Senate Minutes 4-13-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – April 13th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
- Meeting is called to order at 6:30PM
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Noah Gomez
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Jonathan Rader
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
- Quorum is established with 21 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
- Senator Wollam: Motion to add Jonathan Rader under judicial appointments. Second. All in favor.
- Senator Grantham: Motion to add SB-15S-2859 to tonight’s agenda under 2nd read. Second. All in favor.
- Senator Ascanio: Motion to add President Elect under executive reports. Second. All in favor. Moved.
- Senator McColskey: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes
- Senator Grantham: Motion to approve the minutes from March 30th, 2015. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- None.
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
- John Chwalisz. Senior. Biology. Thank you to all the senators who showed up to senator orientation.
For those who weren’t there the biggest thing we pitched was getting involved in the agencies. You
represent the students and you need to get involved. I have two handouts about getting involved for you
to look at in the back.
Guest Speakers (5 minutes each)
- None.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
- Commissioner Johnson absent, Dana Baker spoke on his behalf: Commissioner Johnson will be forming an ad
hoc committee for elections at the beginning of the summer semester that will be taking place every two
weeks. The purpose of this committee will be to openly discuss ideas for upcoming elections. If you are
interested email him.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
- Tonight we have two judicial appointees. I think they are both qualified. We will be having our Chief
Justice elections tomorrow at 8:30AM in the courtroom.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director John Chwalisz (3 minutes)
- This past Friday we had our end of the year pool party, over 500 students were in attendance. They will
be continuing since they have been a huge success. The last event is a dodgeball event next week, April
22nd 7-10 in the UNF arena. Next Monday we have our OP final meeting at 7:00PM. I am a graduating
senior. So I am going to give an appreciation speech for you all. My time in SG has been a heck of a
ride. All in all I would recommend this experience to anyone. I have been thinking about this day for
many years and what would be my last words to the senate. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank a couple individuals. I would like to thank president turner, professional staff, my OP staff, and
lastly my peers. Get to know the professional staff; they are here for you guys.
b. Club Alliance – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
- Club alliance is finally done with events, 33 later. We hit max capacity for the Presidents Gala. Caitlin
Brown won senator of the year. Thank you to all of the senators who helped throughout the year. At
senator orientation I mentioned getting involved in the club funding board. Our last talon times goes
out this week, send me an email if you would like to get those. Thank you to all who appointed me.
c. Treasurer Morgan Wolf (3 minutes)
- On Friday we had our last budget hearing, where we allocated a total of $65,000. We saw an increase of
$3,000 in club funding. We hear a lot of great ideas in the budget hearings. Thank you Joe for
appointing me, it was not a position I was looking for. Thank you to the senate for listening to me every
Monday night. Also thank you to the B&A committee for going through the budgets with me.
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
- Congrats to all the new senators. Although all our new senators ran with a particular party, we are one
body with one goal. Each and every one of you will do great things. As I said in Commissioner
Johnson’s report I encourage you all to take part in this Ad Hoc committee. You have two senate bills
coming before you tonight both are changes to title 13. I can assure you that both are constitutionally
e. Vice President Christopher Brady(3 minutes)
- I just want to thank a few people real quick. Mike and Celeste, I know I will keep in touch with you all
going forward. I would also like to thank Joe for making me come back. I am very glad for the
opportunity. I also want to thank the agencies; they gave me a new experience. I have an event coming
up that I need help with, the Espreys. This Wednesday in the Lazara Theater at 8:00PM. We are
expecting a good turnout, so I need some more volunteers. I hope to see you all out there.
f. President Joseph Turner (5 minutes)
- I have been in student government for 4 years now; it has been an incredible experience. It is an
amazing opportunity. UNF is unique in that our president Delaney and our staff make sure that SG has
an important role to play. I am proud of everything we have been able to complete this year. We
couldn’t have gotten any of that done without your help. I would like to congratulate to the new
President, Vice President and all the new senators. All little preparedness goes a long why. Don’t worry
about your next job, worry about the job you have now and do a good job at that one. Think about
what you are doing today and the task at hand. The loudest voices are seldom the majority. It is easy to
want to please that one student and forget about the thousands of students who don’t have a voice.
Another piece of advice, get the facts no matter what you are looking at to support your opinion. Lastly,
the right decision is hardly every the easy one. That is my parting advice for you all.
g. President Elect Shomari Gloster (3 minutes)
- Thank you for all your hard work that you put forth this year. Thank you to Turner and Brady and their
staff. Our men’s basketball team rose to greatness this year, and because of that we got a lot of
recognition. Over the summer a JR will come before this body asking you all to stand behind study days
for finals week. I have met with Vice President Shari Shuman about the free print lab and Wi-Fi.
