Senate Minutes 3-30-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – March 30th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
- Meeting is called to order at 6:35PM.
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Noah Gomez
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Jonathan Rader
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
- Quorum is established with 19 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
- Senator Bottom: Motion to remove Senate Chaplin from nominations. Second. Discussion. All in favor.
- Senator Gloster: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes
- Senator McColskey: Motion to approve last meetings minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- Jacob Hofstra. Finance Major. Seeking General Senate Seat
- Muhammad Ali Awan. Freshman. Biology. Seeking General Senate Seat.
- Caleb Grantham. Freshman. Mechanical Engineering. Seeking General Senate Seat.
- Farouk Smith. Freshman. Seeking General Senate Seat.
- Noah Gomez. Freshman. Biology. Seeking General Senate Seat.
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
- None.
Guest Speakers
a. Healthy Ospreys(15 minutes)
- Ambassadors from Health Promotions: We really want to make sure that people are aware of the
resources available. Healthy Ospreys initiative is to make the healthy choice the easy choice. We do this
through several ways. We did Healthy Ospreys unite festival. One of the problems is communication
between departments. We want to be able to reach non-traditional and freshman students. We are
always looking for different ways to get students involved with Healthy Ospreys. We would like to be
involved with Healthy America. We want to thank you for the support with the Real Food challenge.
Nutrition is one of the highest concerns on campus. If you are interested, there are several different
ways. We have the healthy osprey alliance, which is a student led club. We also have a wellness
ambassador position opening up. We have several social media platforms. Starting this August UNF is a
smoke-free campus. We want to prevent the risks with second hand smoking. *shows a policy on the
smoke-free campus*. We aren’t prohibiting smoking, just prohibiting it on UNF property, which
includes your own vehicle. The full policy is on the president’s website under policies and regulations.
So what do you do if you see someone smoking on campus? This is a voluntary compliance change; it is
everyone’s responsibility to make this happen. Make the assumption that the person doesn’t know about
the new policy. You want to kindly remind the person of the policy. Getting the word out is important.
We are making the campus more accessible and healthier. This is something you can be proud to talk
about. The department of health promotions has many resources available to students wanting to quit.
We also have online resources for the students who are not on campus as often.
o Senator Rader: Are there going to be signs around campus explaining about the smoke free
campus? - Absolutely, it is still in the works. We will be distributing reminder cards. We will also
remove the cigarette trashcans. The main thing is getting the word out.
o Club Alliance Director Jackson: Will this apply to housing as well? - Yes.
o Senator Brown: Have you also spoken with admissions to inform students for orientation? - We
plan on giving this presentation to as many programs that will welcome us.
o Treasurer Wolf: Will there be consequences for people smoking? - It is a voluntary compliance,
which means there will be no tickets. In the future it might go that direction.
o Senator Ascanio: Do you have some sort of data that students want this? - We did an on
campus survey regarding this and confirmed this.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
- Thank you to everybody who helped me out at the polls, I think it went off pretty flawlessly. I would
like to extend my congratulations to all the winners. The election results lie in front of you in the form
of a bill. I encourage you all to vote to validate these results. I would like to give you some numbers
from the election. Total number of voters was 2,754 which represents about 17% of the eligible voting
population. 30% came from online voting (non-UNF networks). Though we made vast improvements
from the past 2 years, some of these numbers are pretty sober. Of the 7 contested elections since 2006
this is the 5th most votes in the presidential sections on the ballot. The election system is on the right
track to recovery. I would like to thank all the professional staff and heads of all the branches that
helped me out during elections.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
- We received a total of 12 judicial complaints from this election cycle, one of which was the one against
the United Party which we found the United Party not in violation. All the other 11 were received that
Friday the 13th, 9 were withdrawn during spring break. The remaining two held no merit.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director John Chwalisz (3 minutes)
- We have a couple events coming up, 8 remaining this semester. This Wednesday we have the Concert in
the Woods at 7:00PM, at the UNF nature trails, if it is raining stay tuned to the OP Facebook page for a
backup location. This Thursday is the Art Walk on the Green. Next week we have the UNF’s Drag
Show April 7th at 7:30 in the ballrooms. Next Wednesday we are showing the Imitation Game. Next
Thursday is the SG banquet in the Ballrooms. April 10th is the end of the year pool party from 3:00-6:00.
b. Club Alliance – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
- Thank you to all the senators who helped out last week and a special thank you to the senators on the
club funding board. We had our last general body meeting last Friday and our talon painting party. Our
final major event is the presidents gala next Friday. We will announce the senator of the year. We filled
out final coordinator position. This Thursday we have our last specialized board fair. So far in the
running for senator of the year we have Shomari, Amanda, Gustavo, Sabrina, Blake, Caitlin, and Jon.
c. Treasurer Morgan Wolf (3 minutes)
Welcome to the senators elect. I want to congratulate the other senators who at the end of their term.
