Senate Minutes 7-20-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – July 20th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:32PM.
Invocation – Interfaith Center President Clare Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Sean O’Linn
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been established with 9 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Villavicencio: Motion to add Troy Bottom under Guest Speakers. Second. All in favor.
 Senator Rodriguez: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. Roll call vote fails 0-0-9.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to move SB-15SB-2888 to the 4th item on agenda under 2nd Read for
New Business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes – June 15th, 2015
 Senator Rodriguez: Motion to approve the minutes from June 15th, 2015. Second. All in favor.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
 Justin Dato: Senior, Costal Biology Major, General Senate Seat
 Cullen Peele: Senior, Political Science Major, General Senate Seat
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
 Catherine Bryan: I am a graduate student pursuing a Masters in Health Science. I decided to
involve myself as the Real Food Challenge Campaign Manager. The Real Food Challenge is a
direct manifestation of UNF’s core values. This value lines up with values regarding truth, ethics,
and standard. Positive health is very influenced by diet. Healthy diet will not only affect health in
a positive way but also the environment in a positive way. I am here to speak about UNF’s
support of the Real Food Challenge through Student Government.
o Senator Jordan: You said that the tomatoes that were organically grown had higher
antioxidants – which peer-reviewed journal is this based off of? –The Journal of
Environmental Medicine.
o Senator Thames: Will this affect any of the vendors on campus already, like Chick-fil-A?
– It will not affect any of the franchises on campus.
 Kevin Anderson: I am a student enrolled in the Public Health Ambassadors Porgram; I also
work in the Oglier Gardens: I am here to support the Real Food Challenge. I am here to talk
about how this affects farmers too. Farmers deal with pesticide poisoning all the time, the
average age of death is 49 for farmers compared to the average population which is 79. I am
encouraging the Real Food Challenge not only because it is beneficial for us but also for farmers’
health as well.
o Senator Jordan: Has a peer-reviewed medical journal ever found that eating organic
produce as opposed to conventional produce increased the longevity and life span of the
consumers? –When you are looking at nutrients specifically, you can say that organic
produce has higher levels of antioxidants, which are proven to reduce chances of
diseases such as cancer.
 Kelsey Lopez: I am a Public Health major. I believe that true freedom is good health; these are
taken for granted until it is too late. UNF has the opportunity to create a public health lifestyle
encouraging healthier options and transparency in food choices. With all the allergies, glutensensitivity and diet restrictions these days, UNF would be taking a stand on positive health.
Increasing real food choices is a big step in the right direction, making it that much better to be
an Osprey.
Guest Speakers
 Troy Bottom: Last week we did two presentations on the basic budget structure and I wanted
to review it with everyone. We are trusted in Senate to be responsible and find a balance
between the A&S fee budget we are given. We cannot just be giving away money without really
being concerned about where it is going. A&S fees cannot be funded for anything that is illegal.
Funding can only be provided to organizations that have no limitation on their members, that is
why fraternities and sororities cannot ask for money. Each student pays approximately $14 per
credit hour and about $10 from that goes to Senate while the rest goes to the Student Union fee.
The fund balance begins at the fiscal year with a little over $5 million. At any time in the day, the
fund balances changes with money coming in and out constantly. Special request is about
$180,000. Club funding had $20,000 added this year. The budget altogether is just under $4.5
million and it is up to us to decide what we are going to do with that. We have just started the
fiscal year. We have a very dynamic speaker coming in fall to speak about budgeting and the
Southworth Supreme Court case. The Southworth case occurred when students at the University
of Wisconsin sued the university for funding a club offensive to the students; it went to the
Supreme Court and ruled unanimous in the favor of the university as long as the decision was
made in a viewpoint neutral way.
