University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes



University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2015

Senate Chambers - 5:30PM-6:30 PM

Acting Chair: Caitlin Brown

Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at 5:30PM.

II. Roll Call (by acting Vice-Chair Douglas)

Quorum is established with 7 voting members.

III. Approval of Minutes

Senator Klein: Motion to approve last meetings minutes. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.

IV. Approval of Agenda

Senator Harold: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.

V. Chairman Report and Remarks-

Leah had a class conflict and couldn’t make it on time for the meeting. From here on out

USA will be at 6:00PM.

VII. Student Advocate’s Report

 none

VIII. Guest Speakers

 none

IX. Student Remarks

 none

X. Old Business

XI. New Business


Finals Frenzy

Senator Hartsfield: I think it would be better if we had a Student Government tent at finals frenzy.

Senator Sorrentino: Maybe something more exciting to catch their eye.

Senator Brown: Maybe if we decorated the table.

Senator Behrend : Maybe a certain number of food each day so we don’t run out

Senator Klein: We need some signs around campus, a lot of people didn’t know about finals frenzy.

Senator Donnelly: We used to give out mints.

Advisor Shore: Pencils?

Senator Brown: Bottled water can be added again. Water is a better choice than caffeine.

Senator Donnelly: We didn’t have an attendance sheet at the table.

Senator Brown: We can have cell numbers next to their name on the attendance sheet, so we can text the next person.


Osprey Voice

Senator Brown: We thought January 27 th -29 th for the dates. o Question ideas-

Senator Donnelly: I am pretty sure we are able to contract with Dunkin

Donuts. So maybe we could switch out the Starbucks in outtakes to

Dunkin. So we could ask students if they are interested in that.

Senator Klein: Since it is basketball season, maybe have some questions geared towards basketball games. Ask them if they are going to attend, and if not, why? More advertising and more tailgates.

*Chairwoman Melquist takes over chair*-5:43PM.

Chairwoman Melquist: I know spinnaker is very active. How much do the students use spinnaker? So see how much people read/see the spinnaker.

Senator Hartsfield: We could ask how often do you read the spinnaker and what source do you use?

 Chairwoman Melquist: I was curious to what social media page students use the most. Where do you get informed the most by social media? And list all of the outlets.

Senator Brown: We can ask for opinions on the new renovations that have already happened in the library?

Chairwoman Melquist: I think we should wait on that one until they are done with renovations.

XII. Announcements

Next week we will not have a meeting so the following week will be Senate.

I had a last minute class conflict from 5:30-5:45. I talked to Chairwoman Wollam and we will switch to 6:00PM. We will be back in the Conference room.

Senator Orientation is the 24 th

at 9:00AM. If you know you are going to absent, fill out an absence form from the Rotunda. It’s going to be fun.

XIII. Final Roll Call

Quorum is reestablished with 8 voting members.

XIIII. Adjournment

Meeting is adjourned at 5:52PM.

Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.