Senators we all have a goal to serve the student body. I am looking forward to working with each and
every one of you.
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
- We met last Monday and we had two absence appeals. The 1st senator didn’t have any removed and
resigned. The 2nd had points removed and kept their seat. Before I end my report I would like to read a
relevant quote. “It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to
learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being
just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” Tonight we say goodbye to the senators
who have served their terms and the new senators are being sworn in. Be the change, don’t just be an
egg. Fight for the change you want to see in this university. Lastly, we are one, now you are a member of
the Student Government senate working to improve the school for the students.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Blake Kennedy (3 minutes)
- We had one special request SB-15S-2860. It is for renovations to the boathouse. This is my last senate
meeting, since I am graduating. I would like to thank you all for trusting me with the position I held.
Thank you to Joe he got me involved in Student Government. I would like to thank the professional
staff. I would also like to thank the cabinet. Thank you to Treasurer Wolf, Morgan has been the glue to
get me to where I am today. Lastly, I would like to thank my lord and savior for blessing me with this
leadership role.
c. Government Oversight – Chairwoman Amanda Wollam (3 minutes)
- To the new senators I am sorry I was not at senator orientation, I was sick. If there are any questions
about the GO committee I would be happy to have a meeting with you about that. There are 2 bills
about title 13. There are also 3 senate appointments and 2 judicial appointments. There is currently 1
seat open and 3 senators going up for appointment. If the 1st person is approved you will not be able to
hear the other senators. There will be 7 seats open in the summer. There are two judicial spots open, so
if they both go through then the bench will be filled. Jonathan Rader didn’t go through our committee
since we didn’t meet quorum. Let me remind you that GO only has 3 members, so ask questions that
you think are important. I just want to say thank you to the senators who put me in this position. I also
want to thank Mrs. Celeste for helping guide me.
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Leah Melquist (3 minutes)
- Before I begin I want to say how blessed I am to hold this position this past semester. Working with all
of you has helped me to grow. A special thank you to Caitlin brown, Jonathan Rader, Sabrina
Sorrentino, Caleb Grantham, Amanda Wollam, Chase Baker, Blake Kennedy, and Leah Tolisano. They
have put in numerous hours helping. I do have finals frenzy sign-up sheets. New senators please make
sure you do sign up for one hour. I will pass this around now. My first report that I gave I said I would
be counting the most osprey voice survey results. There are only two people who went above and
beyond, Jonathan Rader and Sabrina Sorrentino.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
- I hope everyone had a good time at senator orientation. If you missed senator orientation please see me
after. We are all here to learn. Please be respectful and make sure you ask questions. If you did learn a
lot during senator orientation and are planning on running for a position please make sure you will be
here for the summer. I will be passing around a signup sheet for committees please fix your name if it is
not correct. I am also passing around the emergency contact sheet so please fill that out if you haven’t
yet. I would also like to add if you would like to be on the B&A committee make sure you are available
on Fridays for the budget hearings.
Senator Grantham: Motion to open the agenda for amendments. Second. All in favor.
Senator Grantham: Motion to add William “Cap” Mewborne to judicial appointments.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Grantham: I move to close the floor for amendments for the agenda. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
i. SB-15S-2847 Appointment Regulation Act
- Senator Grantham: This was passed last Monday in the GO committee. This is more of a clarification
bill. If there are more than one senator going up for appointment and only one seat this is to clarify that
process. The first change is under 1302 section C which was just wording changes. Section f the
applications shall be active for 90 days, not business days, if they didn’t get a chance to speak. The
appointments shall go in order on the agenda of when the senators turn in their applications.
o Senator Kennedy: Will they have to go through GO again? - No.
o Senator Kennedy: If there are leadership changes or new senators in the committee, should they
go through GO again? - If the committee deems them good I don’t see how the leadership
changes would affect that.
o Senator Brown: On the second sentence on section f there is a friendly. It should state of.
o Attorney General Baker: Another friendly, confirmation is spelt wrong.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve SB-15S-2847. Second. No discussion. Roll call
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
ii. SB-15S-2860 Boathouse Renovations
- Vice President Brady: This is a project Vice President Stevens started last semester and that I took over.
We have divided it into two different phases.
- President Turner: The boathouse is a great shell, but it needs an upgrade to bring it to its full potential. I
am going to ask that you increase the contingency to 20%, which brings the total to $28,498.77. The
changes include window wraps, an osprey head wrap, UNF wrap brick wall, and one old boathouse
image. The window wraps will help with the heat and light coming into the boathouse. The Osprey head
will be added on a wood wrapped texture above the cashier checkout. The next is the UNF wrap brick
wall in the back. This brings the UNF theme home. Lastly is the old boathouse image wrap, a lot of
students don’t know why we call the boathouse the boathouse. It used to be out on Lake Oneida. I
think it is important to bring tradition back. This request is for these 4 elements and for installation. The
installation is pricey, about $8,000, it is very labor intensive. Phase 1 is the request that is in front of you
tonight. Phase 1 will also include a menu “rework”. They will be re-working their menu, by reducing the
items. They can go from frozen foods they can go to handmade foods. I think by enhancing the quality
of the food it will go a long way. They would also like to expand the tile. Phase 2 includes the removal
of the “fries” and the “cone”. This will allow the addition of booths. We also would like a large feature
screen. Lastly, taking the back room and turning it into a pool lounge type area. With the $30,000
investment tonight will help us get there. The phase 2 would take a longer time. The final construction
and furniture should come between SLS and Chartwells. Hopefully phase 1 is the only thing SG will
have to fund. *Shows pictures of the potential boathouse*.
o Senator Ascanio: Do you have the number of the contingency fee? - $4,749.80.
o Senator Klein: Do you have the exact price for the osprey head? - The one above the door is
$3,091.80. The UNF one is $2,094.
o Senator Melquist: When would this take place if passed? - This could happen pretty quickly,
finals week or Summer A.
o Senator Rader: This is only funding phase 1? - This is funding one phase of phase one.
 Senator Kennedy: I move to change line 16 to $4,749.80, bringing total to $28,498.77.
Second. No discussion.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Senator Kennedy: Motion to approve SB-15S-2860 as amended. Second. No discussion.
 Senator McColskey: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
iii. SB-15S-2861 Title XIII Revisions
Senator Wollam: This bill also has changes to title 13. There are only 2 changes. Right now there is a rule
that we have to fill fall seats before spring seats. After long discussion, this now says the seats can be
filled once the preceding semester is filled. The next part we added motivation and accountability. I had
a meeting with Chief Justice Jaeger. We added that legislative branch can request applications within 30
days within the judicial branch. This adds accountability within the branches. With executive it is 60
days. After requesting the applications the committee can review them and offer a formal
o Senator Grantham: To clarify, the GO committee won’t have the ability to forward the position?
- No this is just to add motivation to check up with the branch.
o Senator Kennedy: Under line h, should we add judicial to that? - The exec branch is the one who
appoints them.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve SB -15S-1861. Second. No discussion.
 Senator McColskey: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
iv. SB-15S-2859 Title IV Revisions
Senator Grantham: This is merely for clarification and revision. This wasn’t in the agenda, but it is in the
back for you to review. Chapter 4 section h, we replaced E&A with GO. With the recent CR all
legislative elections will take place in the spring, we made changes to reflect that. We changed 5 to 4
standing committees. I split up the Simple Resolutions portion. 403.5 D section 2 a, I added an s after
committees.406 B, senators shall terminate office upon installation, I struck and validation. It expires
upon installation. In terms of voting, there is no installation vote, they are simply sworn in.
o Senator Brown: Does it need to say approval where it states passage in other sections? - No
passage is for simple resolution, without executive approval.
o Senator Melquist: Point of information, are we keeping the change you made? - Yes we are
keeping that.
 Senator Wollam: Motion to approve SB -15S-2859. Second. No discussion.
 Senator Brown: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Judicial Appointments
a. Jonathan Rader
- I used to be the president over at FSCJ for two years. I still want to be involved in SG here at UNF. I
want to continue to grow as a justice. I really loved the C&S committee.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve Jonathan Rader as an Associate Justice. Second.
 Senator Kontol: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
b. William “Cap” Mewborne
- This is my first year here at UNF. This is the first opportunity that I can do well in. I think I can do
really well as a justice.
o Senator Silberstein: Can you tell us a little about your past experience? - I was an eagle scout. I
got a lot of experiences through that. You pick a service project and raising your own money for
that and raising a group of scouts and building that. I have always been very interested in
politics, and I hope to bring that into the courtroom.
 Senator Kennedy: Motion to approve Cap as an Associate Justice. Second. Discussion.
 Senator Melquist: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Legislative Appointments
a. Caleb Grantham
- I am a second semester freshman, mechanical engineer major. I am heavily involved in the honors
program. I assist in the admissions process as one of the undergraduate coordinators. I am also involved
in the area council; it is sort of like a miniature version of SG. Currently I am the Senate President Pro
Tempore. I have tried to have an even balance within in the senate and the student body. I sponsored a
bill for Eco Adventure. Within the senate I have written legislation myself and sponsored bills. I would
like to continue changes on campus and within the senate. One thing on campus being, increase of
safety rangers; I have heard students concerns on that. Within senate increasing students awareness.
