I. II. III. University of North Florida Student Government 2015-2016 Activity & Service Fee Budget Deliberations January 30, 2015 Call to order Meeting is called to order at 9:53AM Roll Call Quorum is established with 5 voting members. Budget Deliberations Treasurer Wolf: I want you to know that I have done my absolute best to get this budget. I have been meeting with all of the different indexes since October. I am confident that this is the best model. It is a lot of money and I want you to ask as many questions as possible. I am going to go through each index and questions after. We have a decrease in enrollment of 6,000 which is a decrease in revenue of $61,380. There was also an increase in minimum wage and salaries. So there had to be a decrease of $145,809. There were three things I had to keep in mind. The first thing was the students, what they want and what they are benefitting from. Number two, I cut OPS wages line. There is always money left over in here. I also rounded lump sum OPS wages. Third, our tight financial position this year. So, this is not the year for an expansion to be made. a. Arena This one is pretty straight forward. b. Student union They asked for an increase for their operations. I am proposing we keep the same amount they had for the current year. Operating expenses, they asked for an increase for radios, but they already bought them so I am proposing this stays the same. Repairs and maintenance, I am proposing we do $35,000 which gives them enough to spend and should something extraordinarily happens they have auxiliary funds or they can come here to request money. For shirts, they asked for an increase in staff, since I am keeping the staff the same. I think 1500 is sufficient to cover their shirts. o Senator Akers: you said they use $40,000 for maintenance repairs, and you cut that? - They had a $5,000 cushion, and I decreased it by 5,000. c. Lend-A-Wing Operating expenses, this funds the coordinator at 20, he asked for 30. As I said I don’t think this a year for expansions, so perhaps in the future we can expand this. The only thing I changed for promotional items, he said $600 would be enough. I am proposing $1,500 is sufficient for promotional. d. Osprey Productions For OPS, no changes other than rounding that. The only thing I changed was for arena concerts, I am proposing we keep this the same as last year because OP brings in ticket revenue. Operating expenses, programming events I cut this. Advertising, this is becoming a lot more on social media, so I think a cut can be made here. I think $10,000 is enough for this. Rentals I am proposing we keep it the same at $9,000. Director Chwalisz said this would be enough. For lighting sound and stage productions, I am proposing we keep that the same. For movie nights, I am proposing $18,000. I am proposing we do $3,000 for travel. o Senator Bottom: You mentioned you are relying on ticket revenue, do you know that number? - They made $43,000 last year. o Senator Akers: You pulled $1,000 off of their food request, do you think that is that enough for them? - I do, I shaved food off throughout the entire budget. e. Homecoming This has taken a large decrease. I say they cut the comedian out of homecoming. This is hard to budget for; they don’t have plans in place for the next year. The ball park is over $50,000 for the comedian, if we kept this in here, they would come in for a special request anyway. If they do decide to bring a comedian to campus, they can come before the committee to request. Crowd management was cut since we are cutting the comedian. Operating expenses, awards $150 is enough to cover. Line 8 is a large decrease since we aren’t funding the comedian, it’ll be going towards lip sync. o Chairman Kennedy: How confident are you that they are not doing a comedian? - They don’t have a committee for that. o Senator Ascanio: Why was there an increase for lip-sync lighting? - So they can draw a crowd. f. Student conference travel $30,000 for travel, I am requesting we keep this the same. g. Recreation and intermural sports Before I start with this one I want to go back to town hall results we had. This showed that a large percentage that a lot of students are using this. Other than rounding a few of the OPS wages. I am proposing we don’t fund the skate park attendant, in the survey the skate park was the least used. I followed up with the director; at most there have been 95 students since July. Operating expenses, they asked for an increase in athletic supplies, but I am proposing we keep it the same. I don’t foresee them making any large purchases. The new rec gym that is opening, they asked for an increase for printing and reproduction I gave them 300 which is enough. h. Student wellness complex This is one of the most utilized things that we fund on this campus. I tried my best to keep them at the level they are right now. They have requested for a new position, and I think this is very important. They requested that SG funds 75% of this position; I propose we fund 70%. Operating expenses, I want to keep them at their current funding. i. Club Alliance I am not proposing a decrease in OPS wages. For food, I am proposing we allocate $900. Club alliance programming, $500 is sufficient. Club fest and spring bash is their biggest events; I am requesting club fest is for $7,000. For spring bash, I think $6,000 is enough, since it is smaller than club fest. Marketing and advertising I am proposing we fund them for $500. j. Club Funding We are switching the way we do club funding now. Club funding I am proposing $50,000 this will fund requests we get for clubs. Clubs are allowed to request $300 to be allocated to their club. I proposed that they have to submit a request to get that $300. They can request additional funds if they need. I have worked with the directors of club alliance and the advisors, and I am confident that this will be the best option. They will go through a similar process that we go through here. The proviso transfer is coming out of the budget authority that we have. I am proposing we take $20,000 of that transfer to go in this budget. This is the most fiscally responsible way to do this. o Senator Akers: You are proposing a separate bucket in the funding?-I got that $20,000 from Special Request budget. o Senator Akers: Will this affect the scholarship interest?-No. o Senator Rader: How much did we use the club funding last year? - In 2014 $30,000. o Senator Akers: Why $70,000? - They didn’t request in the past, it has been first come first serve. They will know exactly how much money they have. o Senator Ascanio: If they had have more in the past why increase it? - It is complicated with the transfer, so they have $50,000. If they don’t need more, they don’t need the transfer of $20,000. Student Government wants to expand clubs on campus, we are trying to increase the amount of funding they have. I propose you keep it at $50,000. o Senator Akers: For the $20,000, you mentioned budgetary amendments? - If they requested more than the $300, this would be them coming for an increase. In those budgets they can request travel k. l. m. n. o. p. q. money, which is a faster process than coming before the B&A committee. Executive Branch OPS wages, I am proposing a decrease from 125 to 110 hours. I believe that this is sufficient enough. Currently we are running off of 110 hours. I cut OPS wages across the board. Operating expenses, Turner mentioned he hasn’t done much travel, I propose we keep it at $5,000. Executive Programming, this is also a decrease to $25,000. Office supplies, I propose $2,000, our supplies closet is full right now. Legislative Branch OPS wages, I only made changes to B&A chair and Senate Secretary. I had discussions with both, 20 is sufficient for each to do their jobs. Operating expenses, advertising this was used for spinnaker ads however no money has been spent, I zeroed out that line. If they would like to do advertising it can be funded out of programming, which I decreased to $3,000. Business and Accounting OPS wages, the student office assistants so I propose we keep that the same, I did a lump sum funding with the direction of director McGuire. Operating expenses, I decreased printing and reproduction line to $3,500. I propose we allocated $3,000 for office supplies, the closets are full currently. Staff development, they aren’t doing as much travel, I propose $6,000 for this line. Judicial Branch OPS wages, I propose we do not fund the senior associate justice line. They came last year for a special request for the remainder of year. I am proposing we don’t fund this request. They requested this for continuity. I believe that there is enough continuity with the deputy chief justice. The branch also has a number of volunteers. I propose we zero out the reserves funding. Operating expenses, they have a very tiny budget, so I am proposing no changes to this. o Senator Akers: He hasn’t appointed a senior associate justice? - Yes there has been an appointment, this position will go on until June and this will be effective in July. Elections OPS wages, this is a position where the election time periods they will be working more but not as much during other times. So I am proposing the keep the same and giving them a lump sum. Operating expenses, I didn’t make any changes to the request. Special Request I proposed $180,000 with the $20,000 going into club funding. Business Overhead I haven’t made any changes, this is mandated by the university r. Salary Reserves This is also given to the B&A office. This ensures if there is an increase being made we have the money. If there is a salary increase, this is made in October. I propose we fund it for 3/4ths of the year. Minimum wage I decreased by $4,000. There are always leftovers in this. s. Spinnaker Media This is the one I make sure we spend a lot of time on, since a lot of changes have been made. I have gone into a lot of depth. I had multiple conversations with spinnaker leaders. I am very confident in the way we are funding them in this model. They are currently funded in 4 indexes. They asked for one lump sum funding. I say that all indexes get combined into 1 index. Still doing it in a line item budget. This still allows me to see line item by line item. This gives them flexibility. I believe it is a good way to still keep accountability. OPS wages, TV station manager they requested an increase I think 8.05 is sufficient for the manager to make. I condensed the TV and radio staff into this. I asked how many hours we are funding them right now. 65 hours for 6 positons and they are allocated for 80. So I decreased this and I propose for 60 hours a week for student staff. 