Constitution and Statutes Committee Agenda Monday, February 15th, 2016 John E. Sapp Conference Room 7:15 PM – 8:00 PM Chair: Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 7:24 PM Roll Call – Vice-Chair Justin Dato II. Quorum has been established with 9 voting members; Dato, Cajuste, Smith, Butler, Platts, Johnson, Wong, Lee, Awan. III. Student Remarks IV. Approval of Minutes – February 8th, 2016 V. Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from Feb 8, 2016. Second. Moved. Approval of Agenda Senator Butler: Motion to strike point 1 under new business striking senator Lorenzo from the Agenda. Second. No Opposition. Moved. Senator Platts: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Moved. VI. Guest Speaker VII. Remarks of the Chair – I just wanted to get a good idea for who wants these meetings to be business casual. Since we have a limited amount of meetings left before spring break, I wanted to perfect the Policy and Procedures before then. Since this is our first absentee appeal for this committee we’ll be asking her questions, discuss, and then vote. VIII. Unfinished Business IX. New Business 1. Absence Point Appeal Hearing – Senator Lorenzo 2. Absence Point Appeal Hearing – Senator Cajuste Senator Cajuste: I was elected spring. For the first one, I didn’t know the absentee appeal for was for everyday problems. The night of November 9th, I had a family emergency where I also failed two of my classes and I am also doing term forgiveness. For the last one, I had a U-Haul that I rented and was about to be towed. Shore: How many points are you asking to be removed? Senator Cajuste: I’m just asking for the family emergency absentee points to be removed. For the pending points, I was not able to make the emergency meeting since there was a time constraint from how far I live. Senator Platts: Did you notify that you were going to be absent on the Nov 9th meeting as well as the Feb 8th meeting? No and yes. Butler: Have you attempted to volunteer? I have tried. A lot of the events take place when I work. I work on and off campus so It’s difficult. Butler: What about over the weekend for Lend-A-Wing and Ogier Gardens? I did not think about doing that. Senator Adamson: Why haven’t you filled out paperwork or volunteered and gotten those absentee points removed? I did volunteer at movie nights and club fest. I also had a family emergency for the second one. The last one, I was moving that day and I a U-Haul that was about to be towed. It’s hard to volunteer due to my course load of 6 classes. Senator Butler: If we only decide to take off two points, would Senator Cajuste be able to remove 2 points by volunteering at current events? If you only struck two points off tonight, she’d still have 4 points due to pending points. You can move her forward and she can volunteer at homecoming events. Senator Awan: For the meeting on June 15th, why haven’t you volunteered at any event to relieve that one? I just had barely enough time last semester. Senator Platts: Is there too much on your plate? Last semester, yes. This semester is much easier for me. I should be fine. Senator Awan: Do you happen to have the form for relieving absentee points? That one is not in effect yet. Senator Butler: Were you present when Pro-Tempore Burke spoke about a time in which an Emergency Meeting would work? No because I left half way during the February 1st. Senator Awan: Motion to remove 3 absentee points from Senator Cajuste for the points from November 8th and February 1st. Second. Dies. 4-0-5. i. I just feel 3 points is fair since she had a medical reason and she had to leave in February since she had certain circumstances. For the one from June 15th, it’s less excusable. Removing 3 points would give her time to volunteer and not go through impeachment. ii. Senator Butler: I agree with November but not with February 1st. There was a lot of time for you to submit and absentee form. I would like to discuss the pending absence as well. iii. Senator Awan: The reason why I said February 1st is because I know she can still submit an Absentee Form for the pending absence. iv. Senator Adamson: Considering that there is still time, we don’t have to be too generous with removing points since she still has time to avoid impeachment. Senator Butler: Motion to remove 2 absentee points from November 8th. Second. Moved. 9-0-0. i. Sentator Butler: I think these absentee points are fair to be removed. ii. Senator Adamson: Can you state your reason for the November 9th meeting? There was a medical emergency. Senator Butler: Is senator butler still able to fill out an absentee form? Yes. She has until tomorrow, 2/15/16. 3. SR-16S-2935 – Vitalization of the Senate Policies and Procedures Week 1: Presentation, Questions, Digestion o Pro Tempore Burke: Chapter 2 section B, these are the basic duties of senators. At the very bottom, it says that senators are expected to volunteer when they are available. Chapter 3 page 3, I think it’s important to understand that they are able to meet with others to work on initiatives. Under senate president duties, I think it’s important to send out the senate and committee schedules the semester prior so we can adjust our schedules timely. For point G, I think it’s important to have the senate packet within this. Page 6, J and K are crossed out since we no longer have proxy voting. For the new J and K, pro-tempore is responsible for putting voting on the record and he/she is also responsibility is to change the O:// Drive as well. The senate secretary is only responsible for the minutes. Page 12, duties of the chair on point I, J and K it’s important for us to talk about their duties and responsibilities. They are all specifically outlined within these points. Page 17, this section outlines the compliance for committee meetings which states when we need to notify senators and the general public about these meetings. Page 18, this is the beginning of the senator packet. This defines what belongs in the senator packet. Under chapter 7, I defined bills, resolutions etc. and a lot of it is straight from title 4 therefore it matches our statute. Page 30, a senator is able to remove 1 absence point from their record for two hours. One hour seemed too easy. At point D, page 30, I outlined the entire process to remove an absentee point just so they know what to do. I refrained from using the word director so coordinators can also sign off since directors aren’t always present at the event. The point with meeting with the event coordinator beforehand is to set up a time when you are going to be at the event. Maybe we should include a box so that multiple shifts can be entered in due to possible multiple shifts. o Senator Adamson: So what if they didn’t get the approval of the senate president and pro tempore beforehand and they still volunteered, would it be negated? For the new process, as long as you meet with us beforehand, it’ll be okay. It doesn’t have to be 2 days ahead of time. o Advisor Shore: What happens when they don’t show up to the event or leave early? If they don’t follow through with volunteering, then they can’t be penalized further. They wouldn’t even reach the point where they submitted the redemption form, so there is no way of forging over absence points unless they earn it. o Senator Lee: For the redemption form process, I noticed that there is not time constraint to fill out the top and bottom form. Would this be a hindrance? Well, they do have to come back for confirmation from the event supervisor. This confirmation serves as a discount double check on the work that the senator actually performed. o o o o X. Announcements XI. Senator Awan: Come out to the basketball games. Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair XII. Senator Lee: Why is there no longer a time constraint? The ability for a senator to work 2 hours in order to remove a single absence points requires the freedom to fill out the form whenever possible, as long as it is before the volunteer work is performed. Senator Butler: Motion to amend SR-16S-2935 such that number 15 is stricken out with replaced with 10 on page 22. Second. Moved. Senator Platts: Motion to table SR-16S-2935. Motion rescinded. Senator Platts: Motion to postpone SR-16S-2935 to February 29th. Second. Moved. Quorum has been reestablish with 10 voting members; Dato, Cajuste, Smith, Butler, Platts, Johnson, Adamson, Wong, Lee, Awan. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Minutes taken by Justin Dato, C&S Vice Chair