Constitution and Statutes Minutes February 2nd, 2015 John E. Sapp Conference Room 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Grantham I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 6:32. Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez II. III. Quorum is established with 4 voting members. Student Remarks none Approval of Minutes – January 12th, 2015 IV. V. Senator Ascanio: motion to approve the minutes from Jan 12, 2014 o Senator Rader: nay 2014 should be 2015. Senator Ascanio: rescind motion. Motion to approve minutes from Jan 12, 2015. Approval of Agenda VI. Senator Gloster: motion to approve agenda as amended Guest Speakers none Remarks of the Chair – VII. none VIII. Old Business IX. New Business Chairman Grantham: Senator Galligan: summer 2014: emergency senate Jun 25, sept osprey voice (1),nov 10 senate meet nov 10 (2), nov 17 committee nov (2pts), jan 9 2015 committee, jan 9 2015 senate, jan 9 emergency go emergency (2)…for a total of 11 Senator Gloster: point of information for advisor shore Advisor shore: G absences 1 B…”senators accessed absence points for …”…this conflicts however with 1204 in the statute…every senator must participate in at least 1 osprey voice per month…one absence point will be accessed... a. Appeal Hearings i. Galligan, Kerry a. Up until a month ago…in that email she stated that absentee points are per semester, not the entire term…had a case like this with senator Hartsfield…that could have been where my confusion came…thought I had a blank slate…this is the first time I have been notified…11 is a shocking number to me…one of the things that does come to mind is the osprey voice…senator baker at the time the week of it was announced…I was working 30 hours a week…recently I was late to maybe 1 or 2 GO committees…met at 5:00 on Mondays…you can’t count on it being finished by 6 o’clock hour…as of today I have resigned from that position…so that I can in fact be punctual from meetings…I wish I could tell you the specific dates because of the circumstances…I was not notified…I was under the impression that absentee points refreshed every semester…I plan on being as active… Senator Gloster: I did not have an email record at the time Senator Ascanio: I was notified last semester as well…consequences of that Chairman Grantham:…possibility of appeals…fail to attend…if not same action is taken…you can only appeal once per term…you accumulate for you do not have the ability to appeal again…that is the course of action for absence points… Senator Gloster: It may have been earlier…but not 100% sure… Senator Rader: can you repeat the meetings that she missed… Senator Galligan: may I ask the date of the last senate meeting I missed…do throw me through the loop…makes attendance that much harder…let me gather my thoughts Advisor Shore: did you have a class? Senator Galligan: let me recall…it was possible that I was doing brides maid fitting…I had prior obligations. Chairman Grantham: I can only speak for the ones that took place in the…absence forms were not filed for those…only one point was accessed… Senator Rader: check email often? Senator Galligan: when emergency meetings are called week after week after week…I do have it connected to my phone… Advisor Shore: up until nov 17…I don’t think she should have to pay the price for that…two of them are from an emergency meeting she had right before senate…I get nervous when we call emergency meetings…I’m just saying that’s my two cents. Senator Gloster: Are you familiar with our redemption process…2 points off from total...that way she can be an active senator…that way she can go to an op event or club alliance event…she’s earning her seat back…remove 8 of her points…then work an event and have 2 removed Senator Galligan: active during summer A…which is not mandatory... Chairman Grantham: ultimately you as committee members have the. Motion to amend that…it’s all up to you… Senator Gloster: not to counteract…there is responsibility on her behalf…not that it’s her fault that she was…I think we should remove 8. Chairman Grantham: I don’t believe...that a senator can be held accountable for points she was not notified for…because I receive the roster 2 days after…if they don’t… Chairman Grantham: you are now at three absence points… ii. Guerra, Hailey Senator Guerra: I did receive two absentee points…from nov 24 weekend preceding…did not return until the night of the 24th before midnight…I wasn’t really aware of what policy was in place…constitutionality of the absentee points…or that I had attained any points…points were dismissed on negligence on that part…jan 9 removed...jan 7…learned of GO emergency on jan 8…48 hour time period…recommendation…currently employed at a law firm…cover especially with a two day notice…I work from 8 to 5 downtown. Not only was this an inconvenient meeting for me …worked one of the elections station…blue year events…wanted to show the committee. Senator Guerra: I don’t want to put anyone in a position…I understand I had to Senator