We have been working on the club funding board; I want to thank the senators who have been a part of
this on Fridays. If you are interested in joining it is a great opportunity. We had 49 clubs request over
300$ for their clubs. On April 10th I will propose a balanced budget to the committee.
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
Senator Wollam will be presenting the elections validation bill tonight. It is now your responsibility as
senate to validate this bill. Those on the bill must abstain on the bill when voting.
e. Vice President Christopher Brady(3 minutes)
We have been working on the boathouse project. We have a meeting with campus planning. As John
mentioned the Banquet is next Thursday in the Ballrooms. If you haven’t RSVP’d please email myself or
f. President Joseph Turner (5 minutes)
There were 2 travel requests that I line item vetoed. The Grappling Clubs request I line item vetoed all
lines except the lowest amount for registration and airfare, this saves about $400. I request you amend
this request. I also line item vetoed the Enactus travel request, specifically a 44% of a plane ticket line. I
recommend that you amend to fund airplane tickets equally. We have scheduled in accordance to the
law an inauguration for the President Elect in the Judicial Courtroom at 6:30PM for May 1st.
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
- We met last Monday, we had an appeal and the senator had 6 points removed. I would like to touch on
our absence policy. With the policy, senators after reaching 4 points you get a notification to come
before the C&S committee. The committee can remove all or some of your points or none of your
points. You cannot go before the committee again if you reach 4 points again. Please make sure you
have filled out an absence form. If it is school or work please bring a schedule. One of the biggest things
is whether or not you have filled out a form. You have 5 days to fill out this form.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Blake Kennedy (3 minutes)
- *goes over current account totals*. The committee met last Monday and we had 4 total requests, 3 of
which were travel requests and the other was a special request which is coming before you tonight.
c. Government Oversight – Chairwoman Amanda Wollam (3 minutes)
- There are a lot of people reaching out and going up for appointment. There are 2 seats currently open.
There will be seats opening since some senators are graduating. We discussed some title 13 revisions in
our last committee meeting.
o Senator Ascanio: Can you talk about the title 13 bill? - Right now we can only fill fall seats in
spring. And fill spring seats in the fall. So we wanted to change that so we can fill seats in any
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Leah Melquist (3 minutes)
- I want to touch on Roundtable. We only had 14 senators who showed up to roundtable. We have our
next event which is finals frenzy coming up; I will go ahead and pass around the signup sheet. I also
want to talk about dress code, please wear your senator polo’s, jeans are okay. I do want to remind
everyone that senator orientation is April 11th from 9-1.
o Senator Ascanio: Regarding finals frenzy, are we going to do anything different? - We found a
banner for finals frenzy. I want to get this out on social media. Last finals frenzy we ran out
fairly quickly, so we will be setting out a certain amount to give out. I will be ordering SG
pencils, mini water bottles, bananas, gummies or granola bars, and the green books.
o Senator Kontol: We only have to do 1 hour for finals frenzy? - Yes.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
Thank you everyone who came and helped with roundtable. Senator Orientation for all the new and old
senators. We planned this for before the new senators are sworn in. it gives you a chance to get
informed. If someone could motion to add the two travel requests that President Turner vetoed.
Senator Grantham: Motion to open up the agenda for amendments. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Kennedy: I motion to add SB-15S-2856 and SB-15S-2857 to the agenda to be reconsidered.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
- Chairman Kennedy: We can fully fund 1 ticket. I spoke with the club president directly, she said that she
wanted one full ticket and the rest of the funds allocated to the other tickets. This is something we
haven’t done before. We can either strike the whole line or we could allocate it and give each student
$55 or fund two students for $250.
o Senator Kishek: What was the initial problem with the request? - There was no problem, but this
is something that we have never done before.
o Senator Kontol: Did Enactus say why they wanted to fund one full ticket instead of 9? - The
club president said that the other students have already figured out how they are getting their
o Senator Brown: Who would the one fully funded ticket going to? - That is up to the club.
o Senator Rader: One option is to just fund for the full price of one ticket? - Yes.
