Engr 1202 ECE meeting 19 Final Exam review 4-4-2014

Please respond to this on-line
student evaluation of this class
Dear instructor,
End-of-term course evaluations are now available to your students through the web.
The deadline to complete evaluations is 11:59 PM on Thursday, December 6.
Faculty participation is essential to the web-based course evaluation process!
You can contribute to increased response rates by reminding your students about the
evaluation and encouraging them to complete it. Be sure to remind them that
students who complete all their evaluations before the deadline will be eligible to win
a new iPad. You can also check your current response rates and tailor your
communications to students accordingly.
To check your response rates, log in to the web-based tool at
uncc.campuslabs.com and click My Reports on the Course Eval tab. For more
information about increasing response rates, view the FAQ at
myevals.uncc.edu/increase-response-rates. In addition to response rates, you will be
able to review the final results of your evaluations on Tuesday, December 18.
Engineering requires a commitment to a lifetime
of learning
The technology you will be working on changes
very rapidly
Final Exam
Monday, 5/6 at 8:00am in EPIC
Please be on time