UAC Minutes 10-29-12

University Affairs Committee Meeting
October 29th 2012
John Sapp Conference Room 5:30 PM
Chairwoman: Monica Bowman
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:30 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 5 voting members
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Tortolero to approve the minutes from October 25. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Ramirez to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairwoman Report and Remarks-
Added a couple more committees. Going to lead us through the discussion. Will discuss each meeting
at a time. This is the last committee of the semester. Would also like to go over any likes and dislikes
of the semester.
Director of Governmental Affair’s Report
Reported on Gov. Scott’s tasks on education, giving less power to the states legislature. She will
update us on the things to come. If you have questions, you can email her.
Student Advocate’s Report
Guest Speakers
Student Remarks
Old Business
New Business
a. General Education Council
Attended this meeting on the 16th. Gave us an overview of what has been going
on. An area to work on is there is not a lot of faculty insight and they would like
more of that. Trying to change the timeline to help this issue. Haven’t heard yet
if the change will be in the fall of 2014 but believes it will be. Looking at student
outcome matrix. Have a copy of it, if anyone is interested. It is very preliminary.
There are 3 tracks from freshman as options. First 15 hours are set by the state
and are to be determined. First option is to take another 5 hours. Or if they
know their major, they can have prerequisites that count as gen eds. I am
meeting tomorrow with them.
Sen. Howard- the content and skill matrix is related to what?
The course teaches how to write using critical thinking, using different skills,
and things of that sort.
Sen. Howard- More of a broad base of what the university wants?
Sen. Fountain- Like that they are getting more specific in class names.
Other hours are able to go to internship, study abroad, etc. This is very
preliminary and may change. But they are track options for the freshman to
decide which one.
Pres. Varshovi- like this a lot. Giving the students a choice will better their
experience. I knew I wanted to study history so I did not enjoy math and
science. So I like that students who know can start their studies.
Sen. Ramirez- are the other universities doing something similar?
It is up to their discretion but most likely. I like this as well. A lot of students
know what they want to do and it takes until their junior year to begin their
Sen. Howard- has any communication been made with the advisors?
This did get brought up and this is something that needs to be discussed as well.
And I think this is a good project for us to pick up.
Sen. Fountain- how will this be marketed so that the students are aware of these
I’m sure marketing will be a huge thing. But it is still so preliminary.
Sen. Ramirez- does a student have to decide the track immediately?
This is something I will be asking and get back to you about.
Pres. Fassi- has any first year experience courses been brought up?
Not in gen ed but in the undergrad studies council. The osprey advantage course
is being tested out and asking if the committee would add this to the curriculum.
Have asked them to speak at one of our senate meetings. Only gen ed has spoke
about it in regards to the hours.
Pres. Varshovi- what is this course about?
Gives students information about the financial aid policy, on campus dining, the
resources on campus, etc.
Sen. Fountain- say this course was given to all freshman but freshman can be
any age. Are certain individuals allowed to opt out of this course because it will
not apply to them?
Hasn’t been discussed but I would assume they could override it.
Board of Trustees
Pres. Fassi- 2 weeks ago met the board met. Had a president evaluation. In 2015
the president’s contract expires. The board discussed their experience with
Pres. Delaney. Everyone was able to vote yay or nay for his progress. I, as the
student, explained how proactive he has been with our initiatives. There was
also a presentation of student adeptness. Discussed how much students are
paying in relation to the federal government. Two proposals passed
unanimously. Reviewed auditing regulations. Electronics transfers passed.
Student life and facility met about the sexual harassment on campus. Added
gender identity and expression to the document. Last items were tabled. There
was a lot of information given, but no real controversial items.
Sen. Tortolero- what are those changes?
The auditing department is to make sure there are direct ties to everything
being audited. I can get the explicit language if you like.
Tort- did this have to do with financial aid?
I think this is more for purchasing and not related to financial aid.
Sen. Fountain- new degree programs will be implemented when?
Next fiscal year.
Sen. Howard- can we have some more information of the language change for
the sexual harassment issue?
It is just adding to the definition. And you can read word for word at the website
on the page.
Undergraduate Studies Council
Went over retention, enrollment, transfers, student life issues, and student
based needs for non-traditional students. Should a student take a survey or be
required to ask why they no longer would like to attend the university? Would
like to know if it is financial reasons, family reasons, like another school better,
etc. Because it is hard to determine why a student may leave. Wish to create a
supportive campus environment. Another idea, just as Netflix gives you a list of
what you may like, they brought up this idea but for choosing courses. Also,
spoke about the issue of advising. Out of everything mentioned, what do you all
think is the most important?