 Chairman Kennedy: I move to amend this bill and strike line 23 and fund for $347.70.
Second. Discussion.
 Chairman Kennedy rescinds motion.
- Chairman Kennedy: There are 4 students going to this competition and you can see different prices for
registration and airfare. The cheaper registration was from the student who signed up early. As President
Turner said, if we funded students at the same price for registration and airfare. We would save about
$400. They could’ve saved $40 each if they signed up earlier.
o Senator Brown: Do we need to have the amounts before we amend it? - Yes. $620 for
registration, $776.80 for airfare. Total amount requesting $1,623.43
 Senator Grantham: I move to amend for line 22 to state $620. 26 at 4 tickets, $776.80 at
4 tickets and total on line 30 to read $1,623.46. Second. No Discussion.
 Senator McColskey: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor.
 Senator Rader: I move to approve the bill as amended. Second. Discussion
 Senator Melquist: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
i. SB-15S-2858 2015 Spring Elections Validation
 Senator Grantham: I move to approve SB-15S-2858. Second. Roll call vote19-3-2.
 Senator Gloster-Abstained.
 Senator Guerra-Abstained
 Senator Klein-Abstained
ii. SB-15S-2855 Command +N Senior Portfolio Art Show
Command+ N: We are requesting funding to support our Senior Portfolio Show. All of us are full time
students along with jobs/internships. The funding is not to fund for our portfolios. All the work
included in the portfolios came from us. Once you are in the program you are to choose 10 projects to
represent in our portfolios. We have put in many hours into our portfolios. The show is just to
showcase these books that we worked so hard for. In previous years it was showcased at local
restaurants which created an issue with lighting and food. Last semester they were at MOCA. That was
the most participated. This is a free event. The thing we are paying for is for the food. It is core with the
city of Jacksonville, so professionals in this year will be there. There were opportunities in past show
cases there were jobs landed on the spot. We are requesting $2,945; there is an expected attendance of
150 people. Café Nola is the café in MOCA, last fall they were charging $18 a person. We negotiated
with MOCA and we cut it down to $9 a person. The advertising booklet, we are requesting for 250
booklets. We are not paying for them to be designed; our designers will be doing them. They did request
for MOCA Staff at $620, and utensils at $150.
o Senator Kennedy: Of the 150 students attending last time, can you tell me how many of them
were UNF members? - We would like to have more advertising throughout campus this time. As
far as percentage I would say about less than 20%.
o Senator Kennedy: If this isn’t funded, are there any back up plans in place? - We do have a
student currently looking for backup options, which would consist of restaurants.
 Senator Kontol: Motion to approve SB-15S-2855. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote
 Senator McColskey: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. Nay Roll call
voteMotion passes. 20-0-4.
Legislative Cabinet Nominations
a. Senate President
- Bryce McColskey-Accept.
- Chase Baker-Accept.
 Senator Kontol: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor. Moved.
b. Senate President Pro-Tempore
- Caleb Grantham-Decline.
- Lauren Kontol-Decline.
- Gustavo Ascanio-Accept.
 Senator Wollam: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
c. Budget and Allocations Chair
- Michael Motes-Accept.
- Troy Bottom-Accept.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
d. Government Oversight Chair
- Amanda Wollam-Accept.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
e. University and Student Affairs Chair
- Caitlin Brown-Decline.
- Leah Melquist-Decline.
- Sabrina Sorrentino-Accept.
- Connor Klein-Accept.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
f. Senate Parliamentarian
- Amanda Harvey-Accept.
 Senator Wollam: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
g. Senate Liaisons
i. Coggin College of Business
- Tarek Kishek-Accept.
- Matt Silberstein-Accept.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
ii. College of Arts and Sciences
- Connor Klein-Accept.
- Farrah Azzouz-Accept.
 Senator McColskey: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
iii. College of Education and Human Services
- Michael Motes-Accept.
- Sabrina Sorrentino-Accept.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
iv. College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
- No nominations.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
v. Brooks College of Health
- Chad Harris-Decline.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
h. Senate Chaplin
Senator Brown: Motion to reopen the floor for USA nominations. Second. All in favor. Moved. (Connor
Klein added).
Senator Gloster: Motion to reopen the floor for Senate President Pro-Tempore nominations. Second. All in
favor. Moved. (Gustavo Ascanio added)
- Orientation is April 11th.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
- Quorum is reestablished with 24 voting members.
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:28PM
Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.