B&A Minutes 4-6-15

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes
April 06, 2015
Senate Chambers 6:00 PM
Chairman: Blake Kennedy
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:00PM.
Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek
Roll Call—Sen. Kontol
Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
Approval of the minutes
A) 3/23/2015
Senator McColskey: Motion to approve last week’s minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 4/06/2015
Chairman Report and Remarks
Treasurer Wolf: The club funding hearings have been going on. I will be proposing the
budget on Friday. I have some transfers to report on. Two are from Club Alliance, one for
$439.40 from marketing and advertising to programming line. The 2nd transfer for $113.70
from spring bash to food line. For executive $ 5000 from testing supplies to executive
programming line since there is no need for scantrons anymore.
Guest Speakers
This is my last meeting as chair thank you for all you have done.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
Senator McColskey: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Account Totals
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Special Requests
Salary Reserves
Unfinished Business
New Business
A) Travel Requests
B) Special Requests
a) Boathouse Renovations – Senator Silberstein
President Turner: *Shows the Boathouse renovation pictures* I would like to make note
that it will be going down $26,123.87. Originally we had submitted this as one total project.
After talks with the university we decided this project would be best done in a two phase
manner. The first would be to enhance the boathouse with this 26,000. Keep in mind that
when we did the survey over 60% were in favor of renovating the boathouse. There will also
be flooring and a menu change from Chartwells. One of the problems that Chartwells was
having was that they had to do too much; they want to take down the menu down to about
15 items. The quality of the food would go up. With major enhancements the boathouse will
be well on its way to wear it should be. Phase 2would include a screen and booths. Another
part of phase 2 would be a lounge type pool hall in the back room. The rest of the project
would be funded through student union or Chartwells. We would still have to allocate this
money but it shouldn’t be coming from A&S fees. The first item is the UNF sign on the brick
is 20 by 40. This will be a focal point in the room. The next item is a window treatment of
textured film to help the brightness in the boathouse. The next item is the wood wall wrap,
instead of the university seal; we were thinking the osprey head on there. The next item,
one of the coolest items I think, wrapping the bar with an old picture filtered in blue of the
boathouse. Installation is a huge number and we got the number down a little bit. The
reason it is so high is that they have to bring in a lift and it has to be done at night once the
Boathouse is closed. They have to use a heat gun across the entire thing, which will take a
lot of labor ant time. I would like to add a 10% contingency to the request to be safe.
o Senator Kontol: Did they give an estimated time of labor? - They said to give them
one night.
o Senator McColskey: Will this happen next year? - Phase 2 is construction related so
the university has to get bids from other places. It shouldn’t take more than a
couple months for the bids. It would be my hope that we can proceed with phase 2
next fall. This can be installed as early as 5 business days after this request goes
through. It is possible to see this by finals week.
Senator Bottom: You said this is at night, would this effect business at all? - No.
Chairman Kennedy: Does the $26,123.87 include a 10% contingency? - Yes. So you
can do a lump sum, or do it individually for each line item.
 Senator McColskey: Motion to approve for the sum of $26,123.87. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-0. Motion passes.
C) General Reserves
D) Transfers
E) Budget Balance
F) Finance Code
A) Senate April 13, 2015. 6:30. Senate Chambers.
B) The special request will be on the agenda for Senate on Monday.
Final Roll Call—Sen. Kontol
Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:22PM
Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.