C&S Minutes 3-2-15.

Constitution and Statutes Minutes
March 2nd, 2015
John E. Sapp Conference Room 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Grantham
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:33pm
Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – February 16th, 2015
-Senator Rader: Motion to approve minutes
-Motion passes 5-0-0
Approval of Agenda
Senator Ascanio: motion to approve agenda
-Motion passes 5-0-0
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
Chair Grantham: point totals for appeal hearings
Old Business
New Business
a. Appeal Hearings
Lauren Donnelly (5.5 points)
a. I’ve been in senate for over a year, a year a half by the end of this semester.
I’ve never had to come before this committee before. I have one point for a
senate meeting on the 9th. I work on Friday. I am nanny. I would not have
been able to make it to the meeting anyways. I would like to appeal the other
.5. The place is only open on the weekend. There’s a committee meeting, the
second committee meeting I’ve missed. I was in a car accident. One Osprey
Voice, I’ll completely take blame for that. Professor…He moved my
appointment time. I request 5.5 out of 6.5 to be removed.
b. Discussion
c. Senator Rader: motion to remove 5.5 points from Senator Donnelly.
d. Motion passes 5-0-0
e. Chair Grantham: current standing is one absent point
Chad Harris (4.5 points)
a. The first point, the emergency committee meet on January 9th, I did appeal
that as well. The following point was the senate meeting the same day, I
appealed that point as well. Committee meeting, I missed the roll call, I did
not appeal that. February Osprey Voice. Feb 23 Senate meeting, I was at a
medical school interview, I appealed that point. Osprey Voice, I was sick
with laryngitis, I emailed the chair notifying her. I would like to have all of
my points removed if possible.
b. Senator Ascanio: motion to remove all points
c. Motion passes 5-0-0
d. Chair Grantham: current standing is 0 points.
Jose Genao (4.0 points)
a. Not present
-Pick-up senator polo’s
-Advisor Shore: if you are not running, we need you to sign-up for elections. Looking for people
to work the polls. Be cognizant when you get rid of points. Have they taken the time to appeal their
points. Have they tried to go through the redemption process. Just think about that as well.
Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez
Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members
Meeting is adjourned at 6:49
Minutes taken by: Vice Chair Gomez.