Student Advocacy Committee Agenda July 16, 2012 4:00pm I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Call to Order a. 4:01pm Roll Call a. Quorum is established with 3 voting members. Approval of Minutes a. Senator Ucciardo- Motion to approve the minutes from July 2, 2012 b. Senator Amira- Second. Approval of Agenda a. Senator Ucciardo- Motion to strike Margaret Szerba from under Guest Speakers. b. Senator Amira- Second. c. Senator Ucciardo- Motion to approve the agenda for July 16, 2012. d. Senator Szerba- Second. Guest Speakers a. Chief of Staff- Margaret Szerba i. Medical Amnesty Program b. SG VP- Mike Naughton Chair Report a. Thank you Mike for coming in and speaking about the Student Schedule Planner. I think it is a great initiative and SAC would be more than happy to create a JR for it. b. I have the results from the Osprey Voice survey..first I would like to Thank y’all for doing the survey and turning it into me on time. I didn’t think that this survey was too difficult since it was only 2 questions instead of 3 but not everyone did the survey as usual. But thank you! i. Question 1- Are you in favor of revamping the intramural fields by having new/more bleachers, scoreboard, bathrooms etc.? 1. 197 were in favor and 54 were against. ii. Question 2- Would you be in favor of having a resource that shows you the distribution of grades given by professors per class?( Stats of the teacher) 1. 236 were in favor and 23 were against. c. I have been working with Zak on Title 12 which is our title that we have jurisdiction over but it needed some work so we will be reviewing that shortly and then hopefully passing it tonight and then it will go through Senate next Monday. Old Business New Business a. SB-12SB-2619 Title XII Revisions i. We have changed the number of senators that the committee must be composed of because as we can see right now if it was still 11 senators we would not be able to hold our committee meetings. IX. X. ii. Everywhere that it says “Chairperson” it has been changed to “Chair” to follow the rest of the constitution. Adding in UAC chair, since it is a new position and committee. iii. Line 1200.6 striking “planning” changing to “organizing” and striking “ promotes school spirit and/or unity among students” and changing it to “Actively engage the student body.” Striking out line 1200.7 and moving it to later on. iv. Chapter 1201 line 15 to “The SAC Chair.” Changing “of the student advocacy committee” to just “SAC Chair.” Adding in “The SAC Chair will call” instead of just “Call” it didn’t make sense. v. Chapter 1203: Lighthouse. Everywhere it says “Lighthouse” has been struck to say “Osprey Voice” since we changed the name. vi. Chapter 1204: Finals Frenzy is new. 1204.1 state that the committee is responsible for organizing Finals Frenzy. 1204.2 describe the sign up procedure for Finals Frenzy. 1204.3 describe the policy if a senator does not attend/show up for their shift. vii. Chapter 1205: Roundtable is new. I added this because it is an initiative of mine as chair. This chapter basically describes what a roundtable event is, who is hosting it, what the responsibilities of the chair are as to this event and the procedure in which the concerns and comments of the students will be taken care of and complied into a list that will be presented to senate. b. Senator Ucciardo- Motion to approve SB-12SB-2619. c. Senator Amira- Second. d. Passes 3-0-0. Announcements a. Next scheduled Senate meeting is July 23rd at 6:30pm. b. Thank you for your help and participation all summer c. Have a great rest of summer and be safe!! Adjournment a. Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members. b. Adjourn at 4:24pm.