Student Union Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Date: 08/12/2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. ____ Place: 58W/3806 Call to Order:_9:00 a.m. BY:__SUAB Chair Katie Jackson____ 1. Roll Call Members Present: Katie Jackson, Gustavo Ascanio, Catherin Tatum, Jean Marie Maierhoffer, Zachary Mease, Justin Sipes, Lori Durham interim member for John Timpe, Dawn Knipe, Celeste Watkins, Courtney King, John Simms and Patricia Sones. Absent: Oupa Seane, George Saltzinger Guests: Naomi (?), ICP in attendance for Oupa Seane, Margaret Szerba, Assistant Dir. OP, Jennifer Nutt, Associate Dir. SU, Lauren Hodge, Assistant Dir. SU, Jenn Miranda, Coordinator OFSL, Katrina Willis, A&S Accountant. 2. Approval of Minutes No Minutes to approve 3. Welcome : SUAB Chair Katie Jackson 4. Introduction of SUAB Members : SUAB Chair Katie Jackson a. Members introduced themselves in order around the room. 5. SUAB Meeting Schedule for Fall Semester 2015: SUAB Chair Katie Jackson a. Chair Jackson asked all members to review their class and meeting schedules and forward them to SU Office Manager Pat Sones. She will review them and suggest meeting dates for the Fall Semester. 6. Student Union Director Report: John Simms, Director, Student Union a. Goals and Committee Status Review 1. Mr. Simms provided an overview of the seven year history of the Student Union and the Student Union Advisory Board. 2. Mr. Simms provided an overview of the past committee activity and projects. 3. Mr. Simms provided an overview of the SU funding structure. b. Annual Report 1. Mr. Simms provided an overview of the Annual Report of the operations of the Student Union including programming, building maintenance and budgets. 2. Mr. Simms indicated that a copy of the Annual Report would be forwarded to the board members for review. 3. Mr. Simms provided an update on the status of the InLighten digital media project. c. Monthly Report 1. Mr. Simms provided an overview of the Student Union Monthly Report outlining the volume of business, events and building maintenance. 2. Discussion was had concerning the decrease in numbers from one year ago and the possible explanations for such. 7. Old Business: a. None 8. New Business: a. Chair Katie Jackson asked all members to discuss a goal or a vision for the Student Union and coming year. A round table discussion was had involving all members. b. Chair Katie Jackson suggested the following: 1. Review of the SUAB By-Laws, exploration of subcommittees and confirmation of voting membership. 2. Review of reservation process in attempt to streamline or make the process more user friendly. 3. With the goal of more student users, investigate possibility of longer Food Service hours or alternative food service providers. i. Discussion was had concerning Chartwell’s contract with the University, revenue streams, restrictions and performance expectations. 4. Review of the lounge spaces through the Student Union. c. Zachary Mease suggested the following: 1. Review of the grad lounges and casual meeting spaces to explore ways to increase use and/or traffic. 2. Clarify the Student Union Administrations scope of control of building, procedures and policy. 3. Review renovation possibilities of the Boathouse. d. Gustavo Ascanio suggested the following: 1. Review and enhance marketing of Student Union spaces and what they can be used for; increase outreach. 2. Suggested a student survey to assess what students would like to see in the Student Union spaces. e. Justin Sipes suggested the following: a. Review of the building phases and what is next in expansion effort. b. Review budget allocations and possible restrictions related to staffing, repairs and AUX expense. c. Board should advocate for Student Union to be able to program. 9. Guest Comments: a. Margaret Szerba stated that she was pleased with the board’s discussion today and was looking forward to a productive year. 10. Good of the Order: a. None 11. Updates & Events: a. Courtney King, Campus Life, shared that WOW (Week of Welcome) is ready to go and that they are looking forward to a fantastic week welcoming UNF students and their families. We will review feedback post event. b. The office of Campus Life is returning to the predictable programming model and will schedule a roundtable discussion with stakeholders. Please forward your events to Campus Life to be added to the Master Calendar. c. Spinnaker Media is scheduled to celebrate their 1st Issue on September 6th with a launch party that will include catering by Chartwells and two bands. d. Homecoming is tentatively scheduled for February 12-15, 2016. More information to follow. Adjourn: 10:00 a.m.