99% of their operation is for the movies that play. Radio student staff we currently fund them at 85, I propose a decrease of 5 hours. Operating expenses, I only made changes in 2 different areas. I increased their food allocation, for $1,000. Annual spinnaker subscription. We fund this currently at 9 issues per year, 12,000 copies per issue times 43 and a half cents. In the budget hearings B&A chairman asked them how many they throw away, they throw away 5,000-6,000. That showed a red flag for me. They said it is difficult for them to make 9 issues per year. The manager proposed 6 issues per year. I asked for data of costs, and they didn’t get that to me. I have done my best with my calculations; I am proposing 6 issues per year based off of 8,000 copies. We currently fund them at 43 and half cents per unit and I am proposing 65 cents. They have an auxiliary account to cover additional funds they need. o Senator Akers: Why couldn’t they provide the cost? - I went over invoices. I think 65 cents is generous. I want to bring us all to the same page. Should they come to me before it gets approved, I would be able to negotiate if they give me fixed data. o Chairman Kennedy: Do we have the results from this past osprey voice? - shows results on screen. o Chairman Kennedy: Do you have an exact number of the decrease from last year? – Last year the lump sum came out to $253,359. This year it comes out to $240,032. o Senator Ascanio: How do we know what they are spending, item by item? - They are decentralized, they report to the business manager. They will have to come to Business Manager Knipe to request transfer funds. They are required to do to usage reports and surveys to the students. *Questions/Motions on proposed budget* o Senator Akers: Can we see the survey from the spinnaker? - *shows on screen*. 12% said they were watching spinnaker, they surveyed 117 students. Senator Akers: Motion for open discussion. Second. All in favor. Moved. o Senator Akers: Only red flags I have are for spinnaker media. This is almost a quarter million dollars. This is a service hardly used by the students. I question the expensive aspect. o Chairman Kennedy: That used to be 4 indexes, so that is why the number is so high. Don’t get caught up in the amount of money o Treasurer Wolf: looking at the production, 99% of the time they play movies. Based on their data of 75% students are watching movies. o Senator Akers: I agree we don’t want to zero fund them. Many of those the things they do aren’t being utilized. I propose to take a closer look at that funding. o Chairman Kennedy: the survey was a little over 500 students, this is a great survey, but it is a small portion of our student population. If those numbers were larger, then I think it would be a better basis to make a decision on. o Senator McCulskey: I know that it is a large amount. But we have made cuts on it. Spinnaker does do great services for our university. Even though it looks book, I think it has been allocated out well o Senator Ascanio: we need to analyze more in depth to wear the money is going. They do provide a good service. I still think we are giving them way too much money. o Treasurer Wolf: If you would like to make adjustments to this index, I can show you the breakdown of each index. o Senator Akers: We are allocating 8,000 copies, what would it be if we dropped that to 7,000?-*shows on screen*. We aren’t restricting them to a certain amount. o Senator Ascanio: How much per unit? - I allocated them .65 per unit. o Senator McCulskey: If we allocated them the .43 and a half again? That cost per unit will increase, if they are making fewer issues that will allow them to make a larger magazine. o Senator McCulskey: I don’t feel comfortable until they give me those numbers. o Senator Ascanio: I think it is really important to get that data. o Treasurer Wolf: I changed wording in provisionary language to up to a certain amount of copies. o Senator Akers: What about outside funding? - In past years there have been conversations about being less dependent on SG. We can’t control content. They combined all of their outlets into one. They have an auxiliary fund; they create revenue off of the magazines. Radio can take sponsorships. TV can do the same thing. Next year they are projecting $85,000 in revenue. o Senator Akers: Are you taking auxiliary funding into account when making the budget? - Yes, I have kept most of their line items the same. I know we don’t fund their magazine fully right now. o Senator Bottom: How much would it cost to make the funding student wellness complex position for 75% instead of 70%? - $32,040. o Director McGuire: For spinnaker auxiliary last fiscal year, they had $66,185. Current year projection is $117,665. Break-11:40 Reconvene-12:10 Senator Akers: Motion to suspend Roberts Rules. Second. All in favor. moved o Senator Ascanio: Why is there an increase in subscription?