C&S Minutes 7-13-15

Constitution and Statutes Minutes
July 13th, 2015
John E. Sapp Conference Room 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Grantham
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:51PM.
Roll Call – Vice-Chair Jordan
 Quorum has been established with 3 voting members. Jordan, Daniels, Keefe
Student Remarks
 None.
Approval of Minutes – June 15th, 2015
 Senator Daniels: Motion to approve the minutes from June 15th. Second. All in favor.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Guest Speakers
 None
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
a. Interest in the position of Committee Vice-Chair
 Senator Gomez is out for summer, if you are interested in this position, please send
me an email. Your main responsibility would be to take roll call and occasionally
take minutes.
Old Business
 None.
New Business
a. SR-15SA-2876: The Corrections And Legislative Efficiency Bill
 This is an SR written to correct our Student Government Policies and Procedures. A
lot of corrections are just language issues or improper wording, I will go over those.
Some changes were made so that they coincide with the law of the Constitution. A
change was made so that it reads that senators are required to attend events; it is not
voluntary, it is included in the duties of the role. Absent points language was changed
to reflect that it is unconstitutional to remove a senator, but that if a senator has an
adequate amount of absent points and fails to appeal them, they will be subject to the
removal process. More events were added as opportunities for senators to appeal
their absent points. A change needs to be added to section 3: Senate Offices and
Duties, subsection B: Senate President, number 24, so that senators have a options of
either the impeachment process, resignation, or a trial before Senate; this is for
o Senator Jordan: In lines 16 and 17, why do we reiterate what was stated in
line 13 and 14 about submitting a letter of resignation? Is there a reason for
the redundancy? –Yes, in J it refers to committee meetings, and in L, it refers
to Senate meetings.
o Senator Keefe: Line 15, same page; should we say removal process or keep it
as impeachment? –Ultimately, this isn’t technically binding. We could keep
it either way, it’s up to you guys. It wouldn’t change that much, but we have
to be consistent.
o Senator Jordan: Line 9, page 1, do you have exact wording that we should
use? –It should state that the Senate President should be responsible for
forwarding a formal summary of a CR and the signed CR to the Elections
Commissioner accordingly.
o Senator Keefe: Motion to amend SR-SA15-2876, lines 13-16, use removal or
removal process instead of impeachment. Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Daniels: Motion to correct SR-SA15-2876 to SR-SB15-2876.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to amend SR-SB15-2876, section 3, subsection B:
Senate President to state “Senate President shall be responsible for formally
summarizing all signed constitutional referendums and forwarding them to
the Elections Commissioner six (6) business days before the election to be
placed on the ballot. Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Daniels: Motion to…Motion resented.
o Senator Daniels: Motion to approve SR-SB15-2876 as amended. Second.
o Senator Keefe: Motion to approve SR-SB15-2876 through unanimous
consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
b. SR-15S-2881: The Forthcoming of New Ideas
 Senator Daniels: Since I have joined Student Government, I noticed that the
Executive Branch has the ability to discuss ideas and so forth; we do not have the
ability to do so openly because of Sunshine Law, so this bill is allowing that. It
allows an allotted time in Senate meetings to discuss new ideas; this would be an
addition to our parliamentary procedures.
Senator Jordan: Is this somewhat similar to Student Remarks? –Yes, that is a
time that it can be spoken about and I advise committee chairs to have that on
their agendas as well.
Senator Jordan: Motion to amend SR-15S-2881 to SR-15SB-2881. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
Senator Keefe: Motion to correct lines 18 and 21 to remove the “to”. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
Point of Information: Would this be like “Senator Remarks”? –This would a
time for senators to discuss new ideas and state those.
Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SR-15B-2881. Motion resented.
Senator Keefe: Motion to approve SR-15SB-2881. Second. Discussion.
 Chairman Grantham: I like where this bill is going and I like what it
represents, but I am not in full agreeance in adding an additional
policy and procedure for this. “Student Remarks” is a great time to
express your ideas and bring forth new ideas. You can also motion to
add a discussion to agendas so that they are discussed.
 Roll call vote fails 1-0-2.
 Please email me if you want to be a vice-chair.
Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair
 Quorum has been reestablished with 3 voting members.
 Meeting adjourned at 7:48PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary