Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting February 2, 2015 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM Chairman: Blake Kennedy I. Call To Order - Meeting is called to order at 6:06PM. II. Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek III. Roll Call—Sen. Akers - IV. Quorum is established with 7 voting members. Approval of the minutes A) 1/12/2015 - V. Senator Bottom: motion to approve last week’s minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved. Approval of Agenda A) 2/2/2015 - VI. Chairman Report and Remarks - VII. I just wanted to reiterate what Chairman Kennedy said about the budget meetings, thank you all. There were two transfers I approved since the last time I saw you, for club alliance $72.70 from club fest line to spring bash line. For legislative, $500 from advertising line to food line. I also wanted to say the changes that we made for the club funding; we will now have to make changes in the constitution which will come before senate on the 9th. Guest Speakers - IX. Thank you for being there for me this past month. I am really excited for the budget to continue on. That means no more budget meetings on Fridays. Monday night the budget will be going in front of senate, we will have to tell the senate what we did. If you were not there on Friday, you can come to me and I can inform you. We put the time in, don’t let that go to waste, share your opinion. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks - VIII. Senator Bottom: motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. none Account Totals 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Travel Requests Special Requests Salary Reserves Now $9,363.77 $225,342.50 $57,978.08 After $3,198.53 $225,342.50 $57,978.08 X. Unfinished Business XI. New Business A) Travel Requests - a) Upsilon Phi Delta – Senator Akers Upsilon Phi Delta: This travel request is for the UAB Case Competition. We are affiliated with university programs and health administration. We have about 60-75 members right now. Our main goals are to recognize academic excellence, career development, leadership, and professional networking opportunities. The competition is for 36 different teams, it is very hard to get the accreditation. It is for graduate students only, it is meant to enrich your skills. We just got the case today, we will have to present February 25-27. It is judged by the leaders that we hope one day to work for. The winning team gets $9,000, we have not won yet, but we think we are getting closer. We have a good team this year. Registration is $900 total for the 4 students. We have two hotel rooms for two nights, $864 total. Plane tickets total of over $1,000. The entire competition is over $3,000 to get us there. Registration has been covered. So today we are asking for help with hotel and plane tickets. The big thing on return on investment is leadership experience. We can expose to the judges how great we are. A lot of recruiters are there to get students to work at their hospitals. It is a very good opportunity. Another big thing, you get to interact with other students and talk with them as you are going through the experience. This is a resume builder, everyone knows about this competition in this industry. It also helps to enhance the program, and it will help put UNF on the map. We are just asking you to help us get there, it is very expensive. o Senator Kishek: Looking at what you received and the amount you are asking for, how come you have not done any fundraising? - In the years prior they hadn’t done fundraising. We just normally don’t. o Treasurer Wolf: You talked about a GPA requirement, what is that for? - To get into the club. o Senator Kishek: You received $1,000 towards the trip; the amount for the trip is $2,900? - We did make an amendment, to have it to where it represented the cost of airfare. They only paid the $900 for registration. o Senator Silberstein: Is this an invite? - Yes. o Senator Kishek: If we do not fund the full amount, will it prevent you from going? We will have to turn to leadership to ask for more. Reserves are used for graduation material. Senator Akers: Motion to approve the travel request for Upsilon Phi Delta. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 7-0-0. Motion Passes. b) UNF Climbing Club – Senator McColskey - - Megan Higgins: We have been gaining recognition on campus a lot lately. We have a large sponsorship with the Edge Rock Gym, with a discounted membership with UNF members. The Collegiate Climbing Series is offered in spring each year. There are 3 state wide competitions, if you place in those you move onto regionals then nationals. As a team member, you are required to go to 3 practices a week. We have only ever funded ourselves, and we have never asked Student Government for money. This competition is in Aiguille, near Orlando. The fees are $35 per student. Fuel cost will be around $114, grad total of $534. We don’t get to compete on an even playing field with a lot of big schools, but with this we can. We have been sending a lot of sponsorship letters out. We already have a good base with other big schools. On this form there is one change that happened yesterday, on number 8 it should say $370. o Senator Bottom: Where do you spend your funds, the $370? - It is strictly for trips, also t-shirts. o Business Manager Knipe: Are you taking just one vehicle or several? - This was actually corrected, we are taking two vehicles. o Business Manager Knipe: Title 8 stipulates whatever is most economical, you can rent a vehicle and pay for gas, or you can pay for mileage. o Senator Akers: How much equipment do you take with? - Each student takes their own. o Senator Akers: Given the number people going, and the equipment, would it fit in a 12 passenger seat van? – Probably, yes. o Business Manager Knipe: If you took a 12 passenger van, it would be more economical. It comes out to be $84 total for transportation. If you needed more than one vehicle, it would be more. o Director McGuire: I suggest passing it as is, and then we can work with the club afterwards. Senator Kishek: I move to approve the request for the UNF Climbing Club. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 7-0-0. Motion Passes. c) UNF College Republicans – Senator Bottom Dylan Lowe: We have around 24 members. This is my first year being president. CPAC is the only trip we ask for money. Majority of the time we pay for trips out of pocket. The CPAC (Conservative Political Action Convention) 2015 event is in Washington D.C. this year. It is a really big deal. One of the big things of CPAC, most of the individuals are Political Science majors. You do not get a job in the field if you are not social. I have gone to others and asked for money to fund us to go to CPAC. Costs have been lowered by being discounted. At the conference there are big names that give speeches that we can come back and implement back to the community. On Sunday before we leave, we go and see all the monuments in D.C. . It is going to cost us around $70 a night per person for the hotel. There is a lot of money that we will be paying out of pocket; it is not going to be a cheap trip. It will cost $166 a student for the 7 of us going. We are asking for the hotel, airfare, and ticket price. As for fundraising, we are going to try to fundraise this week for the out of pocket money. o Senator Silberstein: You are not asking for transportation? - We are only asking for airfare. o Senator Akers: For lodging, is the $70 per night or the total? - It’s $70 per person for the 3 nights. o Senator Silberstein: It sounds like it’s a summit, where you will be listening, how will you be representing UNF, and what will UNF be getting out of this? - They have - workshops also. You can’t learn communication and social skills by staying at home watching stuff on TV. We will also be able to represent UNF as a school there. Senator Bottom: I move to approve the request for UNF College Republicans. No second- Motion dies. d) American Society of Civil Engineers – Senator Kontol American Society of Civil Engineers: This organization was founded in 1852, and is represented around the world. The South East Student conference is held each year. This year it is being held in Tennessee. We will be sending 24 students this year, everyone going will be participating in a competition. This competition is important to the students; it helps us apply what we learn in the classroom. It is also a great opportunity to network with professionals in the field. For UNF as a whole, we are competing with a lot of other big schools. You get a sense of pride with your fellow students. We are asking for $2,000 for this trip. The reason we are requesting for this is because it is in Tennessee. o Senator McColskey: On question number 7 it says you received $2,000 for this trip? We received this form the state level of our organization. It is not just for this trip. Senator McColskey: motion to approve the travel request for the American Society of Civil Engineers. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 7-0-0. Motion Passes. B) Special Requests C) General Reserves D) Transfers E) Budget Balance F) Finance Code XII. Announcements A) Next Senate February 9, 2015 6:30 Senate Chambers, the budget will be introduced. B) If you want to serve on a club funding board, I suggest that you do that. If you are interesting please contact myself, Treasurer Wolf, or Senate President Baker. C) Please stand when you make motions, or ask questions. XIII. Final Roll Call—Sen. Akers - XIV. Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members. Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 7:13PM. Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.