- That isn’t something we can control o Senator Akers: I have concerns about the spinnaker index. I think there are places where we can pull from and re-allocate. One thing I have in mind is for the intermural sports. o Senator Akers: How much of the marketing are they currently using? That is a combined line item of all the indexes. o Senator Ascanio: What if fund up to 5,000 magazines. Since only 24% read the magazine according to the Osprey Voice. o Senator Bottom: I think that is too much of a big decision to base off of 500 students. o Senator Ascanio: But this could be reallocated to something that we know the data of. o Senator Akers: Even if we get more students that use Spinnaker, we are still at a small percentage of the student body. I think you won’t get any more of 30% usage. Consider the other things we could put this money into. It is not unusual for a magazine to be sold out, so I don’t think it is a bad thing to fund them what under the demand is. That will help build more demand. o Chairman Kennedy: I understand that we are basing our thoughts off of usage. We need to look at Spinnaker as an index in the Student Government budget. I don’t think it is fair for us to allocate to other indexes and give spinnaker less funding. We would be doing our students and indexes a dis-service. o Senator Ascanio: I think there are areas more beneficial for the students. o Chairman Kennedy: I don’t think that number should change to 5,000. o Senator Ascanio: How do we know that the magazines are actually being read? o Director McGuire: You have to take into account that the budget directors come in here to present they are being truthful. o Senator Akers: What if we changed it to 6,500? Based on Treasurer Wolf’s discussion with them, I think that is about the average of spinnakers given out. This helps minimizes waste. o Senator Akers: I want that quarter million dollars to go to projects and indexes actually used. o Senator Bottom: I think we could change it to 7,000 instead of 6,500. o Director McGuire: In provisionary language, you could say for how much magazines you pay for. That would give them more flexibility. o Senator Akers: I think this creates oversight for their process. My argument against giving them x number of prints, what if they don’t distribute all of them. I think 7,000 seem reasonable. o Director McGuire: it is a matter of how much you want to fund, because they can print as many as they want. o Senator Genao: I think we should give them wiggle room, and I am comfortable with 7,000. o Senator Bottom: I think the student wellness complex positon would be a good place to reallocate that money to. o Senator Akers: We could distribute into intermurals. I would argue that they could use more equipment. o Chairman Kennedy: We can’t control what exactly they use that money for, which is up to the budget director. We can’t give them money and tell them to spend it on intermurals only, and I would definitely suggest not doing that. o Business Manager Knipe: Whatever money you put in there, Director Purser would be willing to hear what you think. Senator Akers: Motion to reinstate Roberts Rules. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Akers: Motion to change index 402400 from 8,000 issues to 7,000 and in index 402031 increase item 4 to 75% and increase index 402030 operating expenses line item 19 $1,740 to equipment. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: Motion passes 4-0-0. Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve the budget. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: motion passes 4-0-0. Provisionary Language Treasurer Wolf: As I stated before, a lot of provisionary language is general. I am just going to highlight changes. I just changed the amount of $20,000 in special requests clause. Recreations asked an increase of $8.50 vs. the $8.25 they have now. For the Spinnaker, you’ll see in the current language I condensed it all for the media outlets. I added .65cents and 8,000 issues, there needs to be a motion to change that to 7,000. It states that there should be a survey each semester reported back to the advisor, I changed that to report to the station managers. In current language it states $10,000 cold be transferred to club funding, I changes that to $20,000. In OP ticket sale revenues, I included homecoming ticket revenue to create transparency. o Senator Akers: In regards to the spinnaker survey, could we add a limit for amount of students surveyed. Is it reasonable to try and mandate that? - I don’t think we should get into mandate things like that. I would hope they do them right. They have resources on campus that they can use. Mandating it would put you on a slippery slope. o Senator Akers: Could we just add the words of a statistically proportionate number? - It is in their best interest to do it for themselves as well. Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve the provisionary language. Second. Discussion (we haven’t changed the spinnaker issue numbers). R motion doesn’t pass 1-0-4. Senator Akers: motion to change the numbers in spinnaker media from 8,000 to 7,000 units. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passes 5-0-0. Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve the provisionary language. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passes 5-0-0. Senator Akers: Motion to approve the proposed budget with provisionary language for 2015-2016. Second. No discussion. Motion passes. 5-0-0. Announcements Open forum next Tuesday. Final Roll Call IV. - V. VI. Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members. VII. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 1:33PM. Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.