Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting October 15th, 2012 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Call To Order Roll Call Approval of the Minutes A) 10/01/12 Approval of Agenda A) 10/15/12 Chairman Report and Remarks Treasurer’s Report VII. Business Manager’s Report VIII. Guest Speakers IX. Account Totals 2012-2013 Fiscal Year X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Special Requests Travel Requests Salary Reserves Now $43,177.00 $26,841.00 $22,467.00 After $29,194.00 $24,872.00 $22,467.00 Old Business New Business A) Transfers B) Salary Reserve Requests C) Special Requests a. Judicial Branch – Sen. Samantha Delgado b. Executive Branch – Sen. Thomas Ritter D) Travel Requests a. Pre-Law Student Society – Sen. Bryan Jones E) Finance Code a. SB-12F-2650 Light Speed Travel Repair Act – Sen. Chris Brady F) General Reserves G) Budget Balancing Announcements A) Senate Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Senate Chambers Final Roll Call Adjournment Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting October 1st, 2012 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady XV. Call To Order Meeting is called to order at 4:35 pm. XVI. Roll Call Quorum is established with 14 voting members. XVII. Approval of the Minutes A) 09/17/12 Motion from Sen. Amira to approve the minutes from September 17, 2012. Second. No objections. Moved. XVIII. Approval of Agenda A) 10/01/12 Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. No objections. Moved. XIX. Chairman Report and Remarks First travel request. Keep in mind there is a new process for this. These requests only go through B and A, not senate. We must have 2/3 votes. If everything passes tonight we will be at the totals on the following account total chart. XX. Student Remarks (20 minutes) None. XXI. Treasurer’s Report There are a lot of request coming up. Please ask questions. The president did veto the Chick-fil-a request. Rehearing the request tonight at 8 pm. XXII. Business Manager’s Report None. XXIII. Guest Speakers None. XXIV. Account Totals Now After XXV. 2012-2013 Fiscal Year Special Requests Travel Requests $43,794.00 $30,000.00 $43,177.00 $26,841.00 Salary Reserves $37,467.77 $22,467.77 Old Business None. XXVI. New Business H) Transfers I) Salary Reserve Requests a. Center for Student Media – Sen. Joel Versace Sen. Estrada introduces John Timpa is Versace’s place. John Timpa- the positions occupied went from coordinator to director. In the past two years have gone from 35 student employees to 111 student employees. We added a Spinnaker digital department and a Center to student media business department. W have grown a lot in the past two years. Wish to request a new position from coordinator to director position. Motion from Sen. Amira to approve the salary reserve request. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 12-01. Special Requests a. Table Tennis Club – Sen. Monica Bowman Sen. Bowman introduces table tennis club. Club shows presentation on funding request of table tennis tables to be installed into the wellness center. This is to better the club. Only club members are allowed to use during the meetings. Everyone can join the club. This is to keep the tables in the best condition. Need this for better training and allows the club to expand. Just need a table and balls. Questions? Sen. Garcia- how many members currently? Varies but from 12-15 students currently. But this is dictated by the amount of tables we have. Sen. Garcia- have you done any fundraising? Not this semester but will be doing one. We cannot charge an entry fee but we accept donations. Sen. Browki- explain the once a semester tournaments We go to another college that is supporting the event. Other colleges come and we all compete. A team of 4 competes but we have brought 3 teams to one competition before. There is one in the fall and one in spring. Sen. Keen- the new table tennis tables that were installed outside, are they not professional enough? It s not the tables but the environment. The concrete floors, wind, rain and so on makes it much different than the competitive environment. Sen. Keen- do you have space in mind in the wellness center? Spoke to the sports club director. We talked about moving to an upstairs room in the area. Sen. Stevens- you spoke about a fundraiser, what does money go to? Various paddles and balls. The rest for is for traveling. Sen. Ritter- you said anyone in club can use. What are requirements to be a member? To show up and attend events. We keep track of names and n numbers. Sen. Ritter- do you require membership fees? Definitely not. Sen. Delgado- are you able to reserve the tables in the game room? Have tried but it will take 4 hours to get every member to practice. They do not give these hours twice a week. To compete at a higher level we just need more time. Treasurer Namen- do you think it is counterintuitive to only request one table instead of two or three? We were not quite sure pricing and we didn’t know if more would get approved. Found a $300 table and were happy about that. Figured we could come back again. This is the first step for us. Sen. Delgado- will the tables ever need repair? With proper use tables do not need repairs and last for years. Sen. Stevens- did you get it approved correctly to store items in the arena? Yes. Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve the Special Request for $616.96. Second. Objection: Sen. Estrada- want to take off other amount for balls. Motion from Sen. Caudio to open floor for discussion. Sen. Estrada- think from their fundraising they can cover the cost of balls but I am happy to sponsor the table. Sen. Stevens- I think we just got 5,000 table tennis balls so it’s not a needed expense. Sen. Delgado resends her motion. Motion from Sen. Delgado to close the floor. Motion from Sen. Estrada to strike line item number 3. Second. No objections. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. Motion Sen. Estrada to approve request for the amount amended for $497. