Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting March 21 , 2016 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM

Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting
March 21st, 2016
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Troy Bottom
Call To Order
a. Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
a. Quorum is established with 5 voting members: Jordan, Thames, McKnight, Adamson,
and Beaucham.
Approval of the minutes – February 29th, 2016
a. Senator McKnight: Motion to amend the minutes from February 29th, 2016 so that
under approval of agenda it reads “agenda” instead of “minutes.” Second. All in favor.
b. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second. All in favor.
Approval of Agenda – March 21st, 2016
a. Senator Beaucham: Motion to amend the agenda so that Spinnaker Media’s transfer is
the first order of business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
b. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor.
Chairman Report and Remarks
a. Chairman Bottom: I would like for you to not be as concerned with the account totals
when making your decisions.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
a. Treasurer Duffy: Club Alliance made the only line-item transfer to report.
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2015-2016 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Special Requests
Salary Reserves
Unfinished Business
New Business
a. Spinnaker Media
Director Baker: We moved 15 student positions to volunteer. We are asking for a
request of $10,000 in order to keep our students on the payroll. It would be great to
keep these students paid.
Senator Thames: You’re looking to have those fifteen positions paid?
Director Baker: Yes, we want to transfer the money from the director to the students.
Senator Jordan: That is until the end of the fiscal year?
Director Baker: Yes, sir.
Senator Thames: You’re requesting a $10,000 transfer?
Director Baker: Yes, there’s a $30,000 savings this year in A&P Wages. We’re asking to
take $10,000 of that and put it into OPS for the students to keep them paid through
Senator Thames: I motion to approve the $10,000 transfer for Spinnaker Media. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-0. Moved.
A) Travel Requests
a. Paint Guild
Kim Miller: I am the president of the UNF Paint Guild. We are here to present our
proposal to take a trip to Savannah. We will make connections with working artists at
the Tour. The students will get a great club experience and this will get more students
interested in the Paint Guild. The better experience students have in the club, the more
influential they can be in recommending the Fine Arts Program. We are asking for
Senator McKnight: How do you select the students to go?
Miller: It’s open to anyone, but it is first-come-first-serve.
Senator Adamson: It says you haven’t done any fundraising? Why is that?
Miller: We just started. We haven’t had the time to fundraise.
Senator Jordan: Motion to amend SB-16S-2952 so that it reads, “allow students from
the Paint Guild to attend.” Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SB-16S-2952 in the amount of $1,384.78. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-0. Moved.
B) Eta Sigma Gamma
Senator Jordan: Motion to amend SB-16S-2954 to change Senate sponsor to
Senator Jordan. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Jose Alonso: I am the treasurer for Eta Sigma Gamma. We are asking for funding
to attend the CDC Tour in Atlanta. We are asking for $1,397.59. Based on our
experience, we plan on creating a presentation that any students can learn
from. We’re looking at five rooms for two nights and we are taking
Senator Jordan: Do you charge dues?
Alonso: Yes, we do.
Senator Jordan: Will you give preference to members of the club?
Alonso: It is open to anyone in the major. We sent an email to everyone on our
roster and we asked for anyone interested to sign up.
Senator Jordan: You’ve already selected the people going?
Alonso: Yes, we had to get approval from the CDC.
Treasurer Duffy: Is anyone allowed to go?
Alonso: Anyone should be allowed to go since that’s what the rules say.
Senator Adamson: Are there any costs you are paying yourself?
Alonso: We are paying the registration costs.
Senator Thames: Out of those who showed interest, you did not turn anyone
Alonso: No.
President Guerra: So are any non-members going?
Alonso: No.
Business Manager Knipe: Does your organization qualify as an RSO under CA?
Alonso: Yes, we have to go to meetings.
Attorney General Baker: Regardless of the status of your club, if your event is
open to anyone outside of the club, it is not against state law to fund your
Chairman Bottom: Are your sign-ups done?
Alonso: Yes, but it was open to anyone.
President Guerra: I would be willing to wait to approve this until we have
determined it is legal to fund this request.
Business Manager Knipe: Have you already paid?
Alonso: We were waiting to hear from Senate.
Senator Thames: Could we add any stipulations?
Attorney General Baker: We are tweaking Title 8 so that it is stated clearly
Senator Thames: Motion to approve SB-16S-2953. Second. Discussion.
Senator Thames: I do not think there is anything illegal about this request.
Senator Jordan: I rise against this bill since the club charges dues. There are too
many questions regarding this request.
Senator Adamson: I am against this bill. I do not think the Senate should be
funding this alone. We should amend the amount. Motion to amend line 22 to
strike out transportation and amend the amount on lines 23 and 24 to $896.65.
Second. Discussion.
Senator Thames: I am in support of this so that it will be more likely to pass.
Roll call vote. 2-0-3. Motion to amend is rejected.
Roll call vote. 1-0-4. Motion is rejected.
C) Special Requests
a. Student Government/ Executive
Project Manager Glehn Von Loh: In front of the flags will be a tombstone
honoring the veterans. We have become known for being military friendly. One
in every 14 ospreys is a veteran.
President Guerra: This idea has floated around since the Fassi Administration.
$25,000 had been reserved for this project originally attended near the
amphitheater. Under Turner, it moved to Pocket Park. The quote is $46,561 so
we need about $1,500 after the request.
Senator Jordan: You need an amendment for $20,000 instead?
President Guerra: Yes, that is what we need.
Senator Thames: When can we expect to see this?
Project Manager Von Loh: I do not know how long it will take for the contractor
to get set up. We’re hoping for end of Summer, early Fall.
Senator Adamson: Why does it cost that much for a memorial?
President Guerra: Things have changed since 2013 in terms of building costs.
The cost will go toward granite tombstones and plaques. I don’t know if any of
you have had to plan a funeral, but funerals are very expensive and this runs
along the same line as a funeral.
Senator Thames: Is this feasible given our budget constraints?
President Guerra: Yes.
Senator Jordan: Motion to amend line 15 so that construction is $20,000, total
cost is $20,000, and in the enactment clause it says $20,000. Second. No
discussion. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SB-16S-2954 as amended. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote 4-0-1. Moved.
D) General Reserves
E) Transfers
F) Budget Balance
G) Finance Code
H) Title VIII revisions
Budget Deliberations
Final Roll Call
a. Quorum is re-established with 5 voting members: Jordan, Thames, McKnight, Adamson,
and Beaucham.
a. Meeting is adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Minutes taken by Thomas Beaucham, B&A Vice Chairman