 Senator Kontol: Motion to approve Caleb Grantham for general senate seat. Second.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
b. Noah Gomez
c. Farouk Smith
Swearing in of New Senators and Associate Justices
*Chief Justice Jaeger swears in new senators and new associate justice*
o Recess at 8:01PM.
Division of the House
- Meeting is called to order at 8:20PM.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to open the agenda for amendments. Second. All in favor.
 Senator Wollam: Motion to add legislative appointments to the agenda. Second. All in favor.
*Chief Justice Jaeger swears in 2 senators who were absent in first swearing in*
Legislative Appointments
a. Noah Gomez
- During my time as a senator I did serve as the Senate Chaplin, the vice chair of the C&S committee, and
a liaison for the College of Brooks Health. I also gave a presentation of Roberts Rules at senator
orientation. The reason I am back here is because I really enjoyed all the work done here. Let me know
if you have any questions.
*Quorum is established with 36 voting members*
o Senator Kennedy: If elected what leadership positions do you see yourself serving as? - I really
like the C&S committee, specifically working on absence policies.
 Senator Kishek: I move to approve Noah Gomez for general senate seat. Second.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve with unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
*Chief Justice Jaeger swears in Noah Gomez as senator*
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Senate President
i. Bryce McColskey
I want to thank you all for all your service to the student body this year and Troy, thank you for the
nomination. Serving as a senator, swoop squad leader and orientation leader, I know what an honor it is
to serve the student body tenaciously. If elected I will serve as your leader with the same tenacious work
ethic I have had thus far. The responsibilities and duties of Senate President can no longer be taken
lightly. Doing the responsibilities outlined in the P&P’s are no longer enough. With two parties
occupying the majority of the senate I would like to take this into consideration during committee
placement that way all parties are equally represented. While small strides have been recently taken, there
is much need for improvement. I believe that senator orientation can be expanded upon. Check points
throughout your term would be mandated by myself. In closing “things do not change, we do”. If we
opt not to change our leader in our branch we will continue to be a reactive branch rather than a
proactive branch.
o Senator Wollam: Can you describe the qualifications you have for this position? - There is not a
set qualification. For me as a senate president qualification is leadership. I feel I have been a
leader in many different roles.
o Senator Kishek: Are you involved in other organizations that would conflict? - If I did get this
position I would stop my hours as orientation leader.
o Senator Jordan: How quickly would you see these revisions? - Quickly, I like to see the changes
as immediately as possible.
o Senator Kennedy: What is your main goal behind these changes? - To promote our senators to
our student body.
o Senator Kennedy: How long have you been a senator? - Fall 2014 I was sworn in.
o Senator Wollam: You mentioned senator orientation; did you attend the entire orientation? - I
did not.
o Senator Kennedy: Having serving only one semester, how do you think you are ready to lead the
senate? – I have found that experience sometimes brings complacency. You need to bring a
change to kick start the new senators.
o Senator Azzouz: Can you speak more on improvements to senator orientation? - I think it is
great right now; I am talking about not just that one time educating the senators. It gets very
overloaded. I want to continually educate the senators.
o Senator Wollam: Will you list the bills and brief description?- Joint Resolution- exec and
legislative, CR- changes to the constitution, Senate Bill needs to pass with 2/3rds vote, SR
same as senate bill. I know you all learn about these bills at senator orientation. That’s why I
want to continually educate them.
o Senator Harvey: Can you name all of the articles and titles of our constitution? - I know there
are 7 articles and 13 titles. I am not certain of the placements.
o Senator Jordan: If elected, how can you make this body less detached from the students we are
representing? - One of my main focuses is with the USA chair to promote us as senators.
o Senator Kennedy: As far as all of the Osprey Voices, and other events, did you attend all of
them. Sometimes you just don’t get all the participants you would like, how would you address
them? - Yes and I would make a statement in senate about it. I would try to make drastic
changes if that doesn’t help.
o Senator Kennedy: In order to bridge the gap between senate and student body, how have you
gone above and beyond to serve the students? - Being an orientation leader I am able to talk to
students on a one on one basis. Many of them ask me questions about senate and I can inform
o Senator Harvey: You said that you are constantly telling them, are you constantly listening to
them? - We can’t always talk to the students and when they present ideas to us, I find that people
are more receptive if there is a one-on-one conversation. I want to see more students in student
ii. Chase Baker
Every organization rises or falls based on its leadership. To have successful leadership you need
experience. My experience sets me apart. Prior to being senate president I was USA chair. USA had a lot
of problems when I came into it. Most people didn’t participate, we used paper and pencil, and nobody
was really excited about it. I took on the challenge to make it better. I brought in iPads and learned
qualtrics all summer. As senate president, I put bill templates online and I planned senator orientation
before the swearing in of new senators. We are all here to learn and be educated. It has been a great year
at UNF, it is because of us. I want to be here to be your coach. I have talked to several of you with ideas
on improving school spirit. This next year I want us all to be a team. We are one team for the students.
To be a successful team you need a captain, I want to be a captain to lead you there.
o Senator O’Linn: During your position what have you done to get senators involved? - I always
make announcements and I also try to lead by example by volunteering myself.
o Senator Padgett: What is your main initiative? - I want to set up times to meet with all of the
senators, to help push your goals forward.
o Senator Akpabio: What would you do to bring the senate house together? - I really try to make
the point that we are here to serve the students not to represent your party. Once you are in here
there is no house divided, that is what I am pushing for.
o Senator Kennedy: Can you talk about some legislation or P&P changes you made? - I did put an
ad hoc committee together for the P&Ps. We made changes for the absence policy. I can now
waive the full absence.
o Senator Jordan: During your tenure students have felt that this body has become so detached
from the rest of the campus, that they have felt it was necessary to overhaul its membership, if
elected again, how will you make sure the students don’t view you as yet another senate chamber
insider?—I do my best to be on campus at all times, I try to keep myself out there and be
involved. Before I was USA chair I was an RA, I got to work with the residents all day and I got
to see firsthand what students need.
o Senator O’Linn: What are 3 initiatives you want to tackle? - I say weekend projects; everything is
dead over the weekend. Another would be more events throughout the year; I know a lot of
students complain about not events. Also more food options on campus.
Discussion for Senate President
o Senator Donnelly: Just in general, I think there is a reason most jobs have internships before.
Cabinet positions are stepping stones to bigger positions. Not electing someone for a position
doesn’t mean you are forgoing them. It makes more sense to me for stepping stones.
o Senator Gloster: Senator Kennedy, Grantham and myself didn’t serve as a chair before we got
o Senator Kennedy: With B&A it is led a lot by professional staff. Pro Temp was under Senate
President Baker. I believe Baker is a proven leader.
o Senator Jordan: Our students have demanded a breath of fresh air.
o Senator Silberstein: It is not necessarily the president who is the voice of the students. You will
become their voice. I think that at the end of the day you need to look at experience. We have
had a great semester under Baker.
o Senator Kennedy: In the fall we had a lot of stuff going on up here. We haven’t seen that this
semester. Chase is a man of integrity and leadership,
o Senator Brahmbhatt: I have not seen any senator more enthusiastic about asking students
questions as Baker.
o Senator Ascanio: His office has always been open to any questions. He will never be closed to
any ideas.
 Roll call vote15-0-21. Chase Baker.
b. Senate President Pro-Tempore
i. Gustavo Ascanioresend nomination.
ii. Caleb Grantham
I began my term as pro temp in the start of the spring semester. A lot of my work was catching up on
absence points. It wasn’t accurately recorded. From there I was working on making the system better.
As the chair of the C&S, I have worked on becoming more efficient. I want to continue that with the
entire senate. I also want to work on informing the senators that we have. As a reoccurring theme from
tonight, we are all one now. You are not working against each other. I also want to increase the
transparency for the absence points, possibly putting them online.
o Senator Ascanio: In term of legislation, is there any other legislation you would like to get
through?- I would like to look more at JR’s as opposed to just rewording current legislation.
iii. Austin Daniels
I am extremely honored to serve here at UNF. The leadership in this role reminds me of the leadership I
learned through Eagle Scouts. I see room to take the absence points further. I will take that role
professionally. Chairing the constitution and statutes committee is another role. I started reading the
constitution the day I decided to run. For those of you have read the constitution, it is riddled with
grammatical and spelling errors. As C&S chair I would have an active relationship with the attorney
general. We are all here to serve the students. We are all here for the same reason. I will be fair in my
assessments; I will work with Chase Baker regardless of parties. I will be the first to show up here and
the last to leave. I know this is a big leap. I know I can do this role very well. I can give you my very
o Senator Ascanio: In terms of the constitution, which part is there room for improvement? –
Everywhere, but specifically title 8.
o Senator Kennedy: Can you talk about things you have done on campus? - I worked on the
spinnaker news team; we covered the blow up in SG last semester, which was absolutely
o Senator Kennedy: What was your main attraction to SG? - I am very involved with politics
outside of UNF. Being able to make the student experience better.
o Senator Harvey: Based on the position, I am hearing a lot of I statements and not a lot of we
statements, what do you plan on doing for the senate? - I would like to have monthly meetings
with each of you.
o Senator Kishek: Do you have enough time for this position? - I can adjust my schedule around
o Senator Harvey: You said you were very pulled away from the student body? - I wouldn’t say I
wasn’t pulled away from the students, just pulled away from the campus.
o Senator Klein: How many times have you read through our constitution and statutes? - Four.
o Senator Wollam: Less than half participated in Osprey Voice, how would you get them to meet
with you? - Good question, I haven’t thought about that yet. But I’m not going to feed you
bull s***, so when I have an answer I’ll give it to you.