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. K) Travel Requests a. Transportation & Logistics Society – Sen. Star Caudio Sen. Caudio introduces the society. Society shows presentation for travel requests. Requesting travel to Anaheim, California for an Intermodal Expo this year. Participation in this conference ensures our mission statement. Gets us the feasibility to be recognized nationally. Allow students to network with company executives. Students can benefit by the number of companies there. These are top-level executives. Last year met the CEO of CSX, a top-level rail company. One of the 3 days, there are workshops all day where they can gain knowledge of current issues. This will help the students in their classrooms. UNF students participate in a transcom expo. After hearing others present and talking to judge about what UNF did J) b. c. well and want did right, we want to win case studies for UNF in the future. Went to the conferences in both Ft. Lauderdale and Atlanta. Good to go to two different ports to realize for what the ports can differ. Also meeting other students from other universities can build relationships and network. University will gain national exposure. Students can connect what they learn at the expo to what is being taught in the classrooms. Need help with additional funding. Have applied for a grant from the alum association by video application. Have used initiation fee to help fund. By taking 4 students instead of 2 will show executives that UNF is serious about this industry and to inspire our peers. We are also recycling old printer cartridges to raise money. Questions? Sen. Estrada- Can the business manager explain why there is no number of vehicles listed? Advisor McGuire- They are taking a shuttle from the airport. Sen. Farrell- mentioned contacting high up executives, what other activities taking part in? Everyday there are events. First night is a networking dinner; next two days are the conference. Companies are tabling and this is for students to go up to them and represent UNF. Sen. Garcia- how many members? We have 100-120. Sen. Garcia- only two going? We were able to raise for two students and we are asking for SG to fund two more. Sen. Garcia- how did you decide who goes? Our director chose off of who put in the most time and effort. We are also all senior students. Motion from Sen. Estrada to approve travel request for $1000. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Estrada- this is a big, supported program at our school so this will definitely benefit them. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. Maggie Seppi – Sen. Fransua Estrada Sen. Estrada introduces Maggie for travel request. Requesting to attend fall college media convention in Chicago. Have several outlines for what I will be attending while I am there. I am planning on graduating in December so this will help to network and discuss with other students what I learn there. I can gain a lot of first hand experience. I also want to pass on the information to other students and gain more possibilities. Questions? Sen. Garcia- how will this benefit UNF as a whole? They will be discussing breaking news stories and will be able to meet real world journalists and discuss with them one on one and I can pass this on. This is not something a lot of students get to do. Sen.- What is the basis of this convention? They will hold workshops each day and teach how to prepare for a career. Sen. Keen- for when you are sharing your knowledge gained with other students will it be informal or will you hold a formal workshop of the information you learned? Yes, would like to do that. I will be taking notes there and would like to pass that on. Sen. Farrell- confused on the dates listed Business Manager McGuire- leaving 31 not 21. Sen. Garcia- what other funding have you looked toward for help? Spinnaker has said they will match any funding I receive. Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve Maggie Seppi of $500. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. Mock Trial – Sen. Ryan Traher Sen. Traher introduces the mock trial president. Leigh Gold- requesting funding to attend the mock trial competition at FSU. We are currently in good standing of club alliance. All members are currently at UNF. We register with the organization that sends a case packet and allows you to get ready for a trial. We travel to two different competitions in the semester. We are able to go against schools like Harvard, Furman, and Yale. Last year we just missed the finals against Princeton. We will be sending students back who went last year. Last year’s team won best lawyer roles and just missed the overall award. Will be sending both teams to FSU. Competition will be held at the new FSU advocacy center. This will be a more real setting in front of judges and lawyer who are coming to judge us. Requesting this fund is to cover the hotel and half the gas. We have been doing fundraisers and spirit nights, and law firms are sponsoring us. That money is being put forth to regional and nationals. We have never asked for money from you all before. We are planning on staying at holiday inn about 5 miles away from site. The individual students going to this are getting a valuable experience of things they will later on face. This also gives great exposure to UNF. If we do not receive funding, we will probably not be able to attend. Questions? Sen. Keen- what happened after you attended last year’s mock trial? It states you all entered bad standing? I was unaware we were in bad standing until I was elected. The last president didn’t keep up with it. Since we found out I have done everything to keep up with it. Sen. Estrada- how many students are on one team? 8 on the first team and 12 on the second team. We will go in 4 rounds so we will see 4 different schools. Sen. Keen- Is everyone going get to be an attorney? Yes and no. Some students don’t want to be but if the student wants to be, they will get the opportunity. Motion from Sen. Amira to approve the mock trial travel request. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. L) Finance Code a. SB-12F-2634 Special Request Optimization Act – Sen. Chris Brady Currently the funding request process is the request must be turned in 5 days. The special requests need to be in before the B and A meeting. Proposed these changes to give students more time to turn in requests. Changes from 4 days to 2 business days. Sen. Garcia- What was the reason to switching to 1 less bus day? Sometimes if the treasure or myself isn’t in one day, this gives us the extra time. Motion form Sen. Delgado to approve SB-12F-2634. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. b. SB-12F-2635 Student Union Provisionary Language Change – Sen. Chris Brady Student Union asked that we change the language of Section 13. It currently says the wages cannot go above $10 an hour. They ask we make it $10 an hour for the senior student level position. Sen. Caudio- and this is for students? Yes, all student positions. Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve SB-12F-2635. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 13-00. M) General Reserves N) Budget Balancing XXVII. Announcements A) Senate Monday, October 1st, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. Senate Chambers B) Senate Monday, October 8th, 2012 at 6:30 pm Senate Chambers XXVIII. Final Roll Call Quorum is reestablished with 13 voting members. XXIX. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 5:32 pm.