Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes February 16, 2015 Senate Chambers 6:00 PM Chairman: Blake Kennedy I. Call To Order - Meeting is called to order at 6:03PM. II. Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek III. Roll Call—Sen. Akers - IV. Quorum is established with 5 voting members. Approval of the minutes A) 2/02/2015 - V. Senator McCulksy: motion to approve last week’s minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved. Approval of Agenda A) 2/16/2015 - VI. Chairman Report and Remarks - VII. Treasurer Wolf: I only have two transfers to report. Both are from Homecoming, first one was for $1,496.72 from Give Aways line to T-shirts line. Also $45.85 from Give Aways to the awards line. Guest Speakers - IX. Thank you for speaking up about the budget on Monday night’s senate. Now we are going back to business as usual. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks - VIII. Senator Kontol: Motion to move PRSSA as the 3rd travel request. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator McCulsky: Strike the senate sponsor Senator Genao to Senator Akers. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Akers: Motion to approve the agenda for February 16th. Second. All in favor. Moved. None. Account Totals 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Travel Requests Special Requests Salary Reserves Now $9,363.77 $225,342.50 $57,978.08 After $3,198.53 $225,342.50 $57,978.08 X. Unfinished Business XI. New Business A) Travel Requests - - a) Iuri Lucius – Senator Genao—Senator Akers Iuri Lucius: There is a tournament in California with a lot of competitors. The UNF benefits include being able to represent, and to show support. I can wear UNF t shirts at the competition. I’ve been chosen because I have been competing a lot. Everything I do is train for this. This represents a lot for me and the club here at UNF. It would be awesome to represent UNF. I am asking for the airplane ticket and the registration fee. o Senator Kontol: Is it only college students? - No, it will be all sorts of people. o Senator Akers: Will you be bringing experience back to the members of the club? - I teach twice a week and I can show what I know. I will bring my experience back to people who practice. Senator Akers: Motion to pass Iuri Lucius travel request. Second. Discussion. Senator Kontol: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Motion passes. b) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – Senator Kishek IEEE: We are one of the most active engineer clubs on campus. The competitions we are looking into are the Hardware, Software, and Ethics competition. A lot of the competition is about getting UNF on the map. Engineering is hands on experience, that is what it is all about. We all went last year, and we helped the new teams with our experience that we got. You get to work with some of the brightest minds in engineering. We have one of the strongest programs in the state, people just don’t know that. There are a lot of workshops that we can go to at this conference. Professors from across the country will be in attendance which we can learn from. This is a great networking experience and for our students to get involved. We are requesting for the registration costs for the 16 of the 20 students attending. The cost of attending is $125 per person. Senator Kishek: I move to approve their request. Second. Discussion. Senator Kontol: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Motion passes. c) PRSSA – Senator Silberstein - PRSSA: This is for the 2015 PRSSA National Assembly Conference in Portland, Ore. This is a 4 day program. This helps students to get internships and jobs post-graduation. This is a big networking conference for the students. We also get hands on experience that we can take back and share with students in the club. We get national recognition by going. We will be able to have national officers for the first time ever. No attendee is graduating, so this can all be brought back to the club here at UNF. We have been in good standing the whole time we have been here at UNF. The past few years we have attended a regional conference in Atlanta, we are forgoing this to go to the national assembly. This is a bigger conference and a great experience. Each student is expecting to pay out of pocket. Senator Silberstein: Motion to approve PRSSA’s request. Second. Discussion. Senator McCulsky: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Motion passes. B) Special Requests C) General Reserves D) Transfers E) Budget Balance F) Finance Code XII. Announcements A) Next Senate February 23, 2015 6:30 Senate Chambers. B) Osprey Voice starts tomorrow. XIII. Final Roll Call—Sen. Akers - XIV. Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 6:31PM Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.