B&A Minutes 1-11-16

Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting
January 11th, 2016
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Troy Bottom
Call To Order
Meeting called to order at 6:32PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of the minutes
Quorum has been established with 6 voting members; Jordan, Villavicencio, Padgett,
Beaucham, McKnight, and Saathoff.
i. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes from 11/16/2015. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
i. Senator Padgett: Motion to amend tonight’s agenda by adding Dawn Knipe
under guest speakers. Second. All in favor. Moved.
ii. Senator Padgett: Motion to amend tonight’s agenda by changing the travel
requests fund “now” to $16,720.17, “after” to $7,229.63; the special request
fund “now” to $85,540.32, “after” to $63,248.41. Second. All in favor. Moved.
iii. Senator Padgett: Motion to amend tonight’s agenda by moving Special Requests
before Travel Requests. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
Guest Speakers
Dawn Knipe: Good evening, I’m in the back row available to answer questions
throughout the process and after, please do not hesitate to ask any questions.
Account Totals
2015-2016 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Special Requests
Salary Reserves
$16, 720.17
Unfinished Business
New Business
A) Special Requests
 Student Union Administration (1)
o John Sims: I am the director of the Student Union, this special request is
in place to tap into the Student Union Construction fund balance for
repairs for this facility. The total cost is just over $16,000 for screens
and such.
 Chairman Bottom: This comes out of fund balance, not special
request fund.
 Senator Jordan: What can we do in the future to better protect
the screens in the future?
 John Sims: They are going on 7 years old, they all have a shelf
life. The new ones are of a different make that will last longer.
 Senator McKnight: Who makes the screens?
 John Sims: An approved vendor from the university.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the special request. Second.
Roll call vote. Motion passes 5-0-1.
o Senator Jordan: I motion to re-open the agenda for amendments.
o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend the agenda such that the Special
Request Student Union Administration (2) be removed from the agenda.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Jordan: I motion to close the agenda for amendments. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
B) Travel Requests
Student Physical Therapy Association
o Willy Meyer: I’m the current president of the Student Physical Therapy
Association. An organization that represents about 90 students a year in
our program. We need to maintain out competitive reputation in order
to better our program. 8 students are planning to attend, all of which
are active members in the doctoral program. We have currently raised
$1,900 out of the $3,000 we hope to accomplish.
 Senator Ascanio: Have you had Student Government funding in
the past?
 Mr. Meyer: Yes, full funding in 2013 and last year we sent 2
students. There was in increase in attendance when people had
 Senator Jordan: Who is selected to go?
 Mr. Meyer: Active members in good standing who are
committed to going.
 Senator Jordan: I motion to amend the travel request so that it
reads a $200 registration fee per student and 8 students to
attend, bringing to total to $2,000. The total amount requested
now totals $2,000, with all others zeroed out. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Senator Jordan: I motion to approve the request for $2,000.
Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 6-0-0.
Sam Hawkins and Rachel Rogers
o Senator Burke: This request is for the Annual Society for Personality and
Social Psychology Convention. Make sure you understand that, if we
choose to do so, are allocating separate funds for each individual
student to attend.
o Ms. Rogers: This conference is applicable to UNF because they might
consult this research in the future.
o Mr. Hawkins: This is one of the highest conferences internationally and
nationally. Harvard, UCLA, etc. will be attending as well; we want to
show that UNF is just as capable.
 Senator Beaucham: I motion to approve Rachel Rogers request
for $500. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 6-0-0.
 Senator: McKnight: I motion to approve Sam Hawkin’s request
for $500. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 6-0-0.
Better Together at UNF
o Better Together at UNF: This club brings religious and non-religious
backgrounds together in an inclusive place for all. We engage with
others and act together for the common good. This is a transformative
event that allows networking and a chance to see what others struggle
with in comparison to UNF.
 Senator Jordan: I’m concerned that you have had no other
fundraising opportunities. Can you please tell me more about
donations you have received?
 Better Together at UNF: Getting signatures around campus
helped get the registration fee down.
Senator Saathoff: Is anyone paying out of pocket?
WHO: Yes, some.
Senator Villavicencio: How will you represent UNF there?
