B&A Minutes 2-1-16

Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting
February 1st, 2016
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Chase Baker
Call To Order
Meeting called to order at 6:34PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of the minutes
Quorum established with 6 voting members; Jordan, Thames, Villavicencio, Padgett,
Beaucham, McKnight.
i. Senator Jordan: I motion to approve the minutes from 1/11/2016. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
i. Senator Jordan: I motion to strike Student Union Administration from unfinished
business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
ii. Senator Beaucham: I motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Senate President Baker, chairing: Presentations are limited to 5 minutes each since we
have deliberations as well tonight. We can also have time Wednesday if we do not finish
tonight. Do not feel rash or pressured to make decisions, we have time.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
Treasurer Duffy: I have the provisionary language for you guys as promised. Attorney
General Baker worked on the wording so it is where it needs to be. It should be
finalized. We are 5,000 credit hours short, much of where we were in 07-08, I have that
budget book to look at as reference.
Ms. Dawn: The account totals do not reflect the strike of the Student Union
Administration. The totals will change due to the difference.
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2015-2016 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Special Requests
Salary Reserves
$78, 755.32
Unfinished Business
New Business
A) Travel Requests
UNF Ceramics Guild
o Ms. Tanner: What we are asking for is funding for our trip to Kansas City
for the biggest ceramic arts event all year, the National Council on
Education for the Ceramic Arts. Most of the funding is for our visiting
artists, traveling accommodations and fees for a day for each of those
artists. This is an opportunity for students to grow and see people
making art instead of just sitting in a classroom. We need help for this
funding in order to attend. There are countless lectures on the itinerary,
as well as an opportunity for professionals to critique student’s personal
Senator Villavicencio: Have you done any fundraisers yet?
 Ms. Tanner: We have sales from student’s personal art, those
benefit the club, and go toward this trip, it usually is distributed
about 70/30. Wednesday we have a fundraiser as well.
Ms. Dawn: We cannot fund completely from club funding. You are
capped at $2,000 total to a club and they have already been allocated
$500 from club funding.
Senator Jordan: What kind of comparison-shopping have you done, and
vehicle cost?
 Ms. Tanner: The hotels within walking distance are upwards of
$280 per night. We found the price from Enterprise; once the
UNF discount is applied, that rate will go down as well.
Senator Thames: I motion to allot $1,500 to the ceramics club for their
travel request. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
Senator Jordan: I motion to table the travel request for FIS to the next
scheduled B&A meeting. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Student Council for Exceptional Children
o Ms. Santucci: We are asking for Student Government to fund for our
club to attend and present with 3 UNF professors at the National
Association for Professional Development Schools. This is an amazing
opportunity for us to help and learn about students and adults with
disabilities. We have six schools in Duval County that are known as
professional development schools that UNF is heavily involved with. At
this conference we get to talk about all the work we have done as well
as put UNF on a national scale. The cost break down has changed, reg.
$195 making the total $780. The lodging is actually $931. We are staying
in two different hotels, but one room. Two students are driving and two
of us are flying to Washington, D.C. Then with the flights and $175.66 in
fuel costs, we are requesting a total of $1,887.60.
Treasurer Duffy: We cannot fund fuel if you do not rent a car.
Ms. Santucci: The College of Education also gives out scholarships and
two people were granted them, one worth $200 and one worth $400.
Senator Villavicencio: How will you bring back what you learned to
 Ms. Santucci: We will share it with the club who will share it
with their colleagues in the College of Education.
Senator Jordan: I motion to amend the total of the request to
$1,711.94; $780 for registration, $931.94 for lodging, and $0 for
transportation. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Villavicencio: I motion to approve amended request for
$1,711.94. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
Rasine Kreyol
o Ms. Charles: We are requesting for the National Haitian Student
Association Conference. The conference will have 65-minute sessions in
groups with leaders such as White House Liaisons. UNF is nominated for
an award this year as “Most Supportive Haitians”. We have culture
games every year to engage the student body in cultural awareness. We
have done a taste of Haiti event and we raised $55 for the conference.
We also did a car wash and raised about $65 for the conference.
Senator McKnight: Where is the money you raised on the request?
 Ms. Charles: We did not put it on the form.
