Minutes from the 5-11-2016 senate meeting

The University of North Florida Student Government Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes
May 11 , 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM ♦ Senate Chambers
Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 6:30pm.
Invocation – Interfaith Chaplain Clare Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate President Burke
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
A. Quorum was established with 12 voting members
Approval of Agenda
A. Senate President Pro-Tempore Mims – Motion to table 4/11 minutes. Motion rescinded
B. Senator Jordan – Motion to approve agenda as read. Second. Moved.
Approval of Minutes – April 11th, 2016
A. Senator Dowdie – Motion to change “agenda” to “minutes” on 4/11 minutes. Second. Moved.
B. Senate President Pro-Tempore Mims – Motion to table minutes 4/11 until next meetings. Second.
Discussion. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
A. Benjamin Myers – seeking general appointment
B. Jason Gusrang – seeking general appointment
C. Daniel Cox – seeking general appointment
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
A. None
Senate President Report – Dallas Burke - sgasp@unf.edu
A. Talked about how experience last year made him love working in SG and why he is excited to work
this year. Set ground rules for conduct in future meetings this year. Discussed goals for the coming
year. Finally, made a few announcements. Questions and answers followed.
Professional Staff Reports (5 minutes each)
A. Shore Advice
a. Gave a presentation on the basics of Robert’s Rules of Order. Questions and answers
B. SG Business and Accounting – Dawn Knipe
a. Introduced Accounting Associates to the Senate and which indexes they are each in charge
of. Announced “Show Me the Money,” a meeting they are hosting this Friday from
11:00AM until 12:00PM.
b. Gave an update on progress/changes to the project that started after passing the recent
Student Union Administration Space Modification bill and how that affects the bill.
c. Brought information to Senate stating that payments to Southern Strategy were asked to
cease per University Administration. The situation is still unfolding and she will bring more
information to the next meeting. Questions and answers followed.
Judicial Branch Report
A. Chief Justice Elisabeth Avilla (5 minutes)
i. Introduced herself and her Deputy Chief Justice. Explained that because she would be out
of town, William Mewborne would be the temporary Chief Justice until she returns.
ii. Reported that Cassidy Keefe would be going through the next GO committee meeting for
confirmation to become an associate justice. Asked the senators to spread the word about
two more vacant seats on the Supreme Court. Questions and answers followed.
Executive Branch Reports
A. Vice President Bella Genta (3 minutes)
i. She’s out of town, so President Grantham included her report in his own report.
B. President Caleb Grantham (5 minutes)
i. Discussed updates on Veteran’s Park. Looking for names for the park and asked that
potential names be emailed to him.
ii. Asked senators to sign up for orientation tabling and talked about the idea of participating in
the Photo Hunt and the Orientation Block Party.
iii. Announced open Executive Cabinet and Elections positions.
iv. Thanked senators for summer participation.
v. Questions and answers followed.
Legislative Branch Reports (3 minutes each)
A. Pro-Tempore/Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Sami Mims – sgaspt@unf.edu
i. Gave presentation about herself, personal goals, and goals for her chair and for Senate. No
B. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Chris Jordan – sgabac@unf.edu
i. Welcomed everyone back to Senate and introduced himself.
ii. Reemphasized “rule of 15,” where there needs to be 15 voting members present during a
Senate meeting in order for Senate to hear monetary requests.
iii. Reported index balances. Discussed Travel Request on 1st read. Questions and answers
C. Government Oversight Committee – Senate President Dallas Burke – sgagoc@unf.edu
i. Chairman Butler is out of town, but will be back this Friday.
ii. Discussed appointments coming through Senate tonight and results of emergency
committee voting results. No questions followed.
D. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Ania Cajuste – sgausac@unf.edu
i. Gave a presentation about herself and her goals for Senate.
ii. Discussed the results of the Spring Finals Frenzy events and thanked the senators who
signed up for extra shifts. Will start Senator of the Month next month. Gave out dates for
summer Osprey Voice, which are as follows: 5/24, 5/25, 5/26, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 7/5, 7/6,
7/7. Told everyone that they can also submit question ideas for Osprey Voice, and gave her
cellphone number out in case of emergencies. Told senators that everyone needs to sign new
iPad Checkout Forms and turn them in to the B&A office; must sign new ones for
upcoming fiscal year. Questions and answers followed.
Unfinished Business
A. Resolutions on 1st Read
B. Bills on 1st Read
C. Resolutions on 2nd Read
D. Bills on 2nd Read
New Business
A. Resolutions on 1st Read
1. JR-16S-3003: The Friendly Fixer of 2016
a. Senate President Burke: Making friendly amendments to Constitution; doing this is
different from the formal process because we are only making slight adjustments, not
changing what it actually says and means.
b. To be voted on during the next meeting.
B. Bills on 1st Read
1. SB-16SA-3000: Travel Request Revision Act of 2016
a. Discussed in Chairman Jordan’s report.
C. Resolutions on 2nd Read
D. Bills on 2nd Read
Legislative Branch Appointments
a. Senate Parliamentarian – Senator Matthew Dowdie
a. Introduced himself and explained why he would be good for the position. Questions and
answers followed.
b. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve Matthew Dowdie as Parliamentarian. No discussion. Roll
call vote: 11-1-0, passed. Senator Dowdie abstained.
Executive Branch Appointments
a. Attorney General – Will Godwin
a. President Grantham: introduced Will Godwin.
b. Godwin: explained why he would be good for the position. Questions and answers followed.
c. Senator Beaucham: Motion to approve Will Godwin as Attorney General. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: 12-0-0, passed.
b. Treasurer – Heather Pennick
a. President Grantham: introduced Heather Pennick
b. Pennick: explained by she would be good for the position. Questions and answers followed.
c. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve Heather Pennick as Treasurer. Second. Discussion. Roll
call vote: 11-0-1, passed.
Executive Agency Appointments
A. President Grantham: Gave blanket introduction of executive agency candidates.
a. Director of Lend-A-Wing Pantry – Erin Mitts
a. Explained why she would be good for the position. Questions and answers followed.
b. Senator Spear: Motion to approve Erin Mitts as Lend-A-Wing Pantry Director. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: 12-0-0, passed.
b. Internal Assistant Director of Osprey Productions – Junine Castin
a. Explained why she would be good for the position. Questions and answers followed.
b. Senator Jackson: Motion to approve Junine Castin as the Internal Assistant Director of
Osprey Productions. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 12-0-0, passed.
c. Assistant Director of Club Alliance – Tia Wrigley
a. Explained why she would be good for the position. Questions and answers followed.
b. Senator Lee: Motion to forward Tia Wrigley as Assistant Director of Club Alliance. Motion
c. Senator Lee: Motion to confirm Tia Wrigley as Assistant Director of Club Alliance. Second.
No discussion. Roll call vote: 11-0-1, passed.
Swearing-In of Appointments
A. Newly appointed executive and executive agency members sworn in by Deputy Chief Justice
William Mewborne.
A. None.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
A. Quorum was reestablished with 12 voting members.
A. Meeting was adjourned at 8:13pm.
Minutes taken by Lauren King, Senate Secretary.