Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes February 1, 2016 7:15PM to 8:15PM in the John E. Sapp Chair: Senate President Pro-Burke I. Call to Order a. Meeting called to order at 7:15PM. II. Roll Call – Vice Chair Dato a. Quorum has been established with 10 voting members; Dato, Cajuste, Smith, Butler, Platts, Adamson, Lee, Johnson, Awan and Wong. III. Student Remarks a. Smith: I plan on bringing 24/5 but due to the cost I am no longer doing so. IV. Approval of Minutes – January 11th, 2016 a. Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from January 6th, 2016. Second. Approved. V. Approval of Agenda a. Senator Dato: Motion to amend the agenda such that SB-16S-2928 is the first item on new business. Rescinded. b. Senator Smith: Motion to amend the amendment such that CR-16S-2926 is the first item on new business. Second. Approved. c. Senator Butler: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Approved. VI. Guest Speakers VII. Remarks of the Chair – a. Just wish the best for Chairman Troy due to health reasons. VIII. IX. Unfinished Business New Business a. CR-16S-2926 The Baker Bill i. Burke: I would like to step down as chair to sponsor this bill. As a senate, we are an elite body of students that should be represented in the classroom. This is why I think it’s important to raise the GPA requirement to 2.5. I would like to step up back as chair. ii. AG Baker: The mission of this CR is the raise the GPA requirement to 2.5. This challenges the rule of FERPA due to GPA. An issue arises is the ability to maintain. My interpretation is that when you go below the GPA requirement is unconstitutional due to the probationary period. We will have a judicial review on Title IX to strike out the probationary clause entirely. We have the GPA solution to create a system for exceptions in which exceptions are approved by the Vice President of Student and international Affairs. Then we go on to the Student Conduct issue to define good standing, which is not defined by the student conduct office. To fix this, I added “and not barred by the University of North Florida’s Student Conduct Office.” It’s ultimately the decision of the Vice President of Student Affairs to decide what is good standing. This CR has to go through the VP of Student Affairs as well as General Council. I’m asking this to be postponed since it is still not finalized since this dabbles in federal law and was still going through the right authorities. iii. Smith POI: Are we currently the lowest GPA requirement? No. iv. Awan POI: UF also expects 2.5. What if they are not a part of SG yet and they don’t have the GPA requirement but some current members in SG don’t either? They still have the option to get an exception from the Vice President of Student Affairs. v. Adamson: If there are less senators eligible to run due to a GPA requirement, would there be less of a democratic process due to being ineligible? I don’t think this changes the process. vi. Adamson: Would the requirement be applied to the elections this semester? No because it has to be voted on by the student body. It wouldn’t get into effect by this fall. vii. Burke: If this passes, then are the senators that also get elected with the bill that gets passed affected? No. viii. Smith: if this passes and we have current senators that fall below the GPA requirement, what time frame do we give them to bring it up? There is none. We plan on striking the probationary period. If anything, these decisions will be made by the Vice President of Student Affairs. ix. Dowdie: Would the grandfather period end when they go up for re-election? Yes. x. Burke: Why does this CR have to be postponed? Since it’s being brought to the Vice President of Student Affairs on his accord. Discussion xi. Butler: I would like to urge my fellow senators to take into consideration the GPA requirement. xii. Senator Caajuste: Motion to table CR-16S-2926 for our next C&S. Rescinded xiii. Senator Butler: Motion to table CR-16S-2926 for our next C&S meeting on February 15, 2016. Motion passes 10-0-0. xiv. Cajuste: I feel that it is a perfectly appropriate GPA requirement given the fact that we are supposed to be an elite organization and everywhere else has the same requirement of 2.5. xv. Adamson: When I think of “elite” I think of 3.5. I know some people with a low GPA that would make good senators. I don’t fully support it but I can see both sides. xvi. Lee: I think the 2.5 GPA minimum requirement is a reasonable number. Even though there are some good prospects for senators, we are still students before we are senators. xvii. Awan: I understand where everyone is coming from but is it our responsibility to judge people based on their GPA if we are still able to impeach them. When we think of student government are we supposed to think of intelligent people? If people are able to graduate with a 2.0 that is there choice. Even athletes are able to have a GPA of 2.0 and still play. Please keep this in mind when you vote on this issue xviii. Smith: I am an advocate for this CR to upscale or requirement. I know we’re seen as elite, but I don’t want this to turn into an aristocracy. GPA is not always a good indicator of one’s ability as a senator. b. Discussion of the Absence Point Redemption Process (Volunteering) i. Burke: I definitely see the need to amend the way senators are able to redeem their unexcused absence points. I want to see senators volunteering at events to rid some absentee work. This process relies on trust. The agency director will have their hands full and they may not remember who volunteered for what. I just wanted to see if anyone had any idea. ii. Smith: What sets this apart from the current absentee form? It’s for an excused absence and they’re for two totally different things. iii. Awan: Why not have whoever is in charge of the event coordinate this before and after the process? That’s a good idea. iv. Butler: Has anyone voiced their displeasure in the current system? No, because it’s not a very good process. v. Adamson: I’ve noticed there’s a difficultly with initiative. Maybe when people are drawing near to the absence point limits, we can inform them about this opportunity? That’s definitely a great way, but we still have to make internal improvements before we focus externally. vi. Lee: So does this act as a net for absentee points? I do send out the absentee forms but I can make announcements at Senate to show this opportunity. vii. Johnson: I don’t agree with that idea mostly because we are adults. I don’t think it’s the chairman’s job to constantly remind senators of their job. viii. Awan: I don’t think this is applicable to short term but for long term, if you manage to make 4 absentee points you can only appeal if there were no events to redeem points. ix. Dato: Is it the agency director’s responsibility on whether or not they want to sign? What if a senator doesn’t do a good job? That’s to the discretion of the agency director. c. SB-16S-2928 Title IV Renovations i. Burke: There are some minor changes that I would like to make. 402.2 deals with our parliamentarian in which the senate president has the ability to appoint a parliamentarian but still needs to be confirmed by the senate. In contrast with the sergeant-in-arms, I don’t believe this position needs to be appointed. We have also decided to get rid of senator liaisons. In 402.7, proxy voting is getting removed since it’s never been used, and since the senator isn’t actually there to view the presentation and make a reasonable vote. In 408, we are not holding the senate president responsible for video recordings. Under executive action, I would like to see a motion to change that bill number to the proper bill number. ii. Butler: I would like to amend 402.3 in which “50% + 1” is stricken and reads “more than half”. Second. Passes. iii. Smith: Motion to amend SB-16S-2926 in changing executive action to read SB16S-2928. iv. Johnson: Motion to approve SB-16S-2928. Second. Passes 9-0-0. X. Announcements a. Next committee meeting is going to be a very important one so please prepare. XI. Final Roll Call – Vice Chair Dato a. Quorum has been reestablished with 9 voting members; Dato, Smith, Butler, Platts, Lee, Adamson, Wong, Awan, Johnson. XII. Adjournment a. Meeting adjourned at 8:49PM. Minutes taken by Justin Dato, C&S Vice Chair