Discussion for Senate President Pro-Tempore.
o Senator Kishek: Caleb has really helped us keep track of all absentees. He has really proved his
leadership roles.
o Senator Kennedy: I would like to applaud Senator Daniels. I would like to speak on Caleb’s
behalf; he has really helped students with this absence policy. It was flawed before and it is
heading in the right direction.
o Senator Jordan: I would also like to applaud both candidates. I think we owe it to Senator
o Senator Motes: I was shocked that he was just a freshman. Anytime there was an absentee
problem Caleb was there immediately. I don’t think you would find a single person here that
wouldn’t commend Caleb.
o Senator Thames: I was really impressed with Daniels; he was a really big team player. He is one
of the hardest workers. He has been reading nonstop with the constitution.
o Senator Donnelly: I don’t think anyone has seen any issues with the work senator Grantham has
o Senator Noe: I would like to reiterate, that Senator Daniels has been reading the constitution
everywhere. He is very dedicated. I think sometimes what you need is a fresh face.
o Senator Wollam: I just want to bring to issue, the drama from last semester. Thanks to Caleb we
have not any of that drama.
o Senator Harvey: Caleb has proven that he can build it back up.
o Senator Jordan: Opportunity cost, I don’t think that in voting in new leadership would be a
demerit. I think that we need to consider that we can make this leadership better with new
o Senator Kishek: We have a proven track record of success. Reading the constitution also creates
good senators. The senate needs good senators. We can look up to Senator Daniels as a senator.
Senator Grantham has proven himself. Why fix something that is not broken?
o Senator Gaskill- Just because senator Grantham has done a “flawless” job, that doesn’t mean
that flaws are not there.
o Senator O’Linn: Daniels was always in attendance in all united party meetings and always went
above and beyond.
o Senator Kennedy: Reading our C&S is all of our jobs and I applaud you for reading it. That
doesn’t make you the C&S chair. I think Senator Grantham resume and the time he has put in is
a great choice.
o Senator Noe: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a result
o Senator Azzouz: He wants to chair the committee but he hasn’t been on the committee. But
senator Grantham chaired it.
o Senator Donnelly: We aren’t looking for different results.
 Roll call vote23-0-13. Caleb Grantham.
c. Budget and Allocations Chair
i. Michael Motes
This is my first semester as a senator. I worked for a congressman and got extensive experience through
this. I serve as a treasurer for Kappa Sigma, and I understand the gravity of working with other people’s
money. This money needs to be allocated where it will be seen most by students. I would like to increase
the awareness to the senators of the budget. I would like to start doing workshops about title 8.
o Senator Kennedy: What is the most amount of money a club can request in a fiscal year? $2,000.
ii. Troy Bottom
I am a freshman majoring in international business. I wanted to get involved right from the start after
talking to some current senators. I learned a lot about the process by being on the B&A committee.
o Senator Kennedy: Can you talk about some revisions for title 8? - Being in the committee I
listened to all of these presentations and sometimes there were only 4 people here. Maybe to
have a presentation ahead of hand.
iii. Ania Cajuste
I am currently a junior with a marketing major. I served as events coordinator for club alliance for the
past year. I have familiarized myself with a lot of the B&A documents when working in club alliance. I
helped a lot of students through the process of the B&A documents. I would like to continue the
budget work I did with RSO’s. I would like to work hand in hand with the treasurer that everyone is
o Senator Kennedy: You said that you would allocate it through the clubs that deserve or need the
money? - I would like to be a different kind of resource if they don’t get the money.
o Senator Jordan: How many clubs are there on this campus?- 200+
o Senator Jordan: Club Alliance is responsible for helping these clubs with the B&A process?- Yes
o Senator Daniels: How complicated are the forms to fill out? - They aren’t that complicated.
There are just simple things that need to be included.
o Senator Kennedy: Did you serve on the club funding board?- No.
o Senator Kennedy: As far as forming the budget, how would you make yourself available to
students? - Right now I work a lot, but I would be available for all 20 of my office hours.