o Senator Jordan: The decision cannot only be based on the fiscal aspect of but also if it is
benefiting the student body, correct? –Yes, the decision needs to take into account the
greater student body benefit and the fiscal process in a viewpoint neutral way.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
 I have a lot of information regarding my position and elections coming up in this Senate tonight,
feel free to ask as many questions as possible.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
 We had a Judicial Review this past Wednesday with President Gloster and Senate President
Baker on SB-15SB-2875 over the Lobbyist special request. The review did contain merit so we
are having another meeting regarding it this Wednesday at 11am, anyone is welcome to attend.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
 We are still planning Week of Welcome. The first event is on Wednesday Aug. 26th,
Avengers: Age of Ultron will be playing. On Friday Aug. 28th, we will have a pool party at
Club House from 2-5PM. Our last event of the week is still in the works, but it will be on
Saturday, Aug. 29th and I will not release the name at this time but it will be an interactive
art-show type event, it will be a lot of fun. It will include an after party with food trucks and
bands; we are having a meeting on that tomorrow. Osprey Productions has two requests
coming up today, please remember we represent the entire student body and not just one
club so please take that into account.
Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)
 We are planning events for Fall and starting to plan one in the Spring. Club Fest is October
29th, very close to Halloween.
Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)
 None.
Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
 Senators need to be prepared and responsible for their individual agendas. No cell phones
should be used in the Senate chamber. You should have your Constitution and Statues with
you, if you have any questions bring them to me, the Director, or the advisor before
Monday. Make sure you are always representing the Student Body to the best of your
Vice President Hailey Guerra (3 minutes)
 None.
President Shomari Gloster (5 minutes)
 I would first like to state that Jaguar ticket sales went very well, we sold 288. I would like to
urge you all to support the Real Food Challenge. The FSA will be meeting on our campus in
August to discuss student legislature and student body advancements. Thank you for all
serving this summer. I would like to touch on SB-15SB-2875, which did have a Judicial
Review filed with myself and Senate President Baker.
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
 We had two SR’s that came up in our meeting last week. One did not pass. The bill was in
reference to a timeslot for mentioning new ideas; the committee did not approve it. I think
Dana governed things thoroughly for Senator expectations, I expect you all to be reading
your Constitution and reading legislation prior to attending meetings so you are informed.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
 We heard no travel requests at our last meeting, we heard two special requests and they will
be going up tonight, changing the Special Request index from $260,000 to $112,912.13. To
touch on that a little, we have a lot of money going up. I handed out cards with sample
questions. I want you all to think about what the student body wants and how it will be
reflected by the groups.
o Senator Keefe: Is that for until the end of the fiscal year next July in regards to the
Special Request fund? –Yes.
c. Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio, presented by Senator Grantham (3
 I’m sorry for not being there giving my senate report in person, but as most of you know I
had to come to Utah for a leadership program. As far as business goes, during last GO
meeting we forwarded to you all two senate appointees that are coming for confirmation
tonight, feel free to ask them as many questions as you want, I feel like they are both great
candidates that would definitely make good changes in senate. Secondly, we had some
revisions for title VI (the election code) that are coming up on tonight’s agenda for approval
of the senate, Elections Commissioner Bradley Johnson will be explaining the changes if you
have any concerns. Lastly, we approved revisions to the policies and procedures of elections
related to ground rules of elections and some other changes; this bill has already become law
since the Policies and Procedures for elections are under the jurisdiction of the GO
committee and therefore they do not have to come through senate; however if you have any
questions about the changes you can look at the bill online once is posted or contact the
elections commissioner and he can answer all your questions.
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)
 Osprey Voice will be next week. The questions pertain to ACE tutoring and Wi-Fi. Please
sign your iPad release forms.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
 All the legislation was not on Monday’s agenda and that is my fault. This will not happen
again and I will be holding myself to a higher standard, as I expect you all to do for yourself
as well. If you are the sponsor for a bill, own it and take charge of that. Look sharp for every
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
1. SB-15SB-2886 Title VI Amendment – Senator Grantham
 Elections Commissioner Johnson: There were only four changes made to this bill.
