pm in the Union
4. Osprey Productions will be hosting a “Coffee House” on Thursday, January 12th at 7:00pm at Starbucks on
5. Osprey Production’s “Plastic Musik” will be held on Friday, January 13th at 9:00pm in the Robinson Theatre
Club Alliance,
1. We have our meeting on Friday at 11
2. Workshop titled what are your fees
3. Save the date Agency Day
4. Survey on Club Alliance website
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
a. SB-12S-2564 – The Election Courts Creation Act, Sen. Joel Versace
b. CR-12S-2565 – Constitutional Revisions of 2012, Sen. Yousra Hebeishy
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-11S-2566- The Election Salvation and Resurrection Act of Spring 2012
b. Senator Marks motion to suspend Roberts rules, seconded, no objection
c. Changes were made and are present attached to the agenda
1. Questions:
a. Senator Haley: If you are going to get rid of 600.2-600.5 why are you adding in 603
i. Hebeishy: This is not mentioned in the constitution
b. Senator Marks: are you aloud to put the information on Supreme Court before it is passed?
i. Senate President Fassi: Yes you may because it could be in effect when they cycle to
c. Betty Garris: Make sure to pay attention to the revisions.
d. Senate President Fassi Thank you
2. Senator Haley: Motion to strike 606.3 A number 5 C, D and E Seconded,
3. Electronic vote
4. Senator Edwards motion to unanimous consent, seconded, no objections
5. Senator Saavedra: Motion to 609.2A to read no campaigning on the third floor 58 East at any student
government, agency sponsored events with the exception to a candidate debate.
a. Senator Hebeishy: I don’t think this is a smart idea because it restricts the students
b. Senator Kvies: Why not leave it to the Election Supervisor
c. Treasurer Namen: If you do go through with this, create another line for it.
d. Senator Versace: I think we should only give them equal time.
e. Senator Barrs: I agree with that I think it is good
f. Senator Saavedra: Rescinding my motion
6. Senator Cunningham: I motion to strike number 3 in 605 F
a. You can forget your card
b. Senator Kvies: I disagree with that because you could put in more than one vote without
7. Senator Dykes: Motion to strike the line 6 and 7 for 612.2
8. Electronic vote
9. Senator Cunningham Motion for unanimous
10. Marks Senator to table 12s-2566 seconded, discussion
a. Senator Marks: I think we should motion to table this until after the Elections Court acts are passed
in order to create something properly.
b. Senator Varshovi: We are allowed to this because that’s one of the powers the legislative branch
has over the Judicial.
c. Senator Haley I think this is not necessary because they cannot create their courts until this bill is
d. Senator Versace: This packet needs to go so the campaign goes smoothly as well as have the
candidate application ready. Court issues won’t take place until March
e. Senator Barrs: If the bill doesn’t pass, could this court still exist.
i. Attorney General: Judicial already has jurisdiction over elections so yes, we’re just doing
this to make it more concise and efficient.
f. Senator Versace: all three branches worked on this, it was a thoroughly reviewed.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Senate President Fassi: Senator Marks, if you still want to pass the other bill first I can hear a
motion to revisit the agenda and add it on 2nd read.
h. Electronic voting
Motion dies 5-0-33
Senator Dykes: Motion to strike letter c under 2
Senator Fassi: I will not hear that motion
Senator Hebeishy: I motion to add Letter E to 600.1 seconded no objections
Senator Hebeishy Motion to approve 2566 as amended
Senator Dykes: motion for unanimous
Hebeishy motion to make 2566 effective immediately
The University is closed on Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Day
Committee meetings will take place Monday, January 23rd from 3:00-7:00pm
Our next regularly scheduled Senate meeting will be on January 30th at 6:30pm
Osprey Productions will be hosting a Talent Show tomorrow at 8:00pm in the Robinson Theatre
Osprey Productions will be hosting a Movie Night on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:00pm in the Union Auditorium
Osprey Productions will be hosting a “Coffee House” on Thursday, January 12th at 7:00pm at Starbucks on campus
Osprey Production’s “Plastic Musik” will be held on Friday, January 13th at 9:00pm in the Robinson Theatre
Our UNF Ospreys Men’s Basketball team will host USC Upstate at the UNF Arena on Saturday, January 14th at 7:00pm. There
will be Tailgating for this game at the Coxwell Amphitheatre
Our UNF Ospreys Men’s Basketball team will host ETSU at the UNF Arena on Monday, January 16th at 7:00pm
The Volunteer Center will be hosting its “Give Luncheon” on Wednesday, January 18th at 12:45 in the Union Ballrooms
Osprey Productions will be hosting a Karaoke Night on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00pm in the Boathouse
Club Alliance has a General Meeting on Friday, January 20th at 11:00am at the Student Union, room 2704
m. Osprey Productions has a General Meeting on Friday, January 20th at 1:00pm in the Union Auditorium
The Budget and Allocations Committee will have Budget Hearings on Friday, January 20th starting at 9:00am in the Senate
Final Roll Call 38 voting members
Adjournment 9:07PM
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution