Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes March 23, 2015 Senate Chambers 6:00 PM Chairman: Blake Kennedy I. Call To Order - Meeting is called to order at 6:04PM II. Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek III. Roll Call—Sen. Kontol - IV. Quorum is established with 5 voting members. Approval of the minutes A) 3/02/2015 - V. Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the minutes from March 2, 2015. Second. All in favor. Moved. Approval of Agenda A) 3/23/2015 - VI. Chairman Report and Remarks - VII. Not present. Guest Speakers - IX. President Delaney has signed the budget. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks - VIII. Senator Silberstein: Motion to move Enactus to 3rd on the travel request. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Kontol: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved. none Account Totals 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Travel Requests Special Requests Salary Reserves Now $6,145.03 $220,342.47 $57,978.08 After $2,700.14 $217,397.47 $57,978.08 X. Unfinished Business XI. New Business A) Travel Requests - - a) UNF Grappling Club- Senator Silberstein. Grappling Club: This is to go to the Spring International Open in New York. UNF benefits include being able to represent UNF. We can show to the Jiu Jitsu community and around the world that UNF supports the practice. I wear my UNF logo during the competition. We have been training for at least 5 years. Total cost for registration would be $710. The registration is different for others depending on when they registered. $894.11 for transportation. $266.66 for the hotel. Total cost of the trip $1,830.77. o Senator Bottom: How do you select your 4 to go? - We select for experience. o Senator Kontol: Why are the registration costs different for each? - It is based on early registration discounts. Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the Grappling Clubs travel request for $1,830.77. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-0. Motion passes. b) ASME- Senator Bottom ASME: This is for the Student Professional Development Conference. The registration per person is $73, total is $579. We plan on staying in Daytona; we would have 3 rooms $255 per night for all 8 of us. We will be driving down there Friday and coming back on Saturday. Total distance is 87 miles one way. It ends up being $310 for transportation. Total cost is $1,144. The benefits of this conference include networking. You get to speak to people working in the engineering industry. There are professional development courses and competitions. This is a great place to represent UNF. By attending I am hoping to introduce some of our junior officers to these experiences at the conference. They will be able to implement it here at UNF. There are oral presentations which are a very good skill to learn and bring back. You get a lot of hands on real life experience at this conference. This is a great way to earn recognition for UNF. o Senator Kishek: looking over the total cost of the trip, looking at transportation there are some changes? - Those were just based on gas, we told we were supposed to be working with wear and tear not only gas. o Senator Kishek: You are taking 4 vehicles and you have 8 students attending? - Not all of us live in the same area. o Senator Kontol: Meeting at UNF taking 1 or 2 cars wouldn’t be good? - St. Augustine is 40 minutes away. Senator Kontol: Motion to amend the request. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-1. - - Senator Kontol: Motion to amend to fund for $834.12. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-0. Motion passes. c) Enactus- Senator McColskey Enactus: This is for the national competition in St. Louis Missouri. It is a national club where schools all over the States come together to share the projects we have been working on. We are asking for $500 for our airfare. WE are staying for 3 nights, but we are only asking for the money for airfare. If we were able to get the extra funding we would be able to represent our school. We always advance in this competition each year. There is a huge career fair after the competition, which is a great opportunity to land jobs and internships. There are a lot of alumni connections that we have, they are helping us a lot to get ready for this competition. o Senator Bottom: Have you been to this competition before and what did you bring back? - Yes, and we advanced through the first round and we brought back a trophy and $500. o Senator Kontol: Have you received any other additional funding or done any fundraising? - We will be doing fundraising in the next couple weeks. Senator McColskey: Motion to approve the travel request for Enactus for $500. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved. B) Special Requests a) Command +N Design – Senator Kishek Command +N Design: Each semester the senior class presents their portfolios. This is for the Spring 2015 Senior Portfolio Class. Most of us maintain full time positions while being a student here. During the time here at UNF we have entered many competitions to showcase what UNF has to offer as a design team. Compared to a lot of the other local schools, UNF has maintained one of the highest prestige. Each semester we have the ability to showcase our portfolios. We would like to showcase it at MOCA. It gives the opportunity for the students who are not designers and for local designers to see our portfolios. In the past there have been jobs and internships landed based off of these showcases. The event is free for any attendee. The event will be held April 29th from 7:00PM-9:00PM. Total request is $2,945. Expected attendance is 150 people. To have it at MOCA we still have to pay for the food which is involved in the center. The advertising and booklet printing is not towards portfolios. The booklet will be like mini yearbook of the senior class. We had to request for 250 booklets to get the bulk pricing. Staff and utensils also have to be purchased to host it at MOCA. o Senator Kontol: Could you repeat how many were in attendance last fall? - 150. o Chairman Kennedy: You said a lot of professionals will be in attendance, with this index we need to benefit the entire student body, can you say how you would market this for UNF?- Every portfolio show we have we make sure to advertise on campus, we are designing posters to post all around campus. Professors also make announcements in classes. I have seen students who joined and who have gone to these shows and it is very eye-opening. Last semester there were two guests considered transferring to UNF based off of this event. Senator Kishek: I move to approve this special request for the amount of $2,945. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote Senator Kontol: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved. C) General Reserves D) Transfers E) Budget Balance F) Finance Code XII. Announcements A) Senate March 30, 2015 6:30 Senate Chambers B) Treasurer Wolf had to report a transfer for the B&A office to move $865 from travel to office supplies index. XIII. Final Roll Call—Sen. Kontol - XIV. Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members. Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 7:04PM. Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.