Senate Minutes 5-9-12

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – May 9th 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order- 6:41 PM
Pledge of Allegiance- Senator Morris
Invocation – Senator Joel Versace
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kyler Dykes – quorum is established with 24 voting members
Approval of Minutes Sen. Morris: to approve April 2nd minutes, seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agendaa.
Motion; Sen. Versace- motion to strike elections from University Committee Chair, and strike-E under Executive Cabinet –
appointments, athletics director , and strike Carlo Fassi’s report, while adding webmaster Sophia Evangelista, homecoming
director- Kayleigh Harrison, director of graphic design- Erica Hershey, osprey productions program assistant, Zani Thuzar,
graphic program assistant, lend a wing coordinator, Seconded, No Objections.
Motion to approve agenda
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment - Rhonda Exavior, Political Science Major. General Senate Seat
Ray Gonzelez, Jr. Technical Science Major, General senate Seat.
Bryan Jones- Soph, Economics Major, General Senate Seat
Student Remarks - none
Guest Speakers- none
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi- presented his bill and is what coming up tonight in
senate, and asked everyone to follow agenda to be on time as there is a lot of things to talk about.
Senate Committee Chair Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace – 3 upcoming appointments, Title VI
revisions and what was going on in upcoming committee meeting.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs – – discussed upcoming committee meeting
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones- discussed upcoming committee meeting
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairwoman Lacie Normandy – – 2 upcoming clubs so advised everyone
to really listen and ask questions, and then went over the amount balances for travel and special requests.
Fiscal Requests from Committee
SB-12S- 2595– UNF Surf Club Senator Monica Bowman- After presentation, there was discussion. Motion to approve travel
request for the UNF Surf Club- PASSED- 21-0-0.
SB-12S-2596-: Campus Crusade for Christ – Senator Chris Brady- After presentation , there was discussion. Motion to approve
travel for Campus Crusade for Christ- PASSED- 22-0-1
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
b. Tabled Legislation
c. Bills on 2nd reading
Legislative Cabinet: University Affairs Committee Chair
a. Nominations- Motion to open the floor for nominations for Chair of the University Affairs Committee-Seconded, No Objections.
Senator Brady was nominated by Senator Stevens. He accepted. Seconded
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Senator Bowman was nominated. She accepted. Seconded.
Motion to close the floor for nominations. Seconded. No Objections.
Executive Appointments
A. Executive Cabinet
a. Chief of Staff – Margaret Szerba- Motion to confirm- seconded- Passed 23-0-0
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen-Motion to confirm – seconded- Passed 22-0-0
c. Attorney General – Joe Turner-Motion to confirm - seconded Passed 22-0-0
d. Director of Student Life – Kenneth Smoak- Motion to confirm- Seconded-Passed 23-0-0
e. Director of Athletics and Wellness – Will Tutwiler- not there
f. Director of Governmental Affairs – Michelle Staton- Motion to confirm- seconded- Passed 22-0-0
g. Student Advocate – Sergio Saavedra- not there
h. Director of Graphic Design – Sofia Evangelista- Motion to confirm- seconded-Passed 21-0-0
Homecoming- Kayleigh Harrison – Motion to Confirm – Passed 20-0-0
Director of Graphic Design- Erica Hershey- Motion to Confirm, Seconded – Passed 21-0-0
B. Executive Agencies
a. Club Alliance – Paige Lehman –Motion to Confirm- Seconded-Passed 19-0-0
b. Club Alliance Assistant Director – Matt Gregory- Motion to Confirm- Seconded- Passed 22-0-0
There was a Motion for Division of the House- quorum was reconfirmed with 22 voting members.
Motion for recess- seconded no objections. Quorum was reestablished with 21 voting members.
c. Osprey Productions Director – Brent Fine- Motion to Confirm –Seconded- Passed 21-0-0
d. Osprey Productions Assistant Director – John Chwalisz- Motion to Confirm- Seconded- Passed 21-0-0.
e. Volunteer Center Director – Tony Hendricks- Motion to Confirm- Seconded- Passed 21-0-0
f. Volunteer Center Assistant Director – Wendy Alinore- Motion to Confirm- Seconded- 21-0-0
g. Osprey Productions Graphic Design- Stormy Goodman- Motion to Confirm- Seconded- Passed 21-0-0
h. Lend A Wing Coordinator- Chris Hughes- Motion to Confirm- Seconded – Passed 21-0-0
University Wide Committee Reports
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Matthew Yost -
Student Government Executive Reports (5-minutes each)
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - - none
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - – working over the summer with executive initiatives
c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - – read an encouragement and task to the new officers and senators.
d. President – Carlo Fassi - - none
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
Volunteer Center – Tony Hendricks - none
b. Osprey Productions – Brent Fine - none
Club Alliance - Paige Lehman - none
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
SB-12SA-2597: Senatorial Involvement Act – Senator Megan Jones
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
SB-12S-2594: Title IV Revisions Act of Spring 2012 – Senator Joel Versace
Attorney General Joe Turner presented his recommendations for any revisions in Title VI. Senator Versace also discussed some of
the changes and revisions. There was discussion and questions.
Senator Versace motioned to move Chapter 405 into 403 with the appropriate legislative structure formatting. Seconded. No
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion for unanimous consent.
Sen. Morris- Motion to strike 403.3D sec.2 and all bills shall be effective upon passage with exception of changes to Title VIII
which shall be effective upon July 1st at the start of our fiscal year. Seconded. Motion for unanimous consent. No Objections.
Motion to strike 403.3D to trike to read- The effective date of a bill can be changed with a 2/3 vote of approval. Seconded.
Motion for unanimous consent. Seconded. No Objections.
Point of Information on 410.2H,1- Sen Versace explained this statute.
There was discussion.
410.2G- Point of Information from Business Manager McGuire-friendly
Sen. Versace motioned to pass SB-12S-2594 as amended. Seconded. Sen Stevens motioned for unanimous consent. Seconded.
No Objections.
Sen. Versace Motion to revisit Agenda. Seconded.
Sen. Versace motioned to add SB-12S-2594A to 1st read. Seconded. No Objections
Sen Versace motioned to add SB-12S-2594A to 2nd read. Seconded. Sen Versace motioned for unanimous consent.
Sen. Versace advised that this was a short addendum that would move chapter 410 to become 617.
Motion to close agenda. Seconded. No Objections
Motion to approve agenda as amended. Seconded, No Objections.
SB-12S-2594A- Sen. Versace discussed the reason for this bill. There were no questions.
Sen. Barrs motioned to approve SB-12S-2594A- Seconded. No Objections. Motions for unanimous consent.
Sen Versace motioned to revisit the agenda. Seconded. There were no objections.
Sen. Versace to add SB-12S-2598 to 1st read. Seconded. No objections
Sen. Dykes motioned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded. No objections.
Announcements- committees on Monday.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kyler Dykes – adjourned with 23 voting members
Adjournment: 10:17 PM
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution