C&S Minutes 2-29-16

Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes
February 29th, 2016
John E. Sapp Conference Room 7:19 PM – 9:14 PM
Chair: Senate President Pro-Tempore Burke
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:19 PM.
Roll Call – Vice-Chair Dato
Quorum has been established with 9 voting members; Dato, Smith, Cajuste,
Butler, Platts, Johnson, Adamson, Wong, Awan.
Student Remarks
Senator Mims: Our soccer team is hosting a 3 on 3 tournament. Anyone can join,
you just need 4 members. We also have multiple basketball games tonight.
Senator Awan: It’s in April and registration is $10.
Approval of Minutes – February 15th, 2016
Senator Platts: Motion to approve the Minutes from February 15th, 2016. Second.
Approval of Agenda
Senator Butler: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
Pro Tempore Burke: We have moved the Senate meeting from 3/28 to 3/31.
Unless there is business happening, we will not have a committee meeting on
3/28. There will be no meetings on March 28th. If you feel as if everything is
rushed, you can always table the P-n-P’s.
POI Senator Mims: There will more than likely be a bill to be heard on 3/21.
Absence Point Appeal Hearings
1. Senator Jose Cisneros
a. Senator Cisneros: The reason I’ve missed all these meetings is due to class
conflicts. This issue was brought up to Mrs. Vicki as well as chairwoman Keefe.
They advised me to set up an appointment with Senate President Baker, we were
supposed to meet Friday but I wasn’t able to meet up with him so we rescheduled.
The reason why I had to sign up for this class was due to a late registration and
this was the only class time left for me to sign up for.
b. Senator Platts: So will this problem persist for the rest of the semester? This is
something I’m trying to figure out as soon as possible.
c. Senator Butler: Were you absent tonight as well? Yes.
d. Senator Cajuste: Did you try to switch to the latest committee? I brought this up
to Mrs. Vicki because I may not be able to be in senate due to class conflict. I’ve
requested a letter from my professor to excuse me. This is no way affecting my
e. Senator Butler: Did you bring this up in the fall? I couldn’t register for the class in
the fall due to financial issues. I registered for the class the day before classes
f. Senator Smith: Are you a fall or spring seat? What time are you classes? Spring
and 4:30-7:15.
g. Senator Butler: Do you see this as choosing school over school or vice versa, or is
there another point of view? I would choose school over student government, I’m
a student first. I was trying to do both to the best of my abilities. If necessary I’d
go to class rather than continue in SG.
h. Senator Awan: Have you tried to do the absentee appeal form? No. Pro-Temp
Burke: He submitted some.
i. Senator Butler: Have you attempted to volunteer? I volunteered at Club Fest. I
didn’t see any form to relieve my absentee points.
j. Senator Adamson: Could we rule that we make absentee points temporary/make
them pending? We are able to suspend the Absence Policy for extenuating
k. POI Senator Cajuste: He didn’t say how many he wanted to remove.
l. Pro-temp Burke: It’s our choice.
m. Senator Johnson: I motion to remove 2 absentee points from the meeting from
2/15/16. Second.
n. Senator Johnson: This is kind of a compromise. Since he has pending absentee
points, he’ll be back here. What we can do is remove two and give him more time
to fix his problem.
o. Senator Platts: I think we’d all hate to see a senator leave, but I think it’s
important that we address Mrs. Vicki’s concern of a class conflict.
p. Senator Smith: Is there a reason why you chose that meeting? No. We have to
fulfill our duties as students. It’s better to do one thing very well rather than do
two things mediocrely.
q. Senator Cajuste: Why would we just remove two if it was the same problem for
each committee meeting? He went up to his professor and Mrs. Vicki to try and
find a solution. I think we should remove four.
r. Senator Butler: Senator Johnson’s decision is well thought because he wanted to
give him more time.
s. Senator Johnson: It was because he had two pending absentee points.
t. Senator Awan: Our next committee meeting after spring break, and we can
suspend robert’s rules for extenuating circumstances.
u. Pro Tempore Burke: He’s got a special case where he has a class conflict. He has
exhausted his only time to come before our committee. We’re voting on to
impeach or to give him until the spring.
v. Senator Adamson POI: If he were to get reassigned to our committee would there
still be a class conflict? He doesn’t really have a conflict.
w. Advisor Shore: One of the benefits of being on senate, you get priority
registration to avoid class conflicts.
x. Senator Johnson: Since he can’t after he gets four points, I’m going to rescind my
y. Senator Adamson: I motion to remove two absence points from the committee
meeting from 2/1/16. Second.
z. Senator Adamson: The reason why I’m saying this is the best option, it still gives
him the chance to volunteer.
aa. Senator Butler: I’m advocating that we give him a second chance.
bb. Senator Cajuste: I don’t support this because I feel as if he couldn’t help it since
he had financial problems.
cc. Senator Adamson: I see where you’re coming from, even though he was restricted
from his class conflict, he still had a time to change to better suite his schedule.
dd. Motion does not pass 4-0-5.
ee. Senator Awan: Motion to suspend Robert’s Rules for Senator Cisneros until the
first committee meeting in the Fall semester. Second. Dies 4-0-5.
ff. Senator Cajuste: I believe we should.
gg. Senator Butler: I think this is going too far.
hh. Senator Butler: Motion to remove 2 absence points from 2/15/16. Second. Passes
ii. Senator Awan: Just because these events are coming, it doesn’t necessarily mean
he’ll be able to be there.
jj. Senator Butler: Do you have free time? Yes, I’m free on Tuesdays and Thursday
and Wednesdays I’m free in the mornings.
Unfinished Business
1. SR-16S-2935 – Vitalization of the Senate Policies and Procedures
a. Burke: I wanted all future terms, to have a better understanding to what has now
been defined. Every single responsibility has been outlined. To increase
accountability, we have to come into this knowing what our expectations are. I
want senate procedures to be well defined in the senate orientation packet. ProTempore is responsible from all voting records (committee and senate meetings)
and with updating the constitution and PnP. Senate secretary is responsible for
minutes. Committee chairs are responsible for minutes from committees. Senate
president is now the overseer of the entire legislative folder. We are now defining
all the meeting notifications for example public notification and notifying
senators. The senate president is responsible for sending out notification for these
meetings. Emergency meetings are publicly posted in the rotunda and must be
two business days in advance. All regular meetings are to be notified of the
business which takes place in the senator packet. We define what each bill is as
well as the senate sponsor, in which the sponsor must be present for the entire
meeting in which their bill is being heard. Transition binder, I want all the
committee chairs to be responsible to inform the next chair of what to do.
b. Senator Cajuste: What form is online? The old one.
c. Senator Adamson: What about the commentary box? It is there.
d. Senator Platts: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 Article 7 section 3 on subsection
F to read “F. Motions to remove Absence Point(s) must receive majority vote of
the C&S Committee.” Moved by no opposition.
e. Senator Butler: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 Article 3 Section 2 “To serve as
the overseer of the “Legislative” folder on the O Drive, and ensure all relevant
information is filed appropriately.” Moved with no opposition
f. Senator Platts: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 Article 5 so that “3. Additional
Responsibilities of the B&A Committee Chair. A. The B&A Committee Chair is
responsible for drafting a bill for every request submitted to the B&A Committee.
B. The B&A Committee Chair is responsible for updating the official document
of the Provisionary Language on the O Drive to reflect any changes that were
made by the Senate within four (4) business days of the passage of that
legislation.” Second. Moved by no opposition.
g. Senator Butler: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 Article 5section 2 so that it reads
“Q. To update the official forms, templates, applications, and documents
pertaining to his or her committee to reflect any changes that were made to the
Senate governing documents. R. To develop a Transition Binder, as outlined in
Section 6 of this Article.” Second. Moved with no opposition.
h. Senator Platts: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 Article 5 to add “6. Transition
Binder: A. Over the course of the Committee Chair’s term, he or she must
continuously develop a Transition Binder. B. The purpose of the Transition
Binder is to pass along important knowledge and advice of a specific position in
the Legislative Cabinet to the next Senator who will fill that position. C. The
Transition Binder shall be passed down from the former Chair to his or her
successor. The successor is expected to make additions and corrections, and
continue the tradition of Transition Binder passage.” Second. Moved with no
i. POI why is it 4 business days? It gives them until that Friday.
