C&S Minutes 1-11-16

Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes
Chair: Dallas Burke
January 11th, 2016
7:15PM to 8:15PM in the John E. Sapp
Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order at 7:19 PM.
Roll Call – Vice Chair Dato
a. Quorum has been established with 7 voting members
b. Quorum has been reestablished with 8 voting members
Approval of Minutes – January 6th, 2016
a. Senator Platts: Motion to approve minutes. Approved.
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Smith: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Approve.
b. POI: Advisor Shore, you have 8 voting members
Student Remarks
a. Butler: Trip to Israel funded by SG and David Stein. Sent 9 students from UNF and JU to
Israel. It was such an honor to be a part of such a great program. Thank you to Mrs.
Vicki for the Letter of Recommendation. It was an eye-opening experience; I am
definitely a full supporter of Israel. I encourage everyone to apply since this is a fantastic
opportunity. There are many members within SG that you are able to ask, including me.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
a. Why did you choose CSC?
i. Sayer: Since I’m a philosophy major, I have an interest in the way things are
ii. Cajuste: I didn’t choose but when I was placed on this committee, I felt it was
necessary for me to be a part of it.
iii. Platts: I enjoyed the intimate setting of committees and I think it will be really
beneficial for new people to dive into the Policies and Procedures.
iv. Smith: As a new senator in SG, the constitution is like a bible. If you don’t know
it, you won’t be that successful as a senator.
b. 2 positions available
i. Parliamentarian will be elected in the next general senate meeting
ii. Government Oversight Chair: we are having interviews for this position on
Wednesday, January 13th. Please email Senate President Baker if you are
c. Policies and Procedures Revision “Committee”
i. I just want to give an overview of what’s going on in senate. There are two open
seats. One is parliamentarian and according to the policies and procedures is
that he/she must be a voting member in CSC. The GO Chair is also available.
Senate President Baker is also having interviews this Wednesday. This
Wednesday is also our Policy and Procedures ad-hoc committee. This will serve
to discuss what ideas we have to change and improve the policy and
procedures. It will be Wednesday at 11:30AM and there will be another one
next week on the same time and day.
Unfinished Business
New Business
a. SB-16S-2917
i. Senator Jordan: I am the sponsor of this legislation, now I must return to the
Budget and Allocations Committee.
ii. Baker: This legislation will establish the Lend-A-Wing as an agency. It currently
acts as an agency and is included in our annual budget. Without this piece of
legislation, the next administration is able to remove it without going through
legislation. The lend-a-wing itself is a place where students in need are able to
get some food and other goods they are not necessarily able to afford.
iii. Smith: Currently, does the current administration support and financial support
the Lend-A-Wing? Yes.
iv. Butler: What is the downside of the LAW not becoming an agency? There is not
necessarily a downside, but this is a chance to be able to formally establish and
continue to grow the Lend-a-wing.
v. Advisor Shore: This also allows alumni to donate to them as well. They are
currently short on money to gain their foundation status. The gardens also
partner with them to offer fresh food to students.
vi. Burke: in Chapter 1103.2, what do you mean by executive staff? The staff of the
agency or the actual executive staff? The advisory board are the ones that
select the Lend-A-Wing staff.
vii. Butler: If title 11 lays down the framework to staff these positions, why is it
needed? Because it deals with established agencies and the Lend-A-Wing is not
currently an established agency.
viii. Dato: Are only the director and the AD is selected by the advisory board and not
the coordinators? The advisory boards also have a say in their coordinators.
ix. Burke: Do the director and the AD have a say in choosing their coordinators? Yes
x. POI Dato: When I was the Director of Club Alliance I was able to choose my own
coordinators along with my Assistant Director.
xi. Adamson: Chapter 1103.1, Can we change the wording to “the organization that
already exists” to show that we’re just establishing it as an agency and nor
creating it? You can change creation, but we made this to mirror the current
xii. Smith: Call for question. Second.
xiii. Senator Sayers: Amend 1103.1 B, Line 5 reading “Lend-A-Wing pantry is
comprised solely based on donations as well as volunteered produced goods.
Second. Motion Dies 0-0-8.
xiv. Senator Sayers: I just think it should be established that these goods are from
xv. Senator Butler: Amend the amendment. “Lend-A-Wing pantry is comprised
solely based on donations as well as gods donated by volunteers.” Second.
xvi. Senator Cajuste: I feel the word “donations” should only be stated once. Motion
Dies 0-0-8.
xvii. Senator Smith: Motion to amend SB-16S-2917 to add “ through donations” in
1103.1 B line 10. Motion passes 8-0-0.
xviii. Senator Platts: Motion to amend SB-16S- 2917 to change title XII to XI. Second.
None opposed.
xix. Senator Sayers: Motion to amend SB-16S-2917 to add to line 16 “but not limited
to”. Second.
xx. Senator Cajuste: Are volunteers limited to A&S fee paying students?
xxi. Burke: If this was added, would this allow us to partner with outside
organizations? No because this is not university policy
xxii. Motion dies 4-0-5 with the chair voting due to even votes.
xxiii. Senator Cajuste: Motion to approve SB-16S-2917 as amended. Second. Motion
passes 8-0-0.
a. Please fill out a faculty nomination form.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chair
a. Quorum has been reestablished with 8 voting members.
a. Meeting adjourned at 8:24PM.
Minutes taken by Justin Dato, C&S Vice Chair