Sen. Bennett- advising
Pres. Varshovi- like the Netflix idea.
Have a bad ration of advisors to students and not the best advisors so this idea
is good. Other schools are using this.
Sen. Fountain- important to look at the student scope and how to accommodate
all of them and to make the happiest.
Sen. Tortolero- do not feel that the advisors want to actually help me, but they
want me to take more classes.
Sen. Galanti- in regards to retention- he or she should not be required to take a
survey because it is none of our business. It is awkward.
Yeah I agree. They are just wanting some type of data.
Sen. Fountain- agree as well but think they should be given the option to take
the survey. Because it is important for the school to know the reasoning and
find out the issues.
This is a big concern for them because the reason may be able to be fixed, to
save the retention rates. Make it look like the university is worth going to.
Sen. Fountain- perhaps the survey would be available like the surveys after you
are done with a course but for the advisors to give.
I think the idea was to send to their email, however they didn’t think the
students would check their email after leaving.
Sen. Tortolero- yeah once they stop attending they will stop checking their
They want to be able to check in on the students who are taking a break as well.
Sen. Howard- agree, think the data is something that could be used and will
probably find a variety of reasons. For the Netflix idea, I think there may be a
problem like there is with Google. People think what is on Google is all that
there is and so students may think the suggestions are all there is too.
Sale Scholarship Committee
After discussing the topics, scholarships were awarded. Plagiarism was found in
some applications and disregarded. The committee made a 10-step guide of
how to submit a successful application. They want the students to explain in
their own words. They decided to strike the GPA requirement. If you are in good
standing, you are then eligible. Added other questions. Everyone at the meeting
was present.
Sen. Howard- any more reasons behind striking the GPA?
Sergio- yes it was not relevant to the scholarship, if you are in good standing
that is all you need. Ruth, who is in charge, checked the eligibility of the students
Sen. Fountain- where can you find the 10-step guide?
Will be up for the summer. Since it is new, it is not up yet.
Student union advisory board
Discussed timing and limitations of events because it gets crowded. Said the
timing was the biggest issue because there are prime times that students use
the facilities. Talked about the Ping-pong area. They are looking to put up lights
and a roof to that area.
Sen. Fountain- friendly change- one is listed as present and absent.
Ok will take care of. These are the student union’s minutes.
CDRC Board
Discussed diversity as an issue along with enrollment. Went from 95% to 85%
and there was not much reasoning for that. Believe may be finances. Have not
been able to hire students with the SG fund. One student is working their now.
They are required to take a 40-hour course prior, which they believe to be the
issue for students not applying or the work hours with the class hours is a
Attorn. Gen. Turner- we did make a change that other non-students could be
hired but had to wait 6 months before.
They also touched on the shuttle being an issue. Haven’t been able to have field
trips because of the new route. I’m guessing this study has to do with kids and
their environment.
Sen. Ramirez- is this job posted online? Because I know people are interested
but I couldn’t find it on the CDRC website
Attorn. Gen. Turner- it is under the UNF career listing
Sen. Fountain- can this course be done at their own pace?
Believe it would be to their discretion how it has to be done.
Sergio- see this as counter productive with budgets rolling around if they are
not being used. Don’t know if the training hours are paid, because if it was, I’m
sure people would do it.
Agree. I know students who have kids and have to use the center and there are
not enough people. Like if that resource was easier to handle.
Sen. Fountain- perhaps they could get in touch with psychology or health
professors or departments that could tell their students.
Sen. Howard- my sister is in preliminary child studies and she works at a place
like this and got it through a professor.
Would now like to get feedback on this committee, your likes and dislikes.
Sen. Fountain- if you have something to say, think you should speak your mind.
You never know if what you are saying may be a solution to a problem.
Sen. Tortolero- Encourage the members to get involved because all we have are
these reports
Sen. Bowman- think there will be some committees that will vacate a seat for
you to actually be in the meeting.
Sen. Ramirez- think we should keep a running tally of what we are interested in
and what we are keeping up with them.
Sen. Bowman- any of you all can write up simple and joint resolutions and they
are so beneficial for pushing issues that you are passionate about.
Sergio- also, make sure the bill doesn’t just stay on paper. For instance for the
homeless issue, make sure you are acting on it before you write the bill. This
will make it more effective.
Sen. Ramirez- maybe a timeline to keep things on track.
Sen. Galanti- for spring, it would be beneficial to have more guest speakers. And
that way when we have so many questions we can ask them instead of you
always being the middleman.
The next regularly scheduled Senate Meeting will be November 5th, 2012
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:21 pm.