j. Advisor Shore: I appreciate the recommendation due to the changes to title 11.
k. Senator Awan: I don’t necessarily apprehend a lot of discussion.
l. Senator Johnson: Motion to Table SR-16S-2935. Second. Rescinded.
m. Senator Johnson: I just think it’s a good idea for us to keep looking over this.
n. Senator Awan: We’ve had two weeks to look over this.
o. Senator Sayers: There’s a conflict of interest. I suggest a motion to amend the bill
to state “The GO Committee will consist of Senators without a conflict of interest.
A conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to, Declaring Candidacy in a
current election or holding positions of leadership within political parties which
includes, but is not limited to, campaign manager and party chair. ” The purpose
of this is to further solidify AG Baker’s interpretation.
p. Senator Butler: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 by adding “The GO Committee
will consist of Senators without a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest
includes, but is not limited to, Declaring Candidacy in a current election or
holding positions of leadership within political parties which includes, but is not
limited to, campaign manager and party chair.” Second. Motion passes 9-0-0.
q. Senator Awan: Who defines the limitations? The AG and the judicial branch.
r. Senator Butler: Motion to Amend SR-16S-2935 on point 4 under “duties of the
senate” to merge points E and F. Second. Moved with no opposition.
s. Senator Awan: Motion to Approve SR-16S-2935 as amended. Passes 8-0-1.
t. Senator Adamson: I don’t think we should approve this. I think we should table
u. Senator Butler: We also believe in being prepared for senate and committee
v. Senator Platts: I feel like the fundamental changes have been addressed.
w. Senator Awan: I think it properly sets up everyone’s job descriptions.
x. Senator Adamson: I believe that if the chair wishes to table the bill, we should.
2. OB-16S-2945 – Club Funding Reform
a. Senator Jordan: I’m here to sponsor OB-16S-2945. This is something we started
way back in the Fall Semester. This changes the Club Funding Board and Process
as well.
b. AG Baker: A few motions need to be made and most of them are friendlies. To
help CA move forward with the Club Funding reform, the treasurer and the CA
director will meet biweekly. The CA director will report all RSOs suspensions.
The CA director will be reviewing the B&A committee agenda to ensure he offers
any information needed. I suggest the appeal should go to the SG Senate rather
than the Supreme Court since there may be breach according to President Guerra.
Now, RSOs must request grants for a specific grant. RSOs advisors must sign off
on requests larger than $500.
Director Mease: As of now, clubs will have to be requesting from us what their
budget is for next year but it’s not possible to expect clubs to think a year in
advance. I recommend a motion such that advisors sign off on paperwork as well
as a point where they may be required to report back to the board the effect of the
grant requested.
Pro Tempore Burke: In 1102, why did we remove this? The way clubs registered
is subject to change and is handled in the RSO handbook.
Senator Butler: I’d like to amend Title 11such that any “Directorate” is changed
to “Director”. Second. Moved by no opposition.
Senator Platts: Motion to amend Title 11 Chapter 1104B such that “or designee
appointed by the President” is stricken. Second. Moved by no opposition.
Senator Platts: Motion to amend Title 11 Chapter 1102.7 Subsection B Subsection
3 so that it reads the “RSOs advisor must sign all requests” Second. Moved by no
Pro-Tempore Burke: Is anyone opposed to me changing connot to cannot. I’ll go
ahead and change the friendlies as well.
Senator Butler: Motion to amend Title 11 to add point five that reads “Any RSO
that receives a grant from the Club Funding Board may be required to report back
to the board, in order to explain the effect of the allocation.” Second. Moved with
no opposition.
Senator Platts: Motion to amend title 11 Chapter 1102.7 to strike subsections C &
D. Second. Moved with no opposition.
Senator Butler: Motion to forward OB-16S-2945 to senate. Second. Passes 9-0-0.
Senator Platts: I believe there has been so much discussion on this. I like the new
New Business
Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair
Quorum has been reestablished with 9 voting members.
Meeting adjourned at 9:14 PM.
Minutes taken by Justin Dato, C&S Vice Chair.