Ascanio: redemption process…fair to remove them all… Chairman Grantham: I would like to add one point of information…for the 2 points on the 24th and then sort of adding on to that the policy regarding the removal of senators… Senator Ascanio…motion to remove all absence points Advisor: you have to contact the senate president and pro temp before …that said senator guerra … Chairman Grantham: Senator Galligan brought up the wedding… Chairman Grantham: Hailey got all points removed. motion passes 4-0-0. iii. - Nov 24, senate meet (2), go emergency (jan 9),senate meet jan 9 (2) Harold, Spencer Can I clarify…I did that with leah…maybe I didn’t get 25… Chairman Grantham: technically spencer is still in the timeline Senator Harold: what would be the process? Chairman Grantham: fill out the form I sent you in the email today…just so you have that as a cover…then email chair melquist Senator Harold: Jan 9, job in Colorado…was not back in time to fill out an absentee form either…not sure what the other two points were related .5… Chairman Grantham: the other two you’ve already covered Senator Harold: I should have appealed it I guess and I apologize for that Senator Harold: 1 from the 1st one then these two…could not be there Chairman Grantham: did file an absence form Senator Rader: my recommendation…remove that fall meeting…he would have 2. Left…then he has the redemption process… Senator Gloster: give the extensive amount of points...It wouldn’t be fair…I would want to remove more than the 2 points… Chairman Grantham: only looking at 4.5 points…meeting on 15th of sept…meeting on 9th… Senator Ascanio: motion to remove 2.5 points…for a total of 2 points... Chairman Grantham: passes 4-0-0 - Sept senate (2), jan 24 senator orientation (.5 pts), jan 9 senate (2pts), jan osprey voice (x)…total 5.5 b. SB-15S-2830 Title III Reform Chairman Gloster: point of information: no changes Attorney General Harris: there is an addition…Assistant director…club alliance…agency advisory board…effective Friday……transition period... Senator Gloster: 310.5…directly following final commencement…what does that mean… Attorney General Harris: determined by the election commissioner… Senator Rader: judicial council… Advisor Shore: statutory…ch 3.10…on the transition period…#2…”the outgoing administration must transfer all records and files…” Attorney General Harris: some point during that month they must be transferred… AdvisorShore: basically a month…president elect… Senator Gloster: do you think a month is too long? Attorney General Harris: at least two weeks of it are gone anyways…a week for transition…then finals…some of them had to wait till may to be confirmed…it won’t happen until the end of march…I think it’s a good idea to give the new administration Chairman Grantham: point of information… Senator Gloster: timeline following commencement… Chairman Grantham: any other questions…chapter 305 (d)…did request that the bottom line… Senator Rader: move to strike out…barring a conflict of interest. Second. discussion…so moved…revised SB 15S 2830… c. SB-15S-2831 Reformation of Judicial Processes (Title V) Attorney General Harris…in the hearing…judicial complaints…determine merit…then plaintiff and defendant…AG and student advocate…course release decision… Senator Gloster: student advocate Attorney General Harris: may choose anyone they want Senator Gloster: competency of student advocate… Attorney General Harris: public defender model…student advocate Director McGuire: rule of 3..what if we only have …justices Attorney General Harris:..not always easy looking for justices…it would still be three if there were only two people on the bench… Advisor Shore: removes an appeals process…using the rule of three Attorney General Harris: there is no appeal court…removes the possibility of an internal court appeal…part of the reason to support case briefs…all they are hearing in court is testimony and oral argument…this is a barrier to prevent frivolous lawsuits…plaintiff would have to provide that…separates them off from the judicial branch. Senator Ascanio: motion to approve SB…motion passes 3-0-1. d. Reformation of Club Funding (Title XI) Treasurer Wolf: 2 club funding boards…club budget committee. all clubs eligible to receive $300 through club alliance…first come first serve basis…now in march…club budget process…they go through the same annual budget hearing…approve and disapprove the ones they see fit…two process and they don’t know what process they’re on…make it easier for clubs to use funds they have…more campus involvement and generate more community and UNF if clubs get more involved at UNF…combining the club funding process…strike club alliance coordinator selected by the director…replace with… Gloster: rescind motion…motion to table until next CSC meeting...motion passes 3-0-1. X. Announcements Read over before senate. Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez XI. XII. Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 8:09PM. Minutes prepared by: Vice Chair Gomez.