The first change is to a title change just so language is constant. The next change is
to a two year clause
o Senator Bottom: What circumstances will cause there to be a special election?
o Senator Jordan:
o I have gone to a lot of trouble to make sure this language. This keeps people
from creating the same party with the same name. It protects the capital that
you have built your party on to ensure someone else doesn’t come with a
similar name.
o What would happen to the parties now? –It is not retroactive, when they
register this upcoming election, it will take action.
o Senator Jordan: Is it true that as it stands now, anyone can re-register a party?
–As of the GO committee legislative passage, my P&P became law. Only the
previous party chair of that party can re-register that patty or someone with
the written consent of that previous chair. You don’t want to have someone
beating them to the punch on taking their ideology.
o Attorney General Baker: I want to advise the senators to motion to amend
this by adding an enactment clause.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to amend by adding “Let it be enacted that this bill
takes effect immediately after passage by the Senate”. Second. Discussion.
Motion resented.
o Motion to amend the amendment of SB-15SB-2886, therefore, “Let it be
enacted that the aforementioned amendment to Title VI becomes active
effective immediately. Second. Discussion.
o Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the amendments to SB-15SB-2886
through unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to approve Sb-15SB-2886 as amended. Second.
o Senator Bottom: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2886 as amended through
unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
2. SB-15SB-2887 Title XIII Revisions – Senator Grantham
 This is another revisions put before the GO committee. There were some issuers
noticed in how the language was written. If you were to follow it how it was written,
the process would be backwards to how it is actually done in Senate. It states that
those interested in appointment will attend a committee meeting then announce their
appointment at senate, but we do it the other way around. The next page states it in a
way that we currently follow it. Another thing that is stated is that they must stay the
entire meeting in the packet but not in the Constitution and Statutes, which is
required, this was added as well.
o Senator Keefe: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2887.Second. Discussion.
o Senator Thames: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2887 through unanimous
consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
3. SR-15SA-2876 The Corrections And Legislative Efficiency Bill – Senator Grantham
 This requires a 2/3 vote to pass tonight. There are a few changes, some grammatical,
some procedural. In order to coincide to our Policies and Procedures, anytime a
Constitutional Referendum passes in Senate, the President must sign and forward it
to the Elections Commissioner with a brief summary of the bill contents. The GO
committee will approve all confirmations; a recent attorney general interpretation
says that not all confirmations will have to be approved by the Senate. There is also a
language change about absent points and election duties, assuring that the language
states clearly that duties required by Senators, such as Round Table, Osprey Voice,
and elections are requirement and not voluntary activities. The appeal process and
hearings now states that Senate cannot remove a senator for any reason until we
have the Constitutional Referendum passed. A senator may choose to avoid removal
through submitting a resignation letter aside from going through the impeachment
process. A senator will be automatically subject to the removal process by missing
their meeting about absent points at the Constitution and Statutes Committee. The
redemption process states that volunteering for events can be done to remove
absence points and must be submitted within two business days of completing.
o Senate Keefe: Under G under Absences, should it be “E, F, G, H, I”? –Yes,
can someone please motion to change that?
o Senator Thames: Can we put a time lime of when Osprey Voice duties are
released so people are aware for work reasons if their schedule is mad two
weeks in advance? –You can motion to change the language to school and
work schedule.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to amend Line 11, page 2 to remove the second
“from”. Second. Discussion.
o Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the amendments to SB-15SB-2876
through unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Villavicencio: Motion to amend the letters under Appeal Process to
say “E, F, G, H, I” instead of “H, I, J, K, M”. Second. Discussion. All in
favor. Moved.
o Senator Thames: Motion to amend Line 25, Part I by adding the words “and
work” so that it reads “class and work schedule. Discussion. All in favor.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2876 as amended. Second.