Better Together at UNF: We all wear UNF gear at the
 Senator Jordan: I motion to amend the travel request so that
the total registration fee reads $522.90, bringing the total cost
to $1450.74. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Villavicencio: I motion to approve the request for
$1450.74. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 5-0-1.
Upsilon Phi Delta
o Mr. Keister: The UAB Case Competition brings a vision to UNF and our
department. Last year we were in the semi-finals. We were one of two
schools who placed in the competition that were not a top 20 school.
We represent UNF well to people who did not even know about our
 Senator Beaucham: Why do you require 3 bedrooms for 4
 Mr. Keister: We feel that we need people to have their own bed
to sleep in order to avoid restlessness.
 Senator Beaucham: I motion to amend the request so that there
are 2 bedrooms for 2 nights making the total for lodging
$592.00. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Beaucham: I motion to approve the request for
$1,492.00. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 5-1-0.
ESSA’s SEACSM College Bowl Team:
o ESSA: The student bowl is a game competition where different
universities compete their knowledge on sports medicine on a wide
variety of subjects. I believe we have the best program that is going to
be there. This represents the exercise science program for the
university. We will bring back contacts and information to our program,
furthering our program.
 Senator Jordan: Can you explain the cost breakdown.
 ESSA: The funding for lodging is coming from the college of
 Senator Jordan: Was the fundraising intended for the trip or the
 ESSA: Part of the cost of attendance and shirts all together.
 Senator Villavicencio: I motion to approve the request for
$753.60. second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 6-0-0.
UNF Lacrosse Team
Mr. Nehrling: We have 25 active players. We have fundraised several
times at BurgerFi, sold t-shirts, and upheld a Go Fund Me account. This
is the fastest growing sport in the nation. Not being able to travel will
limit our players and school. Request is for van rentals to and from 7
 Senator Jordan: Have you explored other options of
 Mr. Nehrling: Yes, a bus was $3,500 for one trip to FL Gulf Coast.
All other options were more expensive than Carl’s Van Rentals.
 Dawn Knipe: Enterprise needs to be used with A&S fees due to
their contract with UNF. If money is allocated, we need to
follow UNF policies. The university gets a reduced rate.
 Senator Jordan: do you continue to play even if you lose a
 Mr. Nehrling: Yes, we play all regular season games regardless
of a loss.
 Senator Padgett: I motion to approve $1,937.60 for vehicle
rentals for the UNF Men’s Lacrosse Team. Second. Roll call vote.
Motion passes 6-0-0.
C) General Reserves
D) Transfers
E) Budget Balance
F) Finance Code
G) Title VIII revisions
H) Budget Training
Budget protocol and procedure training
o Dawn Knipe: I’m going to give you an overview of the budget. If you
have any questions, please feel free to come to my office. Listen to the
presentations and balance your decisions. This is state empowered and
we have to abide by the State Statute 1009.24. Each student pays
$14.47 per credit, $10.23 of which senate can allocate. The Fund
Balance is essentially a savings account accompanying the left over
money from previous years. Of that, the cash flow reserve and
scholarship reserve money is off limits to allocate to anything other than
its purpose. Student fees are projected to drop next year by the
enrollment office. Be prepared, pay attention, and know the purpose of
Chairman Bottom: Please be at the first budget deliberation at 4:20PM and be dressed
in business professional attire.
Final Roll Call
the budget. Abide Sunshine Law and do not discuss any matters outside
of committee.
Chairman Bottom: We are trying something new, please obtain the
information Wednesday and make decisions based upon your own
opinions. Wednesday starts the proposal; the schedule is laid out on the
agenda I gave you. If you have any questions or concerns, please email
me. Business professional attire is required for deliberations.
Treasurer Duffy: I make this budget and present it to you guys and do
not vote. You guys make the true position and vote on it. I would like us
all to be on the same page in order to make and effective and efficient
budget. Communication is key; not only listening and talking, but
understanding. Be objective with finances and have reasoning justified
with facts when proposing change. The mission is to provide and
maintain integrity for the entire student body throughout this process.
Quorum is re-established with 6 voting members; Jordan, Villavicencio, Padgett,
Beaucham, McKnight, and Saathoff.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:50PM.
Minutes taken by Chelsea Padgett, B&A Vice-Chair