Senator Villavicencio: How many people are attending?
 Three
Senator Beaucham: Who nominated you for the award you are
 Ms. Charles: We applied and were selected; we will be
recognized at the conference.
Senator Thames: I motion to amend the first page of the request to read
$1,084.50 under Total Amount Requested. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Jordan: I motion to approve the travel request for $1,084.50.
Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
Club Tennis
o Ms. DaSilvio: We are requesting $480 in order to allow our players to
stay in a hotel without worrying about funding when we go to 2016
Tennis on Campus Section Championship in Altamonte Springs, FL. The
expected cost of the trip will be about $1,400. This is for students who
want to play competitive tennis, but open to all students. We did a
fundraising at Publix, but it was not very successful.
Senator Beaucham: 12 students are going and you have indicated you
are getting four rooms. Is there any way you could do three rooms with
four people in each?
 Ms. DaSilvio: Yes, I would just have to check with the hotels to
make sure we would not lose the deal.
Senator Villavicencio: So you booked the cheapest route possible and
that is why there were four rooms instead of three?
 Ms. DaSilvio: Yes
Senator Jordan: I motion to approve $480 for the travel request.
Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
B) Special Requests
 Society of Women Engineers
Ms. Kristen: This is a huge event and we have tried fundraising. Our last
president just left and did not tell anyone that there was no money left
in the budget. We also found out that we need full background checks
on every person attending, which our dean paid for. This is for all STEM
majors to get girls involved in engineering. This is to get girls from
Kindergarten through 5th grade to get involved with engineering in this
new day we created, “Introduce a girl to engineering day”.
Senator Villavicencio: Do the girls come here?
 Ms. Kristen: Yes, we reach out to a bunch of Girl Scout troops as
well as home schooled kids.
Senator Jordan: How does this event help the general student body at
 Ms. Kristen: It gets the word out about our club at UNF and
information about engineering in general. It helps some
education majors as well because they come out in order to
learn to be around little kids.
Senator Jordan: Are there dues for general body meetings?
 Ms. Kristen: Yes, but we do not have many members. It is not
mandatory to pay, but it helps with our club.
Senator Thames: I motion to approve the special request for $567.00.
 Senator Jordan: I am weary because it is not open to all
students and is benefitting individuals who do not go here.
 Roll call vote. Motion passes, 5-0-1.
C) General Reserves
D) Transfers
E) Budget Balance
F) Finance Code
G) Title VIII revisions
H) Budget Deliberations
Annual Budget Deliberations
o Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members at 8:02PM.
Senator Jordan: I motion to suspend Roberts Rules of Order. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
Ms. Dawn: I found something that we cleaned up in the proposal that
we need to share with you. Look up index 402099, Salary Reserves. The
spreadsheet breakdown does not reflect the fridge benefit difference.
When we clean it up it saves about $393.58. We need to find a place to
put that $393.58. It can go to a fund balance or back to an index.
Senator Jordan: I motion to move $393.58 from salary reserve (fringes)
index to line item 35 Minimum Wage and non-Recurring to make the
total $4,355.36. Second. Roll call vote. Motion dies, 1-0-5.
Senator Villavicencio: I motion to move $393.58 from salary reserve
(fringes) index to line item 2 special request operating expenses to total
$200,393.58. I rescind my motion.
Senator Villavicencio: I motion to move $393.58 from salary reserve
(fringes) index to line item 1 Unallocated Request Funding. Second. Roll
call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
Senator McKnight: I motion to reallocate SG Retreat $2,500 and Awards
$3,000 to Coordinators line item 3 for Lend-A-Wing Pantry. Second. Roll
call vote. Motion dies, 3-0-4.
Senator Thames: I motion to delay the deliberation until Wednesday
February 3, 2016. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes, 6-0-0.
Senate President Baker, chairing: Great job everyone; you have taken your time to really
look through everything. We will meet up to continue deliberations next Wednesday at
Final Roll Call
Senator Jordan: I motion to reestablish Roberts Rules of Order. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
Quorum re-established with 6 voting members; Jordan, Thames, Villavicencio, Padgett,
Beaucham, McKnight.
Meeting adjourned at 9:48PM.
Minutes taken by: Chelsea Padgett, B&A Vice Chair.