GO Minutes 1-26-15 (Emer)


Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes

January 26 th , 2015 from 5:45 PM to 6:25 PM

John E. Sapp Conference Room


Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:54PM


Roll Call

Quorum is established with 4 voting members.


Approval of Agenda

Senator Ali Awan: Motion to approve the agenda for January 26, 2015. Second. All in favor.



Remarks of the Chair— sgagoc@unf.edu



Unfinished Business


New Business a.

Elections Commissioner Confirmation

Bradley Johnson: I am currently a 4 th year student. Majoring in mechanical engineering, minor in political science. I have had a lot of ideas, my creativity and my interest in elections would give me a step up in being creative in this venue. o Chairwoman Wollam: Do you have some goals or changes you would like to make?-I read a lot of what Commissioner Rains did; I think we can only build off of what we have. I read some of his notes; I would love to continue aiming at those things. He hardly used any of the budget; there is a lot of opportunity, more advertising to draw more voters. o Senator Harvel: Do you have any experience with elections in the past?- My major was demanding, so I didn’t get as involved, being in this last election was the majority of my experience o Senator Azzouz: Do you think you will have the time for the elections? - Absolutely. On the actual two days of elections I can devote as much time as I can around my classes. o Chairwoman Wollam: A lot of times it is hard to find people at the polling stations, so do you have any ideas to get volunteers?- Recruiting from sitting senators and OP or whatever I can recruit from. I am going to do my best to recruit as many as I can.

Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes

January 26 th , 2015 from 5:45 PM to 6:25 PM

John E. Sapp Conference Room o Senator Guerra: You mentioned you were involved, how do you think you can be involved in an unbiased manner? - There is a level of unbiased. I am not affiliated with a whole lot, and I have a pretty good chance of being unbiased o Chairwoman Wollam: Would you change anything specific? - Since the spring election will be bigger, I would like to change the tables in the SU, they weren’t very well advertised. My goal is to change it by improving people’s knowledge of it. o Senator Ali Awan: How do you plan to get more people to vote? - The new app is a good field. I guarantee that there will be more votes. I was thinking of more locations with high traffic, like by the villages/pita pit. o Chairwoman Wollam: You mentioned you could be unbiased, but I know the volunteers in the past were biased, how do you plan to change that? - You would hope that the volunteers are unbiased. The distance away from people campaigning is what it is. We have to make sure we drive it home that it is an unbiased position. o Senator Galligan: How many credit hours are you taking, and do you have any other jobs? – I am currently taking 12 credits, I feel I am prepared to budget my time.

Occasionally I work on the weekend.

 Roll call vote: Passes 6:0:0. b.

Associate Justice Confirmation

Elizabeth Avilla: I am currently a freshman. I started volunteering at the beginning of fall with the judicial branch. I started filling the clerk of courts, which I fell in love with. I handled all the minutes for the hearings and parking hearings. It really reminded me of the Supreme Court system. So I wanted to take it a step further. o Chairwoman Wollam: What accomplishments do you wish to have in the branch? - I would really like to help keep the court consistent. o Senator Harris: Do you study law or political science? – Yes. o Chairwoman Wollam: Are you active in anything else? - I started a club, Osprey Fit. And I am in the honors program. I am also in Women in business Society.

 Roll call vote: passes 7:0:0. c.

Club Alliance Director Confirmation

Katie Jackson: I am a Junior majoring in Public Relations. I am the current assistant director of

Club Alliance. I got my start in Osprey Productions, and moved into Club alliance. I am really

Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes

January 26 th , 2015 from 5:45 PM to 6:25 PM

John E. Sapp Conference Room interested in learning more about funding. Being a PR major I am all about marketing and club alliance is all about that. o Chairwoman Wollam: Are there any changes you would like make do the position? - I really want to see the whole club funding come through. I also want to focus on marketing more. Also, I want to get clubs involved in homecoming. o Senator Harris: I know there is already a schedule set up for the clubs, what part did you play in that? - That was me. o Chairwoman Wollam: Any ideas for this semester? - I really want to focus on the marketing and use my PR major skills. We also have the president’s gala at the end of the semester. o Senator Galligan: How have you reached out to clubs for homecoming?- I brought

Andrew and John to our meetings in the fall. I am sending out emails, and we have the specialized board meetings this Friday, and we can mention it there. o Senator Harvel: Do you have a goal number of clubs to be added? - We are up to 213, but I would like to see 250. o Senator Harvel: Are you apart of any clubs? - Yes, PRSSA. o Senator Harris: Do you know the % of clubs in bad standing? - 30-40, ball park.

 Roll call vote: 7:0:0.



Please stay for senate tonight.


Final Roll Call

Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members.



Meeting adjourned at 6:14.

Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.
