Constitution and Statutes Agenda June 15th, 2015 John E. Sapp Conference Room 6:33 PM – 7:30 PM Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Grantham I. Call to Order - II. Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez - III. - Senator Keefe : Motion to amend tonight’s agenda to add Josh Delamastro under new business. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved. Guest Speakers - VII. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes from May 18th. Second. All in favor. Moved. Approval of Agenda - VI. None. Approval of Minutes – May 18th, 2015 - V. Quorum has been established with four voting members. Student Remarks - IV. I call this meeting to order at 6:33 pm. None. Remarks of the Chair – a. Interest in the position of Committee Vice-Chair Senator Gomez will be taking a leave of absence for summer B so if you have an interest in the position just shoot me an email expressing your interest in the position. In addition we did have our SG retreat this weekend and it was leadership follow through of the branches and it came down to informing the students about Student Government. VIII. Old Business - None. IX. New Business a. Absence Appeals 1. Sasha Douglas – 12.0 Points a. Senator Grantham: I was informed this morning that she would not be able to make the meeting today. Then I informed her on her options outside of the committee: resignation, go before senate for an absence hearing, or go through the formal process of impeachment. 2. Josh Delamastro – 4.0 Points a. Senator Delamastro: May 18 I went Orlando for my sister’s High school graduation and I thought I could make it back in time. I texted the chair for the USA committee and then I emailed chase and he sent me a paper to fill out and return to the office. I’m really not sure. I ended up staying in Orlando for a few more days then started work and that didn’t give me enough time to fill out the paper work and turn it into the office. It also slipped my mind. I also didn’t know about the emergency senate meeting. It is my fault that I missed and I am now asking for two points off. One point from each meeting. b. Senator Jordan; Did you ever get your absentee form to senate President Baker? – He email me the paper but I never had time due to work and being out of town and the fact that it just slipped my mind. c. Senator Jordan: Do you know if he would have accepted the form my email? – I honestly don’t know. I never really talked to him about that. d. Senator Jordan: Does Senator Baker accept forms from electronic means? – Typically they need to be brought into the office for the time stamp but depending on the circumstances there is no reason that if scanned in that the email would then act as the official time stamp. e. Senator Harvey: Seeing as you had basically till the next Tuesday, why did you not find time? What time did you work? – Usually the weekends I work early mornings. I usually work three to close on Thursdays. f. Senator Harvey: You worked those days but you don’t remember the hours you worked? – I’m not sure the hours in total. g. Senator Harvey: Thursday you said you worked 3- Close. – Yes, then the entire day. h. Senator Harvey: did you work the following Monday or Tuesday? – Yes probably three to close again. i. Senator Harvey: So you did not find time before 3 to come to UNF and turn in your forms? – That is honestly when it slipped my mind. j. Senator Daniels: Are you currently taking classes? – No. Which committee do you sit on? – USA. And what time is that committee meeting? 7:15pm tonight. k. Senator Jordan: He had until May 25th to turn in the absence form? – It would be the 27th. l. Senator Grantham: one thing I will add is that do you know that you were notified about the absences on the 18th? m. Senator Harvey: So you weren’t aware of the emergency senate meeting. – No. n. Senator Jordan: you are aware that you are able to submit an absence form five days before as well right? – Yes I thought I would be able to make it back in time. o. Senator Harvey: POI it is 48 hours that we are notified that we have an emergency senate meeting. Meaning that we got the email the Thursday before the emergency senate meeting. – I really don’t check my email. p. Senator Harvey: Why did you want to be a senator? – So I don’t know if you guys know who Bo is but he is one of my frat bother and that he was a senator. We were talking about it after a chapter meeting and that he was working with the now VP ad P about the new party they were starting and he was bugging me so much about that I met the people running under the United Party. What they were saying about wanting change and caring about the students really got to me and made me run. q. Senator Harvey: If we give you the opportunity to stay why should we? – Honestly, this was a mistake and this is my first time in senate. My lack of familiarity with this was really the culprit. r. Senator Jordan: what is your class standing? – Sophomore. s. Senator Jordan: did you arrive as a sophomore from High school. – No I transferred from a state college. t. Senator Harvey: What are your goals in student government? – It’s all new for me so taking a couple of months to understand it more is really my only goal at the moment. My goal is to stay in SG. u. Senator Harvey: If your only goal is to stay in student government then why? – To participate and help out the students and also see the things that the United party promised come into action. v. Senator Harvey: in Senate we are dissolving party lines and you constantly mentioning United party makes me question if you are here for the party or here to help the students? If you are here even if for the party purpose why should you be here? – I want to be here I guess. I am proud of being in it. w. Senator Jordan: Were you aware that email is UNF’s official method of communication. – No. x. Senator Harvey: Did you send him the notification of his absence? – No. y. Senator Grantham: Notify about the process. z. Senator Harvey: Motion to remove one point from the committee meeting May 18, 2015. Second. Discussion. 3:0:1. X. Announcements - XI. Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair Gomez - XII. None. Quorum has been re-established with four voting members. Adjournment - Meeting has been adjourned at 7:04pm.