Discussion for B&A Chair.
o Senator Thames: Ania balances all of her jobs very well.
o Senator Harris: I would like to say that Senator Bottom is a great candidate. He has a true
passion to serve the student body.
o Senator Kishek: I have been on B&A for quite a while now. Senator Bottom knows a lot of what
is going on. I feel that he can take on a step further to be the chair of the committee.
o Senator Jordan: In Ania’s role in Club Alliance I think she has shown a lot of responsibility.
o Senator Kennedy: I would just like to let everyone know that Troy Bottom has been reaching
out to me a lot to try to see how he can get this position. It takes dedication to be B&A chair;
Troy has shown a lot of dedication.
 Roll call vote5-19-11. Troy Bottom.
d. Government Oversight Chair
i. Amanda Wollam rescinds nomination.
ii. Gustavo Ascanio
I served in the GO committee for 4 weeks and then moved over to the C&S committee. I also worked
in the budget deliberations. In the past two weeks I was also a member in the club funding board. The
GO chair is responsible for overseeing all the appointments in SG. Some ideas that I have include
having jurisdiction of title 6. Working together with the elections commissioner is very important. I
think we have done a great job with interaction with agencies, including the spinnaker. I think
communication is one of the main problems. I think the interview process, in terms of the criteria; I
think that needs to be improved. I am from Venezuela, and I love helping people.
o Senator Daniels: You said you would like to improve the interview process, what would you like
to do? - I would like to create a guideline of questions for the interviewees.
o Senator Harvey: By creating a guideline this might take away the senators voice? - It isn’t a set in
stone guideline; it would just help them out.
o Senator Gloster: What are your views on the elections commissioner position? - I thought that it
would be better to get rid of the position initially, but now I see that it is necessary. But I do
think that he needs to report to the GO committee.
o Senator Wollam: The Elections Commissioner is supposed to remain unbiased, how would you
keep the bias out? - When it comes down to the actual election, I don’t think that would be
affected. The actual results the GO committee won’t have anything to do with that.
o Senator Thames: Would these guidelines need to be met? - These would just be general
questions like what they have done in the past.
o Senator Klein: You mentioned better communication with spinnaker, what steps would you
take? - I want to make a bigger effort in reaching out to them.
o Senator Gloster: You spoke about criteria, would you draft a bill for this? - No this wouldn’t be
legislation; I don’t want to take away the voice of the senators.
o Senator Gloster: Different people will have different qualifications, so would a set guideline
affect their chances? - This is only to help the senators in terms of things we are looking for.
o Senator Noe: What qualities do you think you possess for this position? - I think that I have the
time commitment and responsibility for this leadership position.
iii. Farrah Azzouz
I currently serve on the GO committee as Vice Chair. I have taken the minutes for these meetings. I
have been here through the scandal of the last semester. I have above all experience over the other
candidates. I am also very involved on campus.
iv. Katherine Thames
I am a first year sophomore here at UNF. I am excited to work with all of you in this upcoming year. I
think that I can learn very quickly for this committee. This is a very important job.
o Senator Gloster: What are some of your views on the office of elections commissioner? - I think
it is very important that it stays its own office to keep it unbiased.
o Senator Jordan: You mentioned that the students don’t know candidates that are going through,
how can you inform this?- It is important that candidates know they are representing the
students views and not only theirs.
Discussion for GO Chair.
o Senator Grantham: I think it is very impressive with all the committees that Senator Ascanio has
served on. Just as a general statement as far as guidelines, it is just a way to guide a committee. It
is useful for the committee I serve on.
o Senator Wollam: Speaking on the guidelines, every senator going up for appointment has to
meet with the legislative cabinet members. So the guideline would be very effective
o Senator Jordan: I would like to commend Senator Thames.
o Senator Kennedy: Ascanio has served on the B&A committee, and asked plenty of questions.
He is always up in the cabinet asking questions. I think that everyone needs to be held
accountable. I would like to see senator Ascanio as GO chair.
 Roll call vote: 21-0-14. Gustavo Ascanio.
e. University and Student Affairs Chair
i. Sabrina Sorrentino
I am a freshman on campus. Some past experiences include being involved in student government in
high school. I served on the USA committee in my past semester. I sat on the club funding board. I love
planning events and talking to students. I have shadowed Leah the past couple weeks.
o Senator Kennedy: Did you see any room for improvements? - I want Osprey Voice to be more
constant and for people to be more aware of it.
ii. Connor Klein rescinds nomination.
iii. Paola Lorenzo
I have been hearing a lot of fresh face. I don’t want to consider myself as a fresh face. As my first
semester here I was a swoop squad member. In my second semester I was an employee at the call center
at the Alumni center. Over summer I was an orientation leader, which was one of the most valuable
experiences. I am able to communicate with the student body. In the definition of USA chairman it says
the word liaison; I think that is so important. Student government shouldn’t be intimidating. I love
talking with people and meeting new people. Part of being a leader is to influence someone else. I am
new and I don’t think that is an advantage or a detriment.
o Senator Grantham: One of the biggest issues is a lot of apathy with involvement, what will you
do to solve this issue? - I sat in on the last USA meeting, and they discussed finals frenzy coming
up. I know that it is a problem with senators not showing up. Everything we do is important. 1
hour is not a lot of your time. Getting all of us to participate and to get senators aware is one of
the communication problems. I want all the students to know.
o Senator Gloster: Over the combining of UAC and SAC, how would you make the university
side more known? - The side of university, we need to relay the issues we hear from the students
in the results we get from surveys.
o Senator Grantham: Is communication the main issue? - I wouldn’t say it is the only factor, but if
we don’t participate and get involved, how can we expect the rest of the students to?
o Senator Gloster: I know it is very important to get students to sit with their deans, would you be
open to sitting in on these things? - Yes absolutely. I think this is very important.
o Senator Wollam: Will you be able to allocate the time to this position? - I am very bad at being
bored. I am very good at balancing.
o Senator Jordan: Can you give some specifics to blur the lines between SG and the student body?
- I hear a lot of “I didn’t know that was happening”. A lot of students had no idea with the
things going on with the budget. I think that students being aware of things happening is the
main thing.
o Senator Ascanio: What other time commitments do you have? - I have gone over title 12 and
over the other different responsibilities. My commitments won’t take away from what I want to
give to this position.
o Senator Harvey: Where you present at the senator orientation the entire time, and if not does
that mimic your ability to be available for events being chair? - I was not in attendance for the
entire time. I am an advocate of letting people know. I had a job interview, it was a short notice.
o Senator Jordan: Have you learned to manage your time? - Yes I have learned by experience. In
high school I found my limits. I wouldn’t be standing up here if it wasn’t something that I
wanted to do.
Discussion for USA Chair.
o Senator Ascanio: I have seen so much growth in Senator Sorrentino. She was working hand in
hand with Leah Melquist.
o Senator Grantham: As a general statement, the lack of involvement with senators is a problem.
The vote should come down to who you think will tackle this issue the best.
o Senator Padgett: Senator Lorenzo knows a lot of students on campus and is very proactive.
o Senator Jordan: I think it is very important to consider Paola has a lot of experience and is
involved with a lot on campus. She is more than qualified to engage the campus.
o Senator Thames: Paola has stepped up to the plate multiple times during the election. She is very
o Senator Keefe: I believe that both are very qualified. Sorrentino has served on the committee
and got a lot of Osprey Voice results. I think she would do very well in the position.
o Senator Douglas: I served on the committee with Sabrina; she is always there and always attends
the events and goes above and beyond. She is always there to help. I think she is one of the best
on the committee.
o Senator Kennedy: What it comes down to, is motivation. Who motivated you more in that
o Senator Donnelly: I am very excited what Paola to see you in senate. I think that the best way to
fix something is to experience it. I would like to see Sabrina take over.
o Senator Grantham: I don’t think this position comes down to how many people you know. That
person alone isn’t the one doing all the work. You are leading the committee to inspire and
o Senator Gloster: Both candidates left early from senator orientation. I think Senator Lorenzo
would be great.
o Senator Kennedy: Although Senator Sorrentino has served on the committee; I think that who
would be better at leading and motivating the group.
o Senator Gloster I would like to reiterate to revamp the university side.
o Senator Noe: It takes someone who is a great leader to motivate others. I think that Paola has
those qualities.
o Senator Silberstein: I commend Senator Paola. One red flag to me is that she has a lot on her
plate. Finish what is on your plate first. I think she has a lot going on right now. Senator
Sorrentino has served on the committee and has the experience. We need someone who is going
to dedicate a lot to this.
 Roll call vote-12-0-22. Paola Lorenzo.
f. Senate Parliamentarian
i. Amanda Harvey
g. Senate Liaisons
i. Coggin College of Business
1. Tarek Kishek
2. Matt Silberstein
ii. College of Arts and Sciences
1. Connor Klein
2. Farah Azzouz rescind nomination
iii. College of Education and Human Services
1. Michael Motes rescind nomination
2. Sabrina Sorrentino
iv. College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
v. Brooks College of Health
1. Noah Gomez.
Swearing in of the Newly Elected Legislative Cabinet
*Chief Justice Jaeger swears in new cabinet members*
- Thank you all for the questions.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
- Quorum is reestablished with 34 voting members.
- Meeting is adjourned at 10:58PM.
Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.