GO Minutes 4-6-15

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
April 6th, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:37PM.
II. Roll Call
Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
III. Approval of Agenda
Senator Harvel: I motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Senator Harvel: I move to approve tonight’s minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved.
V. Student Remarks
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
This is our last meeting, thank you for the great semester.
VIII. Unfinished Business
a. Title XIII Revisions
Chairwoman Wollam: I have been advised for the best method for the judicial branch deadline
should be thirty (30) days from the date the application is turned in. Discussion
Change vacant after thirty (30) days to vacant after sixty (60) days for executive branch
applications. Discussion.
Strike committee shall request access to applications to committee may request application
access. Discussion.
Senator Harvel: I motion to approve Title XIII revisions per pending bill number. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Senator Awan: I motion for a unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
IX. New Business
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
April 6th, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
a. Judicial Appointment – William “Cap” Mewborne
Taken off of agenda because had class.
b. Senate Appointment – Caleb Grantham
I started in Student government last spring and have served as President Pro-Tempore, I went
up for election in the spring and unfortunately did not get a seat. I am heavily involved in the
honors program and serve many leadership positions throughout that. I have sponsored many
bills, the most prominent being for 2000 for eco adventures. I hope to continue that in the
future and to improve things throughout campus being physical and nonphysical through
additional funding especially for the patrols of the campus safety. I want to continue to work to
clarify things for students and work on furthering the work C&S committee.
Chairwoman Wollam: You mention you are currently a C&S committee, what committee would
you want to join is admitted a senate seat? –I would like to continue on the C&S committee.
Chairwoman Wollam: Definition of perfect senator –Good student first, diligent and
hardworking student. Well rounded outside of student government. Someone who is dedicated
and driven, motivated to volunteer your time each week to better the student experience.
Attention to detail.
Chairwoman Wollam: Please list all the legislative committees. –GO Committee, C&S
Committee, Budget and Allocations Committee, USA Committee.
Do you plan to make any changes to how the election is done now? –Possibly to evaluate how
the vote is done and by changing it to a vote based on majority.
Unanimous consent: 4-0-0.
c. Senate Appointment – Noah Gomez
I have been a senator since the fall semester. In that time I have served as a liaison to the brooks
college of health, the vice chair of the C&S committee and as the senator chaplain.
Chairwoman Wollam: What committee would you like to serve on? –I would like to serve on the
C&S committee again.
Chairwoman Wollam: Definition of perfect senator. –Above all, integrity.
Chairwoman Wollam: Please list all the legislative committees. –GO Committee, C&S
Committee, Budget and Allocations Committee, USA Committee.
Senator Awan: Do you plan to make any changes to how the election is done now and did you
participate in the past election? –There has been a lot of negative media with the student
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
April 6th, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
government and I was not involved in the past election but with re-election I hope to bring
positivity to SG.
Senator Awan: Any future plans? –Write a bill and free print lab growth through joint resolution
Chairwoman Wollam: Would you be involved in the appointment process or a general election
in the future if you wanted to continue in SG? –The process does not hinder my decision so
much so I will probably pursue a future in SG.
Unanimous consent: 4-0-0.
*Recording cut off after this appointment*
d. Senate Appointment- Farouk Smith
Approved 3-0-0.
e. Senate Appointment- Jacob Hofstra
Removed from agenda.
X. Announcements
XI. Final Roll Call
Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
XII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 7:25PM.