o Senator O’Linn: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2876 as amended through
unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
4. SR-15SA SB-15SB-2888 SG Executive Branch – Senator Lorenzo
 President Gloster, Osprey Productions Director Jackson, and Club Alliance Director
Mease: This bill is requesting wages for the Executive Branch for the Student
Advocate and Coordinators position for Club Alliance and Osprey Productions. The
Student Advocate serves as a liaison between the twelve university wide committees,
acts as ombudsmen for the student body. Osprey Production is asking for
coordinators because they cannot be paid in scholarship anymore. The coordinators
plan all events on campus and our normal staff cannot plan these events because that
isn’t in our job. I (Jackson) work on large events, Internal Director helps to plan
these events, and External Director works on Homecoming. Without them Osprey
Productions would be just Homecoming and concerts. Dr. Gonzalez wants
predictable programming, such as a movie night, and that is something they would
work on. Club Alliance needs coordinators because the Assistant Director and
Director cannot plan all of the events for all clubs alone. We are asking one to work
20 hours/week and the other 15hours/week. The 20 hours/week will be handling
workshops and events with clubs and Club Alliance. The other will work on
constitutional things, paperwork, and flagging down questions. We also need a better
office presence so we can effectively serve the clubs. The coordinators need to be
paid because this is a major time commitment. Most people cannot handle this on
just a voluntary basis; it’s a lot to ask someone to do for free. If we did continue to
pay them with scholarships, that is breaking the law because that scholarship funding
is reserved for talent and for merit. Osprey Productions is asking for five
coordinators at 10 hours/week for 32 weeks. Student Advocate gets 40 weeks
because of summer and will get 20 hours/week. Club Alliance coordinators get 15
and 20 hours/week for 32 weeks.
o Senator Villavicencio: Will this be in next year’s budget? –Osprey
Productions and Club Alliance are going to present this during budgeting to
hopefully assure it as a mandated position.
o Senator Thames: What is the difference between stipends versus hourly
wage? –Stipend is lump sum, also causes issues with IRS dealings.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to amend by having Line 15 read “$6,440”, Line
19 read “$410.87”, and Line 21 of the total read “$28,746.87”. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
o Senator Villavicencio: Motion to amend Line 24 to read “$28,746.87”.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to approve the amendments to SB-15SB-2888.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2888 as amended. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 9-0-0.
5. SB-15SB-2889 Osprey Productions –Senator Grantham
 For the past eleven years, Homecoming week has had a comedy show that increases
in attendance every year and show quality. This request may seem expensive but
when broken down, the cost per student is very reasonable. The Board never
unanimous agrees on something but they all agree this show is necessary. The
committee decided that they want to put out the events much earlier so students are
aware of their dates so that involvement increases. The need for a comedy show is
necessary because it is a tradition that unifies the alumni and students at UNF. In the
past we have had large name artists, enhancing school pride and student excitement.
Over 4,500 attended last year, and that can be alumni, students, or outside ticket
buyers. There is a university wide committee that is made for Homecoming. There
are required seats on these committee that ensure that a fiscal responsible decision is
made. A special request has been advised to be made because this event is not set in
stone because if it fell into a different governing committee, they could choose to
not have a comedy show. Osprey Productions has a budget that does not include a
comedy show budget because it was unsure of who would be in charge of
Homecoming. Homecoming has a separate budget that is not part of Osprey
Productions. This has changed every year because it is different who takes care of it.
When broken down, it is ~$26 per student. Big name comedians are expensive; they
can range from $85,000-$100,000. UPD decides which events they want to be at, not
Osprey Productions, so we have to pay for it, especially retired officers. It is in the
contract and school laws that crowd management is required. Artists want to be safe
and so do the students. Staging has to been done with Dave Galloway which can
cost up to $18,000. If this is cut, then not only will the comedy show suffer but so
will Lip Sync which packs the house. Smaller name comedians get a smaller crowd.
Attendance is always increasing. 51% of attendees have to be students and revenue is
always made, last year approximately $71,000 went back to the university in revenue.
Larger crowd management for larger comedians. UPD requires that they be at
certain events, the rate increases every year so we are preparing for them to be at
more events and at a higher rate because of the retired officer rate.
o Senator Grantham: I know on the slide you have the estimated revenue from
the last events, what is it projected to be this year? – I do not have access to
that. The money made from this event is our emergency fund.
o Senator Jordan: Could you please reiterate why this is necessary to have now
rather than the fall? –Osprey Productions does not own Homecoming
anymore, they just deal with the student part of it. The board, who deals with
the alumni and non-student part see fit that they need the dates out early for
better attendance and if it is not out, it will not happen. Also contracts can
take up to 4 months.
o Senator Bottom: If we were to cut this request, would you cut into ticket
revenue? –If we were 0 funded I would not cut into the revenue because it
not only affects me, but future directors as well.
o Senator Villavicencio: Is there any way they can provide any funding through
the President’s office and Homecoming committee? –We have tried in the
past, but they would not be able to contribute a substantial amount.
o Senator Jordan: If we pushed this to the fall, would this be unreasonable? –
Yes, it would be because it’s not us really pushing it, but the committee.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to table this proposal to the first meeting in the Fall.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 6-0-3.
6. JR-15SB-2877 Declaration of Support for the Signing of the Real Food Campus
Commitment – Senator Grantham
 The bill being referred to in this bill was passed last year unanimously. This bill is to
identify that the whole student government organization fully supports this bill. The
Real Food Advance onto this campus will benefit us all, from the students, the
farmers, and the local community. 150 other universities have also been moving
forward on some level to the real food standard. This will make a difference because
it will make UNF the first in the South to sign onto this agreement. This lowers the
labor and environmental quality standards of the local offices because of big name
food chain companies. We are guaranteed revenue through our mandatory meal plan
system. This commitment would change the way UNF purchases and records its
o Senator O’Linn: Would switching over to this increase the rate of meal plans
for students? – We have researched and reached out to the 32 universities
and 10 have responded. The meal plan has increased 2-3% which matches
food inflation.
o Senator Jordan: Would this allow more food options? –I’m not sure about
more options but definitely healthier options.
o Senator O’Linn: Have you reached out to local farmers or producers and see
what they can offer? –I have reached out to them and suggesting it to them.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2877. Second. Discussion.
o Senator Thames: Motion to approve SB-15SB-2877 through unanimous
consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Legislative Appointments
a. Jean Lipsky – General Senate Seat
 Senior majoring in Phycology, minor in Professional Education. Since I came to UNF as a
Junior, I immediately wanted to get involved. I joined a sorority which has given me a lot of
leadership experience. I want to be an advocate for the students and be involved in making
the best decisions on their behalf. I want to hopefully join the USA committee and be out
there with the students.
o Senator Thames: Have you read the Constitution and Statutes? –Yes, I have looked
over it.
o Senator O’Linn: What are your time restrictions? –I have a job but it is flexible and
I am only taking a few classes so I will be able to be here.
o Senator Keefe: Motion to approve Jean Lipsky for a General Senate Seat. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 9-0-0.
b. Warren Butler – General Senate Seat
 Freshman, Political Science major. I decided to take the initiative as a freshman to join this
organization. I feel I can work well with fellow senators. I feel I have many initiatives.
o Senator Villavicencio: What is your past leadership experience? –In high school, I
served as captain of an athletic and I have many new ideas as freshman.
o Senator Grantham: What made you pick to join the legislative branch? –I feel my
outgoing personality could be best implemented in this branch rather than judicial. I
want to work on implementing change. I feel this is a more progressive body.
o Senator Bottom: Could you give a few examples of your changes? –I want the Café
opening later, gym open later, and the safety issue dealt with when walking from the
Student Union to Lot 14, increase lighting.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to approve Warren Butler for a General Senate Seat.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 9-0-0.
Swearing In – Chief Justice Ben Jaegar
 Sergeant-at-Arms Sean O’Linn
 Senator Butler
 Senator Lipsky
 This is our last Senate until fall. I’m very proud of how much you all have learned and I think you
will continue to do great things.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been reestablished with 11 voting members.
 Meeting adjourned at 9:29PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary