B&A Minutes 10-15-12

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
October 15th, 2012
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 4:34 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 12 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 10/01/12
Motion from Sen. Amira to approve the minutes from October 1. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 10/15/12
Motion from Sen. Amira to adopt the agenda as amended in front of us. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Amira to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Current balances are listed in Account Totals and we have some requests in tonight’s meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Same report as last Senate. Been very busy with student fee. Will have a presentation and then voting on. There is
a request tonight on tailgating, along with other requests and a title 8 revisions so please pay attention.
Business Manager’s Report
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Special Requests
a. Judicial Branch – Sen. Samantha Delgado
Chief Justice Geotts- the Judicial Branch is not requesting too much. This is to be a student awareness
piece. Wish to table in the student union and hand out constitutions. Going to have 300 copies made
on nice paper.
Sen. Stevens- how big will the constitutions be?
If you fold your paper in half, that’s the size.
Sen. Garcia- is this the first time Judicial has done something like this?
1999 was the last I heard. They handed out brochures about knowing your rights.
Sen. Keen- are the articles included?
Just the constitution.
Sen. Keen- will it say where the students can find the rest?
Great idea! Hadn’t thought of that. But I can ask that they add to the cover the link that has the full
const and statutes.
Sen. Amira- when will you be handing these out?
Nov 12 and we will be asking for volunteers to help hand out.
Sen. Stevens- how many will be handed out?
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve the judicial branch for the total amount. Second. No objections.
No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-1-0.
b. Executive Branch – Sen. Tom Ritter
Carlo Fassi- wish to let students experience tailgating and come up with a tailgating policy to give
them incentives. We are now on the website to advertise this and we are now a tailgating friendly
campus. Will give food for the first 200 students. And will be giving a different variety of foods. I don’t
see a problem with providing free food to students. This is a win win for publicising SG and helping
the athletics department and getting students to go to the games.
Sen. Delgado- is says its in lot 18 but if there are students cars, where will it be?
There will be a specific area for tailgating.
Sen. Stevens- what food do they plan on providing?
Mike Maze is planning it and will have a variety.
Sen. Keen- you said there is food for the first 200 and that food is free?
Yes, is a free meal.
Sen. Keen- will there be a vegetarian option?
Can’t answer that but I am sure Mike Maze will be able to.
Motion form Sen. Normandy to approve the executive branch for the full amount. Second. No
objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 13-0-0.
Travel Requests
a. Pre-Law Student Society – Sen. Bryan Jones
Vanessa- from the Pre-Law Society- informs the students about law options. Going to Stetson with
10-15 members. Going to UF in spring and taking a tour of schools in summer. Pretty active society,
we have 10-20 members come weekly to meetings. We are looking to go to the convention and
asking for help with registration, lodging and the gas. PLSS helps members make informed decisions
in regards to whether they wish to attend law school. This conference is different because it is
national and others just show the law schools in the state. We will be able to bring all the information
back to the students and they will then benefit more. This conference provides a wealth of info to
help make informed decisions.
Sen. Garcia- is this the first time for PLSS to attend this?
Sen. Keen- mentioned other conventions attended, how did you pay for those?
Raised money at tailgates.
Sen. Normandy- how did you choose who gets to go?
It was open to all who wanted to go. And split up the students between the different conventions.
Sen. Estrada- what fundraising has been done?
Bake sales.
Motion from Sen. Keen to approve the Pre-Law Student Society for the full amount. Second. No
objections. Discussion: Sen. Keen- in class 605 answered that they were interested in law school, this
is good to give the students the materials to make informed decisions. Sen. Normandy- have worked
with Leanne before and she is serious about what she does and she will reach out to others about
what they attained.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-1-0.
b. Model United Nations – Sen. Estrada
Finance Code
General Reserves
Budget Balancing
SB-12F-2650 - Chris Brady
Want to remind everyone that travel requests don’t go through Senate, only B and A. We realized that there
were some issues with this. We are striking the word “full” which gives the idea that everyone must vote for.
The bill is signed by the president.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve SB-12F-2650. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Farrell for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
A) Senate Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